Papers by Muhammad Salman

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
The field experiment was conducted to determine the population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armiger... more The field experiment was conducted to determine the population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) larval population in relation to abiotic factors on chickpea for two seasons during (Rabi, 2021-22) at Crop Research Centre (CRC), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut. The present study revealed that the Gram pod borer larval population were first observed from 50th and 51th standard meteorological week till harvesting the crop i.e. 15th standard meteorological week during Rabi, 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively. The highest peak larval population (4.20 and 3.80 larvae per plant) was observed in 12th and 11th standard meteorological week during Rabi, 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively. The data recorded were subjected to correlation with various meteorological parameters on population fluctuation of H. armigera on chickpea. The correlation analysis showed that both minimum and maximum temperature were positively correlated during both years...

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Recently, the spy cameras spotted in private rental places have raised immense privacy concerns. ... more Recently, the spy cameras spotted in private rental places have raised immense privacy concerns. The existing solutions for detecting them require additional support from synchronous external sensing or stimulus hardware such as on/off LED circuits, which require extra obligations from the user. For example, a user needs to carry a smartphone and laboriously perform preset motions (e.g., jumping, waving, and preplanned walking pattern) for synchronous sensing of acceleration signals. These requirements cause considerable discomfort to the user and limit the practicability of prevalent solutions. To cope with this, we propose CSI:DeSpy, an efficient and painless method by leveraging video bitrate fluctuations of the WiFi camera and the passively obtained Channel States Information (CSI) from user motion. CSI:DeSpy includes a self-adaptive feature that makes it robust to detect motion efficiently in multipath-rich environments. We implemented CSI:DeSpy on the Android platform and asse...

Journal of Mathematics
For a connected graph G = V G , E G , let v ∈ V G be a vertex and e = uw  ∈ E G be an edge. The d... more For a connected graph G = V G , E G , let v ∈ V G be a vertex and e = uw  ∈ E G be an edge. The distance between the vertex v and the edge e is given by d G e , v = min d G u , v , d G w , v . A vertex w ∈ V G distinguishes two edges e 1 , e 2 ∈ E G if d G w , e 1 ≠d G w , e 2 . A well-known graph invariant related to resolvability of graph edges, namely, the edge resolving set, is studied for a family of 3 -regular graphs. A set S of vertices in a connected graph G is an edge metric generator for G if every two edges of G are distinguished by some vertex of S . The smallest cardinality of an edge metric generator for G is called the edge metric dimension and is denoted by β e G . As a main result, we investigate the minimum number of vertices which works as the edge metric generator of double generalized Petersen graphs, DGP n , 1 . We have proved that β e DGP n , 1 = 4 when n ≡ 0,1,3 mod 4 and β e DGP n , 1 = 3 when n ≡ 2 mod 4 .

Thermal Science, 2022
Due to compact size, high power density, low cost and short construction time, the small modular ... more Due to compact size, high power density, low cost and short construction time, the small modular reactors are considered as one of the candidate reactors, in which the power generation system is important with a compact heat exchanger for modular construction. Therefore, the effect of plate structure and nature of the working fluid on the thermal performance of plate heat exchanger are analyzed for the design of compact and efficient heat exchanger. The heat transfer rate, temperature counters, velocity vectors, and pressure drop have been optimized and investigated using FLUENT. The Nusselt number has been calculated for the corrugated and flat plate heat exchanger to validate the convective heat transfer. The numerical results are agreed well with correlation within deviation of ~5-7%. The performance of heat exchanger can be improved by controlling the mass-flow rate, and temperature of working fluid. The corrugation plate heat ex-changer increases the heat transfer rate 20% and ...

