Papers by Ahmad Muktamar B

Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP), 2024
This study aims to analyze the relationship between transformational leadership style and employe... more This study aims to analyze the relationship between transformational leadership style and employee job satisfaction based on existing literature. Transformational leadership, which consists of four main dimensions-idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration is known to enhance motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction. Through an extensive literature review, this study identifies several studies that show leaders who apply transformational leadership style can create a more supportive work environment, strengthen relationships between leaders and employees, and increase job satisfaction. However, the findings also show that contextual factors such as organizational culture, employee characteristics, and managerial policies influence the extent to which the positive impact of this leadership style can be achieved. This study also finds a research gap in existing literature, specifically the lack of exploration of other moderating factors that could influence the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Therefore, this study suggests integrating a more holistic approach that considers other supporting factors in efforts to improve employee job satisfaction through transformational leadership.

Jurnal Intelek Insan Cendekia, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas strategi kepemimpinan KH. M. Yunus martan dalam mengemban... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas strategi kepemimpinan KH. M. Yunus martan dalam mengembangkan Pesantren As'adiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang memungkinkan pemahaman fenomena secara mendalam dan menyeluruh. Sumber data diperoleh dari literatur yang relevan dengan tema penelitian melalui identifikasi dan seleksi ketat. Data yang terkandung dalam literatur terpilih kemudian diolah melalui proses komparasi dan analisis kritis, melibatkan ekstraksi informasi signifikan untuk mendukung jawaban terhadap pertanyaan penelitian dan mendorong pemahaman mendalam terhadap aspek-aspek kritis yang terkait dengan tema penelitian. Analisis dokumen digunakan untuk memberikan konteks tambahan terhadap fenomena yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KH. M. Yunus Martan memiliki peran penting dalam merumuskan dan melaksanakan strategi pengembangan Pesantren As'adiyah. Beliau menerapkan manajemen modern dengan kepemimpinan visioner untuk mengembangkan pesantren. Ditemukan pula pendekatan spesifik dalam strategi kepemimpinannya, yakni "lusereng," yang efektif dalam mengembangkan pesantren dengan banyak unit usaha dan cabang organisasi serta sekolah-sekolah yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah Indonesia.

Holistic Analisis Nexus, 2024
This article thoroughly examines the leadership style implemented by KH. M. Yunus Martan during h... more This article thoroughly examines the leadership style implemented by KH. M. Yunus Martan during his tenure at Pesantren As'adiyah. Focusing on this era, the article highlights the characteristics, leadership style, and methods employed by KH. M. Yunus Martan, which successfully brought significant changes in the development of the pesantren. This study includes an analysis of his charismatic style and the strategies used, including how KH. M. Yunus Martan built relationships with the students, staff, and the pesantren community. This study utilizes library research with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique used in this research is literature study, by reading, understanding, and analyzing various relevant literature sources. The literature sources used in this study include textbooks, scientific journals, scholarly articles, research reports, and reputable websites. The results of this study show that the leadership style applied by KH. M. Yunus Martan at Pesantren As'adiyah successfully brought significant changes in various aspects of the pesantren. Innovations introduced have improved the quality of pesantren management, built infrastructure, and strengthened the pesantren culture. In-depth literature analysis reveals that KH. M. Yunus Martan's leadership style played a crucial role in maintaining the balance between preserving traditional values and adapting to modern developments

Communnity Development Journal, 2024
Program pendampingan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas penelitian dan publikas... more Program pendampingan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah melalui kolaborasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh akademisi Indonesia adalah kurangnya pemahaman teknis dalam menulis artikel ilmiah yang memenuhi standar jurnal internasional serta minimnya pendampingan sistematis. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui platform Zoom, melibatkan 42 peserta dari berbagai latar belakang. Metode kegiatan mencakup perencanaan berbasis survei kebutuhan, pelaksanaan pelatihan interaktif, dan evaluasi hasil melalui umpan balik serta penilaian draf artikel peserta. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman peserta mengenai penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah. Peserta berhasil menyelesaikan draf artikel ilmiah yang siap diajukan ke jurnal bereputasi. Kolaborasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen terbukti efektif dalam menciptakan sinergi yang mendukung peningkatan kualitas penelitian. Kegiatan ini memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap budaya penelitian di Indonesia dan membuka peluang untuk pelaksanaan program serupa di masa depan.

