Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2015
The aim of the study was to investigate sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people w... more The aim of the study was to investigate sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people with gender dysphoria and differences of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics between female-to-male (FtM) and male-to-female (MtF) transsexual individuals. This study examined retrospectively sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of 139 cases with the diagnosis of gender dysphoria who were willing to undergo sex reassignment surgery and were referred to the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty between 2007-2013. Among 139 patients with gender dysphoria 102 were MtF (73,4%), and 37 patients were FtM (26,6%). In MtFs, rates of working in jobs which do not require high education level, unemployment, being a sex worker (p < 0,001), drug use (p = 0,017), and not having the health insurance (p < 0,001) were found to be significantly higher than FtMs. Rates of receiving psychotherapy for gender dysphoria (p = 0,001) and starting hormone therapy under the supervision of a doctor (...
The aim of this study was to examine the level of lucidity and its relation with metacognitive be... more The aim of this study was to examine the level of lucidity and its relation with metacognitive beliefs and dream anxiety in medical students. Nine hundred sixteen medical students were enrolled in the study. The participants were assessed with the Lucidity and Consciousness in Dreams Scale (LuCiD), the Metacognition Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30), and the Van Dream Anxiety Scale (VDAS). There was no significant difference in mean total lucidity score between females and males, but there were some significant sex differences in subscales of lucidity, and control was significantly higher in male students, while realism, thought, and dissociation were significantly higher in female students. In addition, females had more dream anxiety levels, higher total MCQ-30 scores, and higher cognitive confidence and uncontrollability scores according to Metacognition Questionnaire-30 than males. We also found that the mean lucidity level was positively correlated with the mean total metacognition scor...
Background: Alteration in energy expenditure or metabolism is the most accused risk issue for the... more Background: Alteration in energy expenditure or metabolism is the most accused risk issue for the onset and for the course of neurodegenerative cognitive disorders. Neuropeptides are suggested to be related with learning and memory. Phoenixin (PNX) is the most recently reported neuropeptide and we aimed to compare the plasma level in people with subjective memory complaints, patients with mild cognitive impairment, and mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: Ninety two participants enrolled in the study. After screening tests, all participants were assessed with a neuropsychological battery for further cognitive evaluations. We used ELISA kit to assay the level of Human PNX. Results: Patients with AD were significantly older than people in subjective memory complaint group (p = 0.02). There was no significant difference between groups according to gender (p = 0.435). Mean plasma PNX level was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.279). Mean plasma PNX level in MCI gr...
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Cardiovascular disease is one of the important cause of mortality among patients with Bipolar Dis... more Cardiovascular disease is one of the important cause of mortality among patients with Bipolar Disorder. Castelli Risk index I and II (CRI-I and II), Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) and Atherogenic coefficient (AC) are new parameters in assessing cardiovascular risk. In this study we aimed to explore the status of cardiovascular risk factors and their alterations with treatment in manic episode. Bipolar Disorder inpatients who were in manic episode and age-gender matched healthy controls were included in the study. CRI-I, CRI-II, AIP and AC parameters were calculated before and after treatment. The statistical significance level was accepted as p&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.05. Sixty-eight male patients and 60 healthy controls were included in the study. CRI-I, CRI-II, AIP and AC parameters showed an increase after treatment (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001 for all parameters). There was no significant difference between patients and controls in terms of CRI-I and CRI-II and AC (p=0.129, p=0.573, p=0.129 respectively). Although mean AIP levels of patients was significantly lower than control group (p=0.031), the significance disappeared when we compared the patients and controls according to being in low, medium, and high risk groups (χ2=0.826, p=0.662). Even in short term of treatment, antipsychotics have an important role in developing dyslipidemia and increasing cardiovascular risk. Manic state may have positive or at least no additional influences on atherogenic risk.
