Papers by Muhammad Abdullah Arafat

With the continued growth in the integration density of CMOS and clock frequency of ultra-large-s... more With the continued growth in the integration density of CMOS and clock frequency of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, the wire interconnects technology is emerging as the major bottleneck to the improvement of integrated circuit (lC) technology. The semiconductor industry has sought to address this primary problem by increasing the thickness of the wires, using more exotic substrate materials with lower dielectric loss tangents, and employing more sophisticated input/output drivers. However, all of these potential solutions are costly, thereby making wireless interconnect technology an increasingly attractive alternative. In this thesis, we have proposed a simple impulse radio ultra wideband (lR-UWB) wireless interconnect system with integrated antennas. transmitters, and receivers for inter-chip and intra-chip communications. To avoid complicated inter-chip/intra-chip channel estimation methods and to reduce electronic overhead in terms of circuit components in the receiver tr...

Reliable chronic neural recording from focal deep brain structures is impeded by insertion injury... more Reliable chronic neural recording from focal deep brain structures is impeded by insertion injury and foreign body response, the magnitude of which is correlated with the mechanical mismatch between the electrode and tissue. Thin and flexible neural electrodes cause less glial scarring and record longer than stiff electrodes. However, the insertion of flexible microelectrodes in the brain has been a challenge. A novel insertion method is proposed, and demonstrated, for precise targeting deep brain structures using flexible micro-wire electrodes. A novel electrode guiding system is designed based on the principles governing the buckling strength of electrodes. The proposed guide significantly increases the critical buckling force of the microelectrode. The electrode insertion mechanism involves spinning of the electrode during insertion. The spinning electrode is slowly inserted in the brain through the electrode guide. The electrode guide does not penetrate into cortex. The electrod...
Epilepsia, 2019
Brainstem activity, apnoea and death during seizures induced by intrahippocampal kainic acid in a... more Brainstem activity, apnoea and death during seizures induced by intrahippocampal kainic acid in anaesthetised rats.

Gastroenterology, 2015
Purpose: Patients with diabetic or idiopathic gastroparesis have delayed gastric emptying (GE) ti... more Purpose: Patients with diabetic or idiopathic gastroparesis have delayed gastric emptying (GE) time. Velusetrag (VEL) is an oral, once-daily, investigational, highly-selective 5-HT4 agonist that has demonstrated prokinetic effects in the lower gastrointestinal tract in subjects with chronic idiopathic constipation. The current study evaluated VEL prokinetic effects in the upper gastrointestinal tract by assessing GE time in both diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis subjects. Methods: Subjects with gastroparesis were screened for increased GE time (t1/2 > 160 mins), symptoms consistent with gastroparesis for ≥3 months, Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index score between 2-4 inclusive, and HbA1c < 10% (diabetics). Subjects were randomized in an incomplete block, 3-period, cross-over design to 3 of 4 treatments, VEL 5-, 15and 30-mg and placebo stratified for diabetic or idiopathic gastroparesis. In all 3 treatment periods, subjects performed a 6-hr 13C-octanoate breath test of GE time on Day -1 (baseline) and after the 7th dose. Efficacy was assessed by the change from baseline in GE t1/2. All efficacy endpoints were evaluated using mixed-effect models with a covariate for baseline GE. Results: 34 subjects were randomized; n=26 (placebo), 26 (VEL 5-mg), 25 (VEL 15-mg), and 25 (VEL 30-mg). The study populationwas 68% female, 82%Caucasian, and 53% diabetic, with mean (SD) age of 46 (10.3) yrs and baseline GE t1/2 mean (SD) [range]: 206 min (91.1) [107-640]. The proportion of subjects with at least a 20% reduction in GE t1/2 was 5% for placebo and 26%, 20%, 52% for VEL 5-, 15-, and 30-mg respectively. Statistical significance was observed in the 30-mg dose group (p=0.002). The mean (SD) change from baseline of GE t1/2 was -13 (14.9) mins for placebo and -35 (14.6), -34 (15.5), and -52 (15.2) mins for VEL 5-, 15-, and 30-mg, respectively. Similar treatment effects were observed with VEL in both diabetic and idiopathic subjects. A pre-specified analysis of subjects with delayed GE time at baseline (GE between 180-350 mins excluding relatively normal and extremely abnormal GE times) revealed a placebo-adjusted mean (SD) reduction [% improvement] from baseline in VEL-treated subjects of -76 (41.9) [-33%], -73 (50.4) [28%] and -85 (40.9) [-37%] mins for VEL 5-, 15and 30-mg, respectively. All doses of VEL were generally well tolerated. The most common adverse events were diarrhea (n=16) and headache (n=6). No on-treatment serious adverse events were observed. Conclusions: Velusetrag treatment was generally well tolerated and resulted in a statistically significant improvement in GE time at the 30 mg dose in subjects with diabetic or idiopathic gastroparesis. Future studies will assess the translation of these pharmacodynamics effects into symptomatic improvement.
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2013
ABSTRACT Due to ultra-long mean free path of Carbon nanotube (CNT), CNT field effect transistor (... more ABSTRACT Due to ultra-long mean free path of Carbon nanotube (CNT), CNT field effect transistor (CNTFET) is supposed to operate in ballistic regime and therefore CNTEFT is under extensive research for its application in high performance devices replacing conventional silicon technology. Surrounding gate topology which is better performing than back-gated structure is considered for physical self-consistent modeling under NEGF framework using tight binding approximation. A detailed study of transport in ballistic regime reveals that equally doped source/drain (S/D) and channel with no potential gradient, short S/D about 5 nm, gate length close to 10 nm and (13, 0) zigzag CNT channel is optimum for designing high performance CNTFET.

