Papers by Muntasir Muntasir

Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA
Riset ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja perawat dari pendidikan, m... more Riset ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja perawat dari pendidikan, masa kerja, pelatihan, umur sistem penghargaan dan motivasi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Baāa Kabupaten Rote Ndao. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Cross sectional merupakan jenis penelitian yang menekankan waktu pengukuran/ observasi data antara variabel dependen dan independen hanya sekali dalam satu waktu tertentu.Maka hasil yang diperoleh saat penelitian, adalah: 1). Salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan produktifitas atau kinerja perawat adalah pendidikan formal perawat; 2). Perawat yang memperoleh pelatihan untuk peningkatan kinerja yaitu pelatihan wajib, dasar keperawatan, manajemen keperawatan, kompetensi khusus, akreditasirumah sakit; 3). Pada awal bekerja, perawat memiliki kepuasan kerja yang lebih, dan semakin menurun seiring bertambahnya waktu secara bertahap lima atau delapan tahun dan meningkat kembali setelah masa lebi...

EAS Journal of Parasitology and Infectious Diseases
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various fields of life, especially in the health secto... more The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various fields of life, especially in the health sector. Health workers are at the forefront of dealing directly with patients so that they are most affected by the transmission of Covid-19, the transmission of Covid-19 transmission to health workers has become an issue in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021-2022 at the Naibonat Health Center, 28 health workers were confirmed positive for Covid-19. The increase in these cases of course raises problems, especially the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers which is very minimal. This study aims to describe the prevention of Covid-19 in health workers at the Naibonat Public Health Center in 2021, the type of descriptive research with purposive sampling technique. This study involved 6 health workers. Data collection techniques used by interviews, documentation, and distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis used qualitatively. The results showed that th...

East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences
The term āhealthā refers to a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being... more The term āhealthā refers to a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being that enables people to function effectively in both the social and economic spheres. Since everyone's health is related to other things, it is very important that people have access to high quality health care. One of the ways that Puskesmas, which stands for Community Health Services, works to provide the best level of public health in its area is by prioritizing activities that promote and prevent disease. In the context of health services, quality refers to the ability of health services to meet the needs and expectations of all consumers in accordance with professional standards and ethical principles. One month was spent at the Oka Health Center for examinations. Patients at the Oka Health Center were asked to rate their satisfaction with the level of service they received. A cross-sectional study was used in conjunction with quantitative methods in this study. This study used ...

Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 2020
Background: Pneumonia is an infection of the respiratory system, especially the lungs, which is a... more Background: Pneumonia is an infection of the respiratory system, especially the lungs, which is associated with increased fluid in the alveoli followed by fever and rapid breathing. Under-five pneumonia sufferers in Indonesia in 2017 reached 447,431 cases (46.34%) and caused death in 1,351 under-five sufferers. The study aimed to determine the risk factors for the incidences of pneumonia in children at Regional Public Hospital of Lewoleba, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at the Lewoleba Regional Hospital in 2020. The population of the study was 1,023 toddlers. This study used purposive sampling to select a sample of 126 toddlers. The dependent variable of this study was pneumonia. The independent variable of this study was the history of asthma. Data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regressions. Results: Had history of asthma and cigarette smoke exposure increased the risk of pneumonia (p<0.001). Conclusion: Has history of asthma and cigarette smoke exposure increased the risk of pneumonia. Children with a history of asthma have a risk of having respiratory disorders, impaired mucus and ciliated cell integrity, and decreased local and systemic humoral / cellular immunity.

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), Feb 20, 2021
Population explosive growth has still become an unfinished Issue in this age. The vast growth of ... more Population explosive growth has still become an unfinished Issue in this age. The vast growth of the population is because of the high level of population growth rate. Indonesia is one of the developing nations with a large population and high population growth rate. This study aims to identify factors related to the use of implants as a contraceptive family planning method. This study was using an analytic cross-sectional design on 392 women of reproductive age. The variable analyzed in this study support was collected using a structured questionnaire. Variables with significant statistic correlation on implant use were age (p=0.005), education (0.000), knowledge (0.000), culture (0.016), information obtain from health professionals (p= 0.000), and spouse&#39;s support (p=0.000). The most impactful variable on implant contraceptive method was the information obtain from health workers.

