Garlic has been used as medicinal herb due to their therapeutic activities. These activities are ... more Garlic has been used as medicinal herb due to their therapeutic activities. These activities are linked with presence of bioactive compounds such as diallyl trisulfide (DATS), allicin, diallyl sulfide (DAS), Allyl mercaptan (AM), and diallyl disulfide (DADS). The current review article summarized the chemo-preventive role of garlic along with their bioactive compounds against different human cancers including colon, liver, breast, pancreatic and gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer. They also have been working as to restrain the different cancer stages such as initial, promotion and progression stages. Garlic polyphenols lower the blood glucose level through various pathways such as prevention from the damage of β-cells, lower the insulin resistance, enhance the insulin sensitivity and secretion, and suppress the activities of glucosidase enzymes. Further, they also suppress the lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide synthetase activity, epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, protein kinase c, enzyme activity, survival signaling (IKK, NIK and AKT), NF-kB activity, and cell cycle regulation. In addition, more researchers by the researchers open the new horizons in the field of medicine.
Marine bioactives: potentials to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disorders
Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2018
Marine organisms are primary source of bioactive compounds for nutraceuticals industries. These b... more Marine organisms are primary source of bioactive compounds for nutraceuticals industries. These bioactives can be extracted from different marine sources including animals and plants. These compounds are considered as safer alternatives to some existing synthetic drugs as they exhibit significant biological properties which contribute to their nutraceutical potential. In the present scenario, some marine derived bioactive compounds are being marketed as good and safer drugs for health and some of them are subjected under advance investigation in clinical trials. Marine bioactives include peptides, fatty acids, carbohydrates especially sulfated polysaccharides (SPs). These are useful in food industries and perform the healing functions like anti-hyperlipedimic, antioxidant, antidiabetic and these all functions contribute towards cardiac protection. Current review focuses the recent research on bioactives from different marine sources to protect one's cardiac health.
Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptide... more Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptides, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Previously, seaweeds were only used as gelling and thickening agents in the food or pharmaceutical industries, recent researches have revealed their potential as complementary medicine. The red, brown and green seaweeds have been shown to have therapeutic properties for health and disease management, such as anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiestrogenic, thyroid stimulating, neuroprotective, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and tissue healing properties. In proposed chapter, we discussed various active compounds include sulphated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, carotenoids (e.g. fucoxanthin), minerals, peptides and sulfolipids, with proven benefits against degenerative metabolic diseases. Moreover, therapeu...
The Water And Sanitation Extension program (WASEP) of Aga Khan Planning and Building Service Paki... more The Water And Sanitation Extension program (WASEP) of Aga Khan Planning and Building Service Pakistan has been implementing water supply projects to improve the traditional water delivery systems for drinking purposes since 1998 aiming to reduce water borne diseases. In this connection 105 water supply systems have been implemented in rural communities of its program area with the financial assistance of KfW of Germany. Improved delivery systems were monitored for bacteriological quality through a series of sampling frequency from 1998 to 2002. The water quality monitoring program was developed locally consisting two phases, pre and post intervention. During pre intervention the Bacteriological contamination level was found to be very high in existing delivery systems with an average of 16% samples matching WHO guidelines for developing countries (0-10 E.coli/100 ml). However during post intervention the bacteriological quality of water at system level significantly improved with 86...
Functional Nonalcoholic Beverages: A Global Trend Toward a Healthy Life
Non-Alcoholic Beverages, 2019
In recent times, there has been growing recognition of the key role of foods and beverages in dis... more In recent times, there has been growing recognition of the key role of foods and beverages in disease prevention and treatment. Thus, the production and consumption of functional foods has gained much importance as they provide a health benefit beyond the basic nutritional functions. At present, beverages are by far the most active functional food category because of convenience and possibility to meet consumer demands for container contents, size, shape, and appearance, as well as ease of distribution and storage for refrigerated and shelf-stable products. Moreover, they are an excellent delivering means for nutrients and bioactive compounds including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, ?-3 fatty acids, plant extracts, and fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics. However, with respect to these potential bioactive compounds, these beverages exhibit functional and medicinal properties including antidiabetic, anticardiovascular disease, and anticancer. This chapter reports on the scientific a...
