Papers by Raul Montenegro
América Latina: Ciencia y participación comunitaria en la lucha contra plantas de cemento que dañ... more América Latina: Ciencia y participación comunitaria en la lucha contra plantas de cemento que dañan la salud de las personas y el ambiente. Raúl Montenegro. Movimientos sociales en oposición a las industrias cementeras en México.
Ceci est une contribution du campus de Cordoba du college des laureats du Prix Nobel Alternatif (... more Ceci est une contribution du campus de Cordoba du college des laureats du Prix Nobel Alternatif (Right Livelihood College, RLC), Faculte de Psychologie de l'Universite Nationale de Cordoba (Argentine) et de la FUNAM (Fondation pour la Defense de l'Environnement )

20-23 August Buenos Aires - 4S Conference - Society for the Social Study of Science - Panel: Buil... more 20-23 August Buenos Aires - 4S Conference - Society for the Social Study of Science - Panel: Building Knowledge about Governance (IFRI Institut Francilien Recherche-Innovation -Société) - The Role of knowledge in the techniques and processes of governance. Transmission, co-construction and participatory governance: Examples from the towns of Les Abymes (Guadeloupe) and Bouwer (Argentina) The evolution of the social sector is characterised by an increasing complexity and diversification of experiences. These affect both inhabitants and local communities. The current crisis, caused both by the recognition that we are depleting natural resources and the proliferation of information, has marginalised social groups and entire territories. In particular, it has demonstrated the limits of state health and social protection systems based on the separation between design and execution, on the one hand, and a sectorial treatment of social and environmental costs on the other. It has revealed ...
Note or possibly an email including a copy of a request presented to the "Tribunal Superior ... more Note or possibly an email including a copy of a request presented to the "Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cordoba" for participation (possibly in a lawsuit) as an "interested third party" by Raul Montenegro, president of FUNAM (Environment Defense Foundation) in Cordoba, Argentina. References "Ley Provincial no 9526" which prohibits open pit mining of uranium and thorium.
Business and Human Rights Journal
Escrito por consejero Miércoles 16 de Junio de 2010 11:31 -Hago llegar copia de la presentación q... more Escrito por consejero Miércoles 16 de Junio de 2010 11:31 -Hago llegar copia de la presentación que hice desde FUNAM ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Córdoba fundamentando la Constitucionalidad de la Ley Provincial n° 9526 que prohíbe la minería a cielo abierto de metales uranio y torio. Somos bastante optimistas. Agradecemos su difusión. Cordialmente, Raul Montenegro. TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DE JUSTICIA DE LA PROVINCIA DE CÓRDOBA (TSJ) REQUERIMIENTO DE PARTICIPACiÓN COMO "TERCER INTERESADO" PARA FUNDAMENTACiÓN CONSTITUCIONALIDAD LEY PROVINCIAL N° 9526

20-23 August Buenos Aires - 4S Conference - Society for the Social Study of Science - Panel: Buil... more 20-23 August Buenos Aires - 4S Conference - Society for the Social Study of Science - Panel: Building Knowledge about Governance (IFRI Institut Francilien Recherche-Innovation -Société) - The Role of knowledge in the techniques and processes of governance. Transmission, co-construction and participatory governance: Examples from the towns of Les Abymes (Guadeloupe) and Bouwer (Argentina) The evolution of the social sector is characterised by an increasing complexity and diversification of experiences. These affect both inhabitants and local communities. The current crisis, caused both by the recognition that we are depleting natural resources and the proliferation of information, has marginalised social groups and entire territories. In particular, it has demonstrated the limits of state health and social protection systems based on the separation between design and execution, on the one hand, and a sectorial treatment of social and environmental costs on the other. It has revealed ...
Mondes en développement, 2014
ABSTRACT This article traces the evolution of the ethical dimension of territorial intelligence t... more ABSTRACT This article traces the evolution of the ethical dimension of territorial intelligence then continued this discussion by taking into account multiple territories of the human species and by the dangerous development of the variability of its ecological niche. These considerations apply and is then organized in the approach to the issue of protecting the biodiversity and ecological diversity in Guadeloupe.
International journal of occupational and environmental health
1. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2005 Apr-Jun;11(2):217-20. Texaco and its consultants. Breilh J, B... more 1. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2005 Apr-Jun;11(2):217-20. Texaco and its consultants. Breilh J, Branco Jefer C, Castelman BI, Cherniack M, Christiani DC, Cicolella A, Cifuentes E, Clapp R, Cole DC, Corn M, De Ben S, Diaz ...
Papers by Raul Montenegro