ECS Transactions, 2013
Carbon NanoTube (CNT) channel promises near ballistic transport and is examined extensively for p... more Carbon NanoTube (CNT) channel promises near ballistic transport and is examined extensively for potential application in next-generation Nano-scale transistor. Cylindrical gate-all-around CNT field effect transistor (CNTFET) with semiconducting CNT S/D contacts and Schottky barrier CNTFET (SBCNTFET) are modeled numerically based on self-consistent solution of Poisson-Schrödinger equation with open boundary conditions within Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function formalism considering coaxial symmetry. The effect of dielectric constant (κ) and physical thickness of gate dielectric on transport characteristics of CNTFET and SBCNTFET are examined in this work. Gate capacitance, carrier injection velocity, current and therefore speed increases significantly with the inclusion of high κ dielectric and decrease in thickness. SBCNTFET also shows better performance with thin high κ dielectric layer. High trans-conductance and much lower Sub-threshold swing is visible with the inclusion of high κ ...

Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2009
Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most serious variety of arrhythmia which requires quick and ... more Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most serious variety of arrhythmia which requires quick and accurate detection to save lives. In this paper, we propose a new time domain algorithm, called threshold crossing sample count (TCSC), which is an improved version of the threshold crossing interval (TCI) algorithm for VF detection. The algorithm is based on an important feature of the VF signal which relies on the random behavior of the electrical heart vector. By two simple operations: comparison and count, the technique calculates an effective measure which is used to separate lifethreatening VF from other heart rhythms. For assessment of the performance of the algorithm, the method is applied on the complete MIT-BIH arrhythmia and CU databases, and a promising good performance is observed. Seven other classical and new VF detection algorithms, including TCI, have been simulated and comparative performance results in terms of different quality parameters are presented. The TCSC algorithm yields the highest value of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The new algorithm shows strong potential to be applied in clinical applications for faster and accurate detection of VF.