Kanzun (Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin), 2024
This research aims to analyze the performance of the Principal as a leader in managing education ... more This research aims to analyze the performance of the Principal as a leader in managing education in State Elementary Schools. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the efforts made by the Principal to improve student achievement, as well as evaluate the extent of student achievement, both in academic and non-academic fields, at the school. This research is included in the field research category based on the location where it is carried out. The nature of this research is descriptive, which presents facts systematically about the actual condition of the object. The method used is a qualitative (non-numerical) approach. The research results show the following: The performance of the Principal in managing education is divided into four main roles: (a) as a leader, (b) as an education manager, (c) as an administrator, and (d) as a supervisor. Principals' efforts to improve student achievement include two types of policies: (a) direct policies, such as holding tutoring programs, and (b) indirect policies, such as providing training to teachers to improve teaching skills. From this performance and efforts, the Principal succeeded in recording various achievements. In academics, the graduation rate has reached 100% over the past five years.
The principal's leadership has a strategic role in creating a harmonious school culture. This res... more The principal's leadership has a strategic role in creating a harmonious school culture. This research aims to explore the role of inclusive school principal leadership in building a harmonious school culture in the educational environment. A descriptive qualitative approach was used with the data. The research results show that inclusive school principals are able to create a collaborative work atmosphere, respect diversity, and encourage active participation of all school members. This research provides strategic recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of school principal leadership in the context of inclusive education

Tafkir, Sep 21, 2023
This study examines IT-based HR development strategies in Islamic higher education and boarding s... more This study examines IT-based HR development strategies in Islamic higher education and boarding schools in Indonesia, focusing on the Faculty of Tarbiyah at Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi. It also explores the integration of IT in primary school teacher of education training programs. The research employed interviews, surveys, and document analysis using a case study approach. Participants included faculty members, administrators, students, and teachers/administrators from selected Islamic boarding schools. The findings show the faculty's progressive integration of IT-based HR development strategies. These include Learning Management Systems (LMS), online training modules, virtual classrooms, and educational apps. These tools improve instruction, student engagement, and administrative efficiency. The study also highlights the inclusion of IT in basic school teacher education training programs. Incorporating IT skills into the curriculum is crucial for prospective teachers to effectively use educational technologies in their classrooms. This research enhances the understanding of IT-based HR development strategies in Indonesia's Islamic higher education and boarding schools. It guides educational institutions and policymakers for better integration of IT in teacher education programs, promoting effective HR development strategies, and improving overall educational quality.
Indo-Fintech Intellectuals/Indo Fintech Intellectuals, Jul 6, 2024

Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah keragaman produk dan pelayanan toko dapat mem... more Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah keragaman produk dan pelayanan toko dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, sehingga dapat memberikan nilai tambah dan memberikan informasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas segala sesuatu yang ditawarkan Toko Alizah Mart Sengkang. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pelanggan yang melakukan aktivitas pembelian di Toko Alizah Mart Sengkang. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 64 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan wawancara langsung. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai koefisien konstanta sebesar 1,849, sedangkan nilai koefisien regresi keragaman produk sebesar 0,323 dan koefisien regresi pelayanan toko sebesar 0,587, sehingga persamaan regresi linier berganda adalah Y = 1,849 + 0,323X1 + 0,587X2. Hasil uji hipotesis secara parsial menunjukkan t hitung dari keragaman produk sebesar 2,263 > t tabel 1,999 yang berarti keragaman produk berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, dan t hitung dari pelayanan toko sebesar 5,120 > t tabel 1,999 yang berarti pelayanan toko berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil koefisien determinasi sebesar 50,1% dan koefisien korelasi keberagaman produk sebesar 0,535 yang berarti tingkat keeratan hubungan sedang, sedangkan koefisien korelasi pelayanan toko sebesar 0,677 yang berarti tingkat keeratan hubungan yang kuat.Abstrak ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris menggunakan huruf Arial ukuran 11, spasi 1 dan dengan panjang teks antara 100-150 kata. Untuk artikel dalam bahasa Inggris, abstrak bahasa Indonesia tidak perlu diikutsertakan. Abstrak versi Bahasa Indonesia ditulis menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia baku dengan ejaan yang disempurnakan. Penulisan singkatan dan rumus matematika di dalam abstrak perlu dihindari. Abstrak memaparkan secara ringkas tentang masalah, tujuan, metode, hasil dan kesimpulan.

