Papers by Mustafa Dörücü
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2009

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 29, 2021
Aquaculture, which is of great importance in many parts of the world, draws attention as the fast... more Aquaculture, which is of great importance in many parts of the world, draws attention as the fastest growing sector among the livestock sectors in our country. The share of aquaculture in the total aquaculture production in our country is Abstract Aquaculture, which is very important in many regions of the world, attracts attention as the fastest growing sector in the livestock sector in our country. The share of our country's aquaculture production in the production of total aquatic products is increasing day by day. Studies have been carried out to solve feed problems and importance has been attached to additives that reduce cost and feed conversion ratio (FCR) to contribute to feed quality. Zeolites came to the forefront as feed additives. Due to the gap between 20 and 50 % in the structure, the molecules can be taken into the structures and they are named as molecular sieves. Zeolites are used for purposes such as controlling the pollution in pools in the aquaculture sector, increasing the growth parameters of the fish by incubation, fish transport and removal of nitrogen compounds from aquarium water, increasing ambient oxygen in aquarium and fish transport, and as feed additive. In Turkey, billions of tons of zeolite have been detected and clinoptilolite type zeolite is found mostly in the beds of Ankara-Polatlı-Mülk-Oğlakçı Region and Bigadiç, Şaphane, Gediz, Emet and Gördes Districts. We believe that the use of zeolites produced in Turkey as a local and natural product as feed additive substance in the aquaculture industry in the aquaculture sector will contribute to the production of lower cost fish as well as contribute to the development of 2 different sectors (aquaculture and mining) in interaction with each other.
Journal of, 2008
... Bu çalışmada da, Diplostomum sp. ... Parazitler biyolojik gelişmelerine uygun ola-rak yaşamla... more ... Bu çalışmada da, Diplostomum sp. ... Parazitler biyolojik gelişmelerine uygun ola-rak yaşamlarının bir bölümünde veya tamamında başka canlılara ihtiyaç duyarlar. Konakçı adını verdiğimiz bu canlılar üzerinde veya içinde paraziter yaşam döngülerini devam ettirirler. ...

Yunus araştırma bülteni, Dec 31, 2014
Age and some growth characterıstıcs of Catfısh (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758) ın habıtıng Çelik ... more Age and some growth characterıstıcs of Catfısh (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758) ın habıtıng Çelik lake In this study, age and sex composition, length and weight distributions, age-length, age-weight, length-weight relationships and condition factor of totally 66 catfish, Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758), caught from Çelik Lake between April 2012 October 2012, were examined. Sex composition was 40,91 % female and 59,09 % male. It was found that females and males were II-IV years old. The mean total length varied from females were 52,83±2,20 cm (2-age group), 71,03±12,24 cm (3-age group) to 75,31±10,81 cm (4-age group) and the mean weight varied from 823,60±97,46 g (2age group), 2207,75±938,78 g (3-age group) to 2976,08±1749,11 g (4-age group); males were 52,42±1,97 cm (2-age group), 76,57±12,35 cm (3-age group) to 72,21±9,45 cm (4-age group) and the mean weight varied from 783,18±76,20 g (2-age group), 2759,39±1159,79 g (3-age group) to 2296,40±925,38 g (4-age group) according to age. For all fish, 3,063 length-weight relationships, correlation coefficient and mean condition factor was calculated as W=0,0044L , 2 R =0,9609 and 0,583±0,077 respectively.
Geçmişten günümüze kadar Fitoterapi, hastalıkların tedavisinde ve profilakside tercih edilen bir ... more Geçmişten günümüze kadar Fitoterapi, hastalıkların tedavisinde ve profilakside tercih edilen bir yöntem olmuştur. Antibiyotiklerin keşfi ile başlayan kimyasal ilaç kullanımı hastalıkların tedavilerinde hızlı bir etkiye sahip olmalarına rağmen, bu ilaçların aşırı derecede yan etkilerinin görülmesi ve canlıların immun sistemlerine zarar vermeleri fitoterapiye olan ihtiyacı açığa çıkarmıştır. Su ürünleri alanında yetiştiriciliği yapılan türlerin tedavilerinde ve aşılamalarında Fitoterapi mamullerinin kullanılması organik tarıma geçiş aşamasında kendi branşımız açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu konudaki çalışmaların yetersizliği, su ürünlerine özgü kimyasal ilaçların piyasada bulunmayışı, mevcut ilaçların ise pahalı oluşu ve birçoğunun yurt dışından temin edilmesi bu konunun gerçek değerinin ortaya koymaktadır.
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Sep 1, 2001
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2011
Page 1. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 17 (2): 239-242, 2011 RESEARCH ARTICLE Summary An in vitro culti... more Page 1. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 17 (2): 239-242, 2011 RESEARCH ARTICLE Summary An in vitro cultivation method for spleen and head kidney organ section were used to investigate the effects of levamisole on the immune response. ...
International Aquatic Research, 2010
Abstract Extracellular products (ECP) of bacteria is a factor responsible for a number of biologi... more Abstract Extracellular products (ECP) of bacteria is a factor responsible for a number of biological effects including immunostimulatory activities in different animals including fish. In this study, the effect of extracellular products (ECP) of Yersinia ruckeri on protective immunity in ...