This study aimed to compare the most common dominant affective temperaments in Ankylosing Spondyl... more This study aimed to compare the most common dominant affective temperaments in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients and investigate the relationship between the dominant affective temperaments and pain levels, disease activity, quality of life, current depression, and anxiety level in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients. [Subjects and Methods] Fifty-one patients diagnosed with axial spondiloartropathy and forty-two age-and gendermatched control subjects were included in this study. Disease duration, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum C-reactive protein, pain by the Visual Analog Scale, disease activity by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, functional status by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; psychological status by the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory and overall health assessment by the Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Scale were assessed in patients. The Turkish version of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Auto Questionnaire was used to determine the dominant affective temperament. [Results] There was no statistical difference in the distribution of temperament subtypes between patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and the controls. Depressive, anxious, and cyclothymic temperament scores were higher in patients with high values on the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index and Visual Analog Scale. There was a correlation between anxious subtypes of affective temperament scores and the value of Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Scale. Correlation analysis also found depressive, cyclothymic, irritable, and anxious temperament and psychiatric symptoms to be significantly related. [Conclusion] Affective temperament may contribute to symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and may increase disease activity and may reduce their quality of life.
Clinical and investigative medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentale, Dec 1, 2016
Facial emotion recognition is a basic element in non-verbal communication. Although some research... more Facial emotion recognition is a basic element in non-verbal communication. Although some researchers have shown that recognizing facial expressions may be important in the interaction between doctors and patients, there are no studies concerning facial emotion recognition in nurses. Here, we aimed to investigate facial emotion recognition ability in nurses and compare the abilities between nurses from psychiatry and other departments. In this cross-sectional study, sixty seven nurses were divided into two groups according to their departments: psychiatry (n=31); and, other departments (n=36). A Facial Emotion Recognition Test, constructed from a set of photographs from Ekman and Friesen's book "Pictures of Facial Affect", was administered to all participants. In whole group, the highest mean accuracy rate of recognizing facial emotion was the happy (99.14%) while the lowest accurately recognized facial expression was fear (47.71%). There were no significant differences...
Thioredoxin is a serum antioxidant that has been investigated in the etiology of schizophrenia. T... more Thioredoxin is a serum antioxidant that has been investigated in the etiology of schizophrenia. The aim of this study is investigating the relationship between serum thioredoxin levels and cognitive functions in acute psychotic episode and remission state patients with schizophrenia; and examining whether there were differences between patients using clozapine and other atypical antipsychotics; including risperidone, olanzapine and amisulpride. This research was performed in schizophrenia patients hospitalized with acute psychotic episode (n=57), reevaluated patients after the initiation of treatment (mean 16 weeks) (n=46), and healthy controls (n=41). Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Clinic Global Impressions Scale, Neuropsychologic test battery to assess cognitive performance, and serum thioredoxin levels measured by ELISA were used in this research. Serum thioredoxin levels were highest in acute psychotic episode, lower in the remission state and the lowest in healthy controls. Significant correlation has been established between serum thioredoxin levels and Trail Making Test-A performance in remission state patients. In conclusion, serum thioredoxin levels were increased in acute psychotic episode and decreased in remission state, and its relationship with attention is worth to consider in schizophrenia patients.
People with schizophrenia have impairments in emotion recognition along with other social cogniti... more People with schizophrenia have impairments in emotion recognition along with other social cognitive deficits. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the immediate benefits of ECT on facial emotion recognition ability. Thirty-two treatment resistant patients with schizophrenia who have been indicated for ECT enrolled in the study. Facial emotion stimuli were a set of 56 photographs that depicted seven basic emotions: sadness, anger, happiness, disgust, surprise, fear, and neutral faces. The average age of the participants was 33.4 ± 10.5 years. The rate of recognizing the disgusted facial expression increased significantly after ECT (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05) and no significant changes were found in the rest of the facial expressions (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; 0.05). After the ECT, the time period of responding to the fear and happy facial expressions were significantly shorter (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05). Facial emotion recognition ability is an important social cognitive skill for social harmony, proper relation and living independently. At least, the ECT sessions do not seem to affect facial emotion recognition ability negatively and seem to improve identifying disgusted facial emotion which is related with dopamine enriched regions in brain.
Stabilized patients who receive clozapine may wish to have children; but studies on pregnant wome... more Stabilized patients who receive clozapine may wish to have children; but studies on pregnant women receiving clozapine treatment are limited. In this study, we report on clozapine use during pregnancy in two women. The first woman (Case 1) had two deliveries while she was receiving clozapine treatment for schizophrenia. Both her deliveries were term, uncomplicated vaginal deliveries, and the clozapine dose was reduced throughout pregnancy. The second woman (Case 2) developed schizophrenia after her first child was born. She became pregnant after clozapine initiation. She delivered twins by term, uncomplicated vaginal delivery. In our cases, no specific risks for the mothers and their children can be attributed to the use of clozapine. Physicians must be aware of the changes in fertility induced by prolactin-sparing drugs. Mothers who receive clozapine treatment should not be advised to breastfeed their children.
