Papers by Gustavo Moreira Alves
The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, has for some years been making the existe... more The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, has for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, coursebased, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily. The project aims to facilitate first the identification by the learner (as the last responsible of the learning process), and then the recognition by the institution, in dialogue with the learner, of this learning. To do so a methodology and a technological framework to support it have been implemented. This project have been tested in several context and it is possible to say that an informal learning dialogue between learners and people in chargé of the institutions is possible
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2013
Garcia-Penalvo, F. J., Conde, M. A, Zangrando, V., Garcia-Holgado, A., Seoane, A. M., Alier, M., ... more Garcia-Penalvo, F. J., Conde, M. A, Zangrando, V., Garcia-Holgado, A., Seoane, A. M., Alier, M., Galanis, N., Brouns, F., Vogten, H., Griffiths, D., Mykowska, A., Ribeiro-Alves, G., & Minovic, M. (2013). TRAILER project (Tagging, recognition, acknowledgment of informal learning experiences). A Methodology to make visible learners’ informal learning activities to the institutions. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(11), 1661-1683. Available online
Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Artes Cenicas. Departamento de Artes Cenicas, Instituto de Filosofia... more Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Artes Cenicas. Departamento de Artes Cenicas, Instituto de Filosofia, Artes e Cultura, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

Este trabalho faz uma reflexao do drama como forma em crise, crise esta que se acentua ao longo d... more Este trabalho faz uma reflexao do drama como forma em crise, crise esta que se acentua ao longo da modernidade. Para isso, retomam-se alguns conceitos de Aristoteles com o intuito de se buscar um entendimento do teatro classico. A desconstrucao do clacissismo frances, sinalizada por Diderot, explicita a ascensao da modernidade burguesa. O lugar onde a burguesia se coloca quando sobe ao poder, lugar esse ocupado antes pela aristocracia, ja nasce como uma cisao. Ainda que a moralidade burguesa se difira da aristocratica, ela continua fazendo juizo de valor baseada no “bom” e no “mau gosto”, o que aponta para a diferenca de classes. O drama burgues e, assim, um genero amarrado com a camisa de forca da moral, aquela que, por exemplo, exclui a classe operaria e serve ao amor heteronormativo e monogâmico. Entretanto, essa camisa de forca nao vai dar conta de segurar o louco em crise: como discutido por Peter Szondi e Ina Camargo Costa, no seculo XX o epico formal vai inundar o teatro para...
Este trabalho faz uma introdução ao homoerotismo. Em seguida, o homoerotismo é levantado como hip... more Este trabalho faz uma introdução ao homoerotismo. Em seguida, o homoerotismo é levantado como hipótese no conto “A desconhecida”, da coluna A vida como ela é..., de Nelson Rodrigues.

Aquaculture International, 2021
The study aimed to characterize the dynamics involved in the water quality parameters in a bioflo... more The study aimed to characterize the dynamics involved in the water quality parameters in a biofloc system (BFT) during the super-intensive cultivation of Litopenaeus vannamei using two levels of artificial brackish water. The test was designed with two salinity levels, T16 (16‰) and T8 (8‰), with 4 replicates, and 250 shrimps/m2 by 60 days, water analysis and animal performance were studied in each treatment. No significant differences were observed between the two salinities for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total chemical oxygen demand (CODt), and fixed suspended solids (FSS). Using CODt/BOD5, it was possible to identify the water biodegradability and manage the concentration of organic and inorganic matter in the medium. Filtered chemical oxygen demand (CODf) was used to monitor the dissolved organic matter, which was higher in T16. Carbohydrate (molasses) did not control total ammonia reaching in T8 = 1.16±0.64 mg/L. This organic matter addition reduced the growth of chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria and interfered in the nitrogen dynamics. Regarding total solids and suspended solids, there was a significant difference between treatments, except for FSS. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen saturation (sO2) were significantly different between the treatments. The maintenance of a more neutral pH and greater alkalinity were observed, with significant differences between the treatments throughout the whole cultivation. Regarding the shrimp growth performance, the high salinity presented more weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion and final biomass, and lower mortality then lower salinity. These results showed that shrimps presented a higher performance in salinity 16‰.

Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica em Computação, 2018
Aplicações ubíquas utilizam diversos provedores de serviço e informações de contexto para realiza... more Aplicações ubíquas utilizam diversos provedores de serviço e informações de contexto para realização das suas tarefas e operam em um ambiente dinâmico e heterogêneo. Nesse cenário, é essencial monitorar os metadados relacionados a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) e Qualidade de Contexto (QoC) para se garantir que a aplicação está usando serviços e informações de contexto com níveis de QoS e QoC que satisfaçam seus requisitos. Nesse trabalho é apresentado o QoMonitor, um sistema de monitoramento que realiza aferição e monitoramento de metadados de QoS e QoC, opera de forma síncrona e assíncrona, e adota uma ontologia para representação dos conceitos de forma não ambígua. O QoMonitor foi integrado com o OpenCOPI, uma plataforma que facilita o desenvolvimento e execução de aplicações ubíquas. Este trabalho também ilustra o uso do monitor em uma aplicação ubíqua para monitoramento de poços de petróleo. Os resultados da avaliação de desempenho mostraram que o uso do QoMonitor pelo OpenCOPI não...
Electroanalysis, 2020
This article describes a method that uses Carbon Screen-printed Electrodes (C-SPEs) to detect 3,4... more This article describes a method that uses Carbon Screen-printed Electrodes (C-SPEs) to detect 3,4methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA) by Linear Sweep Voltammetry in aqueous medium. Major parameters of this technique were evaluated aiming improve the method sensibility. Amines interference were conducted in order to verify disturbs at the MDMA response. The method obtained a linear response from 1 × 10-5 mol L-1 to 1 × 10-4 mol L-1 with linear correlation coefficient of 0.996, Amperometric Sensitivity (AS) of 0.025

Nutrients, 2020
Heat-processed diets contain high amounts of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Here we expl... more Heat-processed diets contain high amounts of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Here we explore the impact of an AGE-enriched diet on markers of metabolic and inflammatory disorders as well as on gut microbiota composition and plasma proteins glycosylation pattern. C57BL/6 mice were allocated into control diet (CD, n = 15) and AGE-enriched diet (AGE-D, n = 15) for 22 weeks. AGE-D was prepared replacing casein by methylglyoxal hydroimidazolone-modified casein. AGE-D evoked increased insulin and a significant reduction of GIP/GLP-1 incretins and ghrelin plasma levels, altered glucose tolerance, and impaired insulin signaling transduction in the skeletal muscle. Moreover, AGE-D modified the systemic glycosylation profile, as analyzed by lectin microarray, and increased Nε-carboxymethyllysine immunoreactivity and AGEs receptor levels in ileum and submandibular glands. These effects were associated to increased systemic levels of cytokines and impaired gut microbial composition and ...
Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research — PoS(ACAT2010), 2011
This work addresses the development of algorithms for online automatic detection of meteors using... more This work addresses the development of algorithms for online automatic detection of meteors using radar technique. In time-domain, the optimal filtering technique is applied. In frequencydomain, two possibilities are being studied using Short-time Fast Fourier Transform: narrowband demodulation and cumulative power spectrum analysis. The filter detecting system using the power spectrum analysis achieves 94.2% efficiency for a false alarm rate of 6.7% over 1,500 seconds of data, which could avoid to record 3.45 GB of noise every 24 hours.

Biota Neotropica, 2018
The Devonian Escarpment (DEEPA), located in the south of Brazil, represents an important area of ... more The Devonian Escarpment (DEEPA), located in the south of Brazil, represents an important area of environmental preservation composed by grasslands, gallery forests, as well as rock outcrops and archaeological sites. A law project (LP 527/2016), which suggests a reduction of the DEEPA area in approximately 70% of its original area (from 393,579 to 125,895 ha), is currently being processed in the Paraná State House of Representatives. Such reduction seems to be related to economic interests (mainly agriculture and mining) in the state of Paraná. If approved, LP 527/2016 will allow farmers to deliberately expand their activities, with the suppression of natural forest as main consequence. Additionally, loss of faunal diversity, contamination of water and soils, and alteration in nutrient cycles are expected, due the intensive use of agrochemicals. In addition to the direct environmental consequences, we expect the disappearance of areas of high geological interest, reducing local geodiversity, as well as substantial economic losses with ecotourism. Brazil is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, where it undertakes to develop strategies to prevent biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation by 2020. An approval of the LP would be contradictory, considering that there are few natural vegetation areas in this region of the country. We emphasize that the proposal of such projects goes against the sustainability in the country and disregard the scientific knowledge generated until then. Thus, it is necessary to develop regional and federal political objectives that guarantee economic development in a balanced way, considering the local bio and geodiversity, not the proposal of mechanisms that destroy them.

