Papers by Fathurrahman Muhtar

Miqot, Dec 25, 2023
This research examines the views of Mohammed Arkoun and Hasan Hanafi on Wasatiyah Islam in Indone... more This research examines the views of Mohammed Arkoun and Hasan Hanafi on Wasatiyah Islam in Indonesia. Both Muslim scholars emphasize the importance of interfaith dialogue and the wise application of religion. This research uses a literature review to collect data from the works of Arkoun, Hanafi, and other relevant sources on Islam and Wasatiyah in Indonesia. The results showed that Arkoun and Hanafi had a significant influence on Wasatiyah Islam in Indonesia. Wasatiyah Islam encourages interfaith harmony and religious diversity through dialog and inclusiveness. The research findings imply that the ideas of Arkoun and Hanafi are important for Wasatiyah Islam in Indonesia and can help develop a moderate and inclusive outlook. Abstrak : Penelitian ini mengkaji pandangan Mohammed Arkoun dan Hasan Hanafi mengenai Islam Wasatiyah di Indonesia. Kedua sarjana Muslim ini menekankan pentingnya dialog antaragama dan penerapan agama secara bijaksana. Penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan literatur untuk mengumpulkan data dari karya-karya Arkoun, Hanafi, dan sumber-sumber lain yang relevan tentang Islam dan Wasatiyah di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Arkoun dan Hanafi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada Islam Wasatiyah di Indonesia. Islam Wasatiyah mendorong harmoni antaragama dan keberagaman keagamaan melalui dialog dan inklusivitas. Temuan penelitian menyiratkan bahwa gagasan Arkoun dan Hanafi penting bagi Islam Wasatiyah di Indonesia dan dapat membantu mengembangkan pandangan yang moderat dan inklusif.

Manazhim : Jurnal Manajemen dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Feb 1, 2023
Teachers are educators, mentors, coaches, and curriculum balancers who can create conditions and ... more Teachers are educators, mentors, coaches, and curriculum balancers who can create conditions and a conducive learning atmosphere, such as a fun, interesting learning atmosphere, giving students space to think actively and innovatively in exploring and elaborating their abilities. The teacher's role is very important in improving student learning achievement so they must be more creative in choosing teaching methods. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of teacher creativity on motivation to learn to read the Koran in students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Sumbawa. This type of research is ex post facto comparative causal research using a quantitative approach. The research instrument was a questionnaire based on the research procedures used in this study. Data analysis was carried out through research instrument tests which included validity and reliability followed by the classical assumption test. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that teacher creativity has a direct effect on learning motivation. Because it has a probability value (0.000) <0.05, which means there is a positive and significant influence between teacher creativity on learning motivation. This means that the higher the teacher's creativity in teaching, the higher the learning motivation of students in class X Madarasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Sumbawa.

Teachers are educators, mentors, coaches, and curriculum balancers who can create conditions and ... more Teachers are educators, mentors, coaches, and curriculum balancers who can create conditions and a conducive learning atmosphere, such as a fun, interesting learning atmosphere, giving students space to think actively and innovatively in exploring and elaborating their abilities. The teacher's role is very important in improving student learning achievement so they must be more creative in choosing teaching methods. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of teacher creativity on motivation to learn to read the Koran in students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Sumbawa. This type of research is ex post facto comparative causal research using a quantitative approach. The research instrument was a questionnaire based on the research procedures used in this study. Data analysis was carried out through research instrument tests which included validity and reliability followed by the classical assumption test. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. ...