Şizofreni hastalarının antioksidan savunma sisteminde bozulma ve majör antioksidan seviyelerinde ... more Şizofreni hastalarının antioksidan savunma sisteminde bozulma ve majör antioksidan seviyelerinde düşme olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Bu doğal izleme çalışması ile, şizofreni veya sanrısal bozukluk tanılı hastalarda, haloperidol ve atipik antipsikotiklerin, potent bir antioksidan olan ürik asit düzeyi üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: En az bir haftadır (depo antipsikotik alanlarda bir aydır) ilaç kullanmayan, tedavisi için haloperidol, klozapin, olanzapin, risperidon, ketiapin veya sülpirid başlanan 64 hastanın istatistiksel analizi yapılmıştır. Hastaların tedavi protokollerine müdahalede bulunulmamıştır. Çalışmanın başlangıcında ve asgari 2 ay sonra, tedavisini düzenli alan hastaların ürik asit değerleri ölçülmüş, vücut/kitle indeksleri hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan hastalar arasında klozapin, olanzapin ve ketiapin kullanan gruplarda kan ürik asit düzeyinde iki ay sonra anlamlı artış bulunmuştur. Risperidon, sülpirid ve haloperidol alan gruplarda çalışma öncesine göre, ürik asit düzeyinde iki ay sonra herhangi bir değişiklik saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Bulgularımıza göre, ürik asit düzeyini yükselten atipik antipsikotiklerin, total antioksidan kapasiteyi güçlendirebileceği ve oksidatif stresi önlemede önemli bir işlev göreceği söylenebilir.
Neurological soft signs (NSS) were studied in some axis-I disorders like schizophrenia, obsessive... more Neurological soft signs (NSS) were studied in some axis-I disorders like schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, alcohol and substance abuse disorder. Aim of this study is detection of neurological soft signs in antisocial personality disorder and relation of these signs with psychopathy. The study was included 41 antisocial men and 41 healthy control subjects. Sociodemographic form, neurological evaluation scale and Hare psychopathy checklist was applied to the antisocial subjects, whereas sociodemographic form and neurological evaluation scale were applied to the controls. Antisocial men exhibited significiantly more NSS in total score and subgroups scales (p<0.05). It was shown that there was a significant association with psychopathy scores and NSS sequencing complex motor tasks (r=0.309; p=0.049) and NSS other tests subgroup scores (r=0.328; p=0.037). Similar relation was also observed in comparison between psychopathy subgroups. NSS accepted as being...
Although emotional cues like facial emotion expressions seem to be important in social interactio... more Although emotional cues like facial emotion expressions seem to be important in social interaction, there is no specific training about emotional cues for psychiatrists. Here, we aimed to investigate psychiatrists&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; ability of facial emotion recognition and relation with their clinical identification as psychotherapy-psychopharmacology oriented or being adult and childhood-adolescent psychiatrist. Facial Emotion Recognition Test was performed to 130 psychiatrists that were constructed by a set of photographs (happy, sad, fearful, angry, surprised, disgusted and neutral faces) from Ekman and Friesen&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s. Psychotherapy oriented adult psychiatrists were significantly better in recognizing sad facial emotion (p=.003) than psychopharmacologists while no significant differences were detected according to therapeutic orientation among child-adolescent psychiatrists (for each, p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;.05). Adult psychiatrists were significantly better in recognizing fearful (p=.012) and disgusted (p=.003) facial emotions than child-adolescent psychiatrists while the latter were better in recognizing angry facial emotion (p=.008). For the first time, we have shown some differences on psychiatrists&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; facial emotion recognition ability according to therapeutic identification and being adult or child-adolescent psychiatrist. It would be valuable to investigate how these differences or training the ability of facial emotion recognition would affect the quality of patient-clinician interaction and treatment related outcomes.