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2022
One of the public health problems is smoking behavior that occurs in various circles of society i... more One of the public health problems is smoking behavior that occurs in various circles of society in Indonesia, therefore it is necessary to conduct counseling to provide awareness of the dangers of smoking to health. This community service is carried out with the intention of students understanding the efforts to anticipate the calamity of smoking on health, also active for disseminate it to the family environment, learning environment, and society. The stages of community service are carried out by preparation, implementation, and evaluation activities. Furthermore, the acquisition of service activities is presented descriptively and narratively. The results of service activities are based on knowledge measurement through measurements before and after the activity. The measurement results before the participants' activities gave a score of 80.88% from 130 participants. There are 15 question points, the most incorrect responses are on questions related to the catastrophe of smoki...

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a contagious disease and often appears to be Extraordinary Even... more Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a contagious disease and often appears to be Extraordinary Event as it spreads very fast and can cause death. Efforts to prevent DHF can be done by breaking up the life cycle of chemical vectors by utilizing lime leaves (citrus aurantifolia) and galangal rhizomes (Alpinagalanga) which have the potential as natural larvicides because they contain chemical compounds consisting of limonoids, flavonoids and phenols. The City of Kupang is a yearly endemic area of dengue where the case of the disease has increased in the last three years. This study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of the combination of the concentration of lime leaf extract and galangal rhizome on the mortality of Aedesaegypti larvae. This type of research is a pure experiment using a completely Randomized Design as the research design. There were three treatments of concentration used, namely 0% concentration, LC50 combination of lime leaf extract and galangal rhizome, LC90 com...

EAS Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2020
An analysis of Continuity of Care implementation at Tarus and Baumata Public Health Center, Kupan... more An analysis of Continuity of Care implementation at Tarus and Baumata Public Health Center, Kupang Regency was conducted to analyze the implementation of midwifery care during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum towards quality midwifery care acts partially and simultaneously. This study is a mixed method study using a concurrent model. This research used quantitative research using cross sectional design and qualitative research using case control design. Samples were 52 mothers who had babies aged 40 days to 2 months at Tarus and Baumata Public Health center taken using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire and interview methods, documentation, recording, and recording to support the data. Hypothesis test results showed that H 1 , H 2 and H 4 are accepted but H 2 is rejected. The results showed that midwifery care during pregnancy and postpartum had a partial effect on midwifery care quality which have Sig. value 0,000 < 0,05, while midwifery care during childbirth has no partial effect on midwifery care quality which have Sig. value 0,271 > 0,05. However, midwifery care during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum have an effect on midwifery care quality simultaneously which have Sig. value 0,000 < 0, 05. Midwifery care during pregnancy and postpartum have been carried out in accordance with the standards of midwifery care quality at Tarus and Baumata Public Health Centre. Meanwhile, midwifery care during childbirth has not been carried out according to midwifery care quality standards.
Strengthening Hospital Competitiveness to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Better Health Outcomes, 2019
Background: The inability to measure workload and productivity effectively and efficiently in hos... more Background: The inability to measure workload and productivity effectively and efficiently in hospital pharmacies has been a long-standing problem in this profession. In an effort to improve productivity and quality pharmaceutical services, human resources are the main input in providing effective and quality services. This study aimed to assess the workload and the need for pharmaceutical staff at Samuel J Moeda Naval Hos

Strengthening Hospital Competitiveness to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Better Health Outcomes, 2019
Background: Elderly people are at risk for diseases and disabling conditions. Therefore, they nee... more Background: Elderly people are at risk for diseases and disabling conditions. Therefore, they need to use more medical care services and incur medical expenses. Social support has an important role in modulating the clinical impact of underlying disease and is often the major determinant in decisions to visit health service. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social support and visit to the elderly integrated health service post in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: A cross sectional study was carried out at 12 elderly integrated health posts (posyandu) in Baun health center, West Amarasi, Kupang, West Nusa Tenggara. A sample of 189 elderly was selected by proportional random sampling. The dependent variable was posyandu visit. The independent variable was social support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi square. Results: Weak social support decreased the probability of posyandu visit (OR= 0.14; 95% CI= 2.95 to 26.21; p<0.001). Conclusion: Weak social support decreased posyandu visit.

