Papers by Muhammad Muslim

Tugas utama tenaga pengajar di perguruan tinggi adalah melakukan pembelajaran, penelitian, dan pe... more Tugas utama tenaga pengajar di perguruan tinggi adalah melakukan pembelajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sesuai Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. Pembelajaran dan penelitian memiliki kaitan yang erat dan saling menunjang. Tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas selalu berkeinginan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara terusmenerus. Perbaikan dalam pembelajaran menjadi tanggung jawab dosen dan usaha dalam memperbaikinya dapat dilakukan melalui penelitian dan hasilnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara ilmiah. Penguasaan ilmu dapat diperoleh dengan bantuan bahan ajar sebagai sumber belajar yang sampai saat ini memiliki peranan penting untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran. Bahan ajar sebaiknya mampu memenuhi syarat sebagai bahan pembelajaran, karena bahan ajar memiliki fungsi strategis bagi proses belajar mengajar, ia dapat membantu dosen dan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, sehingga dosen tidak terlalu banyak menyajikan materi tetapi lebih banyak membimbing atau sebagai fasilitator. Disamping itu bahan ajar dapat menggantikan sebagian peran dosen dan mendukung pembelajaran individual. Dampak positifnya bagi mahasiswa, dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pada dosen dan membiasakan belajar mandiri sesuai tingkat pendidikannya, hal ini juga mendukung prinsip belajar sepanjang hayat (long life education).
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, 2000
ABSTRACT Proposed is a new task segmentation method in navigation of mobile robots by a modular n... more ABSTRACT Proposed is a new task segmentation method in navigation of mobile robots by a modular network SOM (mnSOM). mnSOM is an extension of SOM in that a function module instead of a vector unit is used to increase its representation capability. It has the ability of both segmentation and interpolation. During learning, modules in mnSOM compete with each other to become an expert for a subset of data. To increase temporal continuity of winner modules, winner decision algorithms using an MSE based threshold are proposed to improve standard mnSOM. We also propose methods for labeling modules based on MSE. The resulting mnSOM demonstrates good segmentation performance of 89.3% for a novel dataset.
2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 2016

2016 24th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2016
The IEEE 802.11p is a standard in a vehicular communication system, known as Wireless Access in V... more The IEEE 802.11p is a standard in a vehicular communication system, known as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE). An implementation of that standard as the MAC Protocol in a high-density of nodes in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) may create a performance drawback, in particular for packet loss and delay whenever collisions happened. Introducing Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) schemes can improve the performance. However, TDMA scheduling is difficult to manage in the case of high-density of traffic, the high mobility of vehicles, and dynamic network topology. This paper proposes a clustered-based TDMA by traffic priority in VANETs. The clustered traffic is defined as high and low traffic priority and embedded in TDMA MAC Header. The evaluation result obtained through NS3 Simulator shows that the proposed approach performed better in a high-density of nodes.
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 2016

Annals of King Edward Medical University, 2016
Objective: The purpose of our study was to analyze current indications for surgery in tuberculosi... more Objective: The purpose of our study was to analyze current indications for surgery in tuberculosis and evaluate the outcome of early surgical intervention. Place and duration of study: Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar from June 2000 to July 2004. Material & methods: Total number of cases was 132; M: F 105: 27. Age range was 20 to 79 years. Mean age was 48.4 years. The indications for surgical intervention included 5 cases of pulmonary aspergillioma, 9 cases of pneumothorax; 3 cases of pulmonary nodes and masses without histological diagnosis, 15 cases bronchiectasis, 12 cases of massive hemoptysis and 82 cases of pleural empyema while six patients with multi drug-resistant tuberculosis required surgical intervention. Results: The techniques utilized included lobectomy in 45 cases, pleural drainage in 20 cases, segmented pulmonary resection in 32 cases, surgical procedures on the chest wall in 17 cases, pneumonectom...

MATICS, 2016
&... more <p class="" style="text-align: justify;"><em>Abstract</em>— This article is aimed to propose a method which used Non-Numeric assessment that is Multi Experts Multi Criteria Decision Making (MEMCDM) in order to construct supporting decision system in composing rehabilitation and reconstruction action after disaster. Because in all this time “Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Penanganan Bencana (P3B)” surveyor team does not have clear standard criteria to execute the compiling rehabilitation and reconstruction action after disaster. Method Multi Experts Multi Criteria Decision Making (MEMCDM) step is to determine the alternative, assessment scale, criteria, criteria quality, criteria quality negation, criteria aggregation, and the qualification expert score. In the stage of expert qualification score for primary and secondary data is different. In secondary data, the qualification score is based on the usage of expert amount. Meanwhile, for secondary data, the expert qualification score is based on the criteria amount which is chosen by the user. Training data that has been processed using method Multi Experts Multi Criteria Decision Making (MEMCDM) can form a pattern system to assess damage and losses after natural disasters. There for it could facilitate a team of surveyors in assessing the damage and losses after natural disasters.</p>
Bisnis Birokrasi Journal, Feb 8, 2013
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, May 25, 2011
Jurnal Eeccis, Nov 12, 2014
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Papers by Muhammad Muslim