Yanık sonrası gelişen yanık kontraktürleri vücudun çeşitli bölgelerinde gelişebilmekte ve rekonst... more Yanık sonrası gelişen yanık kontraktürleri vücudun çeşitli bölgelerinde gelişebilmekte ve rekonstrüksiyonuyla ilgilenen kişilerin ciddi problemi olmaya devam etmektedir. Biz deneysel çalışmamızda karşılıklı V-Y-Z plasti tekniği ile elde edilebilecek uzama oranını araştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 10 erkek Sprague Dawley sıçanın, alt ekstremitelerine sabit ağırlık asılarak kasık derilerinde gerginlik hattı oluşturuldu. Karşılıklı V-Y-Z plastiler gerginlik hattının üzerine planlandı. Flepler kesilerek gergin cilt serbestleştirildi. Đnguinal bölgedeki gerginlik hattı gevşetme insizyonları ile rahatlatıldı. Nihai uzama miktarları ölçüldü ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Tüm gevşetme insizyonları inguinal gerginliğin giderilmesinde ve gerginlik hattının uzatılmasında etkin oldu. 3 cm.'lik preoperatif uzunluk postoperatif 4.1-5.0 cm arasında ölçüldü (Ortalama 4.77±0.29 cm). Preoperatif ve postoperatif uzunluklar arasındaki ortalama fark 1.73±0.28 cm idi (Ortalama % 58.6±9.87 uzama). Sonuç: Đki taraflı V-Y-Z plasti tekniği kontraktür bandlarının uzatılmasında, sık kullanılan Z plasti ve çoklu rhomboid fleplere iyi bir alternatiftir. Teknik basit ve güvenilirdir, ayrıca elde edilen uzama oranı kontraktür bandlarının uzatılmasında yeterli düzeydedir.
Background: Proliferating trichilemmal tumors are slow-growing lobulated masses most commonly fou... more Background: Proliferating trichilemmal tumors are slow-growing lobulated masses most commonly found on the scalp of elderly women. Due to the locally invasive nature of the lesion, the treatment is complete excision of the tumor with tumor-free margins. Methods: We present two cases of trichilemmal tumors that exhibited aggressive local invasion across tissue planes. The first case had dural invasion, which needed dural reconstruction. The second case had muscle invasion, which required wide resection. Results: Sixteen months after their surgeries, the patients are in good health without any recurrence of tumors. Conclusion: Trichilemmal tumors may exhibit aggressive local invasion across tissue planes and even penetrate intracranially, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. The possibility of dural and muscle invasion must be kept in mind in order to achieve successful treatment results. A close clinical follow-up is judicious for detecting recurrences or metastases.
Gerard Piel'in deyimi ile yayınsız bilim ölüdür'. Bilim adamları ne kadar iyi ve yeni çalışmalar ... more Gerard Piel'in deyimi ile yayınsız bilim ölüdür'. Bilim adamları ne kadar iyi ve yeni çalışmalar yaparlarsa yapsınlar bunları duyurup bilimsel bir ortama aktaramadıkları sürece ölü bir bilim içindedirler. Bugün artık bilim adamları için bilimsel iletişimin en geçerli ve kalıcı yollarından birisi bilimsel makale yazımıdır. Bu yazma işlemi, olgulardan elde edilen tecrübelerin sunumu ya da yeni teknik tarifi gibi hangisi olursa olsun bu tür sunumların bütün dünyada kabul görmüş ortak bir tarzı mevcuttur. Bu tarzın dışında kalınması verilmek istenen bilimsel mesajın da muhataplarına ulaşamaması anlamına gelmektedir. Bu nedenle bilimsel birikimlerini paylaşmak isteyen, ya da yayınlamak isteyen her yazar bu kurallar bütününe uymak durumundadır.
Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi (Turk J Plast Surg), 2006
Klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerinin değişik oranlarda karışımından oluşan solüsyonlar,... more Klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerinin değişik oranlarda karışımından oluşan solüsyonlar, antiseptik ve dezenfektan olarak sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu tür solüsyonlar günlük pratik uygulamada "savlon" adı ile adlandırılmaktadır. Savlon, klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerini içeren solüsyonun ticari marka adıdır (Zeneca-Abdi İbrahim, İstanbul) fakat günümüzde artık Türkiye'de üretilmemekte ve bulunmamaktadır. Yurtdışında ise aynı ad altında farklı konsantrasyonlarda aynı içeriği bulunduran solüsyon ve krem formları bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde mevcut olan ticari markalar arasında Savlex®, Savonol®, Savlosol®, Savrolin®, ve Savsid® bulunmaktadır. Türkiye'deki ürünlerin hepsi
Background: There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viabilit... more Background: There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autologous skin grafts. Objective: To compare histological changes in human skin grafts stored in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with those of grafts stored in saline. Methods: Eight circular, 3-mm full-thickness skin graft samples were harvested from the abdominal skin of each of 5 patients scheduled to undergo an abdominoplasty procedure. Four of these graft samples were stored in saline, and the other 4 were stored in saline mixed with PRP prepared from the patient's own venous blood. Histological assessment of the microscopic appearance of the samples was performed on days 5, 8, 11, and 14. The integrity of the epidermal-dermal junction, number of keratinocytes with perinuclear halos, collagen organization, and number of fibroblasts per field were assessed. The cellular apoptosis rate was also measured on these same days. Results: On day 5, significant differences were observed microscopically between the PRP-and saline-stored grafts (P < .05). The grafts preserved in saline exhibited early marked cellular and nuclear swelling with pleomorphism, as well as early nuclear halo formation. The cell viability rate of the PRP group was significantly higher than that of the saline-stored group on day 8 (P < .05). Conclusion: Platelet-rich plasma and its inherent growth factors supported longer graft survival; however, its effect lasted only until day 8. Platelet-rich plasma may be beneficial if grafts need to be stored for delayed application(s).
Mikrovaskuler anastomoz ile replantasyonun uygun olmadigi kulak amputasyonlarinda kompozit greft ... more Mikrovaskuler anastomoz ile replantasyonun uygun olmadigi kulak amputasyonlarinda kompozit greft uygulanmasinin etkinligi azdir. Ampute parcanin retroaurikuler bolgeye gomulerek yasatilmaya calisilmasi ise estetik acidan basarisiz sonuclara neden olmakta ve en az iki seans gerekmektedir. Bu vaka sunumunda ise fasyal flep transpozisyonu ile kompozit greftin yasaya bilirligini artirtmak yontemi denenmistir. Ellidort yasindaki erkek hastada insan isirigina bagli olarak kulak amputasyonu meydana gelmistir. Ampute parca kompozit greft gibi orijinal yerine dikildi. Daha sonra ampute kulak parcasinin arka cildi ile kikirdagi arasina temporoparietal fasya transpoze edildi. Vakada ampute parca tam olarak vaskularite kazandi. Kikirdakta herhangi bir distorsiyon meydana gelmedi. Estetik acidan oldukca tatmin edici goruntu elde edildi. Insan isirigi nedeni ile ampute olan kulak parcasi tarif edilen teknikle implante edilmesi halinde tek seansda basarili sonuc almak mumkundur.
Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery / Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi, 2017
Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) is a rare, benign, soft tissue tumor with an unclear pathogenesis, typi... more Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) is a rare, benign, soft tissue tumor with an unclear pathogenesis, typically localized to the subscapular region. It occurs within the periscapular area between the ribs and dorsal chest wall muscles. Repetitive microtrauma by friction between the lower part of the scapula and the thoracic wall may cause reactive hyperproliferation of the fibroblastic tissue. This view has been supported by the higher prevalence of EFD, particularly among individuals who perform hard manual labor. EFD can, however, also be observed in those who have never performed hard manual labor and particularly in women over the age of 50. In this report, we present a case of bilateral EFD in a 52-year old woman with bilateral hypermastia, and examine the possible correlation between hypermastia and EFD.
