Books by Mokhlesur Rahman

As a contributor to rural livelihoods, particularly those of coastal fishers, grouper aquaculture... more As a contributor to rural livelihoods, particularly those of coastal fishers, grouper aquaculture can generate potentially large financial benefits. The high value of grouper on the export market ensures that farmers are able to generate a profit even when stocks suffer heavy mortalities. Despite high initial investment costs, studies have shown that with appropriate support, even the poorest can benefit from grouper culture, with implications for both household well-being and community development. However,
based on the information reviewed in this report, capture-based aquaculture may not be the best means to ensure a steady and sustainable supply of grouper for either the live or “non-live” fish trades. This is due to a number of problems including low availability of seed, destructive and wasteful seed collection techniques, removal of large numbers of
early life history stages with subsequent impacts on adult populations and conflicts with capture fisheries, and pollution and disease resulting from culture operations.
Papers by Mokhlesur Rahman
Indian Journal of …, 2011
INTRODUCTION Earlier observations showed that the introduction of a few simple manage-ment practi... more INTRODUCTION Earlier observations showed that the introduction of a few simple manage-ment practices, ie, 'semi-intensive' management (Nagel 1979), would increase fish production several folds in farmers' ponds in Bangladesh (Ameen et al 1983). However, to ...

As a contributor to rural livelihoods, particularly those of coastal fishers, grouper aquaculture... more As a contributor to rural livelihoods, particularly those of coastal fishers, grouper aquaculture can generate potentially large financial benefits. The high value of grouper on the export market ensures that farmers are able to generate a profit even when stocks suffer heavy mortalities. Despite high initial investment costs, studies have shown that with appropriate support, even the poorest can benefit from grouper culture, with implications for both household well-being and community development. However, based on the information reviewed in this report, capture-based aquaculture may not be the best means to ensure a steady and sustainable supply of grouper for either the live or “non-live” fish trades. This is due to a number of problems including low availability of seed, destructive and wasteful seed collection techniques, removal of large numbers of early life history stages with subsequent impacts on adult populations and conflicts with capture fisheries, and pollution and disease resulting from culture operations.

Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 2015
The people of coastal Bangladesh are experiencing the effects of weather and climaterelated stres... more The people of coastal Bangladesh are experiencing the effects of weather and climaterelated stressors such as higher temperatures, prolonged drought, increased and more intense rainfall, increased cyclone and storm surges, higher tidal heights, frequent rough sea weather conditions and increased salinity. The paper reports on a recent study of two coastal villages of Bangladesh. It shows a loss over recent years of livelihood opportunities of the poor dependent on natural resources due to cyclones, drought, rising temperatures, intense rainfall and increased salinity. Measures taken to address those stressors by the communities and other actors include improved coastal embankments, rehabilitation and strengthening of houses, improved methods of ensuring a supply of drinking water, new ways of protecting agricultural land and production and changes in fishing methods and practices. These measures fall within the model of adaptation-asresilience with some evidence of limited movement towards more transformational strategies.
Books by Mokhlesur Rahman
based on the information reviewed in this report, capture-based aquaculture may not be the best means to ensure a steady and sustainable supply of grouper for either the live or “non-live” fish trades. This is due to a number of problems including low availability of seed, destructive and wasteful seed collection techniques, removal of large numbers of
early life history stages with subsequent impacts on adult populations and conflicts with capture fisheries, and pollution and disease resulting from culture operations.
Papers by Mokhlesur Rahman
based on the information reviewed in this report, capture-based aquaculture may not be the best means to ensure a steady and sustainable supply of grouper for either the live or “non-live” fish trades. This is due to a number of problems including low availability of seed, destructive and wasteful seed collection techniques, removal of large numbers of
early life history stages with subsequent impacts on adult populations and conflicts with capture fisheries, and pollution and disease resulting from culture operations.