Deleted Journal, Mar 1, 2024
This research aims to discuss the implementation of Freedom of Learning from an Islamic Religious... more This research aims to discuss the implementation of Freedom of Learning from an Islamic Religious Education Perspective. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection used the library study method. Where the author studies it by tracing and searching for materials and collecting information sourced from books, journals, writings and previous research reports which explain the implementation of independent learning. The main reference in this research is: The latest series of education policies from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, regarding the Independent Curriculum. Apart from that, this research also utilizes data sources in the form of state laws and regulations and other relevant sources. The research results show that the idea of independent learning by the Ministry of Education and Culture is a form of reform in the education sector, which is aimed at providing freedom for students, teachers and educational units to innovate and develop the quality of education. As a subject, Islamic Religious Education can be implemented and is in line with freedom of learning, which provides space and flexibility for students to explore according to their talents and interests. Therefore, it is necessary to form students who are productive, creative and innovative and have skills that support their fields of interest. However, freedom means that we must consistently ensure that we do not violate the ethics, norms and values determined by Islamic teachings. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pelaksanaan Merdeka Belajar dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam. Peneltian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Di mana penulis mengkajinya dengan menelusuri dan mencari bahan serta mengumpulkan informasi yang yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, tulisan dan laporan peneltian sebelumnya yang menjelaskan pelaksanaan merdeka belajar. Referensi utama dalam penelitian ini ialah : Rangkaian kebijakan Pendidikan terbaru Kemendimbud RI, tentang Kurikulum Merdeka. Selain itu, peneltian ini juga memanfaatkan sumber data berupa peraturan perundang-undangan negara dan sumber-sumber lain yang relevan. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa gagasan merdeka belajar oleh Kemendikbud adalah bentuk reformasi di bidang pendidikan, yang arahnya untuk memberikan kebebasan bagi siswa, guru dan satuan pendidikan dalam berinovasi dan pengembangan kualitas pendidikan. Sebagai mata pelajaran, Pendidikan Agama Islam dapat diimplementasikan dan sejalan dengan merdeka belajar, yang memberikan ruang serta keleluasaan pada peserta didik agar dapat berkeksplorasi sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya. Karena itu diperlukan pembentukan peserta didik yang produktif, kreatif dan inovatif serta mempunyai keterampilan yang menunjang terhadap bidang yang diminati. Meskipun demikian kebebasan dalam arti harus konsisten menjaga agar tidak melanggar etika, norma serta nilai-nilai yang telah ditentukan oleh ajaran Islam.

Deleted Journal, Mar 15, 2024
This research aims to examine in depth the structure of the Merdeka Curriculum from the perspecti... more This research aims to examine in depth the structure of the Merdeka Curriculum from the perspective of Islamic Education at each phase. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach that allows in-depth analysis of the concepts involved. The data collection method used is library research, with a focus on various types of literature such as books, notes, national and international journal articles, and relevant previous research reports. The main source of information in this research is the Independent Learning Curriculum policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The research results show that the structure of the Merdeka Curriculum in each phase provides opportunities for educators to implement learning activities that are appropriate to the stages of development and achievement of students. This structure is based on three main principles, namely competency-based, flexibility in learning, and strengthening the character of Pancasila. In particular, the Merdeka Curriculum structure for Islamic education includes several essential components, such as learning Islamic teachings, understanding Islamic values, developing practical skills, integration with local contexts, as well as relevant assessment and evaluation methods. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara mendalam struktur Kurikulum Merdeka dalam perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam pada setiap fase. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang memungkinkan analisis yang mendalam terhadap konsep-konsep yang terlibat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, dengan fokus pada berbagai jenis literatur seperti buku, catatan, artikel jurnal nasional dan internasional, dan laporan penelitian sebelumnya yang relevan. Sumber utama informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kebijakan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur Kurikulum Merdeka pada setiap fase memberikan kesempatan bagi pendidik untuk mengimplementasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan dan pencapaian para peserta didik. Struktur tersebut didasarkan pada tiga prinsip utama, yaitu berbasis kompetensi, fleksibilitas dalam pembelajaran, dan penguatan karakter Pancasila. Secara khusus, struktur Kurikulum Merdeka untuk pendidikan agama Islam mencakup beberapa komponen esensial, seperti pembelajaran ajaran Islam, pemahaman nilai-nilai Islam, pengembangan keterampilan praktis, integrasi dengan konteks lokal, serta metode penilaian dan evaluasi yang relevan.

