ABSTRAK Muhammad Tareq Ghifari (1700109). Pengaruh Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berban... more ABSTRAK Muhammad Tareq Ghifari (1700109). Pengaruh Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Video Edukasi terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa SMP di masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19). Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang merupakan aspek dari kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis. Kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis merupakan kemampuan yang penting untuk siswa karena melalui berpikir kritis seseorang akan dapat mengumpulkan berbagai informasi yang relevan, bertindak secara efisien dan kreatif, mampu mengemukakan pendapat secara logis berdasarkan pengetahuan dan informasi serta mampu menarik kesimpulan yang dapat dipercaya. Pembelajaran jarak jauh yang dilaksanakan selama pandemi membuat beberapa pendidik kesulitan untuk memenuhi aspek-aspek yang ada pada kurikulum termasuk berpikir kritis. Pengoptimalan pembelajaran jarak jauh sangat bergantung dalam penggunaan teknologi dan media pembelajaran yang dipa...
Associates for technical support and EPSRC and Yorkshire Water Services to support my work. Thank... more Associates for technical support and EPSRC and Yorkshire Water Services to support my work. Thanks to my colleagues in acoustic group and School of Engineering, Design and Technology for their sincere appreciation about my work. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my wife Azizun for her constant support in every respect of my life.
Due to some of the limitations of monetary measures, various non-monetary approaches for assessin... more Due to some of the limitations of monetary measures, various non-monetary approaches for assessing household wealth have been developed as alternative tools for classifying household socioeconomic status. Among them, wealth indices based on household durable assets are being used. The literature revealed that two basic methods of constructing wealth indices are employed: an unweighted method, where assets are weighted equally; and a weighted method, where specific weights are assigned to assets. In the case of using the weighted method, weighting can be assigned using various techniques. The overall objective of the study is to compare the wealth indices constructed by using weighted and unweighted methods for assessing the socioeconomic status of households in rural Bangladesh. Firstly, the study attempts to construct wealth indices based on durable assets using the unweighted method and two techniques of the weighted method: weighted index using the inverse of proportion, and weighted index using principal component analysis (PCA). Following this, the study compares some distributional characteristics of these indices as well as monetary indicators. At the same time, the study evaluates and examines some attractive properties of these indices such as the extent of clumping and truncation, consistency with traditional monetary measures. Comparative analysis revealed that the unweighted asset index, as well as weighted asset index using PCA, can be treated as an efficient alternative to the monetary measures to evaluate the living standard of the households in the present study. However, due to some advantage's asset index using PCA can be considered to be somewhat better than the unweighted index. But, as the unweighted asset index is not very different from the weighted asset index using PCA, it can also be used as an alternative to the monetary measures without the need to use weighting.
ABSTRACT:Due to diminishing trend of cultivable land and some other realities, microenterprises a... more ABSTRACT:Due to diminishing trend of cultivable land and some other realities, microenterprises are increasingly being popular among rural marginalized and impoverished people of Bangladesh as a means of their livelihood and a way to reduce their poverty. In this context, these enterprises require assessment of their economic activities and their contribution to rural economy particularly the assessment of their role in poverty reduction. Therefore, we assess the impact of rural microenterprises in poverty reduction providing quantitative measures of poverty in terms of various indices using Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) class of poverty measures. This study also provides the classification of households according to poverty status. The case-control study design has been employed in the present study. Case and control groups have been respectively defined as rural households that own and don't own microenterprises as their main sources of income. Some socio-economic indicators at a certain level have been considered as matching criteria. The households satisfying all these matching criteria are the eligible ones for the study. A sample of 360 households (180 cases and 180 controls) have been selected applying two stage sampling design, where primary sampling units (villages) have been selected following standard systematic probability proportional to size sampling and the secondary sampling units (households within the village) have been selected by systematic random sampling. From the findings, it is evident that, in respect of upper poverty line, the incidence of poverty is over 1.5 times in control than in case households, while the depth and severity of poverty are 2 times more in control than in case households. On the other hand, in respect of lower poverty line, the incidence of poverty is about 2 times in control than in case households, whereas the depth and severity of poverty are nearly 2.5 times more in control as compared to case households. This indicates that much lower poverty remains in the households that own microenterprises as compared to their counterpart. Consequently, it is concluded that rural microenterprises play a considerable role in poverty reduction. Our findings suggest that policies in favour of developing more new microenterprises and enriching the existing ones would help to reduce the poverty in Bangladesh. To promote new micro-entrepreneurs in rural areas, policy makers should take some motivational programs like financial support, technical support, training on entrepreneurship development etc.