Surgical correction of the congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is recommended for patients with... more Surgical correction of the congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is recommended for patients with unsuccessful conservative treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of surgical release of congenital muscular torticollis in neglected cases. We retrospectively evaluated the data of our patients in terms of age, sex, clinical presentation, localization of the lesion, diagnostic tests, and additional abnormalities. The age at operation ranged from 6 to 23 years. Complete muscular release as determined by pre-operative and postoperative range of motion measurements was achieved in all of the patients by bipolar release. In this study, neck motion and head tilt showed marked improvement with surgical treatment in cases with CMT who were admitted to the hospital lately. Congenital muscular torticollis patients can benefit from surgical intervention above the age of 5. Bipolar release is an adequate and complication-free method.
There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autolog... more There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autologous skin grafts. To compare histological changes in human skin grafts stored in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with those of grafts stored in saline. Eight circular, 3-mm full-thickness skin graft samples were harvested from the abdominal skin of each of 5 patients scheduled to undergo an abdominoplasty procedure. Four of these graft samples were stored in saline, and the other 4 were stored in saline mixed with PRP prepared from the patient's own venous blood. Histological assessment of the microscopic appearance of the samples was performed on days 5, 8, 11, and 14. The integrity of the epidermal-dermal junction, number of keratinocytes with perinuclear halos, collagen organization, and number of fibroblasts per field were assessed. The cellular apoptosis rate was also measured on these same days. On day 5, significant differences were observed microscopically between the PRP- and sali...
One of the clinical aspects characterizing gynecomastia is the enlargement of the nipple-areolar ... more One of the clinical aspects characterizing gynecomastia is the enlargement of the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) due to hypertrophic breast glands, and the excessive fatty tissue underneath. The purpose of this study was to quantify the reduction of the areolar diameter after ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) of the male breast. The horizontal diameters of the NACs of 30 men who underwent UAL were measured before surgery, 1 month after surgery and 6 months after surgery in a standard fashion. Those patients with surgical gland removals of any kind were not included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 27.9 years, and all of the patients had bilateral grade I, II, or III gynecomastia. The mean diameter of the NACs before surgery was 35.36 mm (range, 26-55 mm), and after surgery, the mean diameter of the NACs was initially reduced to 28.8 mm (range, 23-44 mm) and later to 28.57 mm (range, 23-42 mm). The mean volume of breast tissue aspirated was 382 mL per breast, and the percentage of reduction was 17.3%. The reduction of areola diameter was statistically significant after first month. A significant positive correlation was identified between the liposuction volume and areolar diameter reduction. In cases of gynecomastia, the removal of the glandular and fatty tissue underneath the areola releases the expanding forces and pressure that enlarge it. In many cases of gynecomastia, UAL alone is effective in reducing the size of the NAC and allows the surgeon to avoid placing scars on the breast.
Background: Lidocaine and epinephrine could potentially decrease adipocyte viability, but these e... more Background: Lidocaine and epinephrine could potentially decrease adipocyte viability, but these effects have not been substantiated. The phosphorylation status of perilipin in adipocytes may be predictive of cell viability. Perilipin coats lipid droplets and restricts access of lipases; phospho-perilipin lacks this protective function. Objectives: The authors investigated the effects of tumescent solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine on the phosphorylation status of perilipin in adipocytes. Methods: In this in vitro study, lipoaspirates were collected before and after tumescence from 15 women who underwent abdominoplasty. Fat samples were fixed, sectioned, and stained for histologic and immunohistochemical analyses. Relative phosphorylation of perilipin was inferred from pixel intensities of immunostained adipocytes observed with confocal microscopy. Results: For adipocytes collected before tumescent infiltration, 10.08% of total perilipin was phosphorylated. In contrast, 30.62% of total perilipin was phosphorylated for adipocytes collected from tumescent tissue (P < .01). Conclusions: The tumescent technique increases the relative phosphorylation of perilipin in adipocytes, making these cells more vulnerable to lipolysis. Tumescent solution applied for analgesia or hemostasis of the donor site should contain the lowest possible concentrations of lidocaine and epinephrine.
