Electrical machines find their place in every field, such as industrial, transportation, home, an... more Electrical machines find their place in every field, such as industrial, transportation, home, and commercial sectors. The suitability of the electrical machine for the area in which it will be used is important in terms of energy efficiency. The selection of the motor to be used for variable speed applications such as electric vehicles is also very important. Torque and power are the determining factors in the required speed/torque or speed/power combination for electric vehicles. For this reason, the efficiency map of the motor to be used in electric vehicles should be known in detail. In this study, due to its advantages such as its lighter structure, absence of magnet, and rotor winding loss, among others, the Axial Flux Synchronous Reluctance Motor (AF-SynRM) was preferred, and it was aimed at creating an efficiency map. The motor parameters for the determined speed/torque combinations were first obtained with FEM. Then, the FEM results were experimentally verified. In order to...
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
The popularity of electrical vehicles is increasing rapidly in recent years due to energy generat... more The popularity of electrical vehicles is increasing rapidly in recent years due to energy generation/consumption ratio, transportation costs, decrease in fossil fuel reserves with increasing population as well as the environmental damage caused by fossil fuels. Therefore, Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) Motor design was actualized in the present study for use in electrical vehicles expected to replace the transportation vehicles of today. Firstly, analytical design of the targeted motor was completed after which the Finite Elements Method was used for modelling. Ansys Maxwell Program is one of the package programs used in FEM. This study was carried out with Ansys Maxwell Electromagnetic Suite version 17.2. The prototype motor was manufactured after reaching the desired results with Finite Elements Method and experimental studies commenced with the experiment setup prepared in the laboratory environment. Experimental results were compared with electromagnetic results. Finally, the prototype motor was mounted on the ElektroGOP vehicle and it was observed to work without problem at the expected performance during the test drives.
Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Smart Systems
In motors containing magnets, irreversible demagnetization failure is one of the factors that neg... more In motors containing magnets, irreversible demagnetization failure is one of the factors that negatively affect motor performance. In this study, the traditional Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (AF-PMSM) rotor structure was changed and the structure that gained the feature of starting from the line was used. Line Start AF-PMSM with 5.5 kW shaft power has 4 poles and each pole consists of 5 magnets. Demagnetization failure was obtained by the flux values of the magnets in any pole are drawn to zero and virtual demagnetization failure is created at certain rates (20%, 40% and 60%). With FEM, the data of the healthy and faulty motor were obtained. The data are then presented comparatively. Obtained data showed that demagnetization fault in Line Start AF-PMSM negatively affects motor performance, and the results are given in detail in the article. The original aspect of the study is that the demagnetization fault in Line Start AF-PMSM was investigated for the first time with FEM.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Sep 1, 2018
In view of the current state of the reserves of electric energy generated resources and the share... more In view of the current state of the reserves of electric energy generated resources and the share of electric motors in electricity consumption, many researches and studies related to efficiency in electric motors are being made. The presented work is related to the Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (AF-PMSM), which has recently undergone significant work based on the development of magnet and motor technology. In this study, a novel AF-PMSM was designed analytically through Finite Element Method (FEM) which can be started by connecting to a line such as an asynchronous motor in a transient state and can operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronization in steady state without the need for an expensive motor drive. According to the obtained FEM results, a design with an efficiency class of IE4 of 5.5 kW shaft power, a 4 poles motor was obtained. As a result, economic calculations indicate that the extra cost of the designed Line start AF-PMSM with respect to the asynchronous motor is rapidly compensated by energy saving due to a more efficient operation, especially constant speed operations. As a result of the analysis obtained, the targeted values are reached. For induction motors and radial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors, a good alternative motor that can operate with high efficiency and power factor has been obtained.
Motorlar da meydana gelen arizalara anlik mudahalelerle ve periyodik bakimlarla onlem alinmaya ca... more Motorlar da meydana gelen arizalara anlik mudahalelerle ve periyodik bakimlarla onlem alinmaya calisilmaktadir. Periyodik bakimlar motorun ariza yapma surecini uzatsada arizalarin meydana gelmesini engelleyememektedir. Sunulan calismada, yuksek verim ve guc faktoru, yuksek moment-eylemsizlik orani ve yuksek guc-agirlik oranigibi ustunluklerinden dolayi endustriyel otomasyon sistemlerinde oldukca yaygin kullanilan Sabit Miknatisli Senkron Motorlar (SMSM) kullanilmistir. Motor dinamik titresim sinyalleri duragan ve duragan olmayan hiz ve farkli yuk durumlarinda izlenmis, eksenden kaciklik arizasinin tespiti Mertebe Takip Analiz Yontemi (MTA) ile gerceklestirilmistir. Onerilen yontem duragan ve dinamik calisma kosullarinda eksenden kaciklik arizasinin tespitinde basarili olmustur.
Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance cost. Nowadays, the p... more Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance cost. Nowadays, the predictive maintenance including online monitoring and predictive detection of the failures takes the place of the traditional periodic maintenance. In this study, a new method was proposed for demagnetization fault diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). Surface mounted PMSM was used and the effect of a demagnetization fault on phase voltage signal of the motor operating at stationary and non-stationary speeds was examined with the help of Angular Domain - Order Tracking (AD-OT) method. The proposed method has successfully diagnosed the demagnetization fault at both stationary and non-stationary conditions. The experimental results have shown that the frequencies of failure were determined on the left and right of fundamental frequency in the certain orders. Orders on the left were first and third order, orders on the right were fifth and seventh order. The effectiveness...
Elektrik motorları arızaları üretim kapasitesini düşürmekte ve bakım maliyetini yükseltmektedir. ... more Elektrik motorları arızaları üretim kapasitesini düşürmekte ve bakım maliyetini yükseltmektedir. Günümüzde gerçek zamanlı durum izleme ve arıza teşhisine dayalı öngörülü bakım, periyodik uygulamaların yerini almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Sabit Mıknatıslı Senkron Motorlarda (SMSM) demagnetizasyon arızasının tespiti için yeni bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Önerilen çalışmada, mıknatısları rotor yüzeyine yerleştirilmiş SMSM' nin durağan ve dinamik çalışma koşullarında motor faz gerilimi üzerinde demagnetizasyon arızasının etkisi Mertebe Takip Analiz Yöntemi (MTA) ile incelenmiştir. Önerilen yöntem durağan ve dinamik çalışma koşullarında demagnetizasyon arızasının tespitinde başarılı olmuştur. Deneysel sonuçlar, arızaya ait frekans bileşenlerinin temel frekansın sağında ve solunda belirli mertebe seviyelerinde oluştuğunu göstermiştir. Soldaki mertebeler: birinci ve üçüncü mertebelerdir, sağdaki mertebeler beşinci ve yedinci mertebelerdir. Önerilen yöntemin etkinliği üç farklı çalışma hızı ile...
Endustriyel uygulamalarda genellikle duragan olmayan calisma sartlarinda calistirilan Sabit Mikna... more Endustriyel uygulamalarda genellikle duragan olmayan calisma sartlarinda calistirilan Sabit Miknatisli Senkron Motorlar (SMSM) icin kismi demagnetizasyon arizasinin baslangic asamasinda tespiti oldukca onemlidir. Sunulan calismada kismi demagnetizasyon arizasinin tespiti icin duragan olmayan calisma hizlarinda motor akiminda arizaya ait karakteristik mertebeleri Gabor Order Tracking (GOT) tabanli izleyen yeni bir yontem sunulmustur. Arizaya ait karakteristik mertebe bilesenlerinden elde edilen zarf sinyalinin genlik degisimleri ariza gostergesi olarak kullanilmistir. Deneysel calismada elde edilen sonuclar onerilen yontemin kismi demagnetizasyon arizasini degisik hiz ve yuk sartlarinda basarili sekilde tespit ettigini gostermektedir. Bu calismanin temel yenilikci kismi, motor akim sinyaline ilk defa GOT metodunun uygulanmasidir.
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering, 2021
Fotovoltaik (FV) sistemlerin ilk kurulum maliyeti yüksek iken genel sistem verimliliği düşüktür. ... more Fotovoltaik (FV) sistemlerin ilk kurulum maliyeti yüksek iken genel sistem verimliliği düşüktür. Bundan dolayı kurulan sistemin maksimum verimlilik ile çalışması hedeflenmektedir. Verimliliği etkileyen unsurlardan biri de panel yüzeyinin toz/kar/kirlenme gibi çeşitli nedenlerle kaplanmasıdır. FV panele gelen ışınların geçmesine engel olan bu durumlarının giderilmesi için bir süpürücü mekanizma tasarlanmış ve tahrik elmanı olarak kullanmak üzere Doğrusal Fırcasız Dogru Akım Motoru (FDAM) tasarımı yapılmıştır. Doğrusal FDAM'nin Sonlu Elamanlar Yöntemi (SEY) ile magnetostatik ve statik stres analizleri yapılmış ve tasarıma ait sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar tasarlanan Doğrusal FDAM sistem için gerekli kuvveti üretebildiğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca sistem için öngörülen enerji tüketim hesabı yapılmıştır. Doğrusal FDAM'nin süpürücü mekanizması ile yapacacağı enerji tüketiminin, sistem verimliliğine etkisinin yanında çok düşük kaldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
This study presents design and performance analyses for a new line start axial flux permanent mag... more This study presents design and performance analyses for a new line start axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors (AF-PMSMs). The innovative part of this study is that AF-PMSM can start directly from the line and operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronisation. Prototype manufacturing was carried out after completing the analytical and electromagnetic designs for the targeted motor. The synchronisation capacity, power capacity, power-speed characteristic, power-efficiency relationship along with the total harmonic distortion and back-emf waveform of the induced voltage have been examined for the prototype motor. Simulation studies have been verified experimentally. The results obtained were compared with an induction motor with the same power. It was observed as a result of the work carried out and a line start AF-PMSM is obtained that is 4-10% more efficient in comparison with an induction motor having the same power.
