Papers by Musahadi Musahadi

Al-Ahkam, Apr 28, 2022
Data from the Ministry of ATR/BPN shows that most waqf lands have legal certainty problems. This ... more Data from the Ministry of ATR/BPN shows that most waqf lands have legal certainty problems. This article wants to look at the case of delaying the certification of waqf land for the Baitussalam Mosque in Semarang City due to the unclear toll road expansion project. The discussion is related to Gustav Radbruch's theory of three fundamental legal values. This paper uses an empirical juridical approach with qualitative descriptiveanalytical research specification. Data were obtained through interviews with several key informants and supported by legal materials obtained from literature studies. The results showed that the delay in certifying the waqf land of Baitussalam Mosque at the Semarang City Land Office was due to legal concerns by residents if the land was affected by the expansion of the toll road project. This article proves that Gustav Radbruch's standard priority teachings, which prioritize justice over expediency and legal certainty, are irrelevant and not ideal. The case of Baitussalam Mosque places legal certainty through waqf land certification as a top priority that must be carried out. Thus, this study confirms the teaching of casuistic priority in the theory of modern legal goals.

In text research, it is known two types of text reconstruction. Firstly, text reconstruction addr... more In text research, it is known two types of text reconstruction. Firstly, text reconstruction addressed to trace between text relation on which formed the text genealogy (stemma codium) comparing variable texts hidden in the text. Secondly, text reconstruction addressed to make an eligible text available based on relevant consideration to the research purposes as well as readably presented. In fact this “reading” process is not a simple thing. A text researcher should understand the steps well. Besides that, text researcher should view the text on two positions, as an object and as a subject. As an object, text constitutes matter studied. But the researcher must be aware the text studies constitute the subject giving meaning and interpretation on event or reality faced by the writer in a specific condition. So, while giving interpretation on the text, the researcher is interpreting an interpretation or reinterpreting an interpretation. This article will discuss two important aspect o...
Walisongo Mediation Centre, 2009
Asy-Syir'ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum, 2013

Sebagaimana kewirausahaan melibatkan banyak entitas, perguruan tinggi juga tidak dapat melepaskan... more Sebagaimana kewirausahaan melibatkan banyak entitas, perguruan tinggi juga tidak dapat melepaskan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan spirit kewirausahaan ini. Kerjasama quartet, yakni antara pemerintah, lembaga keuangan, dunia usaha/industri dan universitas, perlu memainkan peran yang positif untuk bersinergi. Kerjasama keempatnya harus saling menguntungkan dengan motivasi pembangunan masyarakat. Dalam hal ini ada beberapa konsep riil yang dapat diupayakan implementasinya di masa mendatang. Pertama, pendanaan mahasiswa melalui kontrak kuliah. Banyak masyarakat yang kurang beruntung dari segi finansial tetapi mereka memiliki kecapakan intelektual yang bagus. Desainnya, calon mahasiswa dijaring dari kalangan lemah ekonomi itu untuk kemudian dikuliahkan melalu pendanaan tertentu, seperti dari lembaga keuangan dan dunia industri. Sebagai timbal balik, setelah mereka lulus kuliah dan bekerja, maka mereka mengangsur dana kuliah yang telah mereka gunakan. Konsep ...

Zakat merupakan kewajiban agama yang harus dikeluarkan bagi umat muslim yang mampu sesuai dengan ... more Zakat merupakan kewajiban agama yang harus dikeluarkan bagi umat muslim yang mampu sesuai dengan syariat agama Islam, zakat sebagi ibadah amaliyah yang menjurus ke aspek sosial. Potensi zakat secara nasional yang besar, masih menyisakan permasalahan bagi pengelolaan zakat. Pengelolaan yang dimaksud meliputi kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengordinasian dalam pengumpulan, pendistribusian, dan pendayagunaan zakat. Olehn karena itu peneliti mengembakan model pengelolaan zakat dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard yang bersifat teknis, taktis, strategis dan operasional. Balanced Scorecard diciptakan untuk menerapkan goals dan sekaligus melakukan pengukuran atas pencapaiannya sehingga secara tidak langsung dalam aplikasinya sistem ini dapat dipakai sebagai alat penetapan strategi keuangan dan strategimanajerial konprehensip yang bersifat teknis dan operasional dalam rangka revitalisasi Lembaga Penselola Zakat yang amanah, profesional dan transparan. Oleh karena itu permasalahan pe...

Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2019
The purpose of this research is how to implement the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) at UIN Walisongo in... more The purpose of this research is how to implement the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) at UIN Walisongo in an effort towards world class university (WCU). The research design is policy research using explorative descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that in perspective (1) changes in research organizations: international collaborative research and international publications need to be improved, (2) human resource policies, increasing the number of professors and doctors and staff education, based on educational qualifications are still limited (3) academic programs, international accredited study programs need to be started, (4) Internal Governance, as an anti-corruption campus that applies the best Integrity zone in PTKI and (5) Funds, develops and explores funding sources from domestic and foreign partners to strengthen the internationalization program towards WCU.Tujuan penelitian adalah bagaimana implementasi BSC pada UIN Walisongo dalam upaya menuju world class university (...
Mediation is relatively less known by the Indonesian people. As a potential country with wide con... more Mediation is relatively less known by the Indonesian people. As a potential country with wide conflicts, mediation can be an alternative in conflict resolution. In the history of Indonesia, the founding fathers had known the potency of conflict, especially religion and ethnicity based conflict, so they built a concept of unity in diversity. But lately those conflicts often occur. Indonesian society grew up into a society that does not respect differences in various spheres: social, politic, religion and ideology. Most of those conflicts are largely finished in the courthouse. Mediation that is expected as a way to give win - win solution is less appreciated. There are many obstacles for implementing mediation. This paper tries to examine the role of mediation in conflict resolution in the contemporary Indonesian society.

The Indonesian Law number 12 of 2012 on Higher Education asserts that Ma’had ‘Aly(the higher Isla... more The Indonesian Law number 12 of 2012 on Higher Education asserts that Ma’had ‘Aly(the higher Islamic boarding school) is one of religious education institutions. This institution has not been well-known among educational researchers, not only because it is still new, but also it exists only in some Pesantrens (Islamic boarding school). The Ma’had Aly is usually operated traditionally, both in its institution and scientific structure. The institution is considered to have not adequate space to open dialogue related to the social change. However, there is an interesting phenomenon in the Ma’had Aly Salafiyyah Syafi’iyyah Situbondo, East Java that can become an exception of such assumption. Although, from its name the institution can be categorized as a traditional Islamic boarding school which is affiliated to as-Syafi’i’s school, however, it develops a progressive model of research on Islamic law. Through observation, in-depth interview and documentation to the institution, this rese...
Hermeneutika adalah cabang filsafat yang berhubungan dengan teori interpretasi. Diskusi apa pun t... more Hermeneutika adalah cabang filsafat yang berhubungan dengan teori interpretasi. Diskusi apa pun tentang hubungan antara sains dan agama secara implisit atau eksplisit sesungguhnya adalah masalah interpretasi. Teori penafsiran tentu berdiri di persimpangan dialog antara sains dan agama. Para ilmuwan modern cenderung memiliki pendekatan formalis untuk disiplin ilmu mereka. Mereka percaya bahwa sains adalah metodologi tunggal yang mengarah pada penjelasan fenomena yang objektif dan realis. Meskipun hal ini sering dibenarkan secara pragmatis dalam wilayah sempit ilmu tertentu, namun refleksi filosofis tentang praktik sains pada waktu-waktu terakhir ini menunjukkan pandangan yang jauh lebih bernuansa dan rumit.

Strategi penanggulangan kemiskinan: Pertama, perlu kejujuran dari pihak penerintah, baik pusat ma... more Strategi penanggulangan kemiskinan: Pertama, perlu kejujuran dari pihak penerintah, baik pusat maupun daerah untuk mengakui bahwa kebijakan yang ada selama ini kurang tepat dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan. Kedua,untuk memperkuat upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan diperlukan kepemimpinan yang memihak rakyat, serta komitmen dan political will dalam hal: 1) anggaran yang memihak kepada masyarakat miskin, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, 2) prioritas kebijakan yang jelas dan terukur, 3) pelaksanaan kebijakan yang konsisten dengan pengawasan dan pengendalian serta sanksi yang tegas, 4) kelembagaan yang kokoh, 5) kemitraan pemerintah daerah, swasta, perguruan tinggi, LSM dan masyarakat. Rumusan ini memang bagus sekaligus ideal, tetapi yang ideal selalu tidak mudah dilihat pada realitasnya karena terbukti sampai saat ini belum mampu mengentaskan kemiskinan, tetapi memang tak ada cara lain bahwa perlu ada kerja keras yang terus menerus untuk menangani kemiskinan demi kehidupan bangsa yang sejah...

Throughout various phases and epochs of Islamic history, the mosque’s functions have fluctuated a... more Throughout various phases and epochs of Islamic history, the mosque’s functions have fluctuated and adapted to the political, economic and social realities of the time. To understand the diverse roles of the mosque today in traditionally Islamic and non-Islamic societies, it is necessary to understand how mosque functions evolved, changed and were sometimes reincorporated after long periods of dormancy. This study examines the increasingly significant role of the mosque, especially through their influential Friday prayer sermons (khutba), for empowering socio-economic dimensions in the moderate Indonesian Muslim society. Friday sermons which had been commonly dominated by religious themes have been progressively reformed by inserting more relevant and essential messages for socio-economic empowerment. A very historic Kauman mosque in Semarang, Central Java, has been demonstrating as a dynamic institution capable of responding to contemporary social needs. Islamic scholars and practi...