Has done conducted research studies the use of oxidizing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the reductio... more Has done conducted research studies the use of oxidizing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the reduction of cyanide levels in the wastewater. Parameters measured were the optimum concentration of hydrogen peroxide, pH optimum, optimum contact time between Hydrogen Peroxide with wastewater in reducing the cyanide content. Cyanide obtained from steam distillation of liquid waste and assay using 0.02 N silver nitrate. Variations in the concentration used was 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm, 400 ppm and 500 ppm; pH variation is (7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and the variation of contact time are: 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. The results showed early treatment of cyanide content of 50.22% w/w and experienced a reduction after the addition of H2O2 concentration of 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm, 400 ppm and 500 ppm; variations in pH is 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the variation of contact time are: 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. The optimum treatment is the optimum concentration of H2O2 at 500 ppm with a reduction in levels of 36.40% w/w, pH Optimum pH 8 with reduced levels of 40.91% and an optimum contact time at 60 minutes with a reduction in levels of 37.09% w/w

Activities of implementing research results for many audiences have been carried out in the form ... more Activities of implementing research results for many audiences have been carried out in the form of socialization of the delivery of scientific knowledge material in the form of counseling and strengthening hygiene and health behavior for informal sector workers in order to remain productive during the situation and conditions of the 2019 Covid pandemic in Lasiana Kupang Ntt which have been carried out efficiently and carefully. . Community service method with the following stages: 1) planning and design of activities; 2) supply of materials as needed; 3) pre-implementation preparation and implementation of activities; 4) delivery of counseling materials and socialization of strengthening the character of hygiene and health behavior for informal sector workers to remain productive during the situation and conditions of the 2019 Covid pandemic in Lasiana, Kupang Ntt; 5) questions and answers and brainstorming and suggestions from implementers and target partners; 6) Field monitoring ...

Optimation studies have been conducted using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the reduction of cyanide... more Optimation studies have been conducted using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the reduction of cyanide levels in the wastewater. Parameters studied were the optimum concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the optimum pH and optimum contact time between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with wastewater in reducing the cyanide content. Cyanide obtained from steam distillation of liquid waste and the assay using 0.02N silver nitrate. Concentration used were 500 ppm, 400 ppm, 300 ppm, 200 ppm and 100 ppm; pH range is (7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and the variation of the contact time is: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. The result of the research reveals at early treatment the cyanide content is 50,22% w / w and underwend a reduction in levels after addition of various concentrations of H2O2; variations in pH variation of contact time. Optimum condition treatment at 500 ppm of H2O2Ā basicity at pH 8 and contact time for 60 minutes result reduction of cyanide level of 36,40% w/w, 40,91% w/w and 37,09% w/...

EAS Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2020
Quick Response Code Abstract: Analysis of factors affecting the achievement of complete basic imm... more Quick Response Code Abstract: Analysis of factors affecting the achievement of complete basic immunization for babies at the Weliman Public Health Center, Malaka was conducted to analyze the implementation of the immunization program. This research is a quantitative study using a cross sectional design. The sample in this study were mothers who had babies aged 9-12 months at Weliman Public Health Center, totaling 97 respondents and were taken using purposive sampling technique.Data analysis used simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was an influence of predisposing factors, namely motherās knowledge (p = 0.016), motherās attitude (p = 0.019), motherās education (p = 0.001), and motherās occupation (p = 0.000). The results of the multivariate analysis test showed that there was an effect of motherās attitudes (p = 0.039), motherās education (p = 0.002), and motherās work (p = 0.008) on this.The variable wi...

The Department of Pharmacy is a part of the hospital that is responsible for managing drugs which... more The Department of Pharmacy is a part of the hospital that is responsible for managing drugs which includes the selection, procurement, distribution and use of drugs. This study aims to analyze the level of efficiency of drug management in the Pharmacy Department of Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV) Dili. TimorLeste. The research uses descriptive designs for retrospective and concurrent data. Retrospective observations include planning and drug use reports, financial reports, drug procurement reports, invoices, stocktaking reports. Concurrent observation includes the average waiting time for patient prescription services. Data is collected quantitatively and qualitatively. Data obtained from all stages of drug management in the Pharmacy Department of the HNGV Dili were analyzed by efficiency indicators using the Ministry of Health indicators (2008) and WHO (1993) when compared with other standards or research results. The results of the study show that the management system th...

International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2020
Background: Changes in the orientation of pharmaceutical services from drug management to compreh... more Background: Changes in the orientation of pharmaceutical services from drug management to comprehensive patient care, demands optimization of the role of pharmacists in the Kupang City Pharmacy. This study aims to analyze the effect of professional pharmacist services on the quality of pharmacy services in the city of Kupang.Methods: The research design used was cross sectional. The population of this study were all patients who received services at private pharmacies in Kupang City. The population was divided into 2 clusters with 3-5 and 6-10 patients per day. The sample consisted of a sample of pharmacies and patients who brought prescriptions for each cluster. Retrieval of data by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis was performed by univariate, bivariate and mutivariate.Results: Univariate analysis showed a difference in the frequency of the variables for each cluster. Cluster visits 6-10 patients per day, the value of the variable was higher than the cluster visits 3-5 pa...

