Papers by Muhammad Julijanto
Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Sharia, Law and Muslim Society (ISSLAMS 2022), 2022
Domestic violence is still a social problem like the iceberg. The surface looks a little, but if ... more Domestic violence is still a social problem like the iceberg. The surface looks a little, but if you explore it further the case is a lot. How prevention efforts are carried out, so that the quality of the household, will be more physically and spiritually prosperous. Conversely, if the level of domestic violence is high, it will affect the harmony and quality of households affected. The purpose of the implementation of legal counseling is to assist and facilitate the community for independence in understanding the problem of domestic violence (KDRT), Providing understanding and knowledge that can be accessed by the community. Provide skills to prevent domestic violence

Muróbbî: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
On the one hand, independent campuses gave birth to new learning concepts and strengthened cooper... more On the one hand, independent campuses gave birth to new learning concepts and strengthened cooperation networks with parties outside the university. But on the other hand, the separate campus faces various obstacles in its implementation. This paper aims to explain the implementation of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) at Medan State University and Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh. This research is a type of field research—data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out descriptively by triangulation. The results showed that Medan State University and Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh applied the same pattern: the learning block model outside higher education, the non-block learning model outside higher education, and the acceleration model. Meanwhile, the obstacle faced by these two universities is the readiness factor.

Az-Zahra: Journal of Gender and Family Studies
This article discusses the right to menstrual leave as stated in Article 81 of Law No. 13 of 2003... more This article discusses the right to menstrual leave as stated in Article 81 of Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment in PT Jaya Asri Garmin do. This research data was obtained through interviews with relevant parties, namely personnel, and the female workforce, observation, and documentation. This research uses theories about the understanding of labor in general, labor rights according to Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment, Gender Concepts and Analysis, menstrual understanding, and also contains theories about Maŝlaĥah Al-Mursalah. This study found that menstrual leave rights as in Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment have been applied at PT Inti Sukses Garmindo but replaced with money or cashed. The award of bonus to replace menstrual leave amounted to Rp 89,195, - which will be received every month. But it is not by Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment that should replace the cashed menstrual leave rights 2 x 89,195, - every month. The application of menstrual leave rights in Law No. 13 of 2003...

Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Jun 10, 2015
he article talks over about early married effects and its law problematic in Indonesia. Married i... more he article talks over about early married effects and its law problematic in Indonesia. Married is the right of everybody. Human being instinct to continue married civilization is to be the keywords of culture improvement in one nation. Married can be basic of doing better social effort. The qualified Family building will produce excellent generation in one nation. In the other hand, family failure will give effect to the society bankruptcy and fail in preparing excellent generation. The psychology effect will influence the growing up children in the future. Early married is as social problem that is caused by many factors, such as; free sex impact, demoralized and bad attitude of young generation. Early married impact caused the quality of house hold is not excellent, both in reproduction health, or in preparation psychology and family economic, therefore it brings divorce effect, and unmanaged the quality of children education.
Adi Widya : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The Covid-19 pandemic is closely related to the healthy living culture established through the Ne... more The Covid-19 pandemic is closely related to the healthy living culture established through the New Habit Adaptation program. This research is a type of quantitative research. The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the waste care movement with economic improvement. This research is a type of quantitative research with quasi-experimental approach. The research was conducted in Blulukan Colomadu Karanganyar Village. The sample in this study numbered 50 random citizens, with the division of 25 people as a control group, and 25 people as an experimental group. The results showed that globally it can be concluded that the economic improvement of the respondents in this study was at a score of 105 with a standard deviation of 11.46, which means the level of economic improvement is in the moderate or sufficient category.
Menyongsong PTMT Pada Dunia Pendidikan, 2021
Artikel ini akan menjelaskan dan mendiskusikan etos kedermawanan di era pandemic dan jogo tonggo ... more Artikel ini akan menjelaskan dan mendiskusikan etos kedermawanan di era pandemic dan jogo tonggo sebagai mekanisme social kearifan luhur peradaban silam. Data dikumupulkan dengan dokumen dan liputan berbagai media. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan etos kedermawanan lahir karena panggilan jiwa, solidaritas, simpati, empati untuk meringankan beban masyarakat yang terkena atau terpapar Covid-19 di lingkungan terkecil Rukun Tetangga sebagai miniature komunitas masyarakat yang bisa memberikan bantuan sosial.
Kata kunci: jogo tonggo, etos kedermawanan, pandemic., 2022
Gairah penulisan di Indonesia masih kurang. Banyak sekali orang yang memainkan peran sangat penti... more Gairah penulisan di Indonesia masih kurang. Banyak sekali orang yang memainkan peran sangat penting di Indonesia yang tidak menulis. Ini suatu kerugian. Karena pikiran-pikirannya tidak terlestarikan. Misalnya pikiran KH Agus Salim, Sukirman, Subhan ZE (pergerakan rakyat untuk menghancurkan PKI) dan sebagainya.
Akhirnya pikiran-pikiran mereka yang penting hilang ditelan waktu dan kematian. Kita harus menyempatkan diri menulis, dengan menulis gagasan-ide dan pemikiran akan awet. Hal in terbukti dari buku-buku, artikel-artikel, opini-opini karya orang dulu masih tersimpan rapi dan, 2022
Mengapa aspirasi umat Islam tersumbat pada era reformasi?. Aspirasi umat Islam terpecah-pecah. El... more Mengapa aspirasi umat Islam tersumbat pada era reformasi?. Aspirasi umat Islam terpecah-pecah. Elitnya atau tokoh-tokohnya tidak bersatu. Mereka mempunyai agenda sendiri-sendiri tanpa ada sinergi yang bisa mempertemukan dan rela untuk saling berbagi dalam perbedaan prinsip dan padangan hidupnya. Pragmatis hanya untuk mencapai agenda jangka pendek yang hanya menguntungkan akses ekonomi dan akses politik kekuasaan sesaat dan parsial. Terombang-ambing dalam sikap dan tidak jelas komitmen yang akan dibangun, umat Islam berbeda-beda aspirasi politik dan ekonominya.

Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam
This article discusses about the practice of early marriage in Selo district of Boyolali and Ka... more This article discusses about the practice of early marriage in Selo district of Boyolali and Kaliangkrik district of Magelang. Based on empirical research, this article argues that many people practiced early marriage in these both districts. Family tradition and out of wedlock pregnancy were two main reasons behind the practice. Some efforts are being made to improve the quality of life of people in Selo Boyolali and Kaliangkrik Magelang such as building family quality, promoting early marriage prevention, increasing the role of community education, marriage law counseling, training and improving community skills. The involvement of community leaders in these efforts is very influential. This is indicated by the issuance of circular letters preventing early marriage. The result is the decrease of early marriage practice in Selo and Kaliangkrik Artikel ini membahas tentang praktik pernikahan dini yang banyak terjadi di Kecamatan Selo Boyolali dan Kecamatan Kaliangkrik Magelang...

Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, 2015
The article talks over about early married effects and its law problematic in Indonesia. Married ... more The article talks over about early married effects and its law problematic in Indonesia. Married is the right of everybody. Human being instinct to continue married civilization is to be the keywords of culture improvement in one nation. Married can be basic of doing better social effort. The qualified Family building will produce excellent generation in one nation. In the other hand, family failure will give effect to the society bankruptcy and fail in preparing excellent generation. The psychology effect will influence the growing up children in the future. Early married is as social problem that is caused by many factors, such as; free sex impact, demoralized and bad attitude of young generation. Early married impact caused the quality of house hold is not excellent, both in reproduction health, or in preparation psychology and family economic, therefore it brings divorce effect, and unmanaged the quality of children education.

This article discusses about the practice of early marriage in Selo district of Boyolali and Ka... more This article discusses about the practice of early marriage in Selo district of Boyolali and Kaliangkrik district of Magelang. Based on empirical research, this article argues that many people practiced early marriage in these both districts. Family tradition and out of wedlock pregnancy were two main reasons behind the practice. Some efforts are being made to improve the quality of life of people in Selo Boyolali and Kaliangkrik Magelang such as building family quality, promoting early marriage prevention, increasing the role of community education, marriage law counseling, training and improving community skills. The involvement of community leaders in these efforts is very influential. This is indicated by the issuance of circular letters preventing early marriage. The result is the decrease of early marriage practice in Selo and Kaliangkrik Artikel ini membahas tentang praktik pernikahan dini yang banyak terjadi di Kecamatan Selo Boyolali dan Kecamatan Kaliangkrik Magelang...
This paper describes women with disabilities who are facing legal cases, most of which are relate... more This paper describes women with disabilities who are facing legal cases, most of which are related to cases of sexual violence. The handling of cases of women with disabilities experienced problems, namely: law enforcers did not have a maximum understanding of the disabled; 2) limited access; 3) limited evidence: 4) difficulty communicating; 5) the community does not want to be a witness; 6) length of legal process; 7) lack of knowledge about the law; 8) there is no assistance in the police department during inspections, the examination room is not easily accessible, and the lack of information for victims; 9) the prosecutor does not provide information if the file has been delegated and; 10) judges have difficulty communicating. Therefore, law enforcers must have the same perception of diffables, so that they get legal justice.

