Papers by Muhammad Lukman
Tomini Journal of Aquatic Science
Seagrass beds are a wealth of marine resources, one of the ecosystems found in coastal areas, cap... more Seagrass beds are a wealth of marine resources, one of the ecosystems found in coastal areas, capable of producing various secondary metabolites, and seagrasses are known to contain antibacterial active compounds. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial potential of seagrass extracts from Zone I (large and small Lae-lae Island) and Zone II (Gusung Bone Batang and Barrang Lompo) against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The test method used is the agar diffusion method. The results showed that in Zone I, H. ovalis had an average inhibition of 7.9 mm and E. acoroides had an average inhibition of 8.15 mm, while in Zone II, E. acoroides was 2.5 mm, C Rotundata 1.18 mm, H. uninervis 1.53 mm, T. hemprichii 1.2 mm and H. ovalis 1.73 mm. The highest level of antibacterial activity was in the type of E. acoroides.

This study examined the overall distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH... more This study examined the overall distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), particularly the 16 parent PAHs of the US Environmental Protection Agency priority pollutant, as an indicator for anthropogenic pollution, in the surface sediments, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and water solution of the peatland aquatic system of Siak river system, its estuary and the Riau coast, Sumatra, Indonesia from 2004 - 2006. The results show that PAHs significantly impact the Siak aquatic systems. Source apportionment indicated intense signatures of pyrogenic sources, particularly biomass burnings and petroleum combustion. It might be evidence of the effects of widespread, long-term and intense agricultural burnings coupled with multitudinous forest/peat swamp fires. In such burning-affected estuaries and coastal waters, distribution of PAH between the size-fraction in sediments showed distinctive patterns to those of other non-peatland areas. Comparison of distribution...
Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE), 2022

First of all, I would like to express my sincerely and great gratitude to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Balz... more First of all, I would like to express my sincerely and great gratitude to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Balzer (FB 2, Marine Chemistry, University of Bremen) for his remarkable role in pouring me with lots of insight, motivation, and supervision throughout my PhD work. I do very much appreciate for his willingness to offer and provide me the possibility to do PhD in his working group as well as to join the SPICE Cluster 3.1. (Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystem) Project in Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia. Secondly, I am grateful to DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst or German Academic Exchange Service) in providing me a great support to do my PhD in Germany during the period of 2004 – 2007. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Wolfram Thiemann as the second referee, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kattner and Prof. Dr. Venugopalan Ittekkot as the examiners, and all the colleagues and those previous colleagues in the marine chemistry working group, University of Bremen:
Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE), 2022

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri, 2021
A company needs to know each employee's ability to reduce accidents that happen to workers du... more A company needs to know each employee's ability to reduce accidents that happen to workers due to a lack of study on ergonomic principles. The research was conducted at a construction company producing paving blocks in Kediri. The paving production capacity at the company is 1000 paving/day. In 2017, three work accidents were caused by the fast pace of workers reaching the tired phase while working. Pulling, lifting, and putting down in carrying weighty loads and the repetition frequency of intense activities trigger stress on body parts that affect the worker's performance. The purpose of this study is to assess and provide recommendations for improvements in work activities that have a hazardous risk value based on the MFA and NERPA assessment methods. The research on the MFA method shows that activities with dangerous risk (high/very high) were in transportation activities. For the NERPA method, activities with dangerous risks were in 3 activities at the finishing work st...

Research on the phenomenon of climate change on the region Makassar Strait waters that are part o... more Research on the phenomenon of climate change on the region Makassar Strait waters that are part of the oceanographic activities that require observation of the sea surface temperature (SST), surface currents and ocean color imagery from satellite imagery. In this case, satellite remote sensing data using Aqua-Modis analyze both visually and raw-surface temperature parameter data in order to study a variety of other related phenomena that take place in the ocean. The existence of satellite imagery data for the observation of parameters and / or oceanographic phenomena will be more profitable in terms of time and cost and high accuracy. The purpose of this study was to review based on the description of the SST analysis using Aqua-Modis image data (non-commercial) and open source software in providing the information cepatdan applicable. Bodies Spermonde been considering the seas is quite unique because it is located right in the path of the current meeting of the Pacific Ocean throug...

Kesenian daerah merupakan warisan dari leluhur. Beraneka ragam kesenian daerah yang berkembang di... more Kesenian daerah merupakan warisan dari leluhur. Beraneka ragam kesenian daerah yang berkembang di Indonesia. Di Kecamatan Blora Kabupaten Blora berkembang kesenian daerah yang bernama barongan. Kesenian barongan ditonton oleh semua kalangan mulai dari anak usia dini, remaja, hingga dewasa. Bagaimanapun juga, pertunjukkan hendaknya membatasi usia penonton. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami ada atau tidaknya nilai moral dan sosial dalam keseningan barongan sebagai petunjukkan yang ditonton anak usia dini. Nilai moral dan sosial merupakan nilai yang digunakan dalam berperilaku sehari-hari meliputi kejujuran, kepatuhan, meniru, kerjasama dan berbagi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang merupakan metode mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian secara nyata. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ni yakni : 1) nilai kejujuran memiliki kriteria baik dan didukung data wawancara menjelaskan bahwa ada nilai kejujuran, 2) nilai kepatuhan dengan k...

