Papers by Mutmainnah Sari

Journal of Health Science and Prevention
The data from the World Health Organization in 2017, suicidal behavior of teenagers Indonesia of ... more The data from the World Health Organization in 2017, suicidal behavior of teenagers Indonesia of 13-17 years old, as many 5.6% teens had made plans related to the way they committed suicide. The aim of this research is to find out the analysis of the incidence of depression and risk of suicide using Buddy App on teenagers in Makassar. This research was an analytic quantitative with cross-sectional study approach. As many 285 teenagers involved in this research recruited by simple random sampling. Data collected by using a of depression namely KADS that are provided through online form and questionnaire of risk of suicide, namely CSSRS using buddy apps. It is called Buddy App because of its function as an application that can be a close friend to users. The incidence of depression and risk of suicide is higher in the late adolescents. Mean of depression in early adolescent (4.78) and late adolescent (6.31). The statistical test results showed the significant differences between the ...
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah memberi kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad Shallallahu ‗Alaihi Wasallam b... more Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah memberi kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad Shallallahu ‗Alaihi Wasallam banyak sekali mukjizat. Diantaranya, terbelahnya rembulan menjadi dua bagian, kerikil yang ada di tangannya mengucap kalimat tasbih, memancarnya air dari sela-sela jemarinya, serta beliau mampu mengubah makanan sedikit menjadi banyak hingga mencukupi kebutuhan orang banyak.
Papers by Mutmainnah Sari