Phytopathology, Jan 12, 2018
The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri, vector of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus... more The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri, vector of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' (CLas), the putative causal agent of citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), is controlled by application of insecticides, which, although effective, has resulted in serious biological imbalances. New management tools are needed, and the technique known as 'trap crop' has been attracting attention. A potential plant for use as a trap crop in the management of the ACP is Murraya koenigii (curry leaf). However, for this plant to be used in the field, it needs to be attractive for the vector and must not harbor CLas. To verify the potential of curry leaf as trap crop for the management of HLB, we investigated the ability of D. citri to transmit CLas to M. koenigii, and to other test plants, including M. paniculata (orange jasmine) and 'Valencia' sweet-orange seedlings. For the tests, the insects were reared on a symptomatic CLas-infected plant and allowed to feed on the three test...

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2004
Students usually regard lab classes as the opportunity to practice learnt theory. Some would even... more Students usually regard lab classes as the opportunity to practice learnt theory. Some would even pass more time in the lab performing new or the same experiment with slightly different parameters, if allowed to. Benefiting from the experience gained in the PEARL (Practical Experimentation by Accessible Remote Learning) project, the University of Porto has developed a Remote Electronics Workbench (REW) that allows students to carry out real experiments in electronics, from their home computer, through web-based access. The REW includes: interfaces to experimental scenarios; real video feedback from the lab environment; video-conference facilities to enable student-tostudent and student-to-tutor dialogue; and registration and booking pages to new and registered users, respectively. It is also a constituting part of a proposal to create a Remote Experimentation Network covering both European and Latin-American countries, under the Alfa II programme.

Revista de Radiodifusão, 2005
trazem consigo a especificação de middlewares que possibilitam a execução de programas de televis... more trazem consigo a especificação de middlewares que possibilitam a execução de programas de televisão interativos nos Receptores Digitais ou Terminais de Acesso, escondendo dos mesmos a complexidade dos mecanismos definidos pelos protocolos de comunicação, do sistema operacional e do hardware do equipamento. É o middleware que define a interface para tais programas e, por conseguinte, quais funcionalidades poderão ser oferecidas pelos aparelhos de televisão para seus usuários. Visando promover a inclusão social e digital da população brasileira, é extremamente importante que o middleware a ser adotado no Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital permita o desenvolvimento de programas mais adequados à realidade desse público. Realidade esta diferente daquela encontrada em outros países que já definiram seus Sistemas de Televisão Digital. Não obstante, esse middleware também deve possuir alinhamento com padrões internacionais, de forma a possibilitar a exportação do conteúdo televisivo produzido no país, bem como a exibição de conteúdo produzido por outros países nos televisores do Brasil, promovendo, dessa forma, o desenvolvimento econômico e o intercâmbio cultural no país. Este trabalho apresenta a arquitetura do middleware FlexTV, que está sendo desenvolvido no contexto do projeto do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital. A arquitetura, que se baseia fortemente no uso de componentes de software, permite que o middleware adapte-se a diferentes tipos de aparelhos receptores e infra-estruturas de comunicação, através da adição ou remoção de componentes de software, de forma a torná-lo o mais adequado possível à realidade brasileira. A mesma característica também simplifica a tarefa de tornar o FlexTV compatível com os sistemas de televisão digital já em operação em outros países.

Hydrobiologia, 2017
The processes that determine the coexistence of phylogenetically close species are very complex, ... more The processes that determine the coexistence of phylogenetically close species are very complex, particularly when species introduction leads to sympatry among species that did not co-evolved. We evaluated possible differences in d 13 C and d 15 N signatures between two piranha species (Serrasalmus marginatus and S. maculatus), in a system where S. marginatus invaded 30 years ago (floodplain ponds in the Upper Paraná River). We predicted that carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values would not differ between piranha species. Additionally, we evaluated the abundance (CPUE) of both piranha populations along the years (1986-2015). Native and non-native Serrasalmus species have different d 13 C signatures, likely exploiting different energy pathways on the food web. Overall, native and non-native piranhas have similar d 15 N values and occupy the third trophic level in the food web. Regarding the two piranha population fluctuations, there was an inversion of dominance after the non-native species establishment, where S. marginatus became dominant over S. maculatus (after 1988). Our results showed that trophic niche dimension (revealed by trophic segregation) is not the reason of the observed inversion in the dominant species, and this could be a primary factor driving the persistence of the native species in the ecosystem.

Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2011
Justificativa e objetivos: A constante de equilíbrio entre o plasma e o sítio efetor (ke0) é util... more Justificativa e objetivos: A constante de equilíbrio entre o plasma e o sítio efetor (ke0) é utilizada pelos modelos farmacocinéticos para prever a concentração do fármaco em seu local de ação (Ce). Seria interessante que a Ce de propofol fosse semelhante na perda e na recuperação da consciência. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho clínico de duas diferentes ke0 (rápida = 1,21 min-1 e lenta = 0,26 min-1) com relação à Ce durante a perda e a recuperação da consciência, usando o modelo farmacocinético de Marsh. Método: Participaram deste estudo 20 voluntários adultos sadios do sexo masculino. Em todos os voluntários, administrou-se propofol em regime de infusão alvo-controlada, modelo farmacocinético de Marsh ke0 rápida e, em outra oportunidade, usou-se o mesmo modelo farmacocinético com a ke0 lenta. Inicialmente, o propofol foi infundido em concentração-alvo plasmática de 3,0µg.mL-1. A perda de consciência e a recuperação de consciência basearam-se na resposta ao estímulo verbal. A Ce foi anotada no momento da perda e da recuperação da consciência. Resultados: Na perda e na recuperação da consciência a Ce pela ke0 rápida foi diferente (3,64 ± 0,78 e 1,47 ± 0,29µg.mL-1 , respectivamente, p < 0,0001), enquanto com a ke0 lenta a Ce foi semelhante (2,20 ± 0,70 e 2,13 ± 0,43µg.mL-1 , respectivamente, p = 0,5425). Conclusões: Do ponto de vista clínico, a ke0 lenta (0,26 min-1) incorporada ao modelo farmacocinético de Marsh apresentou melhor desempenho que a ke0 rápida (1,21 min-1), uma vez que a concentração de propofol prevista em seu local de ação na perda e recuperação da consciência foi semelhante.
Abstract — As electronic devices get smaller and more complex, dependability assurance is becomin... more Abstract — As electronic devices get smaller and more complex, dependability assurance is becoming fundamental for many mission critical computer based systems. This paper presents a case study on the possibility of using the on-chip debug infrastructures present in most current microprocessors to execute real time fault injection campaigns. The proposed methodology is based on a debugger customized for fault injection and consists of injecting bit-flip type faults on memory elements without modifying or halting the target application. Three different configurations are compared in terms of performance, area overhead and communication bus width. The basic debugger design is easily portable and applicable to different architectures, providing a flexible and efficient mechanism for verifying and validating fault tolerant components.

2015 3rd Experiment International Conference ('15), 2015
Digital oscilloscopes are adopted in several areas of knowledge, in particular in electrical engi... more Digital oscilloscopes are adopted in several areas of knowledge, in particular in electrical engineering, since they are fundamental for measuring and classifying electrical signals. Thanks to the proliferation of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), embedded instruments are currently an alternative solution to stand-alone and modular instruments, traditionally available in the laboratories. High performance, low cost and the huge flexibility to change functional characteristics, make embedded instruments an emerging solution for conducting electrical experiments. This paper describes the project and the implementation of a digital oscilloscope embedded in a FPGA. In order to facilitate their control, an innovative architecture is defined according to the IEEE1451.0 Std., which is typically used to develop the denominated smart transducers.
2015 3rd Experiment International Conference ('15), 2015
Students experimental competences are of most importance in engineering courses. However in post-... more Students experimental competences are of most importance in engineering courses. However in post-Bologna courses, the number of contact hours and the actual extent of hands-on lab work were substantially reduced. Online resources usage (simulators and remote labs) has been growing up in the last decades, as more complex and versatile tools are being developed. Unfortunately, several of these usages reported in literature do not show the didactical backing that support these implementations. This work is a step forward, explaining how a teacher implemented a combination of online resources in order to develop experimental competences. The results show significant correlations between students' usage of these resources and their calculus competences and final achievements.
Papers by Gustavo Moreira Alves