Purpose – This study aims to determine muzakki 's behavior which is reviewed based on the the... more Purpose – This study aims to determine muzakki 's behavior which is reviewed based on the theory of planned behavior, including attitudes towards behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Method – This research used a qualitative research method, while the analytical approach used phenomenological analysis. This study utilized observation and interviews for collecting data. Informants were given a great space to tell their own experiences freely. The number of samples in the study was six informants, i.e., two people who work as civil servants, two people as entrepreneurs, and two people as farmers. Result – Based on the phenomenon and its meaning regarding the behavior of muzakki in paying zakat , it can be concluded that 1) The attitude of the informants tends to comply with the obligation to issue zakat as a form of religious, social, economic, and psychological obedience 2) Informants have subjective beliefs regarding the behavior of paying zakat which is...

Muqtasid: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah, 2021
This study aims to analyze the influence and response of the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) volatilit... more This study aims to analyze the influence and response of the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) volatility to changes in macroeconomic variables. VECM was used to examine the long-and short-term effects, while IRF was used to analyze the JII response. Data were obtained from BPS, BI, and Yahoo Finance monthly from 2015-2020 using global macroeconomic fiscal variables, including inflation, BI and Exchange Rates, Industrial Production Index, World Oil Price, Malaysia Hijrah Shariah Index, and DJIM Malaysia Titan 25 Index. The results show that JII is influenced by inflation variables, BI rate, IPI, OP, MHS, and DJIM in the long term but not the exchange rate. Furthermore, it is influenced by BI rate, IPI, OP, MHS, and DJIM in the short term, while the exchange rate and inflation have no significant effect. Macroeconomic variable shock influence JII by 52,27% while the rest is influenced by other variables outside the model. This research implies that the JII index is very sensit ive to economic changes.

Untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi IAIN Walisongo perlu mendapat perhatian adalah mempertimbangkan as... more Untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi IAIN Walisongo perlu mendapat perhatian adalah mempertimbangkan aspek kepuasan mahasiswa. Pentingnya perhatian khusus pada kepuasan mahasiswa juga dilandasi kesadaran IAIN Walisongo akan semakin ketatnya ancaman persaingan dengan perguruan tinggi yang membuka program sejenis. OIeh karena itu, diperlukan informasi berupa suvai pengukuran kepuasaan mahasiswa dalam rangka pengembangan kualitas pelayanan yang terus menerus dan berkesinambungan. Hasil survai pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikiran yang positif bagi IAIN Walisongo dalam mewujudkan institusi yang kredibel dan dipercaya masyarakat Dilaksanakannya penelitian tentang survey kepuasan mahasiswa adalah untuk mempelajari cara-cara memperbaiki mutu dan meningkatkan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan di IAIN Walisongo. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan indeks kepuasan total dibentuk dari lima dimensi kualitas pelayanan yaitu responsiveness, reliability, emphaty,...

Meskipun POSBAKUM merupakan program baru dari Mahkamah Agung yang dilaunching pertama kali pada t... more Meskipun POSBAKUM merupakan program baru dari Mahkamah Agung yang dilaunching pertama kali pada tahun 2011, namun secara umum pelaksanaannya di Pengadilan Agama di Jawa Tengah sangat baik. Hal ini setidaknya bisa dilihat melalui indikator-indikator sebagai berikut 1) Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang menangani layanan POSBAKUM di Pengadilan Agama di Jawa Tengah adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kompetensi akademik dankompetensi professional di bidang praktek hukum. Meskipun untuk POSBAKUM di Pengadilan Agama Brebes, seluruh petugasnya berlatar-belakang pendidikan hukum, dan tidak satupun yang berlatar belakang pendidikan syari'ah, 2) Porsi, cakupan dan sebaran perkara layanan POSBAKUM di Pengadilan Agama di Jawa Tengah yang sangat besar dan beragam mencakup hampir semua perkara yang meniadi kompetensi Peradilan Agama. Layanan POSBAKUM di Pengadilan Agama di Jawa Tengah terhadap pembangunan hukum sangat besar terutama bagi masyarakat pencari keadilan yang tidak mampu. POSBAKUM ini di...

This paper describes fiqh mu’āmalah content in Friday sermons at the Great Mosque of Kauman Semar... more This paper describes fiqh mu’āmalah content in Friday sermons at the Great Mosque of Kauman Semarang to understand the dialectics between the mosque as a ritual space and the market as an economic space. This paper's data are in the form of 51 sermons delivered in 2015 from January 1 to December 31, 2015, and interviews with the foundation, ta’mīr , and the preachers. This paper shows that Friday sermons' characteristics at the mosque are reflected in their preachers' diversity, both in terms of educational background, scientific fields, organizational affiliations, and professions. This paper finds that fiqh mu’āmalah's content has not become the point of attention of the preachers. This finding is proven by the absence of a sermon theme on fiqh mu’āmalah ( mu’āmalah madiyah ). The topic that appeared in Friday's sermon was related to Islamic economics's ethical principles and business-related to mu’āmalah adabiyah . The minimal content of fiqh mu’āmalah or ...
Papers by Musahadi Musahadi