Papers by Mulugeta Tadesse
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, 2020

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Jun 1, 2020
Tea and coffee has become the most commercial products of the century. On the one hand, the rapid... more Tea and coffee has become the most commercial products of the century. On the one hand, the rapidly rising population and changing lifestyles have increased the need for tea. Now a day's in African universities tea are available for students by using traditional tea preparing method this has result in various disadvantages. Particularly In Ethiopia, there is problem of providing tea to university and college students at required time with desired amount therefore we are try to design and develop the best and efficient tea making machine. Tea has become the most commercial products of the century but there are limitations to provide it to higher educational institution and the problem leads to conflict between students and admistration. To solve these problems, this project titled "Design and development of Automatic operated tea making machine" is developed to deliver the purified tea to the selected area by using the sensors and lever operating system based on the Mechatronics principles. It will be more cheap and economic for the mass production of tea. Currently traditional tea making mechanism that used for higher institution in Ethiopia has certain disadvantages in terms of amount of production, costs and injuries. For this reason, we try to develop tea and coffee making machine with some additional features that we tried to solve the problem with. To make it useful for people with disabilities, we try to design considering all phenomena. All types of users and their needs are taken into account in the developed machine. With this Automatic operated tea and coffee making machine customers save time and money to a certain extent. This way the designed machine have ability to control automatically since the sensor is installed there. From the design analysis we find out the parameters PI (Internal Pressure) 1.55 MPa, TI (Internal Temperature) 1.00 o C, PE (External Pressure) 0.103 MPa, L (Shell Length) 1800mm, Di (Internal Tank Diameter) 1200mm are safe and The power required for the pump can be calculated by: 1.558KW and the H dynamic is similar for both the maximum and minimum and Htmax = 218.58m, Htmin = 216.98m and for sensing operation we select Arduino Uno with Microchip ATmega328P 5 Voltage Operating system. Therefore, the machine can control the function by itself from the programmed position sensor devices and you receive a cup of tea without any contact with the machine. IndexTerms-African universities, Tea and coffee, cheap, commercial products, maintenance. 1.2. Background The first machine-produced tea bag in the world was the Pompadour gauze bag, introduced in 1928.the Manufactured machine was owned by the TEEKANNE subsidiary Seelig & Hille in Dresden.Like this process most of the African higher institutions are use this tea preparing method, But processes like this are limited for large number of community which is institution holds over twenty thousand students. The method is highly exposed to injuries on labors and also exposed to contamination. Taking Account this problems we are try to make best efficient and highly productive machine.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Journal of Materials Science, 2009
The potential of a ceramic nanocomposite technique employing a simple bimodal particle size packi... more The potential of a ceramic nanocomposite technique employing a simple bimodal particle size packing and a pressureless sintering process as a low-cost and simple ceramic processing to obtain perovskite ferroelectric ceramics in the PMN/PT system was demonstrated. Attention was focused on relationships between chemical composition, densification, microstructure, and electrical properties. It has been found that the phase formation, microstructures, and dielectric properties of ceramic nanocomposites are totally different from those of typical solid solutions.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Jun 1, 2020

Many coffee producing enterprises dispose coffee by-product like coffee pulp and its waste water ... more Many coffee producing enterprises dispose coffee by-product like coffee pulp and its waste water after washing to the environment and which cases environmental pollution by bad smell and visual pollution. These by-products of coffee production mainly coffee pulp and waste water impure discharge to the nearby surface water and also underground water and damages it. This project research primarily conducted to come-up with detail design of bio gas digester to get clean useful bio gas from coffee wastes like coffee pulp, and its waste water based on the data of the overall environmental conditions of Tepi. Therefore, the problems indicated in the above would be corrected by utilizing of unnecessary wastes during coffee preparing for its quality and useful methane and organic fertilizer after digestion will be got. A bio gas digester is designed for waste coffee pulp in both wet and dry case and its waste water. The system design conducted by using 300 liter plastic water tank and inter...