Lignin are high molecular weight phenolic polymers that occur as major constituents of vascular p... more Lignin are high molecular weight phenolic polymers that occur as major constituents of vascular plants. As a result of their natural abundance, wide distribution, and resistance to microbial degradation, lignin are also commonly found in soil and sedimentary organic matter. The aim of this study was to identify the contribution of lignin to the suspended particulate fraction in the Losari Beach and Lae-lae Island, where indicate highly degraded lignin materials. Lignin was characterized by oxidative degradation, cupric oxide being chosen as the most suitable oxydizing agent to produce simple lignin-derived phenols that are extracted with hexane and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography on fused silica columns, provides the high sensitivity and precision required for the identification and quantitation of trace levels of lignin in seawater. A suite of up to 8 phenols is produced that reflects the relative concentration and plant tissue sources of lignin present in the suspended ma...

Plankton abundance is influenced by seasons, sea surface currents (SSC), nutrients and surface te... more Plankton abundance is influenced by seasons, sea surface currents (SSC), nutrients and surface temperature (SST). Is a marine organism has a function to stabilize the surface temperature of the earth by regulating the concentration of Dimetyl sulfide (DMS) due to exposure to direct sunlight. There is the ability of the ocean to regulate warming and to regulate the distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere which is controlled by sea surface temperature. Sampling using the transeck system in September and January represents the rainy season and the dry season which is closest to the Tallo river estuary and the Pangkep river estuary represents the estuary region, towards the coast of the spermonde (Litoral) islands and far from the coast (offshore) from freshwater sources, but the relationship of nutrient entry into estuary areas by sea surface currents (SSC) is still poorly known. The dominant aspect of phytoplankton is determined by the amount of nutrients flowing (runoff) from l...

Macrophyte consists of diverse seagrass, macroalgae and other aquatic plants. These plants have v... more Macrophyte consists of diverse seagrass, macroalgae and other aquatic plants. These plants have various economic and ecological functions, one of them is as biondicator of the environmental condition of their habitats. Main constraints affecting macrophyte like seagrass, mangrove and other coastal vegetation are destruction caused by dredging and filling activities, euthrophication, pollution and industrial sewage disposal, oil pollution, seacage aquaculture activities and overfishing. In order to describe the condition of macrophyte based on their habitat naturalness, a study has been done within Spermonde Archipelago. Three islands within Spermonde Archipelago were selected to compare the composition and condition of macrophyte based on their different distances from the mainland. A quadrate transect was deployed to estimate coverage percentage of macrophyte in the selected sites. Results of this study showed that the percentage cover and density of seagrass increased as the dista...

International Journal of Agriculture System, 2019
Nitrate and phosphate nutrient and the other oceanographical parameter are part of an indicator t... more Nitrate and phosphate nutrient and the other oceanographical parameter are part of an indicator to evaluate the quality of the water environment. Our research aims to determine the nitrate and phosphate levels in the water and sediment along the Pangkep coastal area. The research was conducted in February 2018 in coastal Pangkep using five sampling stations. Physico-chemical parameters of the water, such as temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen were measured directly, whereas nitrate and phosphate parameters were analyzed using a spectrophotometer. In addition, nitrate and phosphate parameters from the sediment were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The sediment nitrate values ranged from 0.026-0.442 mg/L, and the water nitrate values ranged from 0.018-0.063 mg/L. Moreover, the phosphate values from sediment ranged from 0.019-0.306 mg/L, and the phosphate values from the water ranged from 0.13-0.056 mg/L. The results show decreasing values of nitrate a...

BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan Industri Kesehatan), 2021
Microalgae are one of the natural resources that have high potential as a source of biofuels, one... more Microalgae are one of the natural resources that have high potential as a source of biofuels, one of them is the marine microalgae Melosira sp.. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing temperature and nitrate concentration on the abundance, growth rate, biomass, organic C-content and free fatty acids of Melosira sp.. A Completely Randomized Design was used for this experiment with four temperature treatments and three nitrate concentrations treatments in microalgae test planting media. The test microalgae were cultured for 21 days, while the abundance of Melosira sp..was carried out every 3rd day, while for other parameters measurements were made at the end of the experiment. The results showed that the increasing in temperature and nitrate concentration in culture media significantly affected the abundance of Melosira sp.. Meanwhile, the results of statistical analysis showed that the increase in temperature and concentration of culture media did not ...

POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam, 2020
This study aims to examine the influence of scientific approach learning and variation in teachin... more This study aims to examine the influence of scientific approach learning and variation in teaching style on students'learning motivationat junior high schools in Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru. This research was correlational research including in quantitative approach. This research used random sampling as the sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using simple regression, multiple regression and coefficient of determination (r 2) techniques. The results of data analysis showed that firstly, there was a significant influence of scientific approach learning on students'learning motivation at state junior high schools in Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru with a level of influence of 0.279 and the significant value of 0,000 <0.05, secondly, there was a significant influence of variation inteaching style on students'learning motivation at state junior high schools in Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru with a level of influence of 0.226 and the significant value of 0,000 <0.05, and lastly, there was a significant influence of scientific approach learning and variationin teaching style on students' learning motivation with a significant value of 0,000 <0.05 and the percentage of R 2 (R square) of 0.090 or (9%). It shows that the percentage of contribution of independent variables (the learning of scientific approach and variation inteaching style) on the dependent variable (student motivation) was 9% meanwhile the remains (91%) were influenced by other variables.

The Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 2019
This study analyzed the composition of monomer lignin phenols and its derivatives at the Spermond... more This study analyzed the composition of monomer lignin phenols and its derivatives at the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi-Indonesia. Water samples were collected in the dry season (June 2017) and the rainy season (January 2018) from the river estuaries of Tallo-Makassar, and Pangkep. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents was conducted by EA-IRMS (elemental analyzer-isotope ratio mass spectrometry), while lignin phenol was analyzed by Chromatography Gas-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). Spatially, the six lignin phenols () content in the Tallo river estuary into several outermost islands is higher than of the Pangkep river mouth. values in the rainy season were higher (0.92-2.30) than in the dry season (0.62-2.07). In the dry season, the range of values for ratios of syringyl/vanillyl and cinnamyl/vanillyl was 0.35 to 1.12 and 0.39 to 0.57 indicating a low contribution of angiosperm plant tissue. In the rainy season, the values of ratios for syringyl/vanillyl and cinnamyl/vanillyl ranged from 0.37 to 1.18 and 0.32 to 0.62. The syringyl/vanillyl ratio indicates the contribution of plant tissue to angiosperms. The cinnamyl/vanillyl value is greater than 0.1, indicating a significant contribution of non-woody plant tissue. Spatially, the range of syringyl/vanillyl and cinnamyl/vanillyl ratios at the estuary of the Tallo river (0.37 to 1.12 and 0.32 to 0.57) were higher than at the Pangkep river estuary (0.35 to 1.18 and 0.39 to 0.62).
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
This study aims to evaluate working road pavement conditions, the road pavement conditions value ... more This study aims to evaluate working road pavement conditions, the road pavement conditions value based on the International Roughness Index (IRI) method which is used as a basis for knowing the type of road maintenance handling type. For taking IRI, a vehicle that has good performance is used, while IRI value recording uses Roadroid software that has been installed on an Android-based mobile. The data results from this study indicate that the Perintis Kemerdekaan Road produces IRI values of 2.607 and 2.408 for each direction. From this value, it is converted in road stability level which shows that the road is in a steady category so that in general this segment for handling requires regular maintenance periodically to achieve maintaining the service level.
The coastal waters of the Strait of Makassar are classified as a productive coastal area, in whic... more The coastal waters of the Strait of Makassar are classified as a productive coastal area, in which there are mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds and Spermonde coral reefs that play a crucial role in sustaining the economic life of coastal communities and food security. Our previous results have calculated the outflow of nutrient land to sea with nitrate concentrations ranging from 0.01-0.44 mg/L and phosphate 0.04-0.35 mg/L. This condition has caused coastal waters of permonde to be eutrophicated with the occurrence of mass death of several species of fish and the emergence of dangerous microalgae species. This study aims to calculate the current nutrient value in the area of seaweed cultivation as a biological absorber. Based on the interim results, the decrease or absorption of nutrients by seaweed ranges from 0.08-1.55 mg/L-nitrate and 0.01-0.71 mg/L-phosphate.

Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 2018
Temperature and availability nutrients played an important role on growth and lipid production of... more Temperature and availability nutrients played an important role on growth and lipid production of microalgae. In this study, we examined the effect of increasing suhu and excessed and depleted NO3 on growth rate, biomass and free fatty acid concentration in the Spirulina sp and Skeletonema sp. Two microalgae were culture on Conway and Milne media for 21 days using continuous culture technique. There were four temperature treatments, such as 28oC, 30oC, 32oC and 34oC and three nutrient treatments, which were control nutrient treatment, without NO3 and two times NO3 concentrations from control treatments with three replicates for each treatments. Results found that increasing temperature significantly affected on biomass and concentration free fatty acid, meanwhile nutrient treatments affected on growth rate, biomass and concentration of organic Carbon. In general, increasing temperature was more affected on Spirulina sp in terms of increasing growth rate, biomass and free fatty acid ...
Papers by Muhammad Lukman