Papers by Monika Pogátsnik
Opus et educatio, Sep 30, 2021
To establish new open, online courses to develop social emotional skills, in cooperation for inno... more To establish new open, online courses to develop social emotional skills, in cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Presentation of an international initiative Project participants are the Óbuda University (Hungary), the Képes Alapítvány (Hungary), the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST) (Malta), the Vista College (The Netherlands).

As the technical environment of the modern societies are getting more and more complex, the “rela... more As the technical environment of the modern societies are getting more and more complex, the “relationship” between the humans and the technology should be regulated as well. There are several fields where the involvement of the legislation is necessary in order to either promote new technologies because of given economical or political issues, or quite contrary, control/regulate the application of a certain technique in order to serve the best interest of the society. There are fields where ethical problems should be addressed today even the technology is not quite state-of-the-art yet, such as in the robot-human interfacing. This paper investigates how the terms of references of the vehicular electronic stability control (ESC) system was developed in the ECE-UN Working Party 29 domain in order to make the mandating of such systems in Europe possible. The paper discusses the special economical environment of the ESC systems, their impact on the traffic safety, especially the reduction of fatalities in road accidents. The different approaches in different business models of the truck fleet operators between Europe and USA is studied and its impact is shown on the legislative activities. Legal and moral issues are investigated as far as the role and liability of the driver in highly intelligent, and in some of the cases, in autonomous systems, as one of the most important dilemma of regulatory process: can the driver be eliminated - even only temporarily - from the vehicle control loop when his abilities are clearly not enough to provide a proper control, or he should be always in the position to overrule any kind of intelligent system?

International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), May 28, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to describe the new experiences of the dual training model in engine... more The purpose of this paper is to describe the new experiences of the dual training model in engineering education in Hungary. This new model has been introduced recently in the higher education and has become a focus of interest. This is a favorable program for the students to experience the real industry environment prior to graduation and it is a good tool to motivate them to study harder. The dual education students study in the institutional academic period together with the regular full-time students at their higher education institute, and parallel to their academic education they participate in the practical training. It gives the students an opportunity to join a specific training program at an enterprise. Being involved in specific "operational" practical tasks and project-oriented work enhances independent work, learning soft skills and experiencing the culture of work. Our objectives are to analyze the benefits of the dual training for all three parties: the student, the company and university. The study confirms earlier results from prior studies which show, for example, that students who choose the dual option achieve better program outcomes.
This study presents a new innovative solution for intelligent pedestrian crossings. Our newly dev... more This study presents a new innovative solution for intelligent pedestrian crossings. Our newly developed system is focusing attention directly on pedestrians as opposed to other conservative solutions which typically call attention to the presence of pedestrian crossings. The operation of the system is based on alarms generated by sensor signals. Under certain conditions, the system projects a substantially homogeneous laser plane above the roadway. In addition to this, a yellow hazard warning signal is directed towards the driver. The off-the-grid low energy solution distinguishes it from other similar systems.
Problem-solving in the industry requires a broad perspective, adequate IT and engineering knowled... more Problem-solving in the industry requires a broad perspective, adequate IT and engineering knowledge, open and creative thinking. This involves many areas that IT specialists and engineers need to acquire skill in finding and selecting problems, splitting complex issues into parts, exploring history, finding the right solution alternatives, selecting and optimizing, controlling the solution, and developing a conceptual plan. In our research, we aimed to examine one of the key competences of the 21st century, the problem-solving competence of engineering and IT higher education students. The research presented in the study is an element of a complex higher education competence test. Quantitative research has been done with an online measuring tool, a problem-solving questionnaire consisting of 16 items. The questions examine some elements of the problem-solving process.
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022
Opus et educatio, Sep 30, 2021

Opus et educatio, Mar 21, 2023
Educating mechanical engineers in the 21st century Changes in the macro-environment during the 4t... more Educating mechanical engineers in the 21st century Changes in the macro-environment during the 4th industrial revolution Industrial revolutions have radically changed past technologies, thoroughly transforming working conditions and people's lifestyles. In the first industrial revolution, the steam engine replaced manual labor. The second industrial revolution enabled mass production based on the use of electricity. In the third industrial revolution, the development of computers and internet-based information systems modernised automation. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence transformed work (Penprase, 2018; Lee et al., 2018). The new processes and new tools change not only the way we work and consume but also the way we think. The rate of obsolescence of acquired skills has accelerated. The fourth industrial revolution does not have a single, central, leading technology like the previous three. However, systems based on high-speed internet networks and new interfaces, artificial intelligence, big data analytical models, and new developments in manufacturing technology offer unprecedented opportunities. The networking of manufacturing systems (Mourtzis, 2020) leads to the creation of smart factories, where manufacturing systems and people communicate with each other over a network, and production is almost automatic (BCG, 2015).

Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 2018
The study presents the new experiences of the dual training model in engineering education as a b... more The study presents the new experiences of the dual training model in engineering education as a best practice example. This new model has been introduced recently in the Hungarian higher education and has become a focus of interest. The dual education students study in the institutional academic period together with the normal full-time students at their higher education institute, and parallel to their academic education they participate in the practical training. It gives the students an opportunity to join a specific training program at an enterprise. Being involved in specific “operational” practical tasks and project-oriented work enhances independent work, learning soft skills and experiencing the culture of work. Among all these knowledge areas entrepreneurship studies have been added to both the academic and the practical curriculum. Our aim is to present this new type of engineering education compared to the traditional curriculum, focusing on entrepreneurship studies. We highlight the contents of the academic curriculum and its practical contents at different enterprises. The present paper examines the difference in terms of the entrepreneurial knowledge and learning process between the dual and traditional students after participating for a year in these different educational models.
Nowadays more and more technical systems will directly interfere with the everyday life of people... more Nowadays more and more technical systems will directly interfere with the everyday life of people, sometimes this can cause conflicts, which is caused by the intelligence given to the machine. The humans will not give only command to the machine but also the machine can decide itself how to handle a given situation. What is important that in this relationship the intelligent machine will not cause uncertain or dangerous situations. A very important field, where this problem is thoroughly investigated is the field of intelligent vehicle system. This paper gives an insight to the legislation process of the electronic stability control system and other, similar intelligent vehicle systems. Particulary, how the international legislation bodies (primarily the ECE-UN working party 29) approach this problem on example of the mentioned systems.

Az alábbi felsorolás a sikeres felsőoktatási felvételhez vezető úton a fő lépéseket tartalmazza. ... more Az alábbi felsorolás a sikeres felsőoktatási felvételhez vezető úton a fő lépéseket tartalmazza. Határozd meg, hogy mennyire vagy biztos abban, hogy sikeres leszel ezen lépések teljesítésében, az 1-5-ig terjedő skálán! (1-egyáltalán nem bízom benne, ...., 5-teljes mértékben bízom benne) Mennyire vagy biztos magadban, hogy képes leszel: A következő részben azt szeretnénk megtudni, hogy mit gondolsz arról, hogy mennyire vagy képes megküzdeni azokkal az akadályokkal és nehézségekkel, melyekkel a tanulmányaid során találkozol. Határozd meg, hogy mennyire vagy biztos abban, hogy az alábbi helyzetekkel megbirkózol! (1-egyáltalán nem bízom benne, ...., 5-teljes mértékben bízom benne) Mennyire vagy biztos magadban, hogy képes leszel: Határozd meg az alábbi skálán, hogy mennyire értesz egyet vagy sem a felsorolt állításokkal! (1-egyáltalán nem értek egyet, ...., 5-teljes mértékben egyetértek) A szakterületeden előfordulhat-e, hogy: Határozd meg, hogy mennyire érdekelnek a felsorolt tevékenységek! (1-egyáltalán nem érdekel, ….., 5-nagyon érdekel) Mennyire érdekel: Határozd meg az alábbi skálán, hogy mennyire értesz egyet vagy sem a felsorolt állításokkal! (1-egyáltalán nem értek egyet, ….., 5-teljes mértékben egyetértek) Mennyire értesz egyet vagy sem a felsorolt állításokkal: A pályaelképzelésekre több tényező hat különböző módon. Szeretnénk megtudni, hogy az alábbi helyzetek, miként hatnak a szakmai elképzeléseidre. Határozd meg az alábbi skálán, hogy mekkora eséllyel kerülsz szembe az alábbi helyzetekkel! (1-egyáltalán nem valószínű, ….., 5-nagyon valószínű)

