Papers by Tsalis Muttaqin
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an, 2017
Kehadiran israiliyyāt dalam penafsiran Al-Qur’an telah menjadi polemik di kalangan para ahli tafs... more Kehadiran israiliyyāt dalam penafsiran Al-Qur’an telah menjadi polemik di kalangan para ahli tafsir. Karenanya tulisan ini mencoba mendiskusikan terma tersebut dari sisi perkembangan dan keberadannya dalam tafsir, pengaruh dan alternatif jalan keluarnya yang sedapat mungkin bisa diambil.
Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah, 2016

Al Itqan: jurnal studi Al-Qur'an, Feb 11, 2019
This article examines the controversy of Asḥāb al-Qaryat (Residents of the land) in the Yāsīn sur... more This article examines the controversy of Asḥāb al-Qaryat (Residents of the land) in the Yāsīn surah. Asḥāb al-Qaryat is one of the stories told by al-Qur ʻan, but his name has been changed. A polemic arised among exegeses about the name of the country referred to in this Yāsīn surah. Some exegeses including al-Ṭabari mentioned that the country in question was Anṭākiyah (Antioch, including the territory of Turkey). While other exegeses rejected this opinion, Ibn Kathīr for example, with the arguments he built, critically rejected al-Ṭabarī's opinion above. The polemic of these two commentators is very important to be studied considering that the books they wrote are both included in the category of bi al-ma'thūr tafsir, namely interpretations built on the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad, his companions, and tābi'īn. This article concludes that in interpreting Asḥāb al-Qaryat, al-Ṭabari tends to be textual by using the israiliyyat narrative text while Ibn Kathīr rejected it by holding on to the context of verse 15 of Surah Yāsīn and based on historical evidence.
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2015
In the history of Islamic development has well noted thatthere was an Indonesian Islamic scholar ... more In the history of Islamic development has well noted thatthere was an Indonesian Islamic scholar that very much respected bymost of the Islamic scholar in the Middle East. In fact, he has gottenhonorary title Sayyid Ulama Hijāz. One of his famous work is MurāhLabīd. A side of making us, especially as Indonesian Muslim society beproud to that great work, this book also very much compatible to theIndonesian society, in which the majority are following Imam Syāfi‟īfor their fiqh mazhab. This book has well known by pesantrencommunity in Indonesia, as well as the other Syaikh Nawawi works

MAGHZA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, 2017
Some of the well known Ulamas in the world have born in this country. They have born in the Nusan... more Some of the well known Ulamas in the world have born in this country. They have born in the Nusantara Archipelago. They have spent their younger time to study with Ulama in their home villages. After that, they have continued to study to the Middle East Countries, especially to Mecca. In Mecca, they have also well acknowledged by the local people as influenced Ulama. Muhammad Nawawi> bin Umar al- Bantani al-JÄwÄ«, one of the Ulama from Indonesia, has well known by the Middle East people. He was born in Serang’s regency, Banten. He has well known as one of the active Ulama who was very active to produce various works. There were many books written in the Arabic language by him. There were more than 80 books written by Nawawi>. One of his famous works is Qur’anic interpretation entitled MarÄh LabÄ«d. The data gathered by the author showed that there were three (3) famous publishers in the Middle East that continually published this book. Some of the publishers in Indonesi...
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, Jun 30, 2014
Globalization, is not only offering something new about the concept, but also the revolution. Glo... more Globalization, is not only offering something new about the concept, but also the revolution. Globalization with its expectations, has the real effect in our lives as individuals, communities and countries, as well as the world community. Global phenomenon continues with higher acceleration along with the development of science and technology. Ironically, this phenomenon occurs due to the chaos of interstate relations, terrorism, and new model of colonialism. Regarding with the condition, religious teachings should not blame on the conditions. Religion as a patron of morality should be able to face on the globalization happening in the world. Religion should not become the victim of globalization itself. Religion should also be able to direct the globalization that tends to be destructive into enlightening.
Dirosat : Journal of Islamic Studies, Nov 19, 2017
Penelitian ini fokus pada penelusuran preferensi mahasiswa atas Mata Kuliah Keislaman yang terdap... more Penelitian ini fokus pada penelusuran preferensi mahasiswa atas Mata Kuliah Keislaman yang terdapat dalam Mata Kuliah Wajib Institut di IAIN Surakarta. Dengan menggunakan analisis konjoin penelitian ini memetakan mata kuliah wajib institut yang paling disukai oleh mahasiswa beserta faktor dominan yang mendasari preferensi tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan pada 584 mahasiswa yang dipilih dengan proporsional acak bertingkat (proportional stratified random sampling) dari 8377 mahasiswa aktif IAIN Surakarta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kartu preferensi yang disusun berdasarkan pendekatan Kombinasi Penuh (full profile) atribut mata kuliah dan alasan memilih mata kuliah.

Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2014
Imam Syafi'i was a great muslim scholar who was born inthe second century AH (Anno Hegirae). ... more Imam Syafi'i was a great muslim scholar who was born inthe second century AH (Anno Hegirae). He was known for hisgreatness and his intellectual ability, so that many muslim scholarsfollow his thoughts in the field of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh). InIndonesia, Many muslims follow mazhab of Imam Syafi'i and it is thethe most popular mazhab in the country. As his popularity in the fieldof Fiqh, he was also an expert in the field of tafsir and ta'wil. It issurely that Imam syafi‟i had special attention to the Qur'an, tafsir andta'wil. The books written by Shafi'i were also talking about Qur'an,tafsir and ta'wil. Most of his books talked about the issues on fiqh andushul fiqh, because both are the focus of his study. His thoughts aboutthe Quran, tafsir and ta'wil had flown into pieces. This article tries todescribe some of his thoughts about the Quran, tafsir and ta'wil. It isvery important topic to describe because the contributions of ImamSyafi&#...
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, Jun 30, 2015
Manhaj Dzawi An-Nadhar merupakan salah satu karya terbaik di bidang ilmu-ilmu hadits yang pernah ... more Manhaj Dzawi An-Nadhar merupakan salah satu karya terbaik di bidang ilmu-ilmu hadits yang pernah dihasilkan oleh orang Indonesia, Muhammad Mahfudh bin Abdullah At-Tirmasiy. Karya ini dianggap sebagai hasil karta yang memenuhi standar ilmiyah sesuai dengan tradisi-tradisi keilmuan umat Islam pada masa keemasannya di masa lalu. Kitab ini menjadi salah satu referensi penting di perpustakaan Universitas Al-Azhar, Kairo. Namun sayangnya, upaya yang pernah dirintis oleh Hadratus Syaikh Hasyim Asy"ari memasyarakatkan hadits dan ilmu-ilmu hadits di tanah air sepertinya kandas di tengah jalan. Trend ilmu keislaman masyarakat di Indonesia masih terus larut dalam persoalan tasawuf dan fiqih.
Papers by Tsalis Muttaqin