Effective language strategies contribute to learners’ success in learning English. In relation to... more Effective language strategies contribute to learners’ success in learning English. In relation to this, this study aims at investigating ESL students’ strategies in learning a language. Those strategies are metacognitive strategies, deep cognitive strategies, and surface cognitive strategies. 50 English department students participated in a survey that required them to reflect on their own learning strategies for the four language skills by answering 80 questions. The result of the study suggests that the metacognitive strategies are the most highly used to improve their language skills compared to the deep cognitive and surface cognitive strategies that are moderately used. The data also showed those strategies are widely used in written texts insteadof spoken texts.
Vocabulary is one of the English components or sub-skill that must be taught to the students. The... more Vocabulary is one of the English components or sub-skill that must be taught to the students. The vocabulary has the role to develop the four language skills, they are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Many vocabularies that the students have, is the easier for them to develop it, especially in the pandemic era because of COVID-19, the teacher have to use a media like an English song to enrich the students at Mining Department of Engineering Faculty vocabularies. In order that, the purpose of this study was to investigate the use of song as a media whether it is effective or not in teaching vocabulary. The total population of this study involved 92 students but the sample of by using the purposive technique sampling got 20 students in A class as a control and 20 students at B for experimental class. The instrument of this study used multiple choice tests which consist of 20 items. The data was collected by using pre-test and post-test, then followed by analyzing the data bas...
Abstrak:Kebutuhan akan penguasaan bahasa Inggris sejak dini telah menjadi kebutuhanan utama diera... more Abstrak:Kebutuhan akan penguasaan bahasa Inggris sejak dini telah menjadi kebutuhanan utama diera globalisasi ini bahkan di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, disamping penguasaan bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue) dan tidak ada batasan yang tepat kapan kita bisa mulai mengenalkannya kepada buah hati kita, tetapi beberapa pendapat menyatakan bahwa masa yang paling tepat adalah pada saat “ Golden Period” tahap kedua yaitu usia 3 sampai dengan 6 tahun. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar pemikiran dan tujuan penelitian untuk melakukan kajian terhadap persepsi guru dan orang tua tentang efektivitas pembelajaran bahasa inggris bagi anak usia dini serta apa peran guru dan orang tua dalam mengenalkannya pada anak usia dini di MBSKota Mataram dalam belajar dari rumah secara daring sesuai aturan pemerintah di kondisi ini. Angket atau questionaire dan wawancara menjadi metode pengumpulan data, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan setelah pemerolehan data secara keseluruhan dengan menggunakan metode survey des...
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of process writing as an alternative strateg... more The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of process writing as an alternative strategy on teaching English writing in an EFL classroom. The process involved pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. 28 out of senior high school students participated in this quasi-experimental research. The experimental group was taught using process writing, while the control one without any process that was by writing the product approach. The data were then collected through writing tests about recount texts before and after the treatment and were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed there was a significant difference between students’ scores. The students who were taught using process writing had higher scores on average than students’ who were taught without using process writing. This result implied the strategy is effective for teaching writing for EFL students.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi dan pengadaan pengem... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi dan pengadaan pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan melakukan pengolahan sampah plastik. Sampah plastik ini banyak ditemukan disekitar lingkungan sekolah berupa sampah kemasan makanan dan minuman siswa. Melalui kegiatan pengolahan sampah untuk dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran, tentunya bermanfaat untuk mengurangi sampah. Selain itu mejadikan sampah memiliki nilai bagi pendidikan, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini memberikan informasi kepada guru dalam memanfaatkan sampah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran. Adanya kegiatan ini, antusias guru dalam mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran semakin meningkat. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari respon guru, bahwa guru sangat tertarik dengan media pembelajaran yang diberikan dan semangat untuk menggunakannya dalam kegiatan belajar. Namun, kegiatan ini tidak maksimal dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan harapan, dimana pada rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan meminta guru untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam membuat media pembelajaran sendiri dan mempraktekkan cara menggunakan media pembelajaran tersebut dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Adanya pandemi covid-19 menyebabkan sekolah mengadakan kegiatan belajar dari rumah, sehingga media pembelajaran tersebut hanya bersifat pengadaan media pembelajaran untuk sekolah. Penggunaan media pembelajaran ini pula hanya terpantau melalui laporan dan respon yang diberikan melalui komunikasi secara daring
