Papers by Muhammad Reza Kazimi
Pakistan Perspective, 2008
Policy Perspectives
Mosque architecture is the most representative symbol of Muslim material culture. Mosque architec... more Mosque architecture is the most representative symbol of Muslim material culture. Mosque architecture very early in its history acquired domes and minarets and spread across the globe. While local styles have an endless variety, a mosque even without a signboard can be identified anywhere on earth whether in Spain or Indonesia. Sana Haroon in her book The Mosques of Colonial South Asia: A Social and Legal History of Muslim Worship has thrown light on the social history of mosques while it was passing through the colonial tunnel of time.
IBT Journal of Business Studies (JBS), 2008
Historicus - Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 2020
Historicus - Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 2020
Pakistan Perspective, 2016

Pakistan Historical Society. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 2011
Let us begin by recalling the most quoted dictum of Leopold von Ranke:History has been assigned t... more Let us begin by recalling the most quoted dictum of Leopold von Ranke:History has been assigned to it the office of judging the past and of instructing the present for the benefit of the future ages. To such high offices, the present work does not presume; it seeks only the past as it really was.1This von Ranke wrote in 1824. To this all subscribe, though few are familiar with the context. In 1836 Leopold von Ranke made another assertion which many shall contest:Every state is given a special moral character from God and individuals should strive to best fulfill the idea of the state.2By this observation he clearly concluded that the French Revolution (1789) was for France only, not for Prussia (or Germany). Let us come now to the twenty-first century. This is what Professor Madeleine Albright wrote a few years ago:One reason why so many adults become fanatics is, that as children, they are taught a history distorted by parochial obsessions3This, she does not say with reference to P...

Pakistan Historical Society. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 2016
Should we call the Sixteenth Century the era of adventurer? Certainly, the examples are many: Bâb... more Should we call the Sixteenth Century the era of adventurer? Certainly, the examples are many: Bâbur, Sher Shah, Khawas Khan and Badal. They were warriors whose enterprise gained for them a stature which was much higher at their death than it was at their birth. Babur (1526-1530) had the most illustrious lineage and the most lasting achievement. The last two named were proteges of Sher Shah. (15401545). There is something somber about the last three which sets them apart from Babur. Indeed in Babur himself, we see his personal traits at odds with each other during Humâyun's struggle with Sher Shah. All Babur's prosaic merits which sprang from his having been schooled in adversity, were reflected in Sher Shah. All his poetic merits such as his love for the arts and his conviviality were inherited by Humayun. (15301540 and 1555-1556).Perhaps, Babur had a dim realization of Sher Shah's attributes when their paths briefly crossed. Sher Shah's career was an intrusion; it i...

Pakistan Historical Society. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 2011
Mohandas, Rajmohan Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi: Father of the Nation, Penguin/Viking, New Delhi, 2006,... more Mohandas, Rajmohan Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi: Father of the Nation, Penguin/Viking, New Delhi, 2006, p. 745, ISBN: 978 0670999 323, Price Indian Rs. 650/A price for public adulation is often private alienation. The wife and the eldest son have to bear the greatest brunt of the success a leader achieves; because it is they who are witness to the transformation undergone by a public figure. The younger children usually grow up when the celebrity of a parent is already a part of life. So it was with Mahatma Gandhi. His wife Kasturba became a model of the Indian wife, obethent, subordinate, suffering. It was Gandhi's eldest son Harilal who rebelled. In Mohandas, the Mahatma's grandson, Rajmohan Gandhi deals magisterially and sympathetically with his grandfather's relations with both his grandmother and prodigal uncle. The author was only thirteen at the time of his grandfather's assassination; in this book he has assembled the sum total of family recollections.Mahatma Gandh...
Pakistan Perspective, 2013
Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers, 2008
Religious majorities prefer an ideological state, religious minorities prefer a secular state. Bo... more Religious majorities prefer an ideological state, religious minorities prefer a secular state. Both aspirations are reflected in the life and work of Mohammad Ali Jinnah. First, as the champion of India's minorities, and thereafter as the guardian of Pakistan's minorities. We must begin by asking whether the concept of Pakistan is essentially ideological, or empirical. By ideological has come to mean a concept that if Muslims are organized in a state, their faith is perfect, and if they are in a minority their faith is imperfect. In other words, our hidden aspiration is coercion in religion, the very aspiration denounced in the Verse of the throne. If a state is to be Islamic, it must abide by the injunctions of the Holy Quran. Latter day clerics, uncomfortable with this injunction, have claimed that this verse applies
The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Muslim Socio-Political Thought
Journal of European Studies, 2020
The Journal of history and social sciences
Papers by Muhammad Reza Kazimi