Recently a tremendous increase has occurred in the number of mobile users as well as in their app... more Recently a tremendous increase has occurred in the number of mobile users as well as in their applications. Due to bandwidth limitation, it is vital to utilize the techniques which can achieve high spectral efficiency. Device-to-Device (D2D) communication, as an efficient way to improve the spectral efficiency, has been proposed to enable devices to communicate directly to each other without the help of Base Station (BS). D2D communication is an effective way to increase spectral efficiency in underlying Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based network. Since the D2D link reuses the cellular resource blocks (RBs), the int erference is one of the critical issues. In this thesis we focus on the interference management, and have proposed two schemes for resource allocation and power control. Our aim is to minimize total power consumption with certain rate targets on D2D links and cellular users, respectively. Firstly we derive a joint resource allocation and power control (JRP) scheme by using dual decomposition theory. Then we propose a separate resource allocation and power control (SRP) scheme. In summary, the JRP scheme is more power efficient and more likely to be feasible, but its complexity is much higher compared to the SRP scheme. Moreover, we derive a lower bound for the minimization problem and compare it with the proposed schemes .
Heterocyclic Communications, 2020
Several properties of chemical compounds in a molecular structure can be determined with the aid ... more Several properties of chemical compounds in a molecular structure can be determined with the aid of mathematical languages provided by various types of topological indices. In this paper, we consider eight dendrimer structures in the context of valency based topological indices. We define four Banhatti polynomials for general (molecular) graphs, and compute them for underline dendrimers. We use these polynomials to determine four Banhatti indices. We also determine Zagreb (first, second and hyper) and forgotten indices by developing their relationships with Banhatti indices.

Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology, Dec 1, 2009
Whole body gamma irradiation of growing male Guinea pigs at the dose of 150 rads/animal reduced t... more Whole body gamma irradiation of growing male Guinea pigs at the dose of 150 rads/animal reduced the levels of total protein and albumin. Growing Guinea pigs males (250 ± 30 gm. b. w.) were divided into two main groups; non-irradiated and irradiated groups and every main group were divided into four subgroups. Irradiated growing Guinea pigs males groups were exposed to 150 Rads/animal by cesium-137 irradiation unit with a dose route of 1.06483 rad per second in a uniform manner and divided into four subgroups. In irradiated groups; the first subgroups were interaperitoneally (i.p) injected with100 µL saline solution. The second subgroups were i.p. injection of bone marrow cells from their twins (2.5x10 6 cells/animall). The third subgroups injected i. p with BPF (1µgm/gm. b. w.) which was dissolved in saline solution. The fourth subgroup injected with i.p solution of BPF (1µg/gm. b. w.) together with bone marrow cells from their twins (2.5x10 6 cells/animal). The nonirradiated subgroups were injected with the same manner of irradiated subgroups. The level of total protein and albumin in serum were measured at periods of 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days. Irradiated animals i.p. injection of BPF (single dose); appears slight to improve the changes which occurred in both total protein and albumin compared to irradiated subgroup. However, irradiated Guinea pigs injected with single dose of BPF together with bone marrow cells were more improvement of these parameters than subgroups injected with only single dose of BPF. The improvement of these parameters may be attributed to stimulate growth factors and/or growth hormones to increase protein synthesis as an effect on the liver that necessitates future investigations.

IEEE Access, 2020
The metric is a non-negative assignment to the pairs of nodes in a connected network N , which as... more The metric is a non-negative assignment to the pairs of nodes in a connected network N , which assigns the number of links lying in a smallest path between the nodes in the pairs. A pair (a, b) of nodes in N is said to be uniquely identified by a node c of N if the metric assigned to the pair (a, c) is different from the metric assigned to the pair (b, c). The metric index of N is the minimum number of nodes in N chosen in such a manner that every two nodes in N are uniquely identified by a chosen node. It is said to be constant for a family of networks if it remains unchange with the extension in the networks. In this paper, we consider a family of chordal ring networks and propose an algorithm which assistances in proving, with the aid of mathematical induction and the concept of good nodes, that there is no change in the metric index of chordal ring networks with the extension in the networks. INDEX TERMS Metric, metric index, chordal ring networks, good node.
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology, 2015
The liver is expected not only to perform physiological functions but also to protect against the... more The liver is expected not only to perform physiological functions but also to protect against the hazards of harmful drugs and chemicals. In spite of the tremendous scientific advancement in the field of hepatology in recent years, liver problems are on the rise (