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good crop stand and plant population, use of allelochemicals and biocontrol agents (Rhynchosporium alismatis, Curvularia tuberculate, Dactylaria higginsii, Exserohilum monoceras, Setosphaeria rostrate etc.) in the form of bioherbicides to control the noxious weed biota like Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crus-galli, Trianthema portulacastrum, Cyperus rotundus, Scirpus maritimus, Cynodon dactylon should be studied and used in an integrated approach under direct seeded rice production system.
Exploring the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia in rat experimental models
Nutrition & Food Science
Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocy... more Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia, i.e. decrease in platelet count. Design/methodology/approach Male Sprague Dawley rats were used to evaluate therapeutic potential of apple extracts. Diets enriched with apple fruit and seed’s ethanolic extract were provided to normal and KBrO3-induced thrombocytopenic rats for 60 days. KBrO3 was administered at level of 85 mg/Kg of body weight of rats to intentionally decrease the platelet count. Platelet count and other hematological parameters were monitored at monthly intervals to evaluate therapeutic effect of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia. Findings The results of current research portrayed that both apple seed and fruit extracts enriched diets increased the platelet count significantly (p < 0.05) in thrombocytopenic rats. It was observed that apple fruit extract-enriched diet (AFE) raised the platelet count to 14.72 and 33.07 per cent in normal and thrombocytop...
Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptide... more Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptides, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Previously, seaweeds were only used as gelling and thickening agents in the food or pharmaceutical industries, recent researches have revealed their potential as complementary medicine. The red, brown and green seaweeds have been shown to have therapeutic properties for health and disease management, such as anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiestrogenic, thyroid stimulating, neuroprotective, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and tissue healing properties. In proposed chapter, we discussed various active compounds include sulphated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, carotenoids (e.g. fucoxanthin), minerals, peptides and sulfolipids, with proven benefits against degenerative metabolic diseases. Moreover, therapeutic modes of action of these bioactive components and their reports are summarized in this chapter.
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good c...
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good c...
Garlic has been used as medicinal herb due to their therapeutic activities. These activities are ... more Garlic has been used as medicinal herb due to their therapeutic activities. These activities are linked with presence of bioactive compounds such as diallyl trisulfide (DATS), allicin, diallyl sulfide (DAS), Allyl mercaptan (AM), and diallyl disulfide (DADS). The current review article summarized the chemo-preventive role of garlic along with their bioactive compounds against different human cancers including colon, liver, breast, pancreatic and gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer. They also have been working as to restrain the different cancer stages such as initial, promotion and progression stages. Garlic polyphenols lower the blood glucose level through various pathways such as prevention from the damage of β-cells, lower the insulin resistance, enhance the insulin sensitivity and secretion, and suppress the activities of glucosidase enzymes. Further, they also suppress the lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide synthetase activity, epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, protein kinase c, enzyme activity, survival signaling (IKK, NIK and AKT), NF-kB activity, and cell cycle regulation. In addition, more researchers by the researchers open the new horizons in the field of medicine.
Marine bioactives: potentials to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disorders
Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2018
Marine organisms are primary source of bioactive compounds for nutraceuticals industries. These b... more Marine organisms are primary source of bioactive compounds for nutraceuticals industries. These bioactives can be extracted from different marine sources including animals and plants. These compounds are considered as safer alternatives to some existing synthetic drugs as they exhibit significant biological properties which contribute to their nutraceutical potential. In the present scenario, some marine derived bioactive compounds are being marketed as good and safer drugs for health and some of them are subjected under advance investigation in clinical trials. Marine bioactives include peptides, fatty acids, carbohydrates especially sulfated polysaccharides (SPs). These are useful in food industries and perform the healing functions like anti-hyperlipedimic, antioxidant, antidiabetic and these all functions contribute towards cardiac protection. Current review focuses the recent research on bioactives from different marine sources to protect one's cardiac health.
Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptide... more Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptides, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Previously, seaweeds were only used as gelling and thickening agents in the food or pharmaceutical industries, recent researches have revealed their potential as complementary medicine. The red, brown and green seaweeds have been shown to have therapeutic properties for health and disease management, such as anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiestrogenic, thyroid stimulating, neuroprotective, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and tissue healing properties. In proposed chapter, we discussed various active compounds include sulphated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, carotenoids (e.g. fucoxanthin), minerals, peptides and sulfolipids, with proven benefits against degenerative metabolic diseases. Moreover, therapeu...