Routledge eBooks, Feb 5, 2024
The context of this essay is the prevalence of the mythology of Putri Mandalika, who changed into... more The context of this essay is the prevalence of the mythology of Putri Mandalika, who changed into Princess Nyale. The Mandalika myth is inextricably entwined with Sasak culture. For Sasak women, the myth of the Mandalika princess is to represent enthusiasm. This study aims to investigate religious practices in which Princess Mandalika is a mythical figure. Feminist and phenomenological approaches were applied in this investigation. The findings of this research demonstrated that the animism and vibrancy of Lombok society before the coming of Islam were the roots of Princess Mandalika mythology. In addition, the existence of Princess Mandalika is seen as a symbol. The mythology of Mandalika is easier to comprehend from the perspective of Wasathiyah Islam. This study also demonstrated how Mandalika mythology in Lombok has evolved into a representation of feminine energy and has remained contemporary as a result of people's unwavering adherence to Islamic beliefs.
Muslim heritage, Dec 26, 2022
Participative Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2021
This is an activity to focus on developing a madrasa community supported by UIN Mataram which is ... more This is an activity to focus on developing a madrasa community supported by UIN Mataram which is to develop Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Wathan Raudlatul Muslim Kayangan Sandik's management capabilities. Coaching method for madrasah development plan with Trainer of Trainer (TOT) strategy material for five pillars of Total Quality Management (TQM). The results will provide leaders, teachers, employees and stakeholders with a clear understanding of the concept of the five TQM pillars. The understanding is then transferred into the development plan for madrasah

SYAMIL: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education)
This article shows the numerous benefits created in the 7th-13th century A.D. by a primary educat... more This article shows the numerous benefits created in the 7th-13th century A.D. by a primary education institution named Kuttab. Kuttab is an educational institution that teaches the Qur'an to be read and memorized, history to be studied, and Arabic verses. This article utilizes an approach to literature research, gathering different references related to Kuttab. The empirical content process then evaluates the relation, and conclusions are drawn from the reference analysis. This paper concludes that with education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Kuttab institutions have a similar curriculum. The excellence of Kuttab focuses more on memorizing the Qur'an so that in the golden age (7-12 years), Kuttab students will remember the entire material of the Qur'an, in addition to teachers who have excelled and skills. Unlike Ibtidaiyah madrasahs, which do not focus students on memorizing the Qur'an, and as teachers in Kuttab, teachers are also far from professionalism. In comparison t...
1. Muatan nila- nilai pendidikan moralitas di tengah tradisi maulidan masyarakat sasak ; analisis... more 1. Muatan nila- nilai pendidikan moralitas di tengah tradisi maulidan masyarakat sasak ; analisis filosofi historis 2. Rekonstruksi model integrasikeilmuan pendidikan islam melalui islamization of knowladge berbasis tauhid 3.Pengembangan strategi manajemen pendidikan islam 4. Pendidikan islam dalam perspektif otonomi daerah di Indonesia 5. Peningkatan kinerja sekolah melalui pendekatan kultur 6. Revitalisasi filsafat ilmu dalam pendidkan islam 7. Peran orang tua dalam lembaga pendidikan karakter 8. Pemberdayaan pendidikan islam : studi atas pemikiran Fazlur Rahman

Under the Caliph al-Ma’mũn (reigned 813-833) Al-Khwārizmī became a member of the “House of Wisdom... more Under the Caliph al-Ma’mũn (reigned 813-833) Al-Khwārizmī became a member of the “House of Wisdom” (Dār Al-Hikma), a kind of academy of scientists set up at Baghdad, probably by Caliph Harũn Al-Rashīd, but owing its preeminence to the interest of Al-Ma’mũn, a great patron of learning and scientific investigation. It was for Al-Ma’ũn that Al-Khwārizmī composed his astronomical treatise, and his Algebra also is dedicated to that ruler. Using the old Roman numeral system made advanced math next to impossible. With a number system that goes from 0 to 9, Al-Khawarizmi is able to develop fields such as algebra, which he initially used to calculate Muslim inheritance laws. He builds more on the geometry of the Greeks, and develops the basic ideas many high school math students can recognize today. But his real issue remains with the number zero. It cannot be proven to exist using math. The old Indian texts insist zero divided by zero equals zero. But Al-Khawarizmi knows that any division b...

Symbols have been a crucial part of all religions in the world for they can represent religious v... more Symbols have been a crucial part of all religions in the world for they can represent religious values, ideas, and events. This study seeks to examine the meaning of religious symbols in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, and their role in maintaining socio-religious harmony in the region. Qualitative and interpretative in nature, data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis employed a grounded theory design. The results of this study indicate that the symbols of religious pluralism are visible on the Pura Meru (next to the Nurul Falah mosque), on the statues of various religious figures at the Pura Mayura, and on the Pura Lingsar, a home for an ancient building called Kemalik . These symbols have been recognized as common properties of Hindus and Muslims and as places to get blessings. There is also the Topat War festival which is a legacy of Muslim and Hindu traditions used as a medium to pour out a...