Pakistan journal of medical sciences
To determine the frequency of (MRSA) and identification of drug susceptibility for MRSA isolates ... more To determine the frequency of (MRSA) and identification of drug susceptibility for MRSA isolates among health care workers (HCWs) of a tertiary care hospital of South Punjab Pakistan. We included 225 HCWs including laboratory staff, doctors, nurses and paramedical staff in this cross-sectional study. The study was conducted in Nishtar medical university/Hospital Multan. The study duration was July-2016 to April-2017. HCWs having no signs of infections and any other systemic disease were included in this study. We used sterile nasal swab sticks for sample collection for determination of . All these samples were processed in the laboratory for MRSA, (MSSA) and for antimicrobial sensitivity of . Chi-square test was used for comparison of frequency of MRSA and MSSA between different HCWs by assuming p-Value ≤0.05 as significant difference. There were 65.3% (147) female participants and only 34.7% (78) male participants. was diagnosed in the nasal flora of 24% (54) participants, out of w...

EXCLI journal, 2016
Bioactive peptides such as bradykinin potentiating factor (BPF), have, anti-oxidative, anti-infla... more Bioactive peptides such as bradykinin potentiating factor (BPF), have, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and ameliorative effects in chronic diseases and play a potential role in cancer prevention. It is known that the liver and kidney accumulate inorganic mercury upon exposure, which often leads to mercury intoxication in these organs. In this study, we investigated the effect of bradykinin potentiating factor (BPF), a scorpion venom peptide, on mercuric chloride-induced hepatic and renal toxicity in rats. We used 20 adult male Albino rats divided into four equal groups: the first group was injected with saline (control); the second group was administered daily with mercuric chloride (HgCl2) for 2 weeks; the third group was administered with BPF twice weekly for 2 successive weeks, while the fourth group was exposed to BPF followed by HgCl2. We observed that HgCl2 treated rats had a significant increase in serum ALT, AST, ALP, creatinine and urea levels compared t...

BioMed Research International, 2016
The objective of this study was to assess the occupational exposure to mercury in dentistry and a... more The objective of this study was to assess the occupational exposure to mercury in dentistry and associated environmental emission in wastewater of Lahore, Pakistan. A total of ninety-eight blood samples were collected comprising 37 dentists, 31 dental assistants, and 30 controls. Results demonstrate that the dentistry personnel contained significantly higher mean concentration of mercury in their blood samples (dentists: 29.835 µg/L and dental assistants: 22.798 µg/L) compared to that of the controls (3.2769 µg/L). The mean concentration of mercury was found maximum in the blood samples of older age group (62.8 µg/L) in dentists and (44.3 µg/L) in dental assistants. The comparison of mercury concentration among dentists, dental assistants, and controls (pairing based on their ages) revealed that the concentration increased with the age and experience among the dentists and dental assistants. Moreover, the mercury concentration in all the studied dental wastewater samples, collected ...

An ordered set $W$ of vertices of a connected graph $G$ is called a resolving set for $G$ if for ... more An ordered set $W$ of vertices of a connected graph $G$ is called a resolving set for $G$ if for every two distinct vertices $u,v \in V(G)$, there is a vertex $w \in W$ such that $d(u,w) \neq d(v,w)$. A resolving set of minimum cardinality is called a basis for $G$ and the number of vertices in a basis is called the metric dimension of $G$, denoted by $dim(G)$. For a vertex $u$ of $G$ and a subset $S$ of $V(G)$, the distance between $u$ and $S$ is the number $\min \limits_{s \in S}d(u,s)$. An ordered $t$-partition $\Pi$ $=$ $\{S_1, S_2,\ldots,S_t\}$ of $V(G)$ is called a resolving partition if for every two distinct vertices $u,v \in V(G)$, there is a set $S_i$ in $\Pi$ such that $d(u,S_i) \neq d(v,S_i)$. The minimum $t$ for which there is a resolving $t$-partition of $V(G)$ is called the partition dimension of $G$, denoted by $pd(G)$. A hypergraph is a generalization of a graph where edges can connect any number of vertices. In this paper, we extend the study of metric and partitio...

