Papers by Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha

This research aims to find out what the greetings program is and how the implementation of the gr... more This research aims to find out what the greetings program is and how the implementation of the greetings program is a school effort to improve the religious character of students based on IASP 2020 in order to produce good-quality graduates who are able to be a solution to existing problems. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a case study approach that focuses on cases of low religious character that hit students due to changes and developments in the times, namely advances in digital technology. The data collection process was based on the results of in-depth interviews, observations, and document reviews in accordance with IASP 2020. The results of this study showed that the greeting program proved to be effective in improving students' religious character, including students who are accustomed to praying before studying, 4S habituation, concern for the environment, do not force the will to embrace a particular religion, have a tolerant attitude, and live in harmony between adherents of different religions and beliefs.

This study aims to identify the ability of PAI teachers to develop instruments for assessing stud... more This study aims to identify the ability of PAI teachers to develop instruments for assessing students' communication skills according to IASP 2020 so that assessments can be carried out in a more objective manner, are able to measure students' communication abilities appropriately, and have an impact on the quality of the learning process. The research method used is quantitative, and the type of research is survey research. The data sources used include primary data sources obtained from 17 teachers at Subrayon 02 SMP level. The research sources consist of secondary research sources, which come from archives, documents, books, and journals that are relevant to the research problem formulation. Data collection techniques used questionnaires distributed using Google Forms. Then the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study showed that the ability of PAI teachers to compile instruments for assessing students' communication skills orally was 74.63% and 65.07% in writing, so both of them fall into the fairly good category.

Kepemimpinan merupakan kegiatan yang bisa pengaruhi orang-orang yang ingin berkolaborasi buat men... more Kepemimpinan merupakan kegiatan yang bisa pengaruhi orang-orang yang ingin berkolaborasi buat menggapai sebagian tujuan yang mereka mau. Seseorang pemimpin dalam pengaruhi bawahannya bisa dicoba dengan macam-berbagai metode, antara lain dengan membagikan imbalan, melimpahkan wewenang, berikan penghargaan, berikan tugas serta tanggung jawab, serta mengajak kearah yang lebih baik. Hendak namun dalam perihal ini masih terdapat guru yang kurang menguasai dalam penataan RPP, serta kurang menguasai terhadap partisipan didik. Kasus tersebut jadi fokus kajian dalam skripsi dengan tujuan: 1) buat mengenali kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam kenaikan keahlian pedagogik guru di Mts Al-matuq Sukabumi, 2) buat mengenali hambatan kepala sekolah dalam kenaikan keahlian pedagogik guru di Mts Al-matuq Sukabumi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam riset ini yakni deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam riset ini merupakan kepala sekolah, 2 orang guru serta 2 orang siswa. Metode pengumpulan informasi dalam riset memakai wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Hasil riset ini membuktikan kalau kepala sekolah Mts Al-matuq sudah membuktikan kinerja yang baik meski belum terlaksana 100% dalam tingkatkan keahlian pedagogik guru dibuktikan dari metode kepala sekolah yang terus menerus mencari metode dalam tingkatkan keahlian guru lewat: pelatihan-pelatihan, seminar, training serta workshop. Kendala-kendala yang dialami kepala sekolah dalam kenaikan keahlian pedagogik guru ialah dari segi bayaran serta waktu.

Jurnal Bima : Pusat Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan bahasa dan Sastra
Leadership is a complex and unique phenomenon of social interaction, anyone will show leadership ... more Leadership is a complex and unique phenomenon of social interaction, anyone will show leadership behavior when interacting in a format that influences others. Even in personal capacity, in the human body there is capacity or potential as a controller, which essentially facilitates a person to be able to lead himself.This research journal was conducted at SMKS Sagaranten which is located on the cigadog highway km.2 sagaranten sukabumi and produces the influence of the principal's leadership to increase the quantity of students.Leadership is often given the meaning of degree of influence, while the leader is the person who has the most potential to influence. Leaders who cannot actualize their influence do not have the character of true leadership. Then we must know how educational leadership is so the purpose of this article is to dig deeper into leadership and complete the task. Articles are made with techniques for gathering resources such as reading material and books on leade...

Jurnal Ekonomi Utama
Demokrasi terpimpin, atau disebut juga dengan demokrasi terkelola, merupakan pemerintahan yang se... more Demokrasi terpimpin, atau disebut juga dengan demokrasi terkelola, merupakan pemerintahan yang secara resmi demokratis tetapi secara faktual bertabiat otokrasi Pemerintahan, dilegitimasi oleh pemilihan yang leluasa serta adil, namun pemilihan ini cuma semata- mata formalitas serta tidak berfungsi mengganti kebijakan, motif, serta tujuan yang sesuai dengan visi misi yang sudah di tetapkan. Sedangkan untuk metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitataif, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah wawancara secara mendalam kepala kepala sekolah dan guru, observasi lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Dan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membuktikan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan demokratis terpimpin bisa membentuk sekolah yang berkualis terbukti dengan dirapot pendidikan untuk SMP Azzainiyah peringkat dua kecamatan Sukabumi, sedangkan untuk karakter SMP Azzainiyyah itu yang pertama di kecamatan Sukabumi. Dan kemajuan lain yaitu mening...