Pemberdayaan masyarakat, secara lugas dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses yang membangun manusia... more Pemberdayaan masyarakat, secara lugas dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses yang membangun manusia atau masyarakat melalui pengembangan kemampuan masyarakat, perubahan perilaku masyarakat, dan pengorganisasian masyarakat. Salah satu pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah pemberdayaan pemuda desa melalui budi daya jamur Tiram di desa Lembah Sempage Narmada Lombok Barat. Adapun alasan memilih subyek dampingan adalah: 1) dengan pertimbangan kondisi Narmada yang jenderung dingin sangat tepat untuk budi daya jamur, 2) Biaya budi daya tidak begitu mahal, 3). Bahan-bahan untuk budidaya jamur mudah didapatkan, dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan sekitar seperti Serbuk gergaji kayu, Bekatul sebanyak, Kapur CaCo₃ sebanyak, dan Air. Dari observasi awal kondisi dampingan saat ini adalah: pertama: pemuda di desa lembah sempage tidak memiliki kemampuan pemberdayaan lingkungan. Kedua, Pemuda desa lembah sempage hanya mengandalkan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan yang bersifat musiman. Adapun hasil pengabdian para pemuda desa mampu membuat bagblok jamur dan menyemai bibit jamur ke dalam bagblok (media tanam jamur)

The decline of Islamic science is seen as impacts of al-Gazālī’s criticism to philosophy and cont... more The decline of Islamic science is seen as impacts of al-Gazālī’s criticism to philosophy and controversy surrounding the thought of al-Gazālī and Ibn Rushd. During the Golden Age in the medieval period, Muslim scholars and philosophers had been the world references for science and technology development. They lost this legacy because they embraced orthodoxy rather than rationality. Al-Gazālī had written a book called Tahāfut al-Falāsifah (The Collapse or Inconsistence of the Philosophers) which criticised Islamic philosophers especially Ibn Sīnā and Al-Fārābī. Later after the death of al-Gazālī, Ibn Rushd wrote book tahāfut al-tahāfut which commented on al-Gazālī’s book Tahāfut al-falāsifah. It was arguing over Muslims should advance in science and technology in this modern era as it was evident during the Golden Age Islamic Era (the 7th up to the 13th centuries) whereby Muslims were the world references in science and technology development. However, after the period Muslims abando...

The decline of Islamic science is seen as impacts of alGazālī‘s criticism to philosophy and contr... more The decline of Islamic science is seen as impacts of alGazālī‘s criticism to philosophy and controversy surrounding the thought of al-Gazālī and Ibn Rushd. During the Golden Age in the medieval period, Muslim scholars and philosophers had been the world references for science and technology development. They lost this legacy because they embraced orthodoxy rather than rationality. Al-Gazālī had written a book called Tahāfut al-Falāsifah (The Collapse or Inconsistence of the Philosophers) which criticised Islamic philosophers especially Ibn Sīnā and Al-Fārābī. Later after the death of al-Gazālī, Ibn Rushd wrote book tahāfut al-tahāfut which commented on al-Gazālī‘s book Tahāfut alfalāsifah. It was arguing over Muslims should advance in science and technology in this modern era as it was evident during the Golden Age Islamic Era (the 7th up to the 13th centuries) whereby Muslims were the world references in science and technology development. However, after the period Muslims abandone...

DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education
This study aims to reveal the tradition of character education principles in Ma'had Darul Qur... more This study aims to reveal the tradition of character education principles in Ma'had Darul Qur'an Hadith (MDQH) Al-Majidiyah As-Shafi'iyah Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor, Mataram, based on the principles in Ta'limul Mutaallim. This research is qualitative research that uses a phenomenological approach. Sampling was done by purposive and snowball sampling. To determine the sample purposively, the researcher interviewed several informants from the teaching staff. On the other hand, in snowball sampling, the researcher explores in-depth interviews based on the recommendations of previous informants to collect data from several other informants. Furthermore, data was also collected through observation by directly observing student learning and documenting attitudes recorded in school records such as student conditions and Ma'had's profile. The collected data is then analyzed into an immersive study using the Miles and Huberman model, where the data is analyzed interactiv...

Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pemberdayaan masyarakat, secara lugas dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses yang membangun manusia... more Pemberdayaan masyarakat, secara lugas dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses yang membangun manusia atau masyarakat melalui pengembangan kemampuan masyarakat, perubahan perilaku masyarakat, dan pengorganisasian masyarakat. Salah satu pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah pemberdayaan pemuda desa melalui budi daya jamur Tiram di desa Lembah Sempage Narmada Lombok Barat. Adapun alasan memilih subyek dampingan adalah: 1) dengan pertimbangan kondisi Narmada yang jenderung dingin sangat tepat untuk budi daya jamur, 2) Biaya budi daya tidak begitu mahal, 3). Bahan-bahan untuk budidaya jamur mudah didapatkan, dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan sekitar seperti Serbuk gergaji kayu, Bekatul sebanyak, Kapur CaCo₃ sebanyak, dan Air. Dari observasi awal kondisi dampingan saat ini adalah: pertama: pemuda di desa lembah sempage tidak memiliki kemampuan pemberdayaan lingkungan. Kedua, Pemuda desa lembah sempage hanya mengandalkan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan yang bersifat musiman. Adapun hasil pengabdian para pemuda desa mampu membuat bagblok jamur dan menyemai bibit jamur ke dalam bagblok (media tanam jamur)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab isu pokok didalam pengelolaan konflik kelembagaan pendidi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab isu pokok didalam pengelolaan konflik kelembagaan pendidikan Islam pada Pondok Pesantren Nahd}atul Wat}an mengenai: sumber otoritas dan otoritas dalam mengatur institusi bidang pendidikan Islam di Pesantren Nahd} atul Wat}an Lombok Timur NTB, dan penyebab konflik dalam lembaga tersebut. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pokok tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan teori non-Marxist-structuralis sebagai alat analisa untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas. Diantara teori lainnya, dikemukakan oleh Ralf Dahrendorf, yang menyatakan bahwa masyarakat dipersatukan oleh suatu ketiadaan kebebasan. Posisi tertentu di dalam masyarakat untuk mendelegasikan kekuasaan dan otoritas ke posisi lainnya, perbedaan di dalam distribusi otoritas tersebut dapat menjadi faktor perbedaan dari sistematis konflik sosial. Berbagai posisi di dalam masyarakat mempunyai mutu dari perbedaan otoritas. Otoritas tersebut tidak terlepas pada individu itu sendiri namun didalam posisi riset ini m...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapat dan posisi hukum pernikahan adat sas... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapat dan posisi hukum pernikahan adat sasak menurut tuan guru dan tokoh Masyarakat Adat Sasak (MAS) di Lombok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan pendekatan stratifikasi sosial antaretnik. Pendekatan ini telah membuktikan bahwa kelompok status merupakan komunitas yang memiliki gaya hidup, identitas sosial yang diakui, dan kehormatan yang diakui secara publik atau bahkan peringkat sosial. Peneliti telah melakukan wawancara mendalam (indept interview) kepada beberapa tokoh masyarakat. Di samping itu juga, peneliti telah melakukan observasi lapangan untuk melihat praktek pernikahan adat Sasak. Data yang sudah terkumpul kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jenis dan muatannya. Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan analisa data kualitatif Model Miles dan Huberman, dengan tahapan reduksi data, Model Data (Data Display) dan Penarikan/Verifikasi Kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan pan...

Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to determined the resilience of religious people in preventing the occur... more ABSTRACTThis study aimed to determined the resilience of religious people in preventing the occurrence of radicalism in the city of Mataram. This research used indept interview method, field observation, and documentation, while data analysis usedgrounded theory design, that was expressing the experience of the people involved and knowing the problem being studied. This results of this study indicated that the form of cooperation between religious communities in the city of Mataram ran naturally, without any forms of cooperation based on written rules among religious followers. Collaboration based on human values and traditional customs among Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Collaboration with each other helping other religious people in various religious activities was a call and obligation that had been taught by their respective religions. There was an awareness that religion in the theological domain recognizes the existence of the One God, although the expression of religious ...
Papers by Fathurrahman Muhtar