Islamic law has a special form in which the development of in accordance with local conditions an... more Islamic law has a special form in which the development of in accordance with local conditions and culture. The ability of the application of Islamic law is very elastic and follow social construct buildings. Enforceability of Islamic law on a region relies heavily enforce the awareness of the Muslim religion, so it should be a rule of life that they run. Accommodation occurs as well as the level of awareness of Muslims in the teachings of religion in the reality of life. The emergence of massive social phenomenon of consciousness Muslims in applying the teachings of religion, is not a threat to national disintegration, and even a threat to the Homeland to switch to the application of Islamic law. The fact remains must be accommodated within the construct of the Republic of Indonesia in the future. With this awareness there is no suspicion of various elements of the nation, to support efforts to implement Islamic law for Muslims. That concern is a fear in the nation's most stake...

This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of... more This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities in the case of Regional Disability Regulations in Wonogiri Regency. With a mixed-method between normative legal research and empirical law, the research found that: 1) Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2013 concerning Disability and Empowerment of the Disabled in Wonogiri shows concern and attention to the fulfilment of disability rights along with social security; 2) The politics of disability law is the response of all factions in the DPRD who approve and support the fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities through accommodation in regional regulations; 3) Regional Regulations have been implemented largely in stages. Such as the implementation of inclusive education, health services, disability political participation, accessibility for people with disabilities in public facilities and infrastructure.[Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana polit...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Diversity and Disability Inclusion in Muslim Societies (ICDDIMS 2017), 2017
This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, I... more This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, Indonesia. Indonesia has many Acts and regulations of Human Rights. However, in some cases there are still no justice for disability persons. In this article elaborates some cases under assistance of MHM (Law and Human Right Assembly) 'Aisyiyah Central Java Branch related to disabled persons in sexual violence cases. The method in this paper use interview, investigation, observation and also direct participation. It completed also with literature research. In short, public responsibility should be developed as a pillar and access for enforcing responses and handling violence that has to be a justice and nondiscrimination perspective.

This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of... more This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities in the case of Regional Disability Regulations in Wonogiri Regency. With a mixed-method between normative legal research and empirical law, the research found that: 1) Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2013 concerning Disability and Empowerment of the Disabled in Wonogiri shows concern and attention to the fulfilment of disability rights along with social security; 2) The politics of disability law is the response of all factions in the DPRD who approve and support the fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities through accommodation in regional regulations; 3) Regional Regulations have been implemented largely in stages. Such as the implementation of inclusive education, health services, disability political participation, accessibility for people with disabilities in public facilities and infrastructure.[Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana polit...
Papers by Muhammad Julijanto
Kata kunci: jogo tonggo, etos kedermawanan, pandemic.
Akhirnya pikiran-pikiran mereka yang penting hilang ditelan waktu dan kematian. Kita harus menyempatkan diri menulis, dengan menulis gagasan-ide dan pemikiran akan awet. Hal in terbukti dari buku-buku, artikel-artikel, opini-opini karya orang dulu masih tersimpan rapi dan
Kata kunci: jogo tonggo, etos kedermawanan, pandemic.
Akhirnya pikiran-pikiran mereka yang penting hilang ditelan waktu dan kematian. Kita harus menyempatkan diri menulis, dengan menulis gagasan-ide dan pemikiran akan awet. Hal in terbukti dari buku-buku, artikel-artikel, opini-opini karya orang dulu masih tersimpan rapi dan
generasi muda berperan dalam semua
aspek kehidupan, karena menyadari peran
pentingnya generasi muda sebagai
pelanjut kepemimpinan. Mereka bisa
berkiprah dalam menyiapkan bekal
sebanyak mungkin menghadapi masa
depan yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian
akan nasib kita.