Rice production depends on both producers' and consumers' preference. The consumption of rice dep... more Rice production depends on both producers' and consumers' preference. The consumption of rice depends on consumers' taste and habits. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate mathematical models for producers', consumers' and producers-cum-consumers' preference to rice varieties and to evaluate the factors affecting both producers' and producer-cum-consumers' decision on varieties for rice cultivation and can provide an indication of the factors affecting consumers' preferences to rice varieties in Dhaka, Gazipur, Dinajpur and Bhola districts of Bangladesh. Chi-square (2 ) tests were used to explore the significant difference of preferring rice varieties among the groups of people and compared the results with the proposed models for validation. Producers and producers-cum-consumers preferred BR11, BR22 and BRRI dhan32 in T. Aman; BR16, BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan29 in Boro and BR9, BR16 and BR20 in Aus seasons respectively. The specific grain quality characteristics such as whiteness, brokens, shape, amylose (%), aroma, cooking quality, hardness and chalkiness influenced the consumers and producers preference. Furthermore, pure consumers also preferred rice varieties on the basis of its tastiness and fineness.
The ratio, product, chain ratio, chain product, chain regression and ratio-cum product estimators... more The ratio, product, chain ratio, chain product, chain regression and ratio-cum product estimators have been considered by Chand (
... M Abul Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. M Ismail Hossai... more ... M Abul Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. M Ismail Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. ... M Abul Hossain, M Ismail Hossain, M Altaf Hossain, SM Raquibullah, Muhammad Tareq. Abstract. ...
ABSTRAK Muhammad Tareq Ghifari (1700109). Pengaruh Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berban... more ABSTRAK Muhammad Tareq Ghifari (1700109). Pengaruh Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Video Edukasi terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa SMP di masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19). Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang merupakan aspek dari kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis. Kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis merupakan kemampuan yang penting untuk siswa karena melalui berpikir kritis seseorang akan dapat mengumpulkan berbagai informasi yang relevan, bertindak secara efisien dan kreatif, mampu mengemukakan pendapat secara logis berdasarkan pengetahuan dan informasi serta mampu menarik kesimpulan yang dapat dipercaya. Pembelajaran jarak jauh yang dilaksanakan selama pandemi membuat beberapa pendidik kesulitan untuk memenuhi aspek-aspek yang ada pada kurikulum termasuk berpikir kritis. Pengoptimalan pembelajaran jarak jauh sangat bergantung dalam penggunaan teknologi dan media pembelajaran yang dipa...
Associates for technical support and EPSRC and Yorkshire Water Services to support my work. Thank... more Associates for technical support and EPSRC and Yorkshire Water Services to support my work. Thanks to my colleagues in acoustic group and School of Engineering, Design and Technology for their sincere appreciation about my work. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my wife Azizun for her constant support in every respect of my life.
Due to some of the limitations of monetary measures, various non-monetary approaches for assessin... more Due to some of the limitations of monetary measures, various non-monetary approaches for assessing household wealth have been developed as alternative tools for classifying household socioeconomic status. Among them, wealth indices based on household durable assets are being used. The literature revealed that two basic methods of constructing wealth indices are employed: an unweighted method, where assets are weighted equally; and a weighted method, where specific weights are assigned to assets. In the case of using the weighted method, weighting can be assigned using various techniques. The overall objective of the study is to compare the wealth indices constructed by using weighted and unweighted methods for assessing the socioeconomic status of households in rural Bangladesh. Firstly, the study attempts to construct wealth indices based on durable assets using the unweighted method and two techniques of the weighted method: weighted index using the inverse of proportion, and weighted index using principal component analysis (PCA). Following this, the study compares some distributional characteristics of these indices as well as monetary indicators. At the same time, the study evaluates and examines some attractive properties of these indices such as the extent of clumping and truncation, consistency with traditional monetary measures. Comparative analysis revealed that the unweighted asset index, as well as weighted asset index using PCA, can be treated as an efficient alternative to the monetary measures to evaluate the living standard of the households in the present study. However, due to some advantage's asset index using PCA can be considered to be somewhat better than the unweighted index. But, as the unweighted asset index is not very different from the weighted asset index using PCA, it can also be used as an alternative to the monetary measures without the need to use weighting.