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2015
The aim of the study was to investigate sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people w... more The aim of the study was to investigate sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people with gender dysphoria and differences of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics between female-to-male (FtM) and male-to-female (MtF) transsexual individuals. This study examined retrospectively sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of 139 cases with the diagnosis of gender dysphoria who were willing to undergo sex reassignment surgery and were referred to the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty between 2007-2013. Among 139 patients with gender dysphoria 102 were MtF (73,4%), and 37 patients were FtM (26,6%). In MtFs, rates of working in jobs which do not require high education level, unemployment, being a sex worker (p < 0,001), drug use (p = 0,017), and not having the health insurance (p < 0,001) were found to be significantly higher than FtMs. Rates of receiving psychotherapy for gender dysphoria (p = 0,001) and starting hormone therapy under the supervision of a doctor (...
The aim of this study was to examine the level of lucidity and its relation with metacognitive be... more The aim of this study was to examine the level of lucidity and its relation with metacognitive beliefs and dream anxiety in medical students. Nine hundred sixteen medical students were enrolled in the study. The participants were assessed with the Lucidity and Consciousness in Dreams Scale (LuCiD), the Metacognition Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30), and the Van Dream Anxiety Scale (VDAS). There was no significant difference in mean total lucidity score between females and males, but there were some significant sex differences in subscales of lucidity, and control was significantly higher in male students, while realism, thought, and dissociation were significantly higher in female students. In addition, females had more dream anxiety levels, higher total MCQ-30 scores, and higher cognitive confidence and uncontrollability scores according to Metacognition Questionnaire-30 than males. We also found that the mean lucidity level was positively correlated with the mean total metacognition scor...
Background: Alteration in energy expenditure or metabolism is the most accused risk issue for the... more Background: Alteration in energy expenditure or metabolism is the most accused risk issue for the onset and for the course of neurodegenerative cognitive disorders. Neuropeptides are suggested to be related with learning and memory. Phoenixin (PNX) is the most recently reported neuropeptide and we aimed to compare the plasma level in people with subjective memory complaints, patients with mild cognitive impairment, and mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: Ninety two participants enrolled in the study. After screening tests, all participants were assessed with a neuropsychological battery for further cognitive evaluations. We used ELISA kit to assay the level of Human PNX. Results: Patients with AD were significantly older than people in subjective memory complaint group (p = 0.02). There was no significant difference between groups according to gender (p = 0.435). Mean plasma PNX level was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.279). Mean plasma PNX level in MCI gr...
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Cardiovascular disease is one of the important cause of mortality among patients with Bipolar Dis... more Cardiovascular disease is one of the important cause of mortality among patients with Bipolar Disorder. Castelli Risk index I and II (CRI-I and II), Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP) and Atherogenic coefficient (AC) are new parameters in assessing cardiovascular risk. In this study we aimed to explore the status of cardiovascular risk factors and their alterations with treatment in manic episode. Bipolar Disorder inpatients who were in manic episode and age-gender matched healthy controls were included in the study. CRI-I, CRI-II, AIP and AC parameters were calculated before and after treatment. The statistical significance level was accepted as p&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.05. Sixty-eight male patients and 60 healthy controls were included in the study. CRI-I, CRI-II, AIP and AC parameters showed an increase after treatment (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001 for all parameters). There was no significant difference between patients and controls in terms of CRI-I and CRI-II and AC (p=0.129, p=0.573, p=0.129 respectively). Although mean AIP levels of patients was significantly lower than control group (p=0.031), the significance disappeared when we compared the patients and controls according to being in low, medium, and high risk groups (χ2=0.826, p=0.662). Even in short term of treatment, antipsychotics have an important role in developing dyslipidemia and increasing cardiovascular risk. Manic state may have positive or at least no additional influences on atherogenic risk.