Research in Veterinary Science, Oct 1, 2014
In this study, Intraperitoneal (IP) and bath immersion (BI) vaccine trials were conducted in fish... more In this study, Intraperitoneal (IP) and bath immersion (BI) vaccine trials were conducted in fish with a mean weight of 6.3 g. Rainbow trout vaccinated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was 50 mg/L protein concentration and challenged by IP injection with 9.8 × 10 6 cell/ml of Yersinia ruckeri at 45 days postimmunization had a relative percent survival (RPS). To obtain an effective bath immersion vaccine against yersiniosis, LPS preparation was obtained from the Y. ruckeri and with the LPS antigen. After 28 and 60 days vaccinated fish with first and second immunizations by LPS were challenged via intraperitoneal injection with 9.8 × 10 6 cell/ml of Y. ruckeri for evaluating the mortality rates and calculating the relative percentage of survival (RPS). RPS value of experimental groups, which was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than that of the control group.

Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Nov 10, 2005
The effects of levamisole on the specific and non-specific immune mechanisms of rainbow trout (On... more The effects of levamisole on the specific and non-specific immune mechanisms of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) were examined. The weight of the 60 fish used (30 in the control group and 30 in the experimental group) in this study was 99.4-216.0 g. After injecting 5 mg kg-1 of levamisole intraperitonally, blood was taken from the heart of 30 anesthetized fish and hematocrit, leucocrit, leucocyte level, glass-adherent Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) positive cell activation, NBT activities, phagocytic activity, potential killing activities of neutrophyl and monocytes, myeloperoxidase production (MPO), immunoglobulin, lysozyme and ceruloplasmin (Cp) activity were determined on days 3, 7, 10 and 14. The same procedure was conducted on a control group. No differences were found in the levels of hematocrit, leucocrit or immunuglobulin between the control and experimental groups (P > 0.05). However, there were considerable increases in the other immune parameters and significant differences were detected between the control and experimental groups (P
Zoology in The Middle East, 2002
The freshwater leech Helobdella stagnalis was found in fish ponds and discharge channels at a Fis... more The freshwater leech Helobdella stagnalis was found in fish ponds and discharge channels at a Fisheries Research Station near ElazÕ÷ on the Upper Euphrates. It was identified on the basis of morphological features. The species had not previously been recorded in Turkey. The abundance of the species was highest (1.3±0.07 leeches/m²) in August and lowest (0.2 leeches/m²) in February. Kurzfassung: Der Süßwasseregel Helobdella stagnalis wurde in Fischteichen und Entwässerungskanälen der Fischereilichen Untersuchungsstation von ElazÕ÷ am Oberen Euphrat gefunden. Er wurde anhand morphologischer Merkmale bestimmt. Dies ist der erste Nachweis dieser Art in der Türkei. Die Art erreichte ihre grösste Dichte im August (1.3±0.07 Egel/m²) und ihre niederste im Februar (0.2 Egel/m²).

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Sep 13, 2022
Diplostomid trematodes (Digenea) include a wide and diverse group of common digeneans. Diplostomi... more Diplostomid trematodes (Digenea) include a wide and diverse group of common digeneans. Diplostomid larval stages are significant pathogens that may exert grave effects on both natural fish and aquaculture populations. Diplostomum species, which use fish as a second intermediate host, is one of the most common trematode species, which affects the fish welfare negatively with the formation of cataracts by settling in the eye. This study is determined the molecular characterization of Diplostomum parasite in Cyprinus carpio and Capoeta umbla for the first time from Turkey, based on the mitochondrial COX1 sequence data. Diplostomum samples were determined as Diplostomum spathaceum according to the phylogenetic trees created in the light of the morphological and COX1 sequence data. Sequence results matched ~98-100% with D. spathaceum as a result of blast analysis. It was defined that this parasite was represented by three different haplotypes in Turkey. As a result of haplotype analysis performed on a total of 162 isolates in GenBank and obtained in this study, 40 polymorphic regions and 58 haplotypes were determined. This haplotype network had arranged within a star-like configuration with a main central haplotype. This shows that the variation within D. spathaceum species is quite high. The mean abundance, mean intensity, and prevalence of the parasite in C. carpio were 8.29 (5.80-11.24), 10.91±9.37 (1-39), and 76%, respectively. In the C umbla, mean abundance, mean intensity, and prevalence were calculated as 11.54 (10.16-12.92), 14.07±16.59 (1-67), and 82%, respectively.
Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2002
Diplostomum sp. olmak üzere 3 adet parazit türü teşhis edildi. Cyprinus carpio carpio'nun bağırsa... more Diplostomum sp. olmak üzere 3 adet parazit türü teşhis edildi. Cyprinus carpio carpio'nun bağırsağında Khawia sinensis, göz sıvısında Diplostomum sp. olmak üzere 2 adet parazit türü teşhis edildi. Capoeta trutta'nın bağırsağında Neoechinorhynchus rutili, göz sıvısında Diplostomum sp. olmak üzere 2 adet parazit türü teşhis edildi. Alburnus mossulensis'in bağırsağında Neoechinorhynchus rutili, göz sıvısında Diplostomum sp. olmak üzere 2 adet parazit türü teşhis edildi.
Su Ürünleri Dergisi, Sep 1, 2001
enfeksiyonunun mevsimsel dağılımı ve yoğunluğu incelendi. Her bir balıktaki ortalama metaserker s... more enfeksiyonunun mevsimsel dağılımı ve yoğunluğu incelendi. Her bir balıktaki ortalama metaserker sayısı 9.09±1.21 olarak bulundu ve metaserker sayısı 1-135 arasında değişim gösterdi. İncelenen balıkların çoğunluğu I yaşında olurken, az sayıda balığın ise V yaşında olduğu belirlendi. Keban Baraj Gölü'nde bulunan Acanthobrama marmid'lerde Diplostomum sp. enfeksiyonu aylar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermemesine rağmen (p<0.05), en yüksek enfeksiyon yoğunluğu Haziran 1999 ve en düşük yoğunluk ise Mart 1999'da bulundu. Balık ağırlığı ile parazit yoğunlugu arasında olduğu gibi (r=0.152), balık yaşı ile parazit yoğunluğu arasında da zayıf bir korelasyon görüldü (r=0.227). Enfeksiyon yönünden balığın yaş grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılık görüldü. (p<0.05).
Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004

Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research
Bu çalışma, Ocak 2012- Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında Güney Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan yedi... more Bu çalışma, Ocak 2012- Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında Güney Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan yedi ilde (Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin ve Şanlıurfa) bulunan akarsu, baraj, göl, gölet ve sazlık alan olmak üzere toplam 169 tatlısu habitatında sülük faunasının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütüldü. Sülük örnekleri habitatın özelliğine göre birim zaman, birim çerçeve (Sülük toplama çerçevesi) ve Ekman kepçesi yöntemiyle toplandı. Toplam 169 sulak alanın 53’ünde sülük tespit edildi. Çalışma süresince toplanan sülük örnekleri su bulunan 0,5-1,0 L’lik pet bidonlarla laboratuvara taşındı. Sülük örnekleri önce % 10 etanol içinde bayıltıldı, sonra %70 alkol veya %4 formalin içinde tespit edildi. Toplanmış olan sülükler morfolojik özelliklerine göre stereo mikroskop altında teşhisi yapıldı. Bu çalışma sonunda , Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi sulak alanlarında Albolossiphonia heteroclita, Albolossiphonia sp., Dina apathyi, Dina sp., Erpobdella octoculata, E. testacea, Erpobdella sp...

In this study, sex composition, length and weight distributions, length-weight relationships and ... more In this study, sex composition, length and weight distributions, length-weight relationships and condition factors of totally 147 Capoeta trutta, 100 Capoeta umbla, 158 Alburnus mossulensis and 106 Cyprinus carpio, caught from Kalecik Dam Lake between April 2013 March 2014, were examined. Sex composition was 45,99 % female and 54,01 % male. The mean total length and weights ranged (female+male) identified as 30,83±3,16 cm and 321,35±88,64 g for C. trutta, 28,60±3,73 cm and 239,93±94,63 g for C. umbla, 14,75±1,170 cm and 25,671±6,681 g for A. mossulensis and 23,87±4,35 cm and 200,36±87,05 g for C. carpio respectively. Length-weight relationships and correlation coefficient (female+male) identified as W=0,0393TL and R=0,8583 for C. trutta, W=0,0082TL and R=0,877 for C. umbla, W=0,0218TL and R=0,6811 for A. mossulensis and W=1,1826TL and R=0,6404 for C. carpio respectively. The mean condition factor (female+male) was calculated as 1,077±0,127 for C. trutta, 0,978±0,149 for C. umbla, 0,...
Baliklarda homoiterm omurgalilarin aksine kemik iligi ve lenf yumrulari bulunmazken, bunlarin yer... more Baliklarda homoiterm omurgalilarin aksine kemik iligi ve lenf yumrulari bulunmazken, bunlarin yerine immun sistemde yer alan temel lenfoid organlar olarak timus, bobrek, dalak, karaciger ve bagirsakla iliskili lenfoid dokular yer almaktadir. Immun sistemin temel fonksiyonu hastaliklara neden olan mikroorganizmalara karsi baligi korumaktir. Bu derleme ile; balik immunolojisi ile ilgili konularda yapilacak arastirmalar, balik sagligi konusunda onemli ve yararli bilgiler saglayacaktir. Bu nedenle derleme olarak hazirlanan bu makalede balik immun sisteminden ve anatomik organizasyonu ile histolojisinden bahsedilmistir.
Papers by Mustafa Dörücü