Papers by Gichuru Mutulili
I'am indebted to my wife and my children. They had a lot of patience and understanding during my ... more I'am indebted to my wife and my children. They had a lot of patience and understanding during my study period. I can not forget to to thank in a special way all head teachers for the primary schools studied district documentation and information office and Education office in Kitui district. Lastly all glory and thanks to the Almighty God.

In recent years, community participation has gained importance in community projects. Kenya succe... more In recent years, community participation has gained importance in community projects. Kenya successive development plans since independence in 1963 to the present, emphasis the centrality of popular participation in the development endeavour. The principle of community participation emphasis that, any development agency should not simply impose its authority upon the people in a given region, hut should give them a voice in the management of the projects those affect them. Participation entails empowerment; that is, everybody's right to have a say in decisions concerning their own live. Participation is an instrument in the promotion of ideological or normative development goals such as social justice, equity and democracy. The thematic objective of this management research was on beneficiaries’ participation with regards to school water tank projects in Kitui district. The researcher sought to establish the extent of participation and extent of project success and hence, to est...
Papers by Gichuru Mutulili