Papers by Muhammad Sarip

Banyak kisah klasik tentang Sungai Mahakam, terutama di Samarinda tempo dulu.Ada mitologi bertema... more Banyak kisah klasik tentang Sungai Mahakam, terutama di Samarinda tempo dulu.Ada mitologi bertema horor seperti hantu banyu, ada misteri keajaiban minum air Mahakam, ada mitos menelan ikan hidup supaya mahir berenang, ada fauna langka yang dikeramatkan bernama pesut, ada folklor ular lembu, ada pula perilaku barbar atau peristiwa kekejaman berupa perampokan, penculikan, perbudakan, dan perdagangan budak belian serta tragedi di sungai yang memiliki lebih dari 30 cabang ini. Mahakam juga bersejarah sebagai ‘lapangan terbang’ pertama di Samarinda.Penulis menyusun buku “Sejarah Sungai Mahakam di Samarinda, dari Mitologi ke Barbarisme sampai Kemasyhuran” ini dengan formatkompilasi artikel.Sebagian materi orisinal dari kesaksian, pengamatan, dan pengalaman penulis sendiri yang dulu pernah mengalami masa kecil di pemukiman tepi Sungai Mahakam, bersebelahan dengan pelabuhan perusahaan industri kayu lapis, tempat bertambatnya kapal-kapal besar mancanegara dan rakit kayu gelondongan.Dengan bu...

Yupa: Historical Studies Journal
The establishment of Samarinda on January 21st, 1668 which was set out by the Regional Government... more The establishment of Samarinda on January 21st, 1668 which was set out by the Regional Government of the Municipality of Samarinda in Regional Regulation Number 1 of 1988, has been a controversy. The historical milestone of the establishment was based on the arrival event of a group from Sulawesi Island to Samarinda. Selection of this event disregards the traditional historiography record of an ancient Kutai local community which where exist long before the Bugis settlement in Samarinda Seberang. This study aims to analyse the historical validity of the arrival of La Mohang Daeng Mangkona's entourage in Samarinda Seberang which is claimed to be the basis for Samarinda City's establishment. Conducted with historical research methods, the result of this study found that the story of La Mohang Daeng Mangkona as the leader of the Bugis Wajo migrants to Samarinda is not based on valid historical sources. Following the result of this research, the researcher recommends to the Gove...
Kerajaan pertama di Nusantara yang berpusat di Muara Kaman, Kalimantan Timur dikenal publik denga... more Kerajaan pertama di Nusantara yang berpusat di Muara Kaman, Kalimantan Timur dikenal publik dengan nama Kerajaan Kutai. Tetapi, dari tujuh prasasti yupa yang dibuat pada abad V Masehi, tidak ada satu pun yang menyebutkan nama atau kata Kutai. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap nama yang sebenarnya dari imperium dinasti yang didirikan Aswawarman putra Kundungga. Metode penelitian sejarah ditempuh dari tahap heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, hingga historiografi. Sumber utama penelitian adalah kitab Salasilah Kutai beraksara Arab Melayu yang selesai ditulis tahun 1849. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, nama yang sebenarnya dari kerajaan dinasti Mulawarman yang runtuh pada tahun 1635 ini adalah Martapura, tanpa didahului kata Kutai.

Yupa: Historical Studies Journal
The event of Islamization in Kutai Kertanegara Monarchy needs to be reviewed on the basis of ver... more The event of Islamization in Kutai Kertanegara Monarchy needs to be reviewed on the basis of verified primary sources. This study aims to analyze the validity of Surat Salasilah Raja dalam Negeri Kutai Kertanegara Malay-Arabic script, as a source of traditional historiography. The script describes the process of Islamization in the Monarchy of Kutai Kertanegara whence it begins as mythological texts then written as historical narratives. With historical research methods, the main source of this research is the book of Letters of Salasilah Raja in Kutai Kertanegara in Arabic Malay script by Khatib Muhammad Thahir which was completed in 1849. The results of the study show that, with strict verification, Salasilah Kutai is a valid historical source. The process of Islamization in the Kutai Kertanegara Monarchy took place through the role of a preacher named Tuan Tunggang Parangan who carried out an egalitarian dialectic to Raja Makota, in 1575.
Conference Presentations by Muhammad Sarip

Banjarmasin since 1526 has become a trading port as well as the main spice route on the island of... more Banjarmasin since 1526 has become a trading port as well as the main spice route on the island of Borneo and the central region of the archipelago. The Sultanate of Banjar as a political authority with a capital city in Banjarmasin, grew and developed as a center for Islamic religion-based education. Malay Arabic script is used as a teaching instrument. The use of the Malay Arabic script was later expanded to become a means of documenting the culture and past of local entities. Banjar hegemony extends its influence to the Kutai Kertanegara Sultanate in eastern Kalimantan. Two manuscripts in Arabic-Malay script, namely Hikayat Banjar and Surat Salasilah Raja dalam Negeri Kutai Kertanegara contain historical values about the tolerance between adherents of various religions/beliefs and adaptation of old cultures to new cultures with Islamic orientation. This article aims to describe and analyze the process of cultural negotiation between Hinduism and Islam that took place peacefully and harmoniously in Kalimantan in the 16th century AD. Using historical research methods, the main sources of this study are two Arabic-Malay scripts. First, Hikayat Banjar, which was written around the 1800s. Second, the Letter of Salasilah Raja in Kutai Kertanegara or popularly called Salasilah Kutai written by a Banjarnese who worked as a clerk for the Kutai Sultanate in 1849. Results of the study show that the presence of Islam as a new religion and dogma in southern and eastern Kalimantan generally accommodates old traditions and cultures. The arrival of Islam did not erase the Hindu culture that had been inherent for generations in the Banjar and Kutai entities. Cultural negotiation in an accommodating way is one of the factors of fertilizing and identifying Islam in the Banjar and Kutai communities.
Papers by Muhammad Sarip
Conference Presentations by Muhammad Sarip