Conference Presentations by Moshe Z Wise
YorkU MA Humanities Conference, 2019
Despite its great antiquity, the Bible continues to outsell other books and receives more digital... more Despite its great antiquity, the Bible continues to outsell other books and receives more digital attention than any other literary corpus. Some critics have called for interdisciplinary engagement with the Bible, citing successes in other areas of inquiry. In the Bible’s case, the already large and diverse audience seems like an excellent resource for interdisciplinary potential. In this talk, it is shown that the recent history of biblical interpretation demonstrates the limits of interdisciplinarity and it is suggested that some of the dominant interpretive paradigms are fundamentally irreconcilable with one another.
Papers by Moshe Z Wise
I wrote this paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an MA in Humanities at York Uni... more I wrote this paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an MA in Humanities at York University.
Note 135 should be replaced with the following:
The ruling was signed 18 Adar, 5716 (=1956) and appeared in 'Dos Yiddishe Vort' 3, no. 24 (Nisan 5716), 4. The ban was signed by Avraham Yoffen, Avraham Kalmanowitz, Aharon Kotler, Gedalia Schorr, Dovid Lifshitz, Chaim Mordechai Katz, Yaakov Kamenetsky, Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, Yitzchok Hutner, Mendel Zaks and Moshe Feinstein.
This is a paper I submitted for a Graduate course on ancient Jewish literature. In this paper, I ... more This is a paper I submitted for a Graduate course on ancient Jewish literature. In this paper, I survey ancient Jewish texts from the Bible to the rabbis on the subject of the proper way to relate to those outside the covenantal community.
Teaching Documents by Moshe Z Wise
Verbal Hapax legemona in the texts covered by the Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Septuagint.
Drafts by Moshe Z Wise, 2021
כמה פעמים במקרא האל מכונה 'אלהי האלהים' כאן אני סוקר כמה פירושים לביטוי שהציעו בפרשנות היהודית, 2021
במקרא אין דבר אודות כמה שנים שפט שמואל הנביא את עמו, ולכן פרשנים מימי התנאים עד הנה הציעו מספרים ... more במקרא אין דבר אודות כמה שנים שפט שמואל הנביא את עמו, ולכן פרשנים מימי התנאים עד הנה הציעו מספרים שונים. באשכול מתייחסים לשיטות הראשיות בנושא.
אשכול שפתחתי באתר אחר על נושא חשוב שטרם הגעתי למסקנה ברורה עליו.
Talks by Moshe Z Wise
A Lecture on the special introductory formula used for Mosaic prophecy and the rare instances whe... more A Lecture on the special introductory formula used for Mosaic prophecy and the rare instances where prophets other than Moses have the identical formula.
Conference Presentations by Moshe Z Wise
Papers by Moshe Z Wise
Note 135 should be replaced with the following:
The ruling was signed 18 Adar, 5716 (=1956) and appeared in 'Dos Yiddishe Vort' 3, no. 24 (Nisan 5716), 4. The ban was signed by Avraham Yoffen, Avraham Kalmanowitz, Aharon Kotler, Gedalia Schorr, Dovid Lifshitz, Chaim Mordechai Katz, Yaakov Kamenetsky, Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, Yitzchok Hutner, Mendel Zaks and Moshe Feinstein.
Teaching Documents by Moshe Z Wise
Drafts by Moshe Z Wise
Talks by Moshe Z Wise
Note 135 should be replaced with the following:
The ruling was signed 18 Adar, 5716 (=1956) and appeared in 'Dos Yiddishe Vort' 3, no. 24 (Nisan 5716), 4. The ban was signed by Avraham Yoffen, Avraham Kalmanowitz, Aharon Kotler, Gedalia Schorr, Dovid Lifshitz, Chaim Mordechai Katz, Yaakov Kamenetsky, Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, Yitzchok Hutner, Mendel Zaks and Moshe Feinstein.