Line start permanent magnet synchronous motors (LS-PMSM) are preferred more and more in industria... more Line start permanent magnet synchronous motors (LS-PMSM) are preferred more and more in industrial applications, because they can start on their own and because of their high efficiency. In this study, a new LS-PMSM rotor typology is suggested, which is modelled using surface mount permanent magnets, in which two different slot types have been used together. The rotor of an asynchronous motor on the industrial market in the IE2 efficiency segment has been remodeled in the study, resulting in an increase in motor efficiency from 85% to 91.8%. A finite elements software was used for determining motor design and performance, in addition to analytical methods.
Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance costs. Today, predict... more Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance costs. Today, predictive detection based on real-time monitoring and fault detection is taking the place of periodic applications. In this study, a new method is presented for the detection of eccentricity faults in permanent magnet synchronous motors. The motor current and the rotor speed were monitored under stationary and nonstationary speed and different load conditions, after which the fault detection was carried out via angular domain-order tracking method. The obtained results were compared with traditional fast Fourier transform results. It was observed that the suggested method can successfully detect the fault for stationary and nonstationary signals. In addition, the position of the fault-related components are constant independent of the motor current frequency, speed, and load levels.
Electrical machines find their place in every field, such as industrial, transportation, home, an... more Electrical machines find their place in every field, such as industrial, transportation, home, and commercial sectors. The suitability of the electrical machine for the area in which it will be used is important in terms of energy efficiency. The selection of the motor to be used for variable speed applications such as electric vehicles is also very important. Torque and power are the determining factors in the required speed/torque or speed/power combination for electric vehicles. For this reason, the efficiency map of the motor to be used in electric vehicles should be known in detail. In this study, due to its advantages such as its lighter structure, absence of magnet, and rotor winding loss, among others, the Axial Flux Synchronous Reluctance Motor (AF-SynRM) was preferred, and it was aimed at creating an efficiency map. The motor parameters for the determined speed/torque combinations were first obtained with FEM. Then, the FEM results were experimentally verified. In order to...
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
The popularity of electrical vehicles is increasing rapidly in recent years due to energy generat... more The popularity of electrical vehicles is increasing rapidly in recent years due to energy generation/consumption ratio, transportation costs, decrease in fossil fuel reserves with increasing population as well as the environmental damage caused by fossil fuels. Therefore, Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) Motor design was actualized in the present study for use in electrical vehicles expected to replace the transportation vehicles of today. Firstly, analytical design of the targeted motor was completed after which the Finite Elements Method was used for modelling. Ansys Maxwell Program is one of the package programs used in FEM. This study was carried out with Ansys Maxwell Electromagnetic Suite version 17.2. The prototype motor was manufactured after reaching the desired results with Finite Elements Method and experimental studies commenced with the experiment setup prepared in the laboratory environment. Experimental results were compared with electromagnetic results. Finally, the prototype motor was mounted on the ElektroGOP vehicle and it was observed to work without problem at the expected performance during the test drives.
Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Smart Systems
In motors containing magnets, irreversible demagnetization failure is one of the factors that neg... more In motors containing magnets, irreversible demagnetization failure is one of the factors that negatively affect motor performance. In this study, the traditional Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (AF-PMSM) rotor structure was changed and the structure that gained the feature of starting from the line was used. Line Start AF-PMSM with 5.5 kW shaft power has 4 poles and each pole consists of 5 magnets. Demagnetization failure was obtained by the flux values of the magnets in any pole are drawn to zero and virtual demagnetization failure is created at certain rates (20%, 40% and 60%). With FEM, the data of the healthy and faulty motor were obtained. The data are then presented comparatively. Obtained data showed that demagnetization fault in Line Start AF-PMSM negatively affects motor performance, and the results are given in detail in the article. The original aspect of the study is that the demagnetization fault in Line Start AF-PMSM was investigated for the first time with FEM.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Sep 1, 2018
In view of the current state of the reserves of electric energy generated resources and the share... more In view of the current state of the reserves of electric energy generated resources and the share of electric motors in electricity consumption, many researches and studies related to efficiency in electric motors are being made. The presented work is related to the Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (AF-PMSM), which has recently undergone significant work based on the development of magnet and motor technology. In this study, a novel AF-PMSM was designed analytically through Finite Element Method (FEM) which can be started by connecting to a line such as an asynchronous motor in a transient state and can operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronization in steady state without the need for an expensive motor drive. According to the obtained FEM results, a design with an efficiency class of IE4 of 5.5 kW shaft power, a 4 poles motor was obtained. As a result, economic calculations indicate that the extra cost of the designed Line start AF-PMSM with respect to the asynchronous motor is rapidly compensated by energy saving due to a more efficient operation, especially constant speed operations. As a result of the analysis obtained, the targeted values are reached. For induction motors and radial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors, a good alternative motor that can operate with high efficiency and power factor has been obtained.
Motorlar da meydana gelen arizalara anlik mudahalelerle ve periyodik bakimlarla onlem alinmaya ca... more Motorlar da meydana gelen arizalara anlik mudahalelerle ve periyodik bakimlarla onlem alinmaya calisilmaktadir. Periyodik bakimlar motorun ariza yapma surecini uzatsada arizalarin meydana gelmesini engelleyememektedir. Sunulan calismada, yuksek verim ve guc faktoru, yuksek moment-eylemsizlik orani ve yuksek guc-agirlik oranigibi ustunluklerinden dolayi endustriyel otomasyon sistemlerinde oldukca yaygin kullanilan Sabit Miknatisli Senkron Motorlar (SMSM) kullanilmistir. Motor dinamik titresim sinyalleri duragan ve duragan olmayan hiz ve farkli yuk durumlarinda izlenmis, eksenden kaciklik arizasinin tespiti Mertebe Takip Analiz Yontemi (MTA) ile gerceklestirilmistir. Onerilen yontem duragan ve dinamik calisma kosullarinda eksenden kaciklik arizasinin tespitinde basarili olmustur.
Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance cost. Nowadays, the p... more Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance cost. Nowadays, the predictive maintenance including online monitoring and predictive detection of the failures takes the place of the traditional periodic maintenance. In this study, a new method was proposed for demagnetization fault diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). Surface mounted PMSM was used and the effect of a demagnetization fault on phase voltage signal of the motor operating at stationary and non-stationary speeds was examined with the help of Angular Domain - Order Tracking (AD-OT) method. The proposed method has successfully diagnosed the demagnetization fault at both stationary and non-stationary conditions. The experimental results have shown that the frequencies of failure were determined on the left and right of fundamental frequency in the certain orders. Orders on the left were first and third order, orders on the right were fifth and seventh order. The effectiveness...
Elektrik motorları arızaları üretim kapasitesini düşürmekte ve bakım maliyetini yükseltmektedir. ... more Elektrik motorları arızaları üretim kapasitesini düşürmekte ve bakım maliyetini yükseltmektedir. Günümüzde gerçek zamanlı durum izleme ve arıza teşhisine dayalı öngörülü bakım, periyodik uygulamaların yerini almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Sabit Mıknatıslı Senkron Motorlarda (SMSM) demagnetizasyon arızasının tespiti için yeni bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Önerilen çalışmada, mıknatısları rotor yüzeyine yerleştirilmiş SMSM' nin durağan ve dinamik çalışma koşullarında motor faz gerilimi üzerinde demagnetizasyon arızasının etkisi Mertebe Takip Analiz Yöntemi (MTA) ile incelenmiştir. Önerilen yöntem durağan ve dinamik çalışma koşullarında demagnetizasyon arızasının tespitinde başarılı olmuştur. Deneysel sonuçlar, arızaya ait frekans bileşenlerinin temel frekansın sağında ve solunda belirli mertebe seviyelerinde oluştuğunu göstermiştir. Soldaki mertebeler: birinci ve üçüncü mertebelerdir, sağdaki mertebeler beşinci ve yedinci mertebelerdir. Önerilen yöntemin etkinliği üç farklı çalışma hızı ile...
