Papers by Muhammad Luthfi

Jurnal Neraca: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Ekonomi Akuntansi, 2018
Aim to research know how much to influence financial performance to good corporate governance ind... more Aim to research know how much to influence financial performance to good corporate governance indicator in company covers independent commissioner, managerial ownership and intitutional ownership to variable allegadly affect financial performance in LQ45 company Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or BEI. Used secondary data to obatained from annual fiancial statement published Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or BEI make use off twelve company Purposive Sampling LQ45 methode in the periode 2011 to 2015. The tool test research result to double linear regreation talked independent commissioner, managerial ownership and intitutional ownership significant influence simultaneously to financial performance as measured ROA sidnificant levels (0,001), partially for one person, the company fidamental factor: independent commissioner, managerial ownership and intitutional ownership not significant influence to financial performance as measured ROA, Financial Performance research should be includes all LQ45 company listed Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX / BEI) and good corporate governance indicator more attention have influence to financial performance (ROA). The research recommended add good corporate govermance indicator board of directors and audit committe allege to have significant influence to financial performance (ROA)
Papers by Muhammad Luthfi