ABSTRACT:Due to diminishing trend of cultivable land and some other realities, microenterprises a... more ABSTRACT:Due to diminishing trend of cultivable land and some other realities, microenterprises are increasingly being popular among rural marginalized and impoverished people of Bangladesh as a means of their livelihood and a way to reduce their poverty. In this context, these enterprises require assessment of their economic activities and their contribution to rural economy particularly the assessment of their role in poverty reduction. Therefore, we assess the impact of rural microenterprises in poverty reduction providing quantitative measures of poverty in terms of various indices using Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) class of poverty measures. This study also provides the classification of households according to poverty status. The case-control study design has been employed in the present study. Case and control groups have been respectively defined as rural households that own and don't own microenterprises as their main sources of income. Some socio-economic indicators at a certain level have been considered as matching criteria. The households satisfying all these matching criteria are the eligible ones for the study. A sample of 360 households (180 cases and 180 controls) have been selected applying two stage sampling design, where primary sampling units (villages) have been selected following standard systematic probability proportional to size sampling and the secondary sampling units (households within the village) have been selected by systematic random sampling. From the findings, it is evident that, in respect of upper poverty line, the incidence of poverty is over 1.5 times in control than in case households, while the depth and severity of poverty are 2 times more in control than in case households. On the other hand, in respect of lower poverty line, the incidence of poverty is about 2 times in control than in case households, whereas the depth and severity of poverty are nearly 2.5 times more in control as compared to case households. This indicates that much lower poverty remains in the households that own microenterprises as compared to their counterpart. Consequently, it is concluded that rural microenterprises play a considerable role in poverty reduction. Our findings suggest that policies in favour of developing more new microenterprises and enriching the existing ones would help to reduce the poverty in Bangladesh. To promote new micro-entrepreneurs in rural areas, policy makers should take some motivational programs like financial support, technical support, training on entrepreneurship development etc.
Rice production depends on both producers' and consumers' preference. The consumption of rice dep... more Rice production depends on both producers' and consumers' preference. The consumption of rice depends on consumers' taste and habits. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate mathematical models for producers', consumers' and producers-cum-consumers' preference to rice varieties and to evaluate the factors affecting both producers' and producer-cum-consumers' decision on varieties for rice cultivation and can provide an indication of the factors affecting consumers' preferences to rice varieties in Dhaka, Gazipur, Dinajpur and Bhola districts of Bangladesh. Chi-square (2 ) tests were used to explore the significant difference of preferring rice varieties among the groups of people and compared the results with the proposed models for validation. Producers and producers-cum-consumers preferred BR11, BR22 and BRRI dhan32 in T. Aman; BR16, BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan29 in Boro and BR9, BR16 and BR20 in Aus seasons respectively. The specific grain quality characteristics such as whiteness, brokens, shape, amylose (%), aroma, cooking quality, hardness and chalkiness influenced the consumers and producers preference. Furthermore, pure consumers also preferred rice varieties on the basis of its tastiness and fineness.
The ratio, product, chain ratio, chain product, chain regression and ratio-cum product estimators... more The ratio, product, chain ratio, chain product, chain regression and ratio-cum product estimators have been considered by Chand (
... M Abul Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. M Ismail Hossai... more ... M Abul Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. M Ismail Hossain Oil Seed Research Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur Bangladesh. ... M Abul Hossain, M Ismail Hossain, M Altaf Hossain, SM Raquibullah, Muhammad Tareq. Abstract. ...
Papers by Muhammad Tareq