This study aims at improving the students’ writing ability in English through Inquiry-Based Learn... more This study aims at improving the students’ writing ability in English through Inquiry-Based Learning strategy. This study employed collaborative classroom action research design in which the researchers and the collaborative teacher work together in designing the lesson plan, implementing the action, observing the action, and making reflection. The subjects of this study were the second year students of MTs. Ar Raisyiah Sekarbela of the academic year 2019/2020. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedure of the action research i.e. planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The procedures of implementing inquiry-based learning strategy in the teaching and learning writing of this study are: (1) engaging students to express their ideas in discussion activities, (2) guiding the students to investigate or observe the objects, (3) asking them to make notes of what they have investigated, (4) engaging them to make outline, (5) providing and discussing a mod...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The existence of mining activities is aimed at improving the welfare of society, especially the m... more The existence of mining activities is aimed at improving the welfare of society, especially the mine circle society. Mining activities have been changed based on the three parameters of sustainable development, i.e. economic, social, and environmental. On the economic and social parameters, they have interactions that have a potential impact on influencing the change of mine circumference behavior which is closely related to the existence of the mine circle society itself. The methodology used in this study is the literature review based on existing studies and a brief observation around the mine. The observation technique is carried out by a random selection of respondents (random sampling) with a confidence number of 95%. The analysis results show that there are three types of behavioral changes that occur, namely natural change, planned change, and willingness to change. The factors influencing the behavioral change in the community around the mine areas, especially external fact...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2020
ABSTRAKBermain, dari segi pendidikan adalah kegiatan permainan menggunakan alat permainan yang me... more ABSTRAKBermain, dari segi pendidikan adalah kegiatan permainan menggunakan alat permainan yang mendidik serta alat yang bisa merangsang perkembangan aspek kognitif, sosial, emosi, dan fisik yang dimiliki anak atau yang disebut dengan permainan edukatif. Adams (1975) berpendapat bahwa permainan edukatif adalah semua bentuk permainan yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman pendidikan atau pengalaman belajar kepada para pemainnya, termasuk permainan tradisional dan moderen yang diberi muatan pendidikan dan pengajaran. Maka guna mengurangi trauma anak pada dampak bencana gempa pada tahun 2018 lalu, tim pengabdian bersama mahasiswa melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian sebagai kegiatan psikososial dengan mengajak dan mengajar anak-anak terdampak tersebut dengan memberikan permainan edukatif dengan tahapan kegiatannya dimulai dari pemutaran film animasi gempa bumi, sesi tanya jawab, dan bermain edukasi untuk mengurangi trauma anak mengenai kejadian bencana yang terjadi di tahun 2018 lalu un...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2020
ABSTRAKPenyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana seba... more ABSTRAKPenyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 34 huruf b meliputi kesiap siagaan, peringatan dini dan mitigasi bencana (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24,2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana). Mitigasi bencana adalah serangkaian upaya untuk mengurangi resiko bencana, baik melalui pembangunan fisik maupun penyadaran dan peningkatan kemampuan menghadapi bencana, mitigasi bencana merupakan suatu aktivitas yang berperan sebagai tindakan pengurangan dampak bencana atau usaha-usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi korban ketika bencana terjadi baik korban jiwa maupun harta. Besarnya potensi ancaman bencana di Indonesia menyebabkan peluang masyarakat menjadi korban sangat besar terutama anak-anak dikarenakan mereka masih sangat rentan dan memiliki pengetahuan yang minim berkaitan dengan mitigasi bencana. Pemberdayaan anak usia sejak dini untuk memahami mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal membangun mas...
