Papers by Monica - Mihaela BOTEA

Variaţia proprietăţilor agrochimice ale solurilor sub culturi ecologice de plante medicinale Abst... more Variaţia proprietăţilor agrochimice ale solurilor sub culturi ecologice de plante medicinale Abstract Researches have been carried out with medicinal herbs in the frame of a National project financed by CNCSIS through the Partnership Program. Ecologic and conventional technologies were applied. The project aimed to implement a standardization system of the vegetal raw materials which can be used in the cosmetic industry. Sage, basilicum, and savory were subject of the experiments, at Jucu, Cluj County, Ungureni-Butimanu, Dâmboviţa County, and Secuieni, Neamţ County. The dominant soils in these areas are Fluvisols and Haplic Chernozems in the Jucu area, Chromic Luvisol in the Ungureni-Butimanu area, and Calcic Chernozem in the Secuieni area. The agrochemical analysis of the soils from the experimental fields highlighted soil fertility properties conservation both under ecologic and conventional growing technologies.

HG-AAS (Hydride generation coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry) was applied to assess sel... more HG-AAS (Hydride generation coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry) was applied to assess selenium concentrations in some soil and parental material samples from South-Eastern Romanian Plain and CentralSouth Dobrogea. Selenium analysis by HG-AAS requires digestion of solid samples to release selenium into a solution, and extraction of mobile selenium content with a common extraction solution, namely EDTA with Ammonium Acetate. Traditionally, wet acid digestion has been used which involves digestion/heating with strong acids to destroy the organic matter and dissolve the metal ions. The proposed procedure involves microwave sample preparation by using a mixture of H 2 O 2 /HNO 3 /HCl. Parameters for the reduction of Se (VI) to Se (IV) in HCl medium by heating in a microwave oven have been optimized. These contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry coupled with hydride generation (HG-AAS). The concentrations of selenium are within the allowed limits, even lower. Ce...
MIHAELA MONICA STANCIU-BURILEANU1*, VENERA MIHAELA STROE1, MARIAN MUSAT3, CONSTANTIN LUCA2 , RADU... more MIHAELA MONICA STANCIU-BURILEANU1*, VENERA MIHAELA STROE1, MARIAN MUSAT3, CONSTANTIN LUCA2 , RADU LACATUSU1 1National Research-Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment Protection, 61 Maraoti Blv., 011464, Bucharest, Romania 2Politechnica University Bucharest; Department of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis; 1-5 Polizu Str., Bucharest, Romania 3University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 105 Splaiul Independentei, 050097, Bucharest, Romania

Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone, 2012
Selenium contents were determined in the A horizon of the Salsodisols (Solonchaks and Solonetz) p... more Selenium contents were determined in the A horizon of the Salsodisols (Solonchaks and Solonetz) placed along the Călmăţui and Buzău Valleys. The total selenium content oscillated between 480 and 1140 g·kg -1 , with an average value of 800 g·kg -1 . This value is 2.1 times higher than the selenium total content in the upper horizon of the World’s non-halomorphic soils. It is also higher than the selenium total content in the upper horizon of the soils from Dobrogea and the South-Eastern Romanian Plain, 5.6 respectively 3.4 times. The mobile selenium content, soluble in the EDTA-CH3COONH4 solution at pH = 7, ranged in the 13-25 g·kg -1 interval, with an average value of 18 g·kg -1 , 4 times higher than the mobile selenium contents of the Dobrogea soils upper horizon and 1.2 times higher than the ones in the South-Eastern part of the Romanian Plain. Between the selenium total contents and some Salsodisols physical and chemical properties proportionality relations were established, ...

The main socioeconomic tendencies of farm management in the Romanian agriculture in recent years ... more The main socioeconomic tendencies of farm management in the Romanian agriculture in recent years reveal structural changes: rejuvenation of managerial body, acceleration of the transfer of land resource operation to younger managers; diminution of the consumption of labour force in the Romanian agriculture; increased productivity of labour involved in agricultural activities. Agricultural systems operate in a dynamic and complex environment, in a continuous change and subject to constant pressure generated by external shocks as economic and financial crisis, BSE crises, Foot and Mouth Disease and Bluetongue etc. 'Resilience' is a developing concept, which has been empowered to examine economic performance and responsiveness to exogenous shocks. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between economic resilience and the changes in Romanian farm management under the impact of recent economic crises. The article concludes that the rejuvenation of farm management body is the adaptive answer of Romanian farm system to the current economic challenges.
The presence of the entrepreneurial spirit in the great mass of rural households is a measure of ... more The presence of the entrepreneurial spirit in the great mass of rural households is a measure of the market economy penetration in this production area. One cannot speak about a real market economy in agriculture in the absence of profit-oriented farmers, of farmers willing to invest, searching for highly performant raw materials for agricultural activities. This study intend to establish what type of agricultural entrepreneurial behaviours is characteristic for two antagonistic development regions and how this antagonism influence the entrepreneurial activities for the occupational status structures and for the land ownership typology of the rural households.
The contents of mineral nutritional elements in vegetables' leaves were studied in an ecologicall... more The contents of mineral nutritional elements in vegetables' leaves were studied in an ecologically assessed field at the Research-Development Station for Vegetables (SCDL) Bacău, on a Fluvisol, in 2006 and 2007. Soil texture is sandyloamy, pH 6.2-6.8, and the humus content 2.4-2.6%. Vegetables have been grown here for several tens of years. In the last years, in an ecological agriculture system, the soil has been fertilized only with farm-made compost and green manure. Organic fertilization didn't significantly improve the nutritive elements soil contents but it had the merit to preserve the soil fertility properties, along with the natural equilibrium between nutritional elements. Under these conditions, lower total nitrogen contents were determined in tomato leaves and higher in eggplant leaves. Phosphorus contents proved to be relatively constant with eggplants and a little lower with tomatoes; potassium and calcium contents were much lower with tomatoes; zinc and copper contents registered depletions, both for eggplants and tomatoes, the iron contents slightly increased, while manganese contents remained relatively constant. In 2007 the potassium contents in tomatoes leaves shifted towards the critical domain, as compared to the lower limit of the excessive domain in 2006, in eggplants leaves it remained under this domain limit, as in 2006; the calcium contents remained in the excessive domain, as in 2006, the magnesium contents shifted towards the critical domain, as compared to the normal one in 2006, iron contents remained excessive for tomatoes; the zinc remained in the normal content domain for tomatoes, as in 2006, and decreased to the critical domain for eggplants ; the copper remained in the excessive content domain, but at the inferior limit of it, unlike in 2006. Due to these modifications of ratios between the mineral nutritional elements absorbed in leaves in 2007 the cellular sap pH values were lower than in 2006.
Papers by Monica - Mihaela BOTEA