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam
This research aims to find out what the greetings program is and how the implementation of the gr... more This research aims to find out what the greetings program is and how the implementation of the greetings program is a school effort to improve the religious character of students based on IASP 2020 in order to produce good-quality graduates who are able to be a solution to existing problems. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a case study approach that focuses on cases of low religious character that hit students due to changes and developments in the times, namely advances in digital technology. The data collection process was based on the results of in-depth interviews, observations, and document reviews in accordance with IASP 2020. The results of this study showed that the greeting program proved to be effective in improving students' religious character, including students who are accustomed to praying before studying, 4S habituation, concern for the environment, do not force the will to embrace a particular religion, have a tolerant attitude, and li...
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, 2019

Jurnal El-Audi
Early Childhood Education is education given to children in the golden age of children (golden ag... more Early Childhood Education is education given to children in the golden age of children (golden age). Education that is in accordance with its development is very important to pay attention to both in terms of process and outcome because it will affect how children's educational experiences at other levels. Attention in education can be viewed from how integrated quality assurance management or Total Quality Management. Research on Total Quality Management in this article was conducted at TKIT / Creative School Azzahra 1 Cisaaat, Sukabumi Regency. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation study. Based on a comprehensive data analysis on the Application of Integrated Quality Management Concept in TKIT / Creative School Azzahra 1 Cisaat, Sukabumi District starting from Planning, Organizing, Implementing, has been carried out well. This is influenced by supporting factors such as the existence ...

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study aims to find out and obtain objective information about the effect of teacher professi... more This study aims to find out and obtain objective information about the effect of teacher professional competence and student learning facilities on learning achievement in class X SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Keramat, Sambas Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method with the Expost Facto approach. with the form of research used in this study is a comparative causal study. The data analysis technique from the results of this study is descriptive statistics used to describe the data for each variable and regression analysis is used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that (1) the professional competence of teachers is included in the good criteria and a total score of 9770 is obtained. Student learning motivation is included in the high criteria and a total score of 5535 is obtained. The conclusion of this study is that the variable of teacher professional competence has a positive and significant influence on the results. student learni...

Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021
The success of an organization in achieving set goals is largely dependent on performance. A dece... more The success of an organization in achieving set goals is largely dependent on performance. A decentralized organization provides freedom of authority for lower managers to make decisions. This study, therefore, aims to analyse the effects of decentralization, centralization, and the quality of human resources on organizational performance. Data were randomly obtained from 105 people using the survey and quantitative approach. The study showed that the partial effect of decentralization (X1) has no significance so it isn't accepted, Variable centralization (X2), and human resources (X3) on the organizational performance (Y) of the Rural Banks were positively and significantly accepted. Therefore, these three variables have an effect on improving organizational performance, thereby, delegating decision-making power to experts in need of knowledge on a particular issue, technology, product, or market. High centralization rates mean greater coordination and smaller flexibility, while decentralization is attributed to greater flexibility and less coordination.
The purpose of this study is to identify factors impact customers’ decision to adopt ebanking ser... more The purpose of this study is to identify factors impact customers’ decision to adopt ebanking services in Kuwait. The study used a questionnaire survey to identify the factors affect customers’ decision to adopt e-banking. Various factors employed in literature were used together with some demographic factors and the participants were asked to express their level if agreement with each of them on 5 points Likert scale. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 320 returned completed, resulting in 64% a usable response rate. The collected data were analysed by employing a stepwise regression analysis. The outcome of the analysis pointed to relative advantage that excludes cost and profit together with trialability and the participant’s level of education as being positively and significantly associated with customer’s decision to adopt e-banking in Kuwait.