This study aims at investigating how the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique can improve the student... more This study aims at investigating how the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique can improve the students’ reading skill at the English Language Department, FKIP, Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. The problem found in the fourth-semester students is that they have low ability in comprehending the text. The TPS technique is offered by the researcher to solve the problem. Later on, the design of this research was classroom action research adopted from Kemmis & McTaggart which goes through a cycle that consists of four stages namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. At the cycle 1, the students failed to meet the criteria of success because only 14 (fourteen) out of 30 (thirty) or 47% students who got the minimum passing grade 75 (seventy-five) and the average score was 67. It meant that the study must be continued to the next cycle. At last, in the cycle 2 met the criteria of success in which 67% students or 20 (twenty) out of 30 (thirty) students met the minimum passing grade 7...
Illocutionary Acts is what the speaker wants to achieve by uttering something, and illocutionary ... more Illocutionary Acts is what the speaker wants to achieve by uttering something, and illocutionary acts is an utterance which has a particular conventional force. About this, illocutionary acts in Hillary Clinton’s speech is interesting to be analyzed. The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of illocutionary acts found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump. The writer used descriptive qualitative research. The main research instrument was the writer herself supported by the data analysis sheet. The data analysis was performed by categorizing the data based on Searle’s categorization of speech acts (2005) which include assertive, directives, commissives, expressive and declarative speech acts. Each category was thoroughly observed to find the answer of the research questions. The final step was presenting the data and making a conclusion in reference to the findings of the research. The research findings show that the types of illocutionary acts found in H...
This study aims at identifying the social structures in Rempung Village, elaborating the reflecti... more This study aims at identifying the social structures in Rempung Village, elaborating the reflection of social structure in politeness, elaborating the influence of social structure and politeness phenomena toward the lexical levels particularly at behavioral verbs. The data were gathered through observation and interview. The instruments used in doing observation were note taking and recording. Furthermore, the informants are the speakers of Rempung language who reside at RW.01 Derma Bhakti, Rempung. The study found that there are only two social classes exist in Rempung, they are higher-class and lower-class persons. In addition, there are also two language levels in Rempung namely polite and ordinary forms. The social structures influence the use of language in Rempung. Tau jamaq/tau ba’ (the lower-class person) tend to use basa alis (polite form of language) when speaking to tau reaq/tau bo (the higher-class person). It is also used by tau reaq to speak to other tau reaq who hav...
Effective language strategies contribute to learners’ success in learning English. In relation to... more Effective language strategies contribute to learners’ success in learning English. In relation to this, this study aims at investigating ESL students’ strategies in learning a language. Those strategies are metacognitive strategies, deep cognitive strategies, and surface cognitive strategies. 50 English department students participated in a survey that required them to reflect on their own learning strategies for the four language skills by answering 80 questions. The result of the study suggests that the metacognitive strategies are the most highly used to improve their language skills compared to the deep cognitive and surface cognitive strategies that are moderately used. The data also showed those strategies are widely used in written texts insteadof spoken texts.
Vocabulary is one of the English components or sub-skill that must be taught to the students. The... more Vocabulary is one of the English components or sub-skill that must be taught to the students. The vocabulary has the role to develop the four language skills, they are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Many vocabularies that the students have, is the easier for them to develop it, especially in the pandemic era because of COVID-19, the teacher have to use a media like an English song to enrich the students at Mining Department of Engineering Faculty vocabularies. In order that, the purpose of this study was to investigate the use of song as a media whether it is effective or not in teaching vocabulary. The total population of this study involved 92 students but the sample of by using the purposive technique sampling got 20 students in A class as a control and 20 students at B for experimental class. The instrument of this study used multiple choice tests which consist of 20 items. The data was collected by using pre-test and post-test, then followed by analyzing the data bas...
Abstrak:Kebutuhan akan penguasaan bahasa Inggris sejak dini telah menjadi kebutuhanan utama diera... more Abstrak:Kebutuhan akan penguasaan bahasa Inggris sejak dini telah menjadi kebutuhanan utama diera globalisasi ini bahkan di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, disamping penguasaan bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue) dan tidak ada batasan yang tepat kapan kita bisa mulai mengenalkannya kepada buah hati kita, tetapi beberapa pendapat menyatakan bahwa masa yang paling tepat adalah pada saat “ Golden Period” tahap kedua yaitu usia 3 sampai dengan 6 tahun. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar pemikiran dan tujuan penelitian untuk melakukan kajian terhadap persepsi guru dan orang tua tentang efektivitas pembelajaran bahasa inggris bagi anak usia dini serta apa peran guru dan orang tua dalam mengenalkannya pada anak usia dini di MBSKota Mataram dalam belajar dari rumah secara daring sesuai aturan pemerintah di kondisi ini. Angket atau questionaire dan wawancara menjadi metode pengumpulan data, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan setelah pemerolehan data secara keseluruhan dengan menggunakan metode survey des...