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), Apr 7, 2020
Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan anak didik SMP dan SMA dalam meningkatkan... more Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan anak didik SMP dan SMA dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan memainkan peralatan musik tradisional sasando daun etnik NTT sebagai salah satu cara dan upaya menjaga dan melestarikan budaya lokal terutama alat musik tradisional. Metode pelaksanaan didesain berdasarkan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat meliputi identifikasi sekolah dan peserta sasaran, persiapan alat dan bahan pelatihan, pemberian materi, pengenalan alat musik tradisional sasando daun, pengenalan nada dan bunyi, pelatihan dan penggunaan alat musik tradisonal sasando daun, dan monitoring dan evaluasi serta keberlanjutan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada siswa SMP Katolik St. Familia dan SMA Kristen Generasi Unggul Kupang masing-masing 20 orang. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peserta sebanyak 40 orang mampu memainkan alat musik tradisional Sasando daun dengan mahir, terampil dan baik. Diharapkan dengan adanya anak didik 40 orang siswa akan mampu mengarahkan dan memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik lain untuk memainkan alat musik tradisional sasando daun sehingga mampu melestarikan budaya etnik NTT terutama menjaga kemampuan memainkan alat musik ini. Untuk keberlanjutan kegiatan semua peserta didik ini akan diikutkan dalam penampilan permainan alat musik tradisional Sasando daun dalam berbagai even di Kupang dan luar Kupang, dan dibentuk Unit Sanggar Seni Musik Sasando Tradisional.

American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2016
In this study, the elimination of cyanide by the addition of hydrogen peroxide and calcium hypoch... more In this study, the elimination of cyanide by the addition of hydrogen peroxide and calcium hypochlorite was investigated. This study was conducted to determine the optimum conditions of H 2 O 2 and Ca(OCl) 2 : concentration, pH and contact time, and the combined ratio of concentration H 2 O 2 with Ca(OCl) 2 to remove cyanide in gold mining wastewater. Cyanide obtained by steam distillation of wastewater by steam distillation and Barnstead electromantel and assay using 0.02N silver nitrate. The results showed that the cyanide level was 50.22% w/v. The optimum conditions were obtained when the concentration of H 2 O 2 at 500 ppm, pH 8 within 60 minutes contact time and Ca(OCl) 2 concentration was at 500 ppm, pH 8 within 60 minutes contact time. The best cyanide removal was obtained at the concentration ratio of 5:5 amounting to 45.76% w/v.

Lontar : Journal of Community Health, 2020
Quality is an important factor in health services. Bakunase Health Center is one of the primary a... more Quality is an important factor in health services. Bakunase Health Center is one of the primary accredited health centers in Kupang City. Based on data from the Health Department, there has been a decrease in the number of visits over the last three years. This happens due to external factors and internal factors. The external factor is the increasing degree of public health, while the internal factor is the decrease in the patientsā commitment to treatment. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of outpatient satisfaction with the quality of health services at Bakunase Health Center of Kupang City in 2020. This was a descriptive survey with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was all patients who visited and used outpatient services at Bakunase Health Center in Kupang City from January to October 2019. Accidental sampling was used in selecting the samples from each outpatient sub-group in 7 polyclinics at Bakunase Health Center using inclusion and excl...

This activity promotes the development of traditional Sasando and Sasando electric production and... more This activity promotes the development of traditional Sasando and Sasando electric production and design as an effort to maintain and preserve local culture with a research approach and community service in the electric edon sasando partner industry in kupang. The partner industry experienced a variety of problems, especially in the production process, procurement of raw materials, facilities and facilities for production, marketing and promotion while the demand for electric Sasando musical instruments was in great demand of the Local Market, National and International. In Production still use simple and limited equipment so that the product is finally a little. The methods used in this program are the stages of preparing work plans, implementing programs, determining performance indicators, implementing monitoring and evaluation and mentoring and preparing the final program report. The results of this service program resulted in a tranducer component, Spul Sasando Tester with high...
Papers by Muntasir Muntasir
Keywords: leprosy, factors related to leprosy, Bakunase.