Papers by Mugiyati Mugiyati

International journal of engineering business and social science, Mar 25, 2024
The enactment of halal product assurance regulations on small micro-enterprises requires small mi... more The enactment of halal product assurance regulations on small micro-enterprises requires small micro-entrepreneurs to accelerate halal certification. This situation has caused various responses in the community, especially micro and small businesses, as one of the target recipients of the Halal Product Guarantee Law regulation. This situation is a serious concern for the author, who wants to know more about halal certification from the perspective of small micro-entrepreneurs in the Pasuruan Regency. The problem formulation in this study is as follows: 1) What is the perspective of small micro-entrepreneurs on halal certification in the Pasuruan Regency? 2) What are the implications of halal certification for microsmall businesses in Pasuruan Regency? The objectives of this study are 1) To understand the perspective of small micro-entrepreneurs on halal certification in Pasuruan Regency and 2) to find the implications of halal certification for small micro business businesses in Pasuruan Regency. This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach to see and answer problems based on concrete conditions experienced by research subjects, namely small micro-entrepreneurs in the Pasuruan Regency. The research data was obtained from observations, interviews and documentation of small micro-entrepreneurs in Pasuruan Regency. The results showed 1) halal certification, the perspective of small microentrepreneurs is divided into three typologies: first, the typology of small microentrepreneurs who are pro with halal certification. Second, the typology of small micro-entrepreneurs who contradict halal certification. Third, a neutral typology of small micro-entrepreneurs with halal certification. 2) Implications of halal certification for small micro-entrepreneurs: First, there are implications for small micro-entrepreneurs who are pro with halal certification. Second, the implications for small micro-entrepreneurs who contradict halal certification. Third, the implications for neutral micro-small entrepreneurs with halal certification.

Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Bisnis Syariah, Aug 24, 2023
The purpose of this research is to describe the opportunities and challenges of Islamic banks in ... more The purpose of this research is to describe the opportunities and challenges of Islamic banks in maintaining their existence in the digital era. The research method used is literature study, by compiling relevant data which is then analyzed using a descriptive approach. The results of the study show that the digital era has provided very promising opportunities for the advancement of the world of Islamic banking, this is because the majority of Indonesian people are Muslim and are supported by many internet users in Indonesia, then the digital era also makes it easier for Islamic banking to promote its products. In addition, Islamic banking also faces the challenge of having to present qualified and competent human resources, guaranteeing protection for its customers, and the most important challenge in facing this digital era is building Cyber Security that is not easy to hack, skiming and safe from malware attacks. Then, in order to maintain its existence in the digital era, Islamic banking has presented a strategy by innovating digital finance by providing good service to its customers, through digital banking such as phone banking, internet banking, SMS banking, and mobile banking.

Iqtishadia, Dec 13, 2023
Sharia-compliant P2P lending has become one of the options for SMEs to access funding more easily... more Sharia-compliant P2P lending has become one of the options for SMEs to access funding more easily. Therefore, this research aims to understand the concrete role of Islamic peer-topeer lending for SMEs to stimulate economic recovery post the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with a literature study approach. The results of this research indicate that the growth of Islamic fintech, where Sharia-compliant P2P lending is a part of it, plays a positive role in SME financing. In 2023, Indonesia has 7 officially licensed Islamic P2P lending platforms according to OJK. Among them, Alami, Ethis, Qazwa, and Ammana are platforms dedicated to SME financing. During their three years of existence, each platform has successfully disbursed financing from billions to trillions of rupiah to various SMEs. This proves that Islamic P2P lending can help address the funding or capital issues faced by SMEs. Islamic P2P lending can be an easy choice compared to traditional banking, especially for unbankable SMEs, removing barriers to capital acquisition. Therefore, the presence of Islamic P2P lending provides a solution for the economic recovery post-Covid-19 for the development of SMEs in Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Pondok Pesantren Fad... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Pondok Pesantren Fadllillah Waru Sidoarjo dan Al-Jihad Wonocolo Surabaya dengan analisis perspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi komparatif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informannya adalah Ketua Yayasan, Pengurus Pondok, serta Mahasantri. Teknik pengolahan data dilakukan melalui editing, organizing, dan analyzing. Sedangkan untuk menguji keabsahan data melalui triangulasi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Fadllillah dan Al-Jihad masih banyak yang belum mampu menempatkan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, hal ini dikarenakan masih banyak terdapat Mahasantri yang berperilaku konsumtif, yakni masih mengedepankan selera keinginan mereka dalam berkonsumsi.

Operasional Asuransi pada umumnya bertumpu kepada kepentingan bisnis untuk mendapatkan laba (maxi... more Operasional Asuransi pada umumnya bertumpu kepada kepentingan bisnis untuk mendapatkan laba (maximizing profit) sedangkan kafalah adalah akad tabarru’ yang bertumpu pada nilai kebajikan sosial. Keduanya mendasari terbentuknya akad pada Asuransi Takaful, maka evaluasi terhadapnya perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan kembali apakah praktik yang ada sesuai dengan idealism Islam atau malah sebalikya. Nampaknya akad kafalah dapat dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan pada Asuransi Takaful dengan mengikuti tiga pola pembayaran klaim atau manfaat takaful. Pertama: Peserta meninggal dunia dalam masa pertanggungan, maka Kafalah yang dapat diaplikasikan adalah kafalah bi al-dayn yaitu kewajiban membayar hutang yang menjadi tanggung jawab orang lain. Bagi peserta yang meninggal dunia dalam masa pertanggungan menjadi orang yang ditanggung ( makful ‘anhu ). Sedangkan peserta lainnya secara bersama-sama menjadi kafil ( penjamin) untuk melunasi hutang makful ‘anhu berupa sisa premi yang belum t...

The monetary management of conventional economy which revolves around bank interest uses multipli... more The monetary management of conventional economy which revolves around bank interest uses multiplier money rather than high powered money. Consequently, its instrument of monetary policies tends to the utility of open market operation and change of discount rate. Both instruments cannot be applied in an Islamic monetary system which is free from interest whose monetary management relies on controlling high powered money by applying profit and loss sharing and financial intermediation. Therefore, Islamic monetary system can employ alternative instruments of monetary policy such as quantitative control of credit allocation and realization of socio-economic objectives. The first instrument is backed up with monetary instruments such as statutory reserve requirement, credit ceiling, government deposits, common pool, moral suasion, equity-base instrument. Whereas the second instruments include some monetary instruments such as treating the created money as fai’ and goal oriented allocat...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Pondok Pesantren Fad... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Pondok Pesantren Fadllillah Waru Sidoarjo dan Al-Jihad Wonocolo Surabaya dengan analisis perspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi komparatif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informannya adalah Ketua Yayasan, Pengurus Pondok, serta Mahasantri. Teknik pengolahan data dilakukan melalui editing, organizing, dan analyzing. Sedangkan untuk menguji keabsahan data melalui triangulasi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Perilaku konsumsi Mahasantri Fadllillah dan Al-Jihad masih banyak yang belum mampu menempatkan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, hal ini dikarenakan masih banyak terdapat Mahasantri yang berperilaku konsumtif, yakni masih mengedepankan selera keinginan mereka dalam berkonsumsi.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2021
Productive zakat is a strategic mechanism to help alleviate poverty. This study aims to explore t... more Productive zakat is a strategic mechanism to help alleviate poverty. This study aims to explore the mechanism by which BAZNAS manages productive zakat in an attempt to help alleviate poverty in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative exploratory approach. Documentary data pertaining to zakat distribution to mustahīq in the urban poor Surabaya was collected from the East Java BAZNAS office. Several interviews with the leaders of this office were also conducted to capture their views on the management of productive zakat. The results showed that to reduce the poverty of the urban poor, the BAZNAS applies a strategic distribution of productive zakat implemented through (1) a revolving capital loan to increase venture capital of the mustahīq members of MSMEs run under the qarḑ al-ḫasan contract, and (2) providing work equipment for starting or developing businesses. These mechanisms were effective in helping the poor for starting and expanding their business, hereby improving their wel...
The attempt of creating justice, weathness (social dan economy) and protecting to the ownership i... more The attempt of creating justice, weathness (social dan economy) and protecting to the ownership is the goal of Islamic accounting and economy. Islam teaches us that everything is created by Allah, it can be owned by human collectively. Juridically, individual human right for owning the thing, such as the right for having, enjoying, and replecing the wealthy, is certified and roled by Islam. However, they have moral responsibility to give their wealthy since the other people (social) are also on the right part of such wealthy. In concerning with the matter, Islamic accounting is trying to activate the activa scoring as an important basic to the treasure that the zakah is suppossed to be paid out

This study aims to determine the activities of BMT in implementing financial inclusion and how th... more This study aims to determine the activities of BMT in implementing financial inclusion and how the role of BMT in realizing financial inclusion in the coastal community of Tuban. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The object of this research is BMT Surya Rahardja Tuban, with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique uses data grouping, reduction and elimination, filtering the eliminated data, and identifying data.Three mechanisms used by BMT Surya Rahardja in realizing financial inclusion are socialization, marketing strategy and roll play. To maximize its role as financial inclusion, BMT Surya Rahardja uses three ways namely door to door, market visit and open table. Surya Rahardja's BMT consistency in realizing the role of financial inclusion has been able to improve access to coastal communities in Tuban. The number of customers from BMT Surya Rahardja has increased in 2018 by 7,70...

Privatization is the political and economic policies to boost economic growth by way of transfer ... more Privatization is the political and economic policies to boost economic growth by way of transfer of economic activities such as the management of public assets were previously managed by the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to private national and foreign, as the country's efforts to improve the welfare of the people. Privatization of public assets is also a condition of the government debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank which requires each state to the borrower (debtor) to a policy of structural adjustment programs (structural adjustment programs), in line with global economic trends that wants minimal role of the state in economy was replaced by market mechanisms. Instead, it only provides opportunities privatization to a handful of the bourgeoisie to double the capital and the transfer of control of ownership of public assets from the state to international investors, the impact on the loss of public assets needs of the people, so that is not welfar...

Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, Mar 1, 2013
Law No. 6 The year 2014 Village has put each village head as a budgeting power-user, as well as h... more Law No. 6 The year 2014 Village has put each village head as a budgeting power-user, as well as heads of governmental agencies, either the provincial or regency ones. But unlike the heads of local governmental department, the village heads generally have a similar level toSenior High School (SMA) or even a Junior High School (SMP). This has an impact on the capacity and the roles along with the responsibilities as a budgeting power-user, which are crucial to boosting rural development or vice versa. If the village funds are not well managed, the Law No. 6 Year 2014about Village which allows the village autonomy can be a source of conflict in the middle of the rural community. The education of state financial management that has developed in college is a method to create the budget administrator who has the ability in state financial management. The rural-governmental apparatus under Law No. 6 The year 2014 has the complex authority in rural fund management from the state budget. The same thing for rural communities. The Law No. 6 The year 2014 has given greater space for villagers to participate in rural development. Therefore, an increase in the capacity of rural communities is important to strengthen the development process in order to conform with the mandate of Law No. 6 The year 2014. The achievement of this program will generate a role model of rural financial management through the transparent and accessible management of rural finances to the whole village. Related to the rural financial management as well, each village head was able to make the planning, implementation, administration, reporting, accountability in rural development. The science-and-technology method used is mentoring and training by a team of experts to provide socialization and training on rural financial management models and modules with Law No. 6 The year 2014 village. In addition, the village later will also be expected to have an active community that serves as monitor system in the implementation of rural development. Thereby, the villagers are expected to do a better service and more transparent rural financial management.
... besar akan lebih menguntungkan untuk disimpan (diinvestasikan) di luar negeri 3) Lebih bersai... more ... besar akan lebih menguntungkan untuk disimpan (diinvestasikan) di luar negeri 3) Lebih bersaing di dalam negeri, karena penyimpan dana akan memilih bank yang paling tinggi menawarkan tingkat bunga simpanannya dan memberikan berbagai jenis hadiah atau bonus. ...

Kebutuhan umat Islam terhadap model investasi jangka panjang berbasis shari’ah membuat Pasar Moda... more Kebutuhan umat Islam terhadap model investasi jangka panjang berbasis shari’ah membuat Pasar Modal meluncurkan berbagai produk keuangan shari’ah, diantaranya sukuk. Namun seringkali praktik perdagangan efek shari’ah yang ada saat ini , secara umum mempunyai prosedur dan tata cara yang sama dengan perdagangan efek konvensional. Bahkan sukuk tergolong efek bersifat utang (bonds) dengan berbagai karakteristiknya. Hal tersebut memicu isu-isu shari’ah yang membutuhkan solusi. Banyak kalangan menilai aspek shari’ah implementasi investasi sukuk di Bursa Efek belum sepenuhnya shar’i. Indikasinya adalah bahwa sukuk diperdagangkan sebagai efek bersifat utang sebagaimana obligasi konvensional dengan standart harga berdasar bunga pasar yang tentu saja mengalami banyak benturan dengan prinsip-prinsip shari’ah. Sejatinya Sukuk merupakan sertifikat finasial yang serupa dengan obligasi syari’ah, sejenis dokumen yang mewakili sebuah kontrak hak dan kewajiban atau keuangan yang sesuai dengan shari’ah...

Kebutuhan umat Islam Indonesia terhadap model investasi jangka panjang berbasis shari’ah membuat ... more Kebutuhan umat Islam Indonesia terhadap model investasi jangka panjang berbasis shari’ah membuat Pasar Modal meluncurkan berbagai produk keuangan shari’ah, diantaranya sukuk. Namun praktik perdagangan efek shari’ah yang ada saat ini di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) secara umum mempunyai prosedur dan tata cara yang sama dengan perdagangan efek konvensional. Bahkan sukuk tergolong efek bersifat utang (bonds) dengan berbagai karakteristiknya. Hal tersebut memicu isu-isu shari’ah yang membutuhkan solusi. Permasalahan penting yang perlu dijawab dalam penelitian berjudul “Investasi Bisnis Islam Kontemporer; Studi Kasus Implementasi Sukuk di Pasar Modal Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Jakarta” ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana konstruk transaksi bisnis pada investasi sukuk di Pasar Modal dalam tinjauan fiqh mu’amlah? (2) Bagaimanakah keterlibatan kelembagaan pasar modal dalam investasi sukuk di Bursa Efek Indonesia ? (3) Bagaimana implementasi investasi sukuk di Bursa Efek Indonesia ? Penelitian ini adala...