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of process writing as an alternative strateg... more The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of process writing as an alternative strategy on teaching English writing in an EFL classroom. The process involved pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. 28 out of senior high school students participated in this quasi-experimental research. The experimental group was taught using process writing, while the control one without any process that was by writing the product approach. The data were then collected through writing tests about recount texts before and after the treatment and were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed there was a significant difference between students’ scores. The students who were taught using process writing had higher scores on average than students’ who were taught without using process writing. This result implied the strategy is effective for teaching writing for EFL students.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi dan pengadaan pengem... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi dan pengadaan pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan melakukan pengolahan sampah plastik. Sampah plastik ini banyak ditemukan disekitar lingkungan sekolah berupa sampah kemasan makanan dan minuman siswa. Melalui kegiatan pengolahan sampah untuk dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran, tentunya bermanfaat untuk mengurangi sampah. Selain itu mejadikan sampah memiliki nilai bagi pendidikan, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini memberikan informasi kepada guru dalam memanfaatkan sampah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran. Adanya kegiatan ini, antusias guru dalam mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran semakin meningkat. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari respon guru, bahwa guru sangat tertarik dengan media pembelajaran yang diberikan dan semangat untuk menggunakannya dalam kegiatan belajar. Namun, kegiatan ini tidak maksimal dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan harapan, dimana pada rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan meminta guru untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam membuat media pembelajaran sendiri dan mempraktekkan cara menggunakan media pembelajaran tersebut dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Adanya pandemi covid-19 menyebabkan sekolah mengadakan kegiatan belajar dari rumah, sehingga media pembelajaran tersebut hanya bersifat pengadaan media pembelajaran untuk sekolah. Penggunaan media pembelajaran ini pula hanya terpantau melalui laporan dan respon yang diberikan melalui komunikasi secara daring
This study aims at improving the students’ writing ability in English through Inquiry-Based Learn... more This study aims at improving the students’ writing ability in English through Inquiry-Based Learning strategy. This study employed collaborative classroom action research design in which the researchers and the collaborative teacher work together in designing the lesson plan, implementing the action, observing the action, and making reflection. The subjects of this study were the second year students of MTs. Ar Raisyiah Sekarbela of the academic year 2019/2020. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedure of the action research i.e. planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The procedures of implementing inquiry-based learning strategy in the teaching and learning writing of this study are: (1) engaging students to express their ideas in discussion activities, (2) guiding the students to investigate or observe the objects, (3) asking them to make notes of what they have investigated, (4) engaging them to make outline, (5) providing and discussing a mod...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The existence of mining activities is aimed at improving the welfare of society, especially the m... more The existence of mining activities is aimed at improving the welfare of society, especially the mine circle society. Mining activities have been changed based on the three parameters of sustainable development, i.e. economic, social, and environmental. On the economic and social parameters, they have interactions that have a potential impact on influencing the change of mine circumference behavior which is closely related to the existence of the mine circle society itself. The methodology used in this study is the literature review based on existing studies and a brief observation around the mine. The observation technique is carried out by a random selection of respondents (random sampling) with a confidence number of 95%. The analysis results show that there are three types of behavioral changes that occur, namely natural change, planned change, and willingness to change. The factors influencing the behavioral change in the community around the mine areas, especially external fact...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2020