Opus et Educatio
Egy háromlépcsős kutatás keretében arra a kérdésre próbálunk választ adni, hogy a gépészmérnök ha... more Egy háromlépcsős kutatás keretében arra a kérdésre próbálunk választ adni, hogy a gépészmérnök hallgatók oktatási rendszerében hol-, és milyen módosítások segítik annak elérését, hogy a jelenleginél jobban megfeleljenek a munkaerő piac elvárásainak, a végzést követően. A kutatás első lépésében meghatározzuk annak a „játéktérnek” a kereteit, amiben a felsőfokú oktatás vevői igényeknek történő megfeleltetésének lehetőségeit vizsgáljuk. Áttekintést adunk a mérnök, illetve a gépészmérnök fogalmának változásáról, az adott korszak meghatározó lexikonjainak szócikkei alapján. A hivatalos megfogalmazások mellett arra is kíváncsiak voltunk, hogy a képzésben érintett szakmai közösség hogyan határozza meg a mérnök, és a gépészmérnök identitását. A gépészmérnök hallgatók körében egy kifejtő, asszociációs kérdőívben kértük a fogalmak és hozzá tartozó tevékenységek meghatározását. Harmadik lépésben a magyar ipar erőteljes fejlesztésének időszakától, az 1970-es évek elejétől vizsgáltuk a gépészmér...
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
Opus et educatio, Nov 14, 2022
Opus et Educatio 9. évfolyam 3. szám 244 BEKK Tímea-POGÁTSNIK Mónika Motiváció lehetőségei a fels... more Opus et Educatio 9. évfolyam 3. szám 244 BEKK Tímea-POGÁTSNIK Mónika Motiváció lehetőségei a felsőoktatásban covid-19 után személyiségjellemzők alapján A tanulás tanítás változása a Covid-19 után 2019-ben kezdődő és napjainkra is hatással lévő Covid-19 járványidőszak sok változást hozott az oktatás, ezen belül a felsőoktatás világába. A hallgatók megtanultak online tanulni, az oktatók pedig online oktatni, egy teljesen más életformára, tanítási és tanulási környezetbe kerülve. Erre jó példa a gamifikáció alkalmazása (Módné-Pogátsnik-Kersánszky, 2022), melyet az Óbudai Egyetem Alba Regia Műszaki Karán próbáltak ki.

Hungarian Educational Research Journal
The task of higher education is twofold: (1) to prepare students to meet the expectations of the ... more The task of higher education is twofold: (1) to prepare students to meet the expectations of the labor market and (2) to create a learning environment and conditions so that as many students can meet the subject requirements as possible, the dropout rate should be the lowest possible. Input and continuous monitoring of students' transversal competencies can be a suitable method to meet this dual requirement. The range of these competencies is very diverse. In our present study, we focused on inductive thinking, which plays an important role in problem-solving. The research involved 212 first-grade BSc technical students. Our measurement tool is widely used in the selection of the workforce, which the students had to fill in online. The gained results were evaluated using IBM SPSS Statistics. The analysis included a comparison of inductive thinking and its two subcomponents, abstract reasoning, and diagrammatic cognition, in terms of background variables, as well as time consumpt...
2021 IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI)
The COVID-19 epidemic has led to school closures worldwide. In Hungary, on 11 March 2020, the Gov... more The COVID-19 epidemic has led to school closures worldwide. In Hungary, on 11 March 2020, the Government ordered a ban on university attendance, while on 13 March it also decided to switch to digital distance education in public education. Our research revolves around the educational challenge that emerged from the epidemic from a student perspective. We examined the provision of digital tools required for online education. We collected feedback from students on the pros and cons of online education. Access to technology is not enough for digital education, the change of pedagogical approach is also needed. We collected examples and suggestions for creative digital teaching practices, also based on the students' experience.
Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education, 2022

Iskolakultúra, 2021
A felsőoktatás feladata kettős: (1) felkészíteni a hallgatókat a munkaerő-piaci elvárások kielégí... more A felsőoktatás feladata kettős: (1) felkészíteni a hallgatókat a munkaerő-piaci elvárások kielégítésére, (2) olyan tanulási környezet, feltételek megteremtése, hogy a hallgatók minél nagyobb számban tudják teljesíteni a tantárgyi követelményeket, vagyis minél alacsonyabb mértékű legyen a lemorzsolódás. E kettős követelmény kielégítéséhez alkalmas eljárás lehet a hallgatók transzverzális kompetenciáinak bemeneti, illetve folyamatos monitorozása. E kompetenciák köre igen szerteágazó. Jelen tanulmányunkban a problémamegoldásban fontos szerepet játszó induktív gondolkodásra, illetve annak komponenseire, az absztrakt következtetéses, illetve a diagrammatikus gondolkodásra fókuszáltunk. A kutatásban 212 BSc képzésben tanuló, első évfolyamos műszaki egyetemista vett részt. A kutatás során egy, a munkaerő kiválasztásában széles körben alkalmazott mérőeszközt alkalmaztunk, amit online formában kellett a hallgatóknak kitölteniük. Így az eredmények mellett lehetőség nyílt a megoldási idő rögzí...
Papers by Monika Pogátsnik