Deleted Journal, Feb 27, 2024
This research aims to explore the factors that influence technology adoption by the Human Resourc... more This research aims to explore the factors that influence technology adoption by the Human Resources (HR) Department. The research method used is a systematic literature review using academic databases of international reputation over the last ten years. Research findings indicate that factors such as organizational culture, technology adoption, HR competencies, HR analytics, technology availability and accessibility, symbolic adoption, and organizational factors play an important role in HR technology adoption. An organizational culture that supports innovation and technology, as well as the technological competence possessed by HR personnel, are significant factors in influencing technology adoption. Additionally, adequate technology availability and strong organizational support were also found to contribute to higher technology adoption rates. The implications of this research indicate the need for organizations to pay attention to these factors in an effort to increase HR technology adoption. Suggestions for future research include longitudinal research to evaluate the long-term impact of HR technology adoption, as well as research across industries and cultural contexts to understand the factors that influence HR technology adoption more broadly.

Deleted Journal, Jan 31, 2024
Integrating HR Analytics into organizational decision-making processes is crucial for modern busi... more Integrating HR Analytics into organizational decision-making processes is crucial for modern businesses looking to improve human resource management practices and drive better decision-making outcomes. This systematic literature review explores the importance of HR Analytics integration, its key determinants, and its impact on organizational performance and decision-making effectiveness. Through an analysis of existing literature, this review identifies factors that influence HR Analytics integration, such as data collection practices, technology availability, managerial skills, and organizational policies. This review also revealed a research gap regarding the optimal use of HR Analytics for strategic decision making, highlighting the need for further research in this area. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of HR Analytics in driving better HR management practices and better organizational decision-making outcomes.

Deleted Journal, Sep 27, 2023
The use of technology and new approaches to learning is essential to facing the current digital e... more The use of technology and new approaches to learning is essential to facing the current digital era. This study aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of implementing this approach at the As'Adiyah Sengkang Islamic Institute, with a focus on the impact of digital transformation. This research used mixed methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and document analysis. Data was collected from students, lecturers, and administrative staff to gain comprehensive insight into the challenges faced during the transition to independent learning in a digital environment. The research results identified a number of crucial challenges, namely limited technological infrastructure, lecturers' readiness to use technology, student motivation and independence, evaluation and assessment, and a lack of social interaction and collaboration. The discussion emphasized the importance of addressing these challenges through targeted strategies, including improving technological infrastructure, training and development of lecturers, promoting student motivation, more contextual assessment, facilitating social interaction and collaboration, and continuous evaluation and improvement. This is the key to the successful implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum in the digital era at the As'Adiyah Sengkang Islamic Institute. This research provides valuable insight into the complexity of educational transformation in the digital era and provides guidance for higher education institutions facing similar transitions.

Deleted Journal, Sep 27, 2023
In an attempt to realize national character, the purpose of this research is to identify the char... more In an attempt to realize national character, the purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of Pancasila learners. A library method approach was employed in this study's methodology. The study's findings demonstrate that one of the strategies promoting the accomplishment of national education objectives and the ongoing implementation of the character-building initiative is the Pancasila student profile. The Pancasila student profile outlines the qualities and aptitudes Indonesian students need to possess in order to succeed in school and integrate into society. Using the six dimensions of the Pancasila student profile-faith and devotion to God Almighty, global diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical reasoning, and creativity-it is hoped that the Indonesian people will grow into intelligent, polite people capable of facing the challenges of the twenty-first century. They will also, of course, instill the values found in Pancasila, as our nation's philosophy is consistent and can ultimately fulfill one of the 1945 Constitution's mandates: create a prosperous and dignified national life. A key component of the approach for creating Pancasila student profiles is the integration of co-curricular and extracurricular activities into project-based formal education activities in order to enhance the profile of Pancasila students. It is envisaged that the Pancasila student profile strategy will enable the development of an exceptional Indonesian national character that can compete on a global scale.

