Papers by Muh. Akbar Hidayat

Diagnosis merupakan langkah awal untuk menentukan peroses selanjutnya dalam penanganan kesehatan ... more Diagnosis merupakan langkah awal untuk menentukan peroses selanjutnya dalam penanganan kesehatan seorang pasien, tanpa adanya diagnosis yang benar dan akurat maka bakal memiliki dampak yang buruk bagi pasien dalam hal pemberian tindakan medis kepada pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman pasien tentang pemberian Informasi Diagnosis Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas III RSUD Dr. R.M. Djoelham Binjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan yakni kualitatif dari penelitian ini adalah maka sampel sebanyak 7 orang yaitu 4 informan utama yaitu Dokter Spesialis RSUD Dr. R.M. Djoelham Binjai Medan dan Dokter DPJP Ruangan RSUD Dr. R.M. Djoelham Binjai Medan informan kunci sebanyak 1 orang Dan 2 informan pendukung. Hasil penelitian Pemahaman Diagnosis Penyakit pada pasien rawat inap terkendala komunikasi yaitu bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. Dokter DPJP telah memberikan pemahanan penyakit pasien akan tetapi pasien merasa dokter menjelaskan terlalu cepat serta menggunakan istilah me...

Just TI (Jurnal Sains Terapan Teknologi Informasi), 2019
Bahasa pemrograman merupakan suatu subjek yang sangat populer saat ini. Pembelajaran bahasa pemro... more Bahasa pemrograman merupakan suatu subjek yang sangat populer saat ini. Pembelajaran bahasa pemrograman dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan formal maupun informal seperti lembaga kursus atau pembelajaran secara online. Pembelajaran secara online memberikan berbagai keunggulan, diantaranya biaya yang lebih murah, waktu yang fleksibel dan setiap peserta dapat menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan dan perkembangan belajarnya. AjarinCode dibangun untuk membantu para pembelajar online dalam memahami bahasa pemrograman, khususnya bahasa pemrograman website yang meliputi PHP, HMTL, CSS, dan MySQL. Aplikasi ini akan memberikan materi sesuai dengan level pemahaman peserta, dan di setiap akhir pembelajaran akan diberikan ujian online dengan metode pengacakan soal menggunakan algoritma Fisher-Yates. Dengan algoritma ini, maka urutan soal yang dimunculkan akan selalu berbeda antara setiap peserta dan ketika seorang peserta mengulangi ujian. Peserta yang telah menyelesaikan ujian, nantinya akan dapat men...

Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE), 2020
Online learning is one of the most practical and promising learning alternatives nowadays. Flexib... more Online learning is one of the most practical and promising learning alternatives nowadays. Flexible time and low cost of online learning are advantages that offline learning does not have. In addition, in online learning, each student can enrol the material according to their level, interest and abilities. This study aims to build an online learning application for programming language. The method used in this study was Scrum software development. Scrum is one of the Agile method in software development. The system design using use case diagram resulted 3 actors and 8 use cases. The product backlog resulted in this study was five backlogs. The sprint composed based on product backlog result 4 sprints in total 120 days' work. All five product backlogs were built successfully using Scrum. This system can be an alternative in learning programming language that offers the flexibility to the student, based on their ability and time.
Perspektif, 2014
Prosedur dan Persyaratan penerbitan izin lingkungan telah di atur dalam Undang-Undang Perlindunga... more Prosedur dan Persyaratan penerbitan izin lingkungan telah di atur dalam Undang-Undang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Hal ini penting, karena akan memberikan gambaran kepada seseorang atau badan hukum apa saja yang harus dipenuhi apabila ingin mengajukan izin lingkungan. Dengan dijelaskannya prosedur dan persyaratan tersebut, maka pejabat yang berwenang telah diberi rambu-rambu dalam menerbitkan izin lingkungan. Kata Kunci: prosedur, persyaratan, izin lingkungan.

IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, 2022
Green supply chain management (GSCM) is one of the strategies to overcome environmental problems ... more Green supply chain management (GSCM) is one of the strategies to overcome environmental problems caused by industrial activities and pressure from stakeholders such as the government and customers.The concept of green supply chain is a multidisciplinary issue that emerges essentially from building environment-friendly management practices in the context of supply chains. Nowadays manufacturing moves to Asia, awareness of green operations or sustainability has become important but relevant studies in Asian countries are not many especially in the Southeast Asia region .Prior studiesabout effects of GSCM on firm performance suggested for more indepth research on the effect of each GSCM practices on company performance because GSCM's scope is quite extensive. Furthermore, several studies that examine the relationships between GSCM practices and organizational performance, there is a dearth of studies that have considered these relationships within the context of organizational or business strategy. Most studies have examined the outcomes of GSCM within the context of tangible measures such as environmental, operational, and economic performance. Consequently, research on intangible outcomes of GSCM practices is limited. Thus, the need examines the deployment of GSCMand analyzes their impact on environmental, economic and intangible performance.

Tumbuhan Gelinggang Gajah (Cassia alata) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang memiliki potensial se... more Tumbuhan Gelinggang Gajah (Cassia alata) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang memiliki potensial sebagai penghasil jamur endofit yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai bahan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi jamur endofit serta mengindentifikasinya senyawa bioaktif dari jamur endofitnya sebagai antimikroba yang berasal dari tanaman C. alata. Isolasi daun gelinggang gajah menghasilkan strain isolat yang diberi kode GD-D. Isolat jamur endofit difermentasi kemudian di maserasi menggunakan pelarut etil asetat dan diperoleh ekstrak isolat jamur endofit sebanyak 20 g. Ekstrak etil asetat isolat jamur endofit sebanyak 5 g selanjutnya dikromatografi menggunakan metode kromatografi kolom gravitasi dan diperoleh 4 kelompok fraksi. Selanjutnya Ektrak etil asetat isolat jamur endofit dan masing-masing kelompok fraksi A kemudian diuji terhadap bakteri dan jamur dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar. Hasil pengujian ekstrak etil asetat menunjukkan bahwa jenis isolat jamur endofit memiliki b...
This research is aimed to acknowledge the following issues, the position of police institution in... more This research is aimed to acknowledge the following issues, the position of police institution in the system of Indonesian governance. Through normative research, using legal sources from written laws and literatures related to police issues. Based on the research, it is found that, The position of Indonesian police institution under the President’s ruling is not effective yet, because of the President himself has been very busy with his duties on governing. The constitution of 1945 doesn’t state anything about the position of police institution under the President. The recommendations from this research are: to revise on the clause of the position of police institution under the President as mentioned in article 8 (1) Act No.2/2002 about Indonesian Police, and to form a new ministry named the ministry of safety to lead the Indonesian police institution directly

Archive management is an activity that starts from the creation, collection, control, maintenance... more Archive management is an activity that starts from the creation, collection, control, maintenance, storage, transfer, destruction and evaluation according to a system that has been set. Archive management has an important role in the course of an organization, especially public organizations, both at central and local government level. At the level of public local organizations, archive management becomes important for the continuity of the organization. Increasingly advanced technology allows us to do our works more quickly, precisely, and more reliable to support capabilities of a repeated process. For example, web-based technologies that have been widely used to provide public service facilities such as Academic Information Systems, Library Information Systems, and other public services. Meanwhile, government agencies have not taken advantage of technology to provide supporting facilities for archives management activities. In this study, author tried to design and build an infor...
Papers by Muh. Akbar Hidayat