Endustriyel uygulamalarda genellikle duragan olmayan calisma sartlarinda calistirilan Sabit Mikna... more Endustriyel uygulamalarda genellikle duragan olmayan calisma sartlarinda calistirilan Sabit Miknatisli Senkron Motorlar (SMSM) icin kismi demagnetizasyon arizasinin baslangic asamasinda tespiti oldukca onemlidir. Sunulan calismada kismi demagnetizasyon arizasinin tespiti icin duragan olmayan calisma hizlarinda motor akiminda arizaya ait karakteristik mertebeleri Gabor Order Tracking (GOT) tabanli izleyen yeni bir yontem sunulmustur. Arizaya ait karakteristik mertebe bilesenlerinden elde edilen zarf sinyalinin genlik degisimleri ariza gostergesi olarak kullanilmistir. Deneysel calismada elde edilen sonuclar onerilen yontemin kismi demagnetizasyon arizasini degisik hiz ve yuk sartlarinda basarili sekilde tespit ettigini gostermektedir. Bu calismanin temel yenilikci kismi, motor akim sinyaline ilk defa GOT metodunun uygulanmasidir.
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering, 2021
Fotovoltaik (FV) sistemlerin ilk kurulum maliyeti yüksek iken genel sistem verimliliği düşüktür. ... more Fotovoltaik (FV) sistemlerin ilk kurulum maliyeti yüksek iken genel sistem verimliliği düşüktür. Bundan dolayı kurulan sistemin maksimum verimlilik ile çalışması hedeflenmektedir. Verimliliği etkileyen unsurlardan biri de panel yüzeyinin toz/kar/kirlenme gibi çeşitli nedenlerle kaplanmasıdır. FV panele gelen ışınların geçmesine engel olan bu durumlarının giderilmesi için bir süpürücü mekanizma tasarlanmış ve tahrik elmanı olarak kullanmak üzere Doğrusal Fırcasız Dogru Akım Motoru (FDAM) tasarımı yapılmıştır. Doğrusal FDAM'nin Sonlu Elamanlar Yöntemi (SEY) ile magnetostatik ve statik stres analizleri yapılmış ve tasarıma ait sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar tasarlanan Doğrusal FDAM sistem için gerekli kuvveti üretebildiğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca sistem için öngörülen enerji tüketim hesabı yapılmıştır. Doğrusal FDAM'nin süpürücü mekanizması ile yapacacağı enerji tüketiminin, sistem verimliliğine etkisinin yanında çok düşük kaldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
This study presents design and performance analyses for a new line start axial flux permanent mag... more This study presents design and performance analyses for a new line start axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors (AF-PMSMs). The innovative part of this study is that AF-PMSM can start directly from the line and operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronisation. Prototype manufacturing was carried out after completing the analytical and electromagnetic designs for the targeted motor. The synchronisation capacity, power capacity, power-speed characteristic, power-efficiency relationship along with the total harmonic distortion and back-emf waveform of the induced voltage have been examined for the prototype motor. Simulation studies have been verified experimentally. The results obtained were compared with an induction motor with the same power. It was observed as a result of the work carried out and a line start AF-PMSM is obtained that is 4-10% more efficient in comparison with an induction motor having the same power.
Line start permanent magnet synchronous motors (LS-PMSM) are preferred more and more in industria... more Line start permanent magnet synchronous motors (LS-PMSM) are preferred more and more in industrial applications, because they can start on their own and because of their high efficiency. In this study, a new LS-PMSM rotor typology is suggested, which is modelled using surface mount permanent magnets, in which two different slot types have been used together. The rotor of an asynchronous motor on the industrial market in the IE2 efficiency segment has been remodeled in the study, resulting in an increase in motor efficiency from 85% to 91.8%. A finite elements software was used for determining motor design and performance, in addition to analytical methods.
Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance costs. Today, predict... more Electric motor faults decrease production capacity and increase maintenance costs. Today, predictive detection based on real-time monitoring and fault detection is taking the place of periodic applications. In this study, a new method is presented for the detection of eccentricity faults in permanent magnet synchronous motors. The motor current and the rotor speed were monitored under stationary and nonstationary speed and different load conditions, after which the fault detection was carried out via angular domain-order tracking method. The obtained results were compared with traditional fast Fourier transform results. It was observed that the suggested method can successfully detect the fault for stationary and nonstationary signals. In addition, the position of the fault-related components are constant independent of the motor current frequency, speed, and load levels.
Papers by Mustafa Eker