Papers by Caroline Mundia

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 2015
This study was conducted to find out the effect of Information Systems on Upstream Supply Chain M... more This study was conducted to find out the effect of Information Systems on Upstream Supply Chain Management. It determined the effect of ERO on Upstream Supply Chain Management and the effect of EDI on Upstream Supply Chain Management among supermarkets within Nakuru town. This study involved all the 9 supermarkets in Nakuru town. The primary data on information systems, enterprise resource planning and upstream supply chain management was collected using structured questionnaires with research items on each of the variables. Collected data was analyzed using a regression analysis to establish the effect of Enterprise Resource Planning and Electronic Data Interchange on Upstream Supply Chain Management. The results of the study will be shown using tables. The study findings revealed that ERP has statistically insignificant effect on Upstream Supply Chain Management while EDI has significant positive effect on Upstream Supply Chain. The recommended that organizations, especially fast moving inventory should take a strategic approach to adoption of information systems concerned with supply chain management.

International Journal of Economics Finance and Management Sciences, 2015
Sustainability in business operations continues to attract much attention in the business environ... more Sustainability in business operations continues to attract much attention in the business environment and so is among researchers. This is due to the benefits organizations enjoy when they achieve internal sustainability. While most organizations adopt sustainable business practices for various reasons; to improve performance and to be responsive to stakeholders' demands, some organizations just adopt these strategies s a formality. In developing countries for instance, most organizations do not take a strategic approach to sustainability in internal business organizations. It is clear that studies need to be conducted on sustainability so that recommendations can be made to management of processing and manufacturing firms to enhance sustainability. This study sought to establish the level to which sisal processing firms in Nakuru County adopt sustainable procurement activities and further compare the level of adoption between the two major sisal processing firms in Nakuru County; Athinai Sisal Estate Lomolo (1962) Ltd. The study adopted a comparative study design and was guided by four objectives; To compare the level Supply Chain Efficiency between Athinai Sisal Estate and Lomolo (1962) Ltd., To compare Supply Chain Risk Management practices between Athinai Sisal Estate Lomolo (1962) Ltd., To compare attention to Stakeholder's Expectation and Awareness between Athinai Sisal Estate Lomolo (1962) Ltd. And To compare Supply Chain Organizational Policy Commitment between Athinai Sisal Estate Lomolo (1962) Ltd. The study findings revealed that the two firms adopt similar sustainable procurement activities. However, Athinai Sisal Estate was found to adopt these practices at much higher level. The study recommended that the processing and manufacturing organizations build sustainability in the internal business operations and take a strategic approach to sustainability. Sustainability in operations should not be left functional areas. It should be management led and should be a cross the organization. The researchers suggested that further studies should be done on other sustainable business practices such as reverse logistics, just in time and green supply chain management as well as establish the role of these practices in operational and other aspects of organizational performance.

Background Supply chain strategies play the role of helping firms achieve efficiency and effectiv... more Background Supply chain strategies play the role of helping firms achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. The le-agile supply chin strategy combines both lean and agile supply chain concepts. The study focused on the effect of supply chain management practices on operational performance and the mediating effect of le-agile supply chain strategy on the relationship between supply chain management practices and operational performance. Previous studies have been carried out in Asia, America, and Europe, while studies carried out on Kenyan manufacturing firms are scanty. This study seeks to bridge this gap. Methodology A cross-sectional survey was adopted and data was collected between November 2019 and February 2020. Stratified random sampling was used to select a sample of 154 out of 410 large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The data was cleaned coded and analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Mediated regression analysis was per...

European Journal of Business and Management
Covid-19 pandemic has had severe effects in economies, businesses and livelihoods. In fact, the p... more Covid-19 pandemic has had severe effects in economies, businesses and livelihoods. In fact, the pandemic has significantly slowed down all economies with World Health Organization (WHO) projecting that global trade may reduce by between 13% and 32% in 2020. In Kenya, service sector is the most hit sector, with learning institutions suspending physical learning, close to 80% of hotels suspending operations and small scale service providers leaning operations. However, this study is focused on the positive side of the pandemic. The paper documents technology shifts observed in Kenya during Covid-19 pandemic and identify, empirically, the operational benefits that could possibly be realized through such technologies. The study establishes that while Covid-19 had disastrous effects on businesses and individuals, the pandemic has pushed Kenyans and Kenyan organizations towards technology adoption as witnessed through technology shift during the period. This study serves as preliminary review. Its findings inform a full study that will focus on technology adoption throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering, 2013
This paper explored the effect of Benchmarking practices on performance of public secondary schoo... more This paper explored the effect of Benchmarking practices on performance of public secondary schools in Nakuru Municipality. The study used a cross-sectional survey to study the four Benchmarking practices i.e. Internal, Competitive, Functional and Generic/Process benchmarking. Pearson Correlation model was used to analyze the data to determine the effect of Benchmarking practices on performance. The specific objective of the study was to establish the effect of Benchmarking practices on performance of public secondary schools in Nakuru Municipality. Data was collected from 152 respondents who were Head teachers and Heads of Departments drawn from the 22 public secondary schools in Nakuru Municipality. Study findings indicate that practices of Benchmarking practices such as internal benchmarking, competitive benchmarking, functional benchmarking and process benchmarking were positively correlated to the level of performance achieved. The study was only limited to academic performance...

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
This study was informed by the literature gap on the relationship between sustainable logistics a... more This study was informed by the literature gap on the relationship between sustainable logistics and operational performance, especially among processing firms in Kenya. It aimed at establishing the influence of sustainable logistics on operational performance of timber processing firms in Nakuru County. Data for the study was collected from Comply Company. This was a cross sectional survey where data was collected at single point in time for the purpose of the study. The study involved employees in procurement, finance and marketing departments of Comply Company as respondents. Data for the study were collected by aid of structured questionnaires that were checked for validity and reliability before actual data collection. Collected data were coded, cleared and analysis through statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). Regression analysis with one tailed t-test ware used to establish the relationship between Sustainable Inbound Logistics, Sustainable Outbound Logistics and Operational Performance. The findings revealed that there is significant positive influence of Sustainable Inbound Logistics and Sustainable Outbound Logistics on Operational Performance. The study recommends that manufacturing and processing organizations should consider sustainable logistics activities in their operations if they are to achieve improved operational performance. The study further suggests that study be conducted to explore on sustainable logistics activities that would be used to achieve operations improvement in service industry.
Papers by Caroline Mundia