This research aims to find out: (1) the urgency of religious literature on religious understandin... more This research aims to find out: (1) the urgency of religious literature on religious understanding's development; (2) potential radicalism presented in religious education books both in schools and madaris (3) countermeasure of potential radicalism through evaluating religious education books assessed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). The study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with interviews, observation, and documentation studies as the data-gathering tool. In data analysis, researcher uses interactive model involving data reduction, data serving, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifiying. The research findings yield the evaluation policy in the books emerges various cases of religious textbooks, while the various researches and developments findings relate to educational textbooks. Other findings responsed to the law implementation number 3 year 2017 about book matters' system, Government Regulation number 75 year 2019 on Law Enforcement Regulation, and Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation number 9 year 2018 about religious books evaluation. Quick, precise, and accurate innovation on the evaluation is highly recommended, and technology as well as application is way to solve the problems. Hence, the regulation about religious education book should be immediately issued. It is also required (special) institutions whose duties and functions are specific to writing, evaluation, and publication in terms of religious educational books (at least equivalent to the first echelon). MORA is expected to charge the issuer openly and transparently as a form of public service with measurable SOP and targets, so that all community guidances of religions could create their respective guidelines on writing and publication.
This study aims to determine: (1) the factors that influence the birth of the potential for relig... more This study aims to determine: (1) the factors that influence the birth of the potential for religious radicalism among Madrasah Aliyah students; (2) Akidah Moral Teacher Strategy in overcoming the potential of religious radicalism through learning in MAN 1 Sukabumi City; (3) Moral Teachers Strategy in overcoming the potential of religious radicalism through habituation and activities outside of learning in MAN 1 Sukabumi City. Data collection through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation study.

This study aims to find out and obtain objective information about the effect of teacher professi... more This study aims to find out and obtain objective information about the effect of teacher professional competence and student learning facilities on learning achievement in class X SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Keramat, Sambas Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method with the Expost Facto approach. with the form of research used in this study is a comparative causal study. The data analysis technique from the results of this study is descriptive statistics used to describe the data for each variable and regression analysis is used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that (1) the professional competence of teachers is included in the good criteria and a total score of 9770 is obtained. Student learning motivation is included in the high criteria and a total score of 5535 is obtained. The conclusion of this study is that the variable of teacher professional competence has a positive and significant influence on the results. student learning that is equal to 31.13%, and the variable of student learning motivation has a positive and significant influence on learning outcomes that is equal to 4.41%, while the variables of teacher professional competence and student learning motivation together have a positive and significant influence on learning outcomes. students, namely 56.9%.

Pengembangan strategi dan pendekatan dalam proses pembelajaran fiqih di madrasah aliyah melalui p... more Pengembangan strategi dan pendekatan dalam proses pembelajaran fiqih di madrasah aliyah melalui pendekatan kontekstual diharapkan dapat menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang aktif hingga menumbuhkan semangat dan minat belajar peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pengelolaan dan evaluasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran fiqih oleh Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual di MA Persis 68 Warudoyong Kota Sukabumi. Metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan melalui teknik observasi dan wawancara kepada guru fiqh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Perencanaan pembelajaran telah ditempuh dengan persiapan yang telah baik, di antaranya dengan merumuskan dengan lengkap komponen: tujuan, materi, strategi, metode, teknik, taktik, pengembangan silabus dan persiapan pembelajaran; Pengelolaan pembelajaran telah sesuai dengan penerapan/implementasi pendekatan kontekstual yaitu melalui tahapan constructivism (konstruksivisme), inquiry (menemukan), questioning (bertanya), learning community (masyarakat belajar), modeling (permodelan), reflection (refleksi), dan authentic assessment (penilaian sebenarnya); Evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan penilaian berbasis kelas. Hal ini sesuai dengan tuntutan pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013.

The success of an organization in achieving set goals is largely dependent on performance. A dece... more The success of an organization in achieving set goals is largely dependent on performance. A decentralized organization provides freedom of authority for lower managers to make decisions. This study, therefore, aims to analyse the effects of decentralization, centralization, and the quality of human resources on organizational performance. Data were randomly obtained from 105 people using the survey and quantitative approach. The study showed that the partial effect of decentralization (X1) has no significance so it isn't accepted, Variable centralization (X2), and human resources (X3) on the organizational performance (Y) of the Rural Banks were positively and significantly accepted. Therefore, these three variables have an effect on improving organizational performance, thereby, delegating decision-making power to experts in need of knowledge on a particular issue, technology, product, or market. High centralization rates mean greater coordination and smaller flexibility, while decentralization is attributed to greater flexibility and less coordination.
According to the World Economic Forum, a Fourth Industrial Revolution is now building momentum, c... more According to the World Economic Forum, a Fourth Industrial Revolution is now building momentum, characterized by a fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Indonesia faces demographic bonus demands and rapid technological developments to produce skilled, quali ed and competitive human resources (HR). Islamic Higher Education has a strategic role in playing its role and function in
The management and sustaining of Madrasah Aliyah (Formal Islamic Senior High School) in Indonesia... more The management and sustaining of Madrasah Aliyah (Formal Islamic Senior High School) in Indonesia sometimes the Madrasah Supervisors nd it not easy to carry out their responsibility accurately and diligently as prescribed by the process of achieving the PROCEEDINGS | JOURNALS | BOOKS
Papers by Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha