Papers by Mrs. Tahura Pervin
International Journal of Services and Operations Management

Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges, Benefits, and various determin... more Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges, Benefits, and various determinants which play an important role in adopting social media among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh, based on the (Technology-Organization-Environment) TOE Model. The TOE framework seeks to understand the significant factors influencing the decision to adopt social media in SMEs in Bangladesh. Research methodology: In the study, a random sampling method was used to select a representative sample from the existing active SMEs in different regions of Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was designed to measure constructs such as relative advantage. Preliminary data were collected from 365 small and medium enterprises through field studies. Then the survey data were analyzed using logistic regression (L.R.) of the independent variables included in the TOE framework Results: The outcomes of the study found that only 5 variables: relative advantage, complexity, consiste...

This paper shows the magnitude and impact of financial performance on its stock price of a compan... more This paper shows the magnitude and impact of financial performance on its stock price of a company having three earning potential variables-Earnings-per-share (EPS) and Net asset value per share (NAVPs) and Return on Common stock Equity (ROCE). Study contains sector wise analysis on these variables using mean, standard deviation, correlation and multivariate regression techniques for making and drawing a conclusion. Reactions of the stock price as the consequence of the movement of the micro and macroeconomic factors is strongly supported by the literature review. We have taken only three earning potential ratios to test the impact on market price of stock. Multiple regression analysis is conducted to find out the relationship among different variables with the stock price per share. In this study an insignificant linear relationship among market price and such factors like EPS, NAVPs and ROCE of pharmaceutical and chemical industries are found at 95 percent level of significance.
This paper investigates the applicability of the Augmented Fama and French (FF) three-factor mode... more This paper investigates the applicability of the Augmented Fama and French (FF) three-factor model to size and Book-to-Market (BM) characterized-sorted portfolios including two other macro risk factors; crude oil price and VIX (VOLATILITY S&P 500) from the Exchange Traded Funds over a recent daily data set from July 01, 2007 to December 31, 2010. The new results are derived from Ordinary Least Square (OLS) methods, 2 Stage Least Sqaure (2SLS) and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). There is evidence that the risk premium is positively and the value effects are negatively related to the ETF returns whereas the other factors are not statistically significant. The 2SLS and GMM approach suggest that it is difficult to find a general relationship between ETFs returns and macro risk factors.

A man-made social system that determines the gender of a human being based on gender behavior, ch... more A man-made social system that determines the gender of a human being based on gender behavior, characteristics, and sexuality. The term third gender has a broad meaning. The third gender is basically what we mean by those whose gender identity or gender expression implies something different from the gender they received after puberty. The social life of third gender and his true sexual identity is the story of a life of continuous struggle. The social system of Bangladesh is changing. As well as changing the social status of the third gender in the society. In today’s society, eligibility for third gender has increased. The Hijra community is now becoming a part of our society. In this case, the judgment of the court has made significant contributions. This paper attempts to outline the socio-economic status of the Hijra people in Bangladesh as well as the steps taken by the government for the Hijra community. To make this task a success, a quantitative method was chosen; specifica...

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the far-reaching evolution in the arena of open inn... more Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the far-reaching evolution in the arena of open innovation which is an emerging concept that attracts a lot of entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Open innovation has been immensely implemented in small and medium enterprises with the intention of impressing business uplift, financial and economic empowerment. SMEs and Open Innovation gathers data & information in which SMEs can put open innovation strategies to development by entrepreneurial, institutional, and exploratory study. The motto of this study is to make policy, economic, and cultural issues, including various privileges and challenges adjoining open innovation strategies in Bangladesh SMEs sector. A quantitative method was chosen to make this study a success. Specifically, a structured interview method has been followed to collect data from primary sources to provide a clear picture of the development of this industry through the application of innovative approaches to the managemen...

SMEs are considered to be the key driver of the economy of any country. Especially in a middleinc... more SMEs are considered to be the key driver of the economy of any country. Especially in a middleincome country like ours where the population is high but the opportunities for creating new jobs are far less. In this case, the SME industry offers maximum employment opportunities for the local people and helps to increase the quality of life. But at present, small and medium enterprises of Bangladesh are facing many challenges. This paper analyzes various aspects of the SME sector, especially the benefits and challenges, and made an effort to find ways to overcome these challenges. Therefore, this study examines the challenges and benefits of SMEs in Bangladesh to adopt open innovation. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 80 business entities belonging to SME traders through multistage sampling method which made of stratified, purposive and random sampling. Multiple regressions were used to analyze the data collected in order to determine the effects of independent variables (Challenges face by SMEs), entrepreneurial dimensions on dependent variable (Open Innovation). This study outcome exposed that challenges of SMEs have significant effects on open innovation. The study also exposed that the independent variable "lacking information" has a highest beta score than the other variables, which is a major barrier to open innovation adoption in the small and medium enterprises of Bangladesh. It was concluded that, 74.9% of the total variation in the open innovation data is explained by challenges of SMEs. Therefore, it is recommended that the government should take the necessary steps in view of the existing challenges of small and

Like other developing economies, the banking sector becomes the dominant financial intermediary i... more Like other developing economies, the banking sector becomes the dominant financial intermediary in the financial system of Bangladesh due to underdeveloped capital markets, limited availability of financial instruments and lack of confidence on financial system. Given the bank’s intermediary role in providing stability to the financial system, Bangladesh as well as many emerging economies has implemented policies to develop and restructure the banking sector. An important feature of these policies was to design guidelines for ‘best practices’ known as, ‘corporate governance of banks’. The unique feature of banking industry which deals with the money of the depositors conveys the inevitability to implement corporate governance in this sector. This paper in early part deals with the concept and evolution of corporate governance in this sector and argued the importance of a broader view of corporate governance, which encapsulates both shareholders and depositors. The penultimate sectio...
Papers by Mrs. Tahura Pervin