Petani Desa Geger kecamatan Kedungadem kabupaten Bojonegoro mengalami ketergantungan kronis pada ... more Petani Desa Geger kecamatan Kedungadem kabupaten Bojonegoro mengalami ketergantungan kronis pada pupuk kimia dan pestisida yang berimbas pada menurunya kesuburan tanah, pencemaran lingkungan, menurunnya pendapatan petani dan terjerat rentenir untuk memenuhi modal pengadaan pupuk. Sehingga berdampak pada kesejahteraan petani yang rendah, mendorong terjadinya urbanisasi masyarakat usia produktif ke luar negeri untuk menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang memicu tingginya tingkat perceraian. Selain bertani, mereka berternak sapi dan kambing dengan pola pemeliharaan di dalam atau disekitar rumahnya. Limbah yang dihasilkan dibiarkan menumpuk tanpa dikelola hampir disetiap sudut rumah penduduk sehingga menimbulkan problem kesehatan lingkungan tersendiri. Upaya pemberdayaan dan revitalisasi masyarakat petani untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan memperbaiki kesehatan lingkungannya, dilakukan langkah strategis melalui Bank Manure yang berfungsi sebagai lembaga microfinance berbasi...

Membangun usaha mikro syariah berbasis lokal adalah untuk menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap ... more Membangun usaha mikro syariah berbasis lokal adalah untuk menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap sumber pendapatan alternatif pasca kebijakan pemerintah menghentikan pengirimkan TKI ke luar negeri. Masyarakat Geger Kedungadem Bojonegoro merupakan sumber suplay TKI ke luar negeri yang mayoritas bekerja di sektor domestik. Sebanyak 60% penduduknya berusia produktif bekerja sebagai TKI yang secara bertahap telah dipulangkan oleh pemerintah. Kebijakan tersebut meresahkan warga yang memiliki keterbatasan pengetahuan berwirausaha, memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal sebagai sumber ekonomi alternatif serta tidak adanya lembaga penguat ekonomi masyarakat untuk memobilisasi perubahan kepada kehidupan yang lebih berkualitas. Social entrepreneurship merupakan salah satu cara yang paling tepat guna memberdayakan masyarakat, membangun kreativitas dan kemampuan atas daya individu masyarakat yang kreatif dan inovatif yang dijadikan dasar, kiat, dan sumber daya untuk mencari peluang menuju sukses serta ...

Kafalah is a kind of tabarru’ agreement which is based on the value of social virtue. Kafa lah ca... more Kafalah is a kind of tabarru’ agreement which is based on the value of social virtue. Kafa lah can be developed and applied on taka ful insurance based on the three payment patterns of taka ful . The first: participant dies during the coverage period. In this case, a kind of kafa lah that can be applied is Kafa lah bi al-dayn. It is the debt obligations that are being the responsibility of others. For participant who dies in the coverage period is being covered ( makfu l 'anhu ). While, the other participants are together as ka fil (guarantor) to pay off the debt of makfu l 'anhu in the form of unpaid premium remains as makfu l bih . On the other hands, the receiver of guarantee ( makfu l lahu ) is the taka ful insurance company. The second: the condition where participant is still alive until the time of completing the coverage period. So that, the kafa lah application can be done by ta'li q ( kafa lah al-mu’allaqah ). It is a form of kafa lah where the execution of the...

Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021
The Covid 19 has had an impact on various sectors of human life. One of them is the tourism secto... more The Covid 19 has had an impact on various sectors of human life. One of them is the tourism sector. The tourism industry which is predicted to be the second largest source of foreign exchange contributions for Indonesia has experienced a drastic decline. Likewise, the halal tourism sector has also been severely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This is because the key to developing the halal tourism sector is Muslim tourists or visitors who come. To revive the tourism sector, it requires a number of strategies prepared by the government to improve the economy in the halal tourism sector. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the impact of Covid 19 on the halal tourism sector and how the strategy to revive the halal tourism sector during the Covid 19 pandemic. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection techniques used is literature study. The results of the study state that the strategy to restore the halal tourism sector from the Cov...
Papers by Mugiyati Mugiyati