Thesis Chapters by Moloy Nandi

Harold Pinter is one of the most accomplished dramatists of the Theatre of the Absurd. The Theatr... more Harold Pinter is one of the most accomplished dramatists of the Theatre of the Absurd. The Theatre of the Absurd is the Western phenomenon. The absurd in life, art and literature arose due to several reasons. The West with this kind of socio-political changes has viewed art and literature quite differently. The industrialization has changed man's social nature. The Birthday Party can be understood easily yet it has elements which make it unique and absurd. The features of absurdity such as un-clarity of scenes, dialogues, language and plot are reflected. The lack of communication is used so strongly that even a pause and silence describe much more which makes the play unique and special. The play has the usual setting as of the contemporary style but uniqueness is seen when surprise awaits in the form of imagery unusual circumstances and lack of dialogue or some time strange approaches. The Birthday Party has adhered to the Aristotelian concept of a drama having a well-defined beginning, middle, and an end. Stanley's state of being has become a representation of the condition of man who is struggling against the threat of a sudden reduction from being to non-being. In the play, Pinter seems to be fascinated by the way in which people communicate, or fail to communicate, with each other, by their use of language. This paper explores the elements of absurdity and its uniqueness of characterization and alien world of the modern man in the play The Birthday Party. INTRODUCTION Harold Pinter is one of the most accomplished dramatists of the Theatre of the Absurd. He was born on October 10, 1930 in Hackney, a section of metropolitan London, England. He was a great manipulator of language, which he has seen not as a bridge that brings people together but as a barrier that has kept them apart. Ideas and notions in the larger sense are not his province; he plays with words, and he plays on our nerves, and it is thus that he grips us. He is an influential dramatist of the contemporary English stage. Pinter attended the Hackney Downs Grammar School between the years 1941 and 1947, where he had begun writing poetry and prose. He also took an interest in theatre, taking roles as both Macbeth and Romeo in school productions of Shakespeare. Pinter, as a dramatist of the absurd, invariably prefers the tense, symbolic manner of Samuel Beckett. A large part of his accomplishment is his ability to persuade us that he is presenting lifelike situations in traditionally realistic terms, and at the same time jolting us into an awareness of utter absurdity. Isolated elements in his plays are intensely realistic, and the combination of elements is utterly absurd.
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Thesis Chapters by Moloy Nandi