Papers by Muhammad Hadi Muzakky

Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English
This study aimed to examine the communicative functions of the non-face “folded hands” emoji that... more This study aimed to examine the communicative functions of the non-face “folded hands” emoji that Indonesians use in WhatsApp interactions. Using descriptive qualitative, the data were analysed through the social semiotic approach proposed by Lemke (1998), the interactional sociolinguistic theory (Gumperz, 1982), and speech act theory. The data were taken from the messages that occurred naturally in several WhatsApp groups. It was re-transcribed and translated in English based on the theory by Dresner and Herring (2010). The findings revealed some functions of the non-face “folded hands” emoji in online communication. At the end of an utterance, it emphasizes message tone, politeness, and soft interaction. Furthermore, rather than this emoji expresses an emotion such as face emoji does, it performs illocutionary forces in communication such as thanking, apologizing, and asking. It is also performed in situational interaction in which the relation of speaker and interlocutor has a ...

The present study investigates the process of acquiring declarative sentences in aphasia language... more The present study investigates the process of acquiring declarative sentences in aphasia language learners. This study seeks to address the question of how the process of an aphasia language learner to acquire declarative sentences. Using a case study, the process of interview was implemented to explore the subject's response toward this issue. The subject is an adult language learner who is 69 years old. The data were obtained from interviews and documents. The interview section was used to explore the process of acquiring declarative sentences, and the documents were used to check the validity of the interview. The data analysis of acquiring declarative sentences showed: (1) the process of acquiring the language on an adult is through behaviorist theory that consists of subject's routinizes in reading books, newspapers, and comics. (2) In adult language learners, the duration of acquiring the language is not too long and challenging. The subject takes a significant effort ...
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia, 2021
This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.
Papers by Muhammad Hadi Muzakky