Yanık sonrası gelişen yanık kontraktürleri vücudun çeşitli bölgelerinde gelişebilmekte ve rekonst... more Yanık sonrası gelişen yanık kontraktürleri vücudun çeşitli bölgelerinde gelişebilmekte ve rekonstrüksiyonuyla ilgilenen kişilerin ciddi problemi olmaya devam etmektedir. Biz deneysel çalışmamızda karşılıklı V-Y-Z plasti tekniği ile elde edilebilecek uzama oranını araştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 10 erkek Sprague Dawley sıçanın, alt ekstremitelerine sabit ağırlık asılarak kasık derilerinde gerginlik hattı oluşturuldu. Karşılıklı V-Y-Z plastiler gerginlik hattının üzerine planlandı. Flepler kesilerek gergin cilt serbestleştirildi. Đnguinal bölgedeki gerginlik hattı gevşetme insizyonları ile rahatlatıldı. Nihai uzama miktarları ölçüldü ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Tüm gevşetme insizyonları inguinal gerginliğin giderilmesinde ve gerginlik hattının uzatılmasında etkin oldu. 3 cm.'lik preoperatif uzunluk postoperatif 4.1-5.0 cm arasında ölçüldü (Ortalama 4.77±0.29 cm). Preoperatif ve postoperatif uzunluklar arasındaki ortalama fark 1.73±0.28 cm idi (Ortalama % 58.6±9.87 uzama). Sonuç: Đki taraflı V-Y-Z plasti tekniği kontraktür bandlarının uzatılmasında, sık kullanılan Z plasti ve çoklu rhomboid fleplere iyi bir alternatiftir. Teknik basit ve güvenilirdir, ayrıca elde edilen uzama oranı kontraktür bandlarının uzatılmasında yeterli düzeydedir.
Background: Proliferating trichilemmal tumors are slow-growing lobulated masses most commonly fou... more Background: Proliferating trichilemmal tumors are slow-growing lobulated masses most commonly found on the scalp of elderly women. Due to the locally invasive nature of the lesion, the treatment is complete excision of the tumor with tumor-free margins. Methods: We present two cases of trichilemmal tumors that exhibited aggressive local invasion across tissue planes. The first case had dural invasion, which needed dural reconstruction. The second case had muscle invasion, which required wide resection. Results: Sixteen months after their surgeries, the patients are in good health without any recurrence of tumors. Conclusion: Trichilemmal tumors may exhibit aggressive local invasion across tissue planes and even penetrate intracranially, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. The possibility of dural and muscle invasion must be kept in mind in order to achieve successful treatment results. A close clinical follow-up is judicious for detecting recurrences or metastases.
Gerard Piel'in deyimi ile yayınsız bilim ölüdür'. Bilim adamları ne kadar iyi ve yeni çalışmalar ... more Gerard Piel'in deyimi ile yayınsız bilim ölüdür'. Bilim adamları ne kadar iyi ve yeni çalışmalar yaparlarsa yapsınlar bunları duyurup bilimsel bir ortama aktaramadıkları sürece ölü bir bilim içindedirler. Bugün artık bilim adamları için bilimsel iletişimin en geçerli ve kalıcı yollarından birisi bilimsel makale yazımıdır. Bu yazma işlemi, olgulardan elde edilen tecrübelerin sunumu ya da yeni teknik tarifi gibi hangisi olursa olsun bu tür sunumların bütün dünyada kabul görmüş ortak bir tarzı mevcuttur. Bu tarzın dışında kalınması verilmek istenen bilimsel mesajın da muhataplarına ulaşamaması anlamına gelmektedir. Bu nedenle bilimsel birikimlerini paylaşmak isteyen, ya da yayınlamak isteyen her yazar bu kurallar bütününe uymak durumundadır.
Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi (Turk J Plast Surg), 2006
Klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerinin değişik oranlarda karışımından oluşan solüsyonlar,... more Klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerinin değişik oranlarda karışımından oluşan solüsyonlar, antiseptik ve dezenfektan olarak sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu tür solüsyonlar günlük pratik uygulamada "savlon" adı ile adlandırılmaktadır. Savlon, klorheksidin glukonat ve setrimid maddelerini içeren solüsyonun ticari marka adıdır (Zeneca-Abdi İbrahim, İstanbul) fakat günümüzde artık Türkiye'de üretilmemekte ve bulunmamaktadır. Yurtdışında ise aynı ad altında farklı konsantrasyonlarda aynı içeriği bulunduran solüsyon ve krem formları bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde mevcut olan ticari markalar arasında Savlex®, Savonol®, Savlosol®, Savrolin®, ve Savsid® bulunmaktadır. Türkiye'deki ürünlerin hepsi
Background: There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viabilit... more Background: There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autologous skin grafts. Objective: To compare histological changes in human skin grafts stored in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with those of grafts stored in saline. Methods: Eight circular, 3-mm full-thickness skin graft samples were harvested from the abdominal skin of each of 5 patients scheduled to undergo an abdominoplasty procedure. Four of these graft samples were stored in saline, and the other 4 were stored in saline mixed with PRP prepared from the patient's own venous blood. Histological assessment of the microscopic appearance of the samples was performed on days 5, 8, 11, and 14. The integrity of the epidermal-dermal junction, number of keratinocytes with perinuclear halos, collagen organization, and number of fibroblasts per field were assessed. The cellular apoptosis rate was also measured on these same days. Results: On day 5, significant differences were observed microscopically between the PRP-and saline-stored grafts (P < .05). The grafts preserved in saline exhibited early marked cellular and nuclear swelling with pleomorphism, as well as early nuclear halo formation. The cell viability rate of the PRP group was significantly higher than that of the saline-stored group on day 8 (P < .05). Conclusion: Platelet-rich plasma and its inherent growth factors supported longer graft survival; however, its effect lasted only until day 8. Platelet-rich plasma may be beneficial if grafts need to be stored for delayed application(s).
Mikrovaskuler anastomoz ile replantasyonun uygun olmadigi kulak amputasyonlarinda kompozit greft ... more Mikrovaskuler anastomoz ile replantasyonun uygun olmadigi kulak amputasyonlarinda kompozit greft uygulanmasinin etkinligi azdir. Ampute parcanin retroaurikuler bolgeye gomulerek yasatilmaya calisilmasi ise estetik acidan basarisiz sonuclara neden olmakta ve en az iki seans gerekmektedir. Bu vaka sunumunda ise fasyal flep transpozisyonu ile kompozit greftin yasaya bilirligini artirtmak yontemi denenmistir. Ellidort yasindaki erkek hastada insan isirigina bagli olarak kulak amputasyonu meydana gelmistir. Ampute parca kompozit greft gibi orijinal yerine dikildi. Daha sonra ampute kulak parcasinin arka cildi ile kikirdagi arasina temporoparietal fasya transpoze edildi. Vakada ampute parca tam olarak vaskularite kazandi. Kikirdakta herhangi bir distorsiyon meydana gelmedi. Estetik acidan oldukca tatmin edici goruntu elde edildi. Insan isirigi nedeni ile ampute olan kulak parcasi tarif edilen teknikle implante edilmesi halinde tek seansda basarili sonuc almak mumkundur.
Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery / Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi, 2017
Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) is a rare, benign, soft tissue tumor with an unclear pathogenesis, typi... more Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) is a rare, benign, soft tissue tumor with an unclear pathogenesis, typically localized to the subscapular region. It occurs within the periscapular area between the ribs and dorsal chest wall muscles. Repetitive microtrauma by friction between the lower part of the scapula and the thoracic wall may cause reactive hyperproliferation of the fibroblastic tissue. This view has been supported by the higher prevalence of EFD, particularly among individuals who perform hard manual labor. EFD can, however, also be observed in those who have never performed hard manual labor and particularly in women over the age of 50. In this report, we present a case of bilateral EFD in a 52-year old woman with bilateral hypermastia, and examine the possible correlation between hypermastia and EFD.