2012 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012
ECG denoising is a prerequisite for modeling, detecting various artifacts, measuring component wa... more ECG denoising is a prerequisite for modeling, detecting various artifacts, measuring component waveforms and for almost all computational analysis of ECG signal. Gaussian waveform is a good candidate for ECG modeling due to its similarity with the characteristic waves of ECG beat. This paper presents a novel method for denoising and smoothing ECG signal using Gaussian functions. The advantage of Gaussian modeling is that by fitting Gaussian waveforms it inherently extracts the fundamental waveforms from the noisy signal, removes wrinkles and makes the signal sufficiently smooth for accurate detection and measurement of the on-set and off-set of the characteristic waves. Sixteen Gaussian waves are used to model each noisy ECG beat. The proposed algorithm has been applied on ECG signals with different SNR values. The results show significant improvement in the output SNR.
2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2011
Abstract ECG signal modeling is an essential prerequisite for detection, classification and compr... more Abstract ECG signal modeling is an essential prerequisite for detection, classification and compression of ECG signal. In this paper, a novel method is developed to model ECG beats using Gaussian fitting of order eight. First, the baseline is detected from the probability ...

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC), 2013
ABSTRACT Power utilities in different countries especially in the developing ones are incurring h... more ABSTRACT Power utilities in different countries especially in the developing ones are incurring huge losses due to electricity theft. This paper proposes a prepaid energy metering system to control electricity theft. In this system a smart energy meter is installed in every consumer unit and a server is maintained at the service provider side. Both the meter and the server are equipped with GSM module which facilitates bidirectional communication between the two ends using the existing GSM infrastructure. Consumers can easily recharge their energy meter by sending a PIN number hidden in a scratch card to the server using SMS. This paper presents some measures to control meter bypassing and tampering. The bidirectional GSM communication using SMS ensures the effectiveness of these measures. Pilferage of electricity can be substantially reduced by incorporating the proposed measures along with the prepaid metering scheme. Legal actions against dishonest consumers can also be taken in this system.
International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010), 2010
Page 1. A Simple High Data Rate UWB OOK Pulse Generator with Transmitted Reference for On-Chip Wi... more Page 1. A Simple High Data Rate UWB OOK Pulse Generator with Transmitted Reference for On-Chip Wireless Interconnects Muhammad Abdullah Arafat1, SM Shahriar Rashid, Apratim Roy, ABMH Rashid2, Senior Member, IEEE ... 40 -30 -20 -10 0 Frequency (Giga Hz) dB Fig. ...
International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010), 2010
The transmitted reference ultra-wideband (TR-UWB) scheme has generated considerable interest in t... more The transmitted reference ultra-wideband (TR-UWB) scheme has generated considerable interest in the field of UWB radio and on-chip wireless interconnect systems. This paper presents a wideband delay element (WBDE) which is a major design concern for TR-UWB transceivers and introduces a novel WBDE architecture that eliminates the need for dual bipolar power supplies. A very wide range of delays of monotonic nature (100-1000 ps) can be achieved by varying the dimensions of the transistors, the power supply voltage, the shunt capacitances and the number of stages in the delay chain. The WBDE, designed using IBM® 90 nm CMOS technology, would make the circuit implementation of TR-UWB schemes realizable.
2012 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012
ABSTRACT Touch screen technology, as an user friendly interface for electronics device is going t... more ABSTRACT Touch screen technology, as an user friendly interface for electronics device is going through a revolutionary improvement. Higher implementation cost makes this technology unsuitable for big display screen like multimedia display. The proposed technology in this paper provides touch screen facility to big multimedia display which is highly cost effective and easy to implement. An efficient colour detection based computer vision algorithm is used to recognize hand gesture pattern to execute different commands for interacting with multimedia system.

2012 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2012
This research paper carries out a realistic experimental approach to enhance the solar output pow... more This research paper carries out a realistic experimental approach to enhance the solar output power to a significant level with the application of solar concentrator and tracking system and also proposes a fuzzy based control system for the utilization of the duration for which solar power is available. By using only a solar panel, the theoretical value is supposed to be around 40% more. The method is arranged using ‘Double Sun Technology’ and ‘Solar Tracker’. In addition to ‘Double Sun Technology’, four flat mirrors have been used to increase the output power. A remarkable enhancement in the output power is achieved with this method. Rather than using only a solar panel, the output power increases by 58.32% by using a photovoltaic (PV) panel with four flat mirrors with solar tracker system. The concentrators are designed to collect the incident light from the sun and concentrate them on the PV panel so that the solar irradiance is more. The experiment is conducted in four different setups. In the first setup, the output power is calculated without the use of Double Sun and solar tracker. In the second setup, power is measured with Double Sun but without solar tracker. Both Double Sun and solar tracker are used in the third setup. Then four flat mirrors and solar tracker are considered. Output power has been calculated using open circuit voltage and short circuit current. Finally, the proposed system improves the total output by maximum utilization of available photovoltaic energy and maximum utilization of the duration for which solar power is available based on fuzzy logic.

IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 2012
In this study, a novel low-power high data rate ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse generator circuit is p... more In this study, a novel low-power high data rate ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse generator circuit is presented, which can be fully integrated in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process. The basic part of the circuit generates a UWB Gaussian monocycle pulse using the triangular pulse generation technique. A new bipolar phase shift keying pulse modulator is designed to control the polarity of the output pulses. The design includes additional functionality to make the pulse generator also applicable for transmitted reference (TR) signalling system. The circuit can generate pulses at a maximum rate of 7 giga pulse per second (Gpps) without TR pulse (TRP) and 3.5 Gpps with TRP. The generated pulses are symmetrical, each having a width of 142 ps and a peak-to-peak swing of 500 mV. The 23 dB bandwidth of the pulse spectrum is 9 GHz. The pulse generator consumes only 1.13 pJ per pulse from 1.2 V supply. The circuit is designed and simulated in 90 nm CMOS technology.

Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2009
Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most serious variety of arrhythmia which requires quick and ... more Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most serious variety of arrhythmia which requires quick and accurate detection to save lives. In this paper, we propose an empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based algorithm for VF detection. The intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of VF are orthogonal whereas the lower order IMFs of normal sinus rhythm (NSR) are not. The orthogonality indices derived from the first three consecutive intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of NSR and VF are used for their discrimination. The proposed technique is applied to the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The accuracy of detection of VF is 99.70% for a window length of 3 s. This early estimate of VF may be useful in emergency cases where defibrillators are to be applied. Comparative results with the existing methods in terms of quality parameters and integrated receiver operating characteristic (IROC) are presented.

Urinary Incontinence (UI) is a disease in which patients lose control of their bladder. It is par... more Urinary Incontinence (UI) is a disease in which patients lose control of their bladder. It is particularly common in elderly women having a prevalence of as much as 30% to 50% [1]. Many of these patients are left without successful treatment. A recent study has shown a new option for treatment that consists of deep brain stimulation (DBS) at a site known as the periaqueductal gray (PAG) [2, 3]. To test the effectiveness of this treatment, chronic stimulation of the PAG should be used in animals to see if it can reliably prevent micturition in the long term. A device was created that incorporated a piezoresistive pressure sensor and two electrodes connected through an implantable circuit developed by other members of this lab. The pressure sensor was implanted in the bladder and the electrodes were implanted in the PAG. When the bladder pressure reached a level greater than XXmmHg, XXmA of current was sent between the electrodes. The threshold was set slightly lower than the actual v...

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019
Reliable chronic neural recording from focal deep brain structures is impeded by insertion injury... more Reliable chronic neural recording from focal deep brain structures is impeded by insertion injury and foreign body response, the magnitude of which is correlated with the mechanical mismatch between the electrode and tissue. Thin and flexible electrodes cause less glial scarring and record longer than stiff electrodes. However, insertion of flexible microelectrodes into the brain has been a challenge. Here, a novel insertion method is proposed, and demonstrated, for precise targeting deep brain structures using flexible micro-wire electrodes. The microelectrode is spun and slowly inserted in the brain through an appropriate electrode guide. The electrode guide does not penetrate into cortex. Based on two new mechanisms, namely spinning and guided insertion, we have demonstrated successful insertion of 25 micron platinum flexible electrodes about 10 millimeter deep in rat brain without buckling. We present an electrode insertion device based on the proposed method and demonstrate its use to implant flexible microelectrodes in rat brains. The step-by-step insertion process is described. Microelectrodes were inserted in the Bötzinger complex of 11 rat brains and chronic respiratory neural activity was recorded from 2 rats for 50 days.
Papers by Muhammad Abdullah Arafat