The Water And Sanitation Extension program (WASEP) of Aga Khan Planning and Building Service Paki... more The Water And Sanitation Extension program (WASEP) of Aga Khan Planning and Building Service Pakistan has been implementing water supply projects to improve the traditional water delivery systems for drinking purposes since 1998 aiming to reduce water borne diseases. In this connection 105 water supply systems have been implemented in rural communities of its program area with the financial assistance of KfW of Germany. Improved delivery systems were monitored for bacteriological quality through a series of sampling frequency from 1998 to 2002. The water quality monitoring program was developed locally consisting two phases, pre and post intervention. During pre intervention the Bacteriological contamination level was found to be very high in existing delivery systems with an average of 16% samples matching WHO guidelines for developing countries (0-10 E.coli/100 ml). However during post intervention the bacteriological quality of water at system level significantly improved with 86...
Functional Nonalcoholic Beverages: A Global Trend Toward a Healthy Life
Non-Alcoholic Beverages, 2019
In recent times, there has been growing recognition of the key role of foods and beverages in dis... more In recent times, there has been growing recognition of the key role of foods and beverages in disease prevention and treatment. Thus, the production and consumption of functional foods has gained much importance as they provide a health benefit beyond the basic nutritional functions. At present, beverages are by far the most active functional food category because of convenience and possibility to meet consumer demands for container contents, size, shape, and appearance, as well as ease of distribution and storage for refrigerated and shelf-stable products. Moreover, they are an excellent delivering means for nutrients and bioactive compounds including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, ?-3 fatty acids, plant extracts, and fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics. However, with respect to these potential bioactive compounds, these beverages exhibit functional and medicinal properties including antidiabetic, anticardiovascular disease, and anticancer. This chapter reports on the scientific a...
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good crop stand and plant population, use of allelochemicals and biocontrol agents (Rhynchosporium alismatis, Curvularia tuberculate, Dactylaria higginsii, Exserohilum monoceras, Setosphaeria rostrate etc.) in the form of bioherbicides to control the noxious weed biota like Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crus-galli, Trianthema portulacastrum, Cyperus rotundus, Scirpus maritimus, Cynodon dactylon should be studied and used in an integrated approach under direct seeded rice production system.
Exploring the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia in rat experimental models
Nutrition & Food Science
Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocy... more Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic potential of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia, i.e. decrease in platelet count. Design/methodology/approach Male Sprague Dawley rats were used to evaluate therapeutic potential of apple extracts. Diets enriched with apple fruit and seed’s ethanolic extract were provided to normal and KBrO3-induced thrombocytopenic rats for 60 days. KBrO3 was administered at level of 85 mg/Kg of body weight of rats to intentionally decrease the platelet count. Platelet count and other hematological parameters were monitored at monthly intervals to evaluate therapeutic effect of apple extracts against thrombocytopenia. Findings The results of current research portrayed that both apple seed and fruit extracts enriched diets increased the platelet count significantly (p < 0.05) in thrombocytopenic rats. It was observed that apple fruit extract-enriched diet (AFE) raised the platelet count to 14.72 and 33.07 per cent in normal and thrombocytop...
Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptide... more Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptides, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Previously, seaweeds were only used as gelling and thickening agents in the food or pharmaceutical industries, recent researches have revealed their potential as complementary medicine. The red, brown and green seaweeds have been shown to have therapeutic properties for health and disease management, such as anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiestrogenic, thyroid stimulating, neuroprotective, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and tissue healing properties. In proposed chapter, we discussed various active compounds include sulphated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, carotenoids (e.g. fucoxanthin), minerals, peptides and sulfolipids, with proven benefits against degenerative metabolic diseases. Moreover, therapeutic modes of action of these bioactive components and their reports are summarized in this chapter.
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good c...
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review
In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the in... more In direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability. To avoid the environmental degradation and deterioration by the application of herbicides (Ethoxysulfuron ethyl, Bispyribac sodium, Butachlor, Orthosulfamuron, Halosulfuron methyl etc.) to control the weeds, strategies in which there is less use of herbicides is done should be developed. Such type of methods which are economical and more profitable to farmers as well eco-friendly must be investigated. Cultivars of rice which have dominant growth over weeds, high seeding rates to insure good c...
Papers by Munawar Abbas