Surgical correction of the congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is recommended for patients with... more Surgical correction of the congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is recommended for patients with unsuccessful conservative treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of surgical release of congenital muscular torticollis in neglected cases. We retrospectively evaluated the data of our patients in terms of age, sex, clinical presentation, localization of the lesion, diagnostic tests, and additional abnormalities. The age at operation ranged from 6 to 23 years. Complete muscular release as determined by pre-operative and postoperative range of motion measurements was achieved in all of the patients by bipolar release. In this study, neck motion and head tilt showed marked improvement with surgical treatment in cases with CMT who were admitted to the hospital lately. Congenital muscular torticollis patients can benefit from surgical intervention above the age of 5. Bipolar release is an adequate and complication-free method.
There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autolog... more There is a need for improved methods and storage media to sustain the tissue viability of autologous skin grafts. To compare histological changes in human skin grafts stored in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with those of grafts stored in saline. Eight circular, 3-mm full-thickness skin graft samples were harvested from the abdominal skin of each of 5 patients scheduled to undergo an abdominoplasty procedure. Four of these graft samples were stored in saline, and the other 4 were stored in saline mixed with PRP prepared from the patient's own venous blood. Histological assessment of the microscopic appearance of the samples was performed on days 5, 8, 11, and 14. The integrity of the epidermal-dermal junction, number of keratinocytes with perinuclear halos, collagen organization, and number of fibroblasts per field were assessed. The cellular apoptosis rate was also measured on these same days. On day 5, significant differences were observed microscopically between the PRP- and sali...
One of the clinical aspects characterizing gynecomastia is the enlargement of the nipple-areolar ... more One of the clinical aspects characterizing gynecomastia is the enlargement of the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) due to hypertrophic breast glands, and the excessive fatty tissue underneath. The purpose of this study was to quantify the reduction of the areolar diameter after ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) of the male breast. The horizontal diameters of the NACs of 30 men who underwent UAL were measured before surgery, 1 month after surgery and 6 months after surgery in a standard fashion. Those patients with surgical gland removals of any kind were not included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 27.9 years, and all of the patients had bilateral grade I, II, or III gynecomastia. The mean diameter of the NACs before surgery was 35.36 mm (range, 26-55 mm), and after surgery, the mean diameter of the NACs was initially reduced to 28.8 mm (range, 23-44 mm) and later to 28.57 mm (range, 23-42 mm). The mean volume of breast tissue aspirated was 382 mL per breast, and the percentage of reduction was 17.3%. The reduction of areola diameter was statistically significant after first month. A significant positive correlation was identified between the liposuction volume and areolar diameter reduction. In cases of gynecomastia, the removal of the glandular and fatty tissue underneath the areola releases the expanding forces and pressure that enlarge it. In many cases of gynecomastia, UAL alone is effective in reducing the size of the NAC and allows the surgeon to avoid placing scars on the breast.
Background: Lidocaine and epinephrine could potentially decrease adipocyte viability, but these e... more Background: Lidocaine and epinephrine could potentially decrease adipocyte viability, but these effects have not been substantiated. The phosphorylation status of perilipin in adipocytes may be predictive of cell viability. Perilipin coats lipid droplets and restricts access of lipases; phospho-perilipin lacks this protective function. Objectives: The authors investigated the effects of tumescent solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine on the phosphorylation status of perilipin in adipocytes. Methods: In this in vitro study, lipoaspirates were collected before and after tumescence from 15 women who underwent abdominoplasty. Fat samples were fixed, sectioned, and stained for histologic and immunohistochemical analyses. Relative phosphorylation of perilipin was inferred from pixel intensities of immunostained adipocytes observed with confocal microscopy. Results: For adipocytes collected before tumescent infiltration, 10.08% of total perilipin was phosphorylated. In contrast, 30.62% of total perilipin was phosphorylated for adipocytes collected from tumescent tissue (P < .01). Conclusions: The tumescent technique increases the relative phosphorylation of perilipin in adipocytes, making these cells more vulnerable to lipolysis. Tumescent solution applied for analgesia or hemostasis of the donor site should contain the lowest possible concentrations of lidocaine and epinephrine.
Papers by Mustafa Keskin