BMJ Quality Improvement Reports, 2015
Compliance with pathways for hospitalised patients with alcohol dependency syndrome is often poor... more Compliance with pathways for hospitalised patients with alcohol dependency syndrome is often poor. A pathway for recognition and treatment of alcohol dependency was redesigned as part of a 12 month service improvement project in the acute medical unit using plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycles. A needs assessment was undertaken: Audit data from 2013 showed over-prescription of chlordiazepoxide for detoxification treatment (DT) leading to prolonged hospital admissions with an average length of stay of 5.5 days in 2012/2013. Acceptability of screening tools was tested: Common screening tools (CEWA, AUDIT) were rejected by junior doctors due to the high number of questions as too cumbersome for routine practice. Compliance with usage in random samples over a three month period was persistently <10%. Testing of an abbreviated AUDIT questionnaire with only two questions and a specified threshold showed a AUROC of 1 (p<0.001 for correct identification). The screening tool was implemented in several PDSAs cycles. After the final cycle a random sample of 100 patients was reviewed for pathway compliance over a three months period. Eighty-six patients were screened with the two-question tool of these 18 were identified as possible risk. Of these 16 patients had the full AUDIT questionnaire, only eight with elevated values were started on DT. Overall compliance with the pathway increased to 84%. Problem Alcohol-related hospital admissions are increasing.[1] There are a number of reasons for this, including the easy access, affordability, and the acceptance of a culture where drinking alcohol from an early age through to old age is becoming an acceptable behaviour.[4,5] According to the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 23.5 million persons aged 12 or older needed
Proceedings ITCC 2003. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2003
... Administrators: Provides system administrator the modules of user administration, system data... more ... Administrators: Provides system administrator the modules of user administration, system data viewing, updating and auditing. 'LVWDQFH OHDUQLQJ V\VWHP 'DWD FODVVURRP 7HVW (YDOXDWLRQ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 0DLOER[ &XUULFXOXP 5 H J LV WUD WLR Q ...

2013 XXIV International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2013
In many real life problems, related to closed loop control systems the reference signal is corrup... more In many real life problems, related to closed loop control systems the reference signal is corrupted by additive noise. The noisy reference signal leads to inferior tracking by the plant. However tracking performance can further improved if noise is removed from the reference signal prior applying to the control system. In this paper, we present a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) based control scheme that incorporates state space recursive least squares (SSRLS) method for cleaning the noisy reference signal. The proposed closed loop structure provides an optimal tracking of a reference signal while minimizing the effect of external disturbance acting on the plant. The prior knowledge about the external disturbance is utilized by the control scheme. Functioning of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated with the help of computer simulations with a practical application of third order system of grid tie converters. The result shows significant improvement in tracking performance as compared to the tracking of a noisy reference signal applied directly to the control system.
2009 American Control Conference, 2009
This paper presents inverted pendulum with moving reference for the testing of stabilizing contro... more This paper presents inverted pendulum with moving reference for the testing of stabilizing control algorithms. The proposed system extends classical inverted pendulum by incorporating two moving masses. The motion of the two masses, that slide along the horizontal plane, is controllable for the purpose of platform stabilization. The usefulness of the idea presented is demonstrated using computer simulations by employing Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control law.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2013
The ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal reflects the electrical activity of the heart. Since amplitude... more The ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal reflects the electrical activity of the heart. Since amplitude of ECG signal is of order of few mV, it is susceptible to many types of noises and amongst which the most disturbing is power line interference (PLI). Variations in frequency of PLI further complicate the problem which can be taken care by implementation of adaptive notch filter (ANF). ANF normally requires a reference input which is not possible in all cases. In this paper, we have proposed an intelligent adaptive filter which does not require a reference input.
Papers by Muhammad Salman