American journal of mechanical engineering, 2017
Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV) is the integration of Photovoltaic (PV) into the b... more Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV) is the integration of Photovoltaic (PV) into the building envelope in the top, the facades and or may be used for the building which is built already without PV integration. That is installing or hanging of PV panel in different positron of the building. When the building is integrated with PV panel, it is used as a construction material and again save extra area requirement of installation and at the time it generates the required amount of energy for the habitants of the building is to get from free natural solar energy. Integrating BU in photovoltaic system is the aim to save the large power cost without taking large area for the installation of the photovoltaic panel since the university occupied by large number of students, workers and staffs members. The total estimated cost of initial investment for materials such as PV panels, battery, charge controller, inverter and like is $63,040. It is estimated as BIPV system total cost in ...

This portable crane uses a hydraulic system to lift a heavy loads applying only small force. The ... more This portable crane uses a hydraulic system to lift a heavy loads applying only small force. The main advantage of the project is having detail design of the mechanism in the production workshop of BISHOFTU AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY; Ethiopia is that it is portable, moveable, and easy for operation. In this project we designed and produced a portable crane which can lift a heavy load with a maximum capacity of 3 ton. The crane has two loaded side bars to make the base and two links (i.e. Vertical column and boom) connected each other by using pin joint. The Vertical column is secured on the cross bar that is welded to the side bars making the base using bolt connection. There are also other bars for supporting purpose which are connected to the basic link (vertical column) using bolt connection. The crane uses four wheels, of which two of them in the front are connected to the base using permanent joint and the rear wheel is connected to the base using roller. Since the crane operates hyd...
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020
Injera will continue to be the staple food for Ethiopians and Eritreans and some parts in east Af... more Injera will continue to be the staple food for Ethiopians and Eritreans and some parts in east Africa in years to come. In order to efficiently bake Injera using various types of stoves, research and development work for Injera baking have been conducted so far and is critical. The use of energy sources is dominantly biomass is used for Injera baking followed by electricity yet. Electricity is mainly used in urban dwellers of the country which is limited one. Alternative energy sources such as solar thermal and biogas can be used for baking Injera alternatively. There are different types of Injera baking stoves design in Ethiopia using biomass energy such as open fire three stone stove, Mirt stove (includes improved one with high chimney, stand types), Burayou Injera baking stove Sodo, Awuramba, Tehesh indicating developmental patterns of stove based on the aim to reduce specific fuel consumption as well as efficiency by reducing energy losses during baking. Thus, it is determined t...
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2020
The design of the solar PV underground water pumping system in the Bilate basin, Ethiopia based o... more The design of the solar PV underground water pumping system in the Bilate basin, Ethiopia based on the data of solar radiation, average surface atmospheric temperature, wind speed and other weather condition. It is designed to satisfy the total power demand of the hydraulic pump using solar PV modules. The system components are solar PV module, charge controller, battery and inverter. The system is configuration made to supply 15 m 3 water which is the maximum daily household water demand for the ten households from the 13 m deep underground water well. The hydraulic power of the pump calculated considering pipe friction and pump-set efficiency is 195.918 watts. Based this initial power demand, the number of PV modules, inverter and battery is determined. The number PV modules needed for this specific system is 6 modules, 6 inverters and 3 battery sets. The comparison analysis made by using HOMER energy software, the total cost PV system is $2,927, diesel fuel generator pumping system is $3,194 while wind power water pumping system is $5, 300 ignoring common pump set, water storage tank construction and pipes cost. Wind and solar PV systems are environmental pollution free while diesel generator water pumping system releases 241 kg/year CO 2 and 0.483 kg/year SO 2 to the living environment. In the case of total initial investment and total life time costs as well as the maintenance and operation costs and in case of pollution, solar PV underground water pumping system is more preferable.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2010
The paper describes the availability of combed sliver production system, a part of yarn productio... more The paper describes the availability of combed sliver production system, a part of yarn production plant. The units under study are specialized single purpose machines. Performance analysis of the system is carried out to identify the key factors. The optimum value of 'r', where 'r' represent the number of repairman to repair the twelve carding machines (r 0 12), is calculated to maximizing the steady state availability of the system. The problem is formulated using probability consideration and supplementary variable technique. Probability considerations at various stages give differential-difference equations, which are solved using Lagrange method to obtain the state probabilities. The numerical analysis carried out helps in increasing the production rate by controlling the factors affecting the system i.e. availability optimization.