This study aimed to compare the most common dominant affective temperaments in Ankylosing Spondyl... more This study aimed to compare the most common dominant affective temperaments in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients and investigate the relationship between the dominant affective temperaments and pain levels, disease activity, quality of life, current depression, and anxiety level in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients. [Subjects and Methods] Fifty-one patients diagnosed with axial spondiloartropathy and forty-two age-and gendermatched control subjects were included in this study. Disease duration, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum C-reactive protein, pain by the Visual Analog Scale, disease activity by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, functional status by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; psychological status by the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory and overall health assessment by the Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Scale were assessed in patients. The Turkish version of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Auto Questionnaire was used to determine the dominant affective temperament. [Results] There was no statistical difference in the distribution of temperament subtypes between patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and the controls. Depressive, anxious, and cyclothymic temperament scores were higher in patients with high values on the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index and Visual Analog Scale. There was a correlation between anxious subtypes of affective temperament scores and the value of Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Scale. Correlation analysis also found depressive, cyclothymic, irritable, and anxious temperament and psychiatric symptoms to be significantly related. [Conclusion] Affective temperament may contribute to symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and may increase disease activity and may reduce their quality of life.
Clinical and investigative medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentale, Dec 1, 2016
Facial emotion recognition is a basic element in non-verbal communication. Although some research... more Facial emotion recognition is a basic element in non-verbal communication. Although some researchers have shown that recognizing facial expressions may be important in the interaction between doctors and patients, there are no studies concerning facial emotion recognition in nurses. Here, we aimed to investigate facial emotion recognition ability in nurses and compare the abilities between nurses from psychiatry and other departments. In this cross-sectional study, sixty seven nurses were divided into two groups according to their departments: psychiatry (n=31); and, other departments (n=36). A Facial Emotion Recognition Test, constructed from a set of photographs from Ekman and Friesen's book "Pictures of Facial Affect", was administered to all participants. In whole group, the highest mean accuracy rate of recognizing facial emotion was the happy (99.14%) while the lowest accurately recognized facial expression was fear (47.71%). There were no significant differences...
Thioredoxin is a serum antioxidant that has been investigated in the etiology of schizophrenia. T... more Thioredoxin is a serum antioxidant that has been investigated in the etiology of schizophrenia. The aim of this study is investigating the relationship between serum thioredoxin levels and cognitive functions in acute psychotic episode and remission state patients with schizophrenia; and examining whether there were differences between patients using clozapine and other atypical antipsychotics; including risperidone, olanzapine and amisulpride. This research was performed in schizophrenia patients hospitalized with acute psychotic episode (n=57), reevaluated patients after the initiation of treatment (mean 16 weeks) (n=46), and healthy controls (n=41). Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Clinic Global Impressions Scale, Neuropsychologic test battery to assess cognitive performance, and serum thioredoxin levels measured by ELISA were used in this research. Serum thioredoxin levels were highest in acute psychotic episode, lower in the remission state and the lowest in healthy controls. Significant correlation has been established between serum thioredoxin levels and Trail Making Test-A performance in remission state patients. In conclusion, serum thioredoxin levels were increased in acute psychotic episode and decreased in remission state, and its relationship with attention is worth to consider in schizophrenia patients.
People with schizophrenia have impairments in emotion recognition along with other social cogniti... more People with schizophrenia have impairments in emotion recognition along with other social cognitive deficits. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the immediate benefits of ECT on facial emotion recognition ability. Thirty-two treatment resistant patients with schizophrenia who have been indicated for ECT enrolled in the study. Facial emotion stimuli were a set of 56 photographs that depicted seven basic emotions: sadness, anger, happiness, disgust, surprise, fear, and neutral faces. The average age of the participants was 33.4 ± 10.5 years. The rate of recognizing the disgusted facial expression increased significantly after ECT (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05) and no significant changes were found in the rest of the facial expressions (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; 0.05). After the ECT, the time period of responding to the fear and happy facial expressions were significantly shorter (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05). Facial emotion recognition ability is an important social cognitive skill for social harmony, proper relation and living independently. At least, the ECT sessions do not seem to affect facial emotion recognition ability negatively and seem to improve identifying disgusted facial emotion which is related with dopamine enriched regions in brain.
Stabilized patients who receive clozapine may wish to have children; but studies on pregnant wome... more Stabilized patients who receive clozapine may wish to have children; but studies on pregnant women receiving clozapine treatment are limited. In this study, we report on clozapine use during pregnancy in two women. The first woman (Case 1) had two deliveries while she was receiving clozapine treatment for schizophrenia. Both her deliveries were term, uncomplicated vaginal deliveries, and the clozapine dose was reduced throughout pregnancy. The second woman (Case 2) developed schizophrenia after her first child was born. She became pregnant after clozapine initiation. She delivered twins by term, uncomplicated vaginal delivery. In our cases, no specific risks for the mothers and their children can be attributed to the use of clozapine. Physicians must be aware of the changes in fertility induced by prolactin-sparing drugs. Mothers who receive clozapine treatment should not be advised to breastfeed their children.