Deleted Journal, Sep 27, 2023
The field of education is ever-evolving and always changing in the direction of perfection, both ... more The field of education is ever-evolving and always changing in the direction of perfection, both in terms of future readiness and adaptability to the environment and time in which it exists. In essence, the curriculum serves as a roadmap for carrying out the educational process in both schools and even colleges. There is no denying that curriculum implementation in the millennial era requires curriculum to change to meet the demands of the times. Islam itself strongly encourages movements for constructive development and change, believing that these are the keys to advancement and improvement. This problem served as the foundation for the formation of the research problem, which is the idea and framework for creating an Islamic religious education curriculum. Reference-based research-that is, observation centered on books, journals, or other publications-is the methodology employed. The study's findings demonstrate the curriculum's function in a number of areas that are important to educational activities, such as a) the school in question; b) schools or madrasas above it; and c) the community, which uses graduates. An eclectic method, or selecting the best of the four techniques listed below, can be used to build an Islamic religious education curriculum that fits its unique features. These methods include the following: a) subject-based methods; b) humanistic methods; c) technology methods; and d) social reconstruction methods. In the meantime, the Islamic education curriculum development model provides two alternatives for madrasas, including a competency-based and life skills-based curriculum development model and an Islamic Religious Universities competency-based curriculum development model.

Deleted Journal, Sep 27, 2023
The low level of fulfillment of learning needs is an obstacle for students; besides that, the use... more The low level of fulfillment of learning needs is an obstacle for students; besides that, the use of a curriculum that is still based on a rote system and the lack of diverse values result in students being passive in the teaching and learning process. As students have a variety of characteristics that must be met, one way of learning diversity is Indonesian. This research aims to see the results of differentiated learning in the implementation of the independent curriculum in Indonesian language subjects held in class IX-A at MAS As'adiyah Putri Sengkang as the subject of research. Then the approach taken is qualitative with a descriptive analysis method, which is carried out in two parts, namely activity analysis and other files. The results obtained show that differentiated learning is suitable for practice in the classroom environment at school as part of the learning requirements in Indonesian language lessons. So the hope is that students can develop their learning activities optimally. This can be seen in the evaluation section, which shows the diversity that exists within each student.

The Eastasouth Journal of Information System and Computer Science, Aug 27, 2023
In the dynamic landscape of the digital age, effective knowledge management has become paramount ... more In the dynamic landscape of the digital age, effective knowledge management has become paramount for organizations aiming to harness information and drive innovation. This research paper delves into the intricate interplay between knowledge management, information leveraging, and innovation within the context of the digital era. Leveraging the power of bibliometric analysis, this study examines the trends, influential authors, key concepts, and research gaps in the field. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) emerge as crucial tools, facilitating the storage, sharing, and creation of knowledge. By systematically analyzing scholarly literature, this research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of knowledge management's evolving role in the digital age, shedding light on its implications for both theory and practice.
Papers by Ahmad Muktamar B
salah satu aspek kunci yang menentukan keberhasilan
proses belajar mengajar. Dengan pengelolaan kelas
yang baik, diharapkan suasana belajar yang kondusif
dapat tercipta, sehingga siswa dapat belajar secara
efektif dan efisien.
Buku ini disusun sebagai panduan yang
komprehensif bagi para pendidik, calon guru, dan
praktisi pendidikan dalam memahami konsep dasar
manajemen kelas. Di dalamnya, pembaca akan
menemukan berbagai teori, strategi, dan teknik yang
dapat digunakan untuk mengelola kelas dengan baik.
Mulai dari membangun hubungan positif dengan siswa,
mengatur lingkungan belajar, hingga mengatasi tantangan dalam pengelolaan kelas, semua aspek ini
dibahas secara mendetail.
Penulis menyampaikan terima kasih yang tak
terhingga bagi semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi.
Terakhir seperti kata pepatah bahwa” Tiada Gading
Yang Tak Retak” maka penulisan buku ini juga jauh dari
kata sempurna, oleh karena itu penulis sangat
berterima kasih apabila ada saran dan masukkan yang
dapat diberikan guna menyempurnakan buku ini di
kemudian hari.