Drying is the oldest mechanism to preserve crops, fruit, vegetables, and cooked food for long tim... more Drying is the oldest mechanism to preserve crops, fruit, vegetables, and cooked food for long time usually by using direct sun drying as well as solar drying by using solar collectors. Onion and related vegetables are need drying to preserve them for the required time before its use to avoid its contact spoilage. In this project v-grooved parallel double pass solar collector selected for its high efficiency and high mass flow rate of hot dry air to dry 30 kg sample onions. For preservation of onion it is needed to evaporate 5.16 kg moisture from its total moisture content. The mass of dry air required to evaporate the given mass of moisture is 565.88 m³ dry-airs at a least 20 o C temperature difference. The overall efficiency of the selected type solar collector which required supplying the required amount of hot dry air is calculated based on the initial its model is 41.79%. The output temperature to the mass flow rate of working fluid, output temperature to flow contact area, and ...

Background Women’s reproductive cancer is defined as the different types of cancers found in the ... more Background Women’s reproductive cancer is defined as the different types of cancers found in the women reproductive system caused due to various health conditions either acquired or congenital. Out of the many type of female cancers, cervical carcinoma may be prevented if proper medical measures are taken in time. These preventive measures include detection and regular screening of the condition during premalignant stages. Ample knowledge is important to spot the premalignant lesions and the understanding should be spread among common people to increase the awareness towards screening and preventing the disease conditions as soon as possible. The aim of the study was to Asses knowledge, attitude and practice towards cervical cancer screening among female students in Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia, 2016. Materials and methods: The study was conducted among female students in Mizan-Tepi University From February to May, 2016 G.C. Descriptive cross sectional study design was used. Sim...

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
Household energy consumption regularly constitutes 90% of total energy use in most developing cou... more Household energy consumption regularly constitutes 90% of total energy use in most developing countries through the world. Woody biomass accounts 87% of the total annual biomass energy use globally. It has been estimated numerically that about 2.5 billion people in the developing countries solely depends on a biomass energy sources to meet their household energy demand. Most of rural Africa countries use traditional biomass energy sources for their household cooking and lighting. In 2017 statistics of international energy agency (IEA) data indicates that 45.3% of Africa energy consumption is from biomass and agricultural residues. The analyses of improved energy saving appliances were conducted and the constraints and opportunity related to household energy sources and use is also performed in the Wolaita zone. In sample survey, sample size determination was an important step in the process of statistical analysis and according to data obtained from Housing Development Section of th...

Many coffee producing enterprises dispose coffee by-product like coffee pulp and its waste water ... more Many coffee producing enterprises dispose coffee by-product like coffee pulp and its waste water after washing to the environment and which cases environmental pollution by bad smell and visual pollution. These by-products of coffee production mainly coffee pulp and waste water impure discharge to the nearby surface water and also underground water and damages it. This project research primarily conducted to come-up with detail design of bio gas digester to get clean useful bio gas from coffee wastes like coffee pulp, and its waste water based on the data of the overall environmental conditions of Tepi. Therefore, the problems indicated in the above would be corrected by utilizing of unnecessary wastes during coffee preparing for its quality and useful methane and organic fertilizer after digestion will be got. A bio gas digester is designed for waste coffee pulp in both wet and dry case and its waste water. The system design conducted by using 300 liter plastic water tank and inter...

Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV) is the integration of Photovoltaic (PV) into the b... more Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV) is the integration of Photovoltaic (PV) into the building envelope in the top, the facades and or may be used for the building which is built already without PV integration. That is installing or hanging of PV panel in different positron of the building. When the building is integrated with PV panel, it is used as a construction material and again save extra area requirement of installation and at the time it generates the required amount of energy for the habitants of the building is to get from free natural solar energy. Integrating BU in photovoltaic system is the aim to save the large power cost without taking large area for the installation of the photovoltaic panel since the university occupied by large number of students, workers and staffs members. The total estimated cost of initial investment for materials such as PV panels, battery, charge controller, inverter and like is $63,040. It is estimated as BIPV system total cost in ...

research, 2020
Household energy consumption regularly constitutes 90% of total energy use in most developing cou... more Household energy consumption regularly constitutes 90% of total energy use in most developing countries through the world. Woody biomass accounts 87% of the total annual biomass energy use globally. It has been estimated numerically that about 2.5 billion people in the developing countries solely depends on a biomass energy sources to meet their household energy demand. Most of rural Africa countries use traditional biomass energy sources for their household cooking and lighting. In 2017 statistics of international energy agency (IEA) data indicates that 45.3% of Africa energy consumption is from biomass and agricultural residues. The analyses of improved energy saving appliances were conducted and the constraints and opportunity related to household energy sources and use is also performed in the Wolaita zone. In sample survey, sample size determination was an important step in the process of statistical analysis and according to data obtained from Housing Development Section of the Wolaita zone, 110 households were used in the analysis of household energy consumption; which is sufficiently enough according to the sample size calculated above. This survey study shown that the traditional biomass energy sources were the principal energy source having the highest percentage share (96 %) of sampled households for Injera baking, 96 percent for Wot, 91 percent for tea and 93 percent for coffee. In fact, the contribution of modern energy source is minimal except slightly in the preparation of tea that is by using kerosene stove habitually called as Butagas makes sizeable use as shown in fig.2 above. Further analysis indicated that wood is used as the principal biomass energy source for Injera baking share 93 percent of households, followed by zero percent dry co w dung. A zero percent of the sample households also use electrical energy for Injera baking. It is further indicated that charcoal is also the principal energy source for wot cooking; tea preparation and coffee making and is share 72, 60 and 57 percent of households energy supply respectively. While the pattern for tea reveals that slight difference exist between the traditional biomass and modern energy sources especially with that of kerosene.

Research , 2020
The design of the solar PV underground water pumping system in the Bilate basin, Ethiopia based o... more The design of the solar PV underground water pumping system in the Bilate basin, Ethiopia based on the data of solar radiation, average surface atmospheric temperature, wind speed and other weather condition. It is designed to satisfy the total power demand of the hydraulic pump using solar PV modules. The system components are solar PV module, charge controller, battery and inverter. The system is configuration made to supply 15 m 3 water which is the maximum daily household water demand for the ten households from the 13 m deep underground water well. The hydraulic power of the pump calculated considering pipe friction and pump-set efficiency is 195.918 watts. Based this initial power demand, the number of PV modules, inverter and battery is determined. The number PV modules needed for this specific system is 6 modules, 6 inverters and 3 battery sets. The comparison analysis made by using HOMER energy software, the total cost PV system is $2,927, diesel fuel generator pumping system is $3,194 while wind power water pumping system is $5, 300 ignoring common pump set, water storage tank construction and pipes cost. Wind and solar PV systems are environmental pollution free while diesel generator water pumping system releases 241 kg/year CO 2 and 0.483 kg/year SO 2 to the living environment. In the case of total initial investment and total life time costs as well as the maintenance and operation costs and in case of pollution, solar PV underground water pumping system is more preferable.
Papers by Mulugeta Tadesse