Şizofreni hastalarının antioksidan savunma sisteminde bozulma ve majör antioksidan seviyelerinde ... more Şizofreni hastalarının antioksidan savunma sisteminde bozulma ve majör antioksidan seviyelerinde düşme olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Bu doğal izleme çalışması ile, şizofreni veya sanrısal bozukluk tanılı hastalarda, haloperidol ve atipik antipsikotiklerin, potent bir antioksidan olan ürik asit düzeyi üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: En az bir haftadır (depo antipsikotik alanlarda bir aydır) ilaç kullanmayan, tedavisi için haloperidol, klozapin, olanzapin, risperidon, ketiapin veya sülpirid başlanan 64 hastanın istatistiksel analizi yapılmıştır. Hastaların tedavi protokollerine müdahalede bulunulmamıştır. Çalışmanın başlangıcında ve asgari 2 ay sonra, tedavisini düzenli alan hastaların ürik asit değerleri ölçülmüş, vücut/kitle indeksleri hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan hastalar arasında klozapin, olanzapin ve ketiapin kullanan gruplarda kan ürik asit düzeyinde iki ay sonra anlamlı artış bulunmuştur. Risperidon, sülpirid ve haloperidol alan gruplarda çalışma öncesine göre, ürik asit düzeyinde iki ay sonra herhangi bir değişiklik saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Bulgularımıza göre, ürik asit düzeyini yükselten atipik antipsikotiklerin, total antioksidan kapasiteyi güçlendirebileceği ve oksidatif stresi önlemede önemli bir işlev göreceği söylenebilir.
Neurological soft signs (NSS) were studied in some axis-I disorders like schizophrenia, obsessive... more Neurological soft signs (NSS) were studied in some axis-I disorders like schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, alcohol and substance abuse disorder. Aim of this study is detection of neurological soft signs in antisocial personality disorder and relation of these signs with psychopathy. The study was included 41 antisocial men and 41 healthy control subjects. Sociodemographic form, neurological evaluation scale and Hare psychopathy checklist was applied to the antisocial subjects, whereas sociodemographic form and neurological evaluation scale were applied to the controls. Antisocial men exhibited significiantly more NSS in total score and subgroups scales (p<0.05). It was shown that there was a significant association with psychopathy scores and NSS sequencing complex motor tasks (r=0.309; p=0.049) and NSS other tests subgroup scores (r=0.328; p=0.037). Similar relation was also observed in comparison between psychopathy subgroups. NSS accepted as being...
Although emotional cues like facial emotion expressions seem to be important in social interactio... more Although emotional cues like facial emotion expressions seem to be important in social interaction, there is no specific training about emotional cues for psychiatrists. Here, we aimed to investigate psychiatrists&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; ability of facial emotion recognition and relation with their clinical identification as psychotherapy-psychopharmacology oriented or being adult and childhood-adolescent psychiatrist. Facial Emotion Recognition Test was performed to 130 psychiatrists that were constructed by a set of photographs (happy, sad, fearful, angry, surprised, disgusted and neutral faces) from Ekman and Friesen&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s. Psychotherapy oriented adult psychiatrists were significantly better in recognizing sad facial emotion (p=.003) than psychopharmacologists while no significant differences were detected according to therapeutic orientation among child-adolescent psychiatrists (for each, p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;.05). Adult psychiatrists were significantly better in recognizing fearful (p=.012) and disgusted (p=.003) facial emotions than child-adolescent psychiatrists while the latter were better in recognizing angry facial emotion (p=.008). For the first time, we have shown some differences on psychiatrists&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; facial emotion recognition ability according to therapeutic identification and being adult or child-adolescent psychiatrist. It would be valuable to investigate how these differences or training the ability of facial emotion recognition would affect the quality of patient-clinician interaction and treatment related outcomes.
Papers by Murat Emul