ABSTRAKBermain, dari segi pendidikan adalah kegiatan permainan menggunakan alat permainan yang me... more ABSTRAKBermain, dari segi pendidikan adalah kegiatan permainan menggunakan alat permainan yang mendidik serta alat yang bisa merangsang perkembangan aspek kognitif, sosial, emosi, dan fisik yang dimiliki anak atau yang disebut dengan permainan edukatif. Adams (1975) berpendapat bahwa permainan edukatif adalah semua bentuk permainan yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman pendidikan atau pengalaman belajar kepada para pemainnya, termasuk permainan tradisional dan moderen yang diberi muatan pendidikan dan pengajaran. Maka guna mengurangi trauma anak pada dampak bencana gempa pada tahun 2018 lalu, tim pengabdian bersama mahasiswa melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian sebagai kegiatan psikososial dengan mengajak dan mengajar anak-anak terdampak tersebut dengan memberikan permainan edukatif dengan tahapan kegiatannya dimulai dari pemutaran film animasi gempa bumi, sesi tanya jawab, dan bermain edukasi untuk mengurangi trauma anak mengenai kejadian bencana yang terjadi di tahun 2018 lalu un...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2020
ABSTRAKPenyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana seba... more ABSTRAKPenyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana dalam situasi terdapat potensi terjadi bencana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 34 huruf b meliputi kesiap siagaan, peringatan dini dan mitigasi bencana (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24,2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana). Mitigasi bencana adalah serangkaian upaya untuk mengurangi resiko bencana, baik melalui pembangunan fisik maupun penyadaran dan peningkatan kemampuan menghadapi bencana, mitigasi bencana merupakan suatu aktivitas yang berperan sebagai tindakan pengurangan dampak bencana atau usaha-usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi korban ketika bencana terjadi baik korban jiwa maupun harta. Besarnya potensi ancaman bencana di Indonesia menyebabkan peluang masyarakat menjadi korban sangat besar terutama anak-anak dikarenakan mereka masih sangat rentan dan memiliki pengetahuan yang minim berkaitan dengan mitigasi bencana. Pemberdayaan anak usia sejak dini untuk memahami mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal membangun mas...
This study aims at investigating how the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique can improve the student... more This study aims at investigating how the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique can improve the students’ reading skill at the English Language Department, FKIP, Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. The problem found in the fourth-semester students is that they have low ability in comprehending the text. The TPS technique is offered by the researcher to solve the problem. Later on, the design of this research was classroom action research adopted from Kemmis & McTaggart which goes through a cycle that consists of four stages namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. At the cycle 1, the students failed to meet the criteria of success because only 14 (fourteen) out of 30 (thirty) or 47% students who got the minimum passing grade 75 (seventy-five) and the average score was 67. It meant that the study must be continued to the next cycle. At last, in the cycle 2 met the criteria of success in which 67% students or 20 (twenty) out of 30 (thirty) students met the minimum passing grade 7...
Illocutionary Acts is what the speaker wants to achieve by uttering something, and illocutionary ... more Illocutionary Acts is what the speaker wants to achieve by uttering something, and illocutionary acts is an utterance which has a particular conventional force. About this, illocutionary acts in Hillary Clinton’s speech is interesting to be analyzed. The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of illocutionary acts found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump. The writer used descriptive qualitative research. The main research instrument was the writer herself supported by the data analysis sheet. The data analysis was performed by categorizing the data based on Searle’s categorization of speech acts (2005) which include assertive, directives, commissives, expressive and declarative speech acts. Each category was thoroughly observed to find the answer of the research questions. The final step was presenting the data and making a conclusion in reference to the findings of the research. The research findings show that the types of illocutionary acts found in H...
This study aims at identifying the social structures in Rempung Village, elaborating the reflecti... more This study aims at identifying the social structures in Rempung Village, elaborating the reflection of social structure in politeness, elaborating the influence of social structure and politeness phenomena toward the lexical levels particularly at behavioral verbs. The data were gathered through observation and interview. The instruments used in doing observation were note taking and recording. Furthermore, the informants are the speakers of Rempung language who reside at RW.01 Derma Bhakti, Rempung. The study found that there are only two social classes exist in Rempung, they are higher-class and lower-class persons. In addition, there are also two language levels in Rempung namely polite and ordinary forms. The social structures influence the use of language in Rempung. Tau jamaq/tau ba’ (the lower-class person) tend to use basa alis (polite form of language) when speaking to tau reaq/tau bo (the higher-class person). It is also used by tau reaq to speak to other tau reaq who hav...
Papers by Muhammad Hudri