Papers by Mojca Smode Cvitanovic
Zivot Umjetnosti, Dec 1, 2020
Prostor, Dec 22, 2020
Balansiranje identiteta Radovi arhitekta Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi (1962.-1969.) Addis Ababa... more Balansiranje identiteta Radovi arhitekta Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi (1962.-1969.) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia modern architecture Non-Aligned Movement Petrović, Branko technical cooperation The paper deals with the facets of work by the Croatian architect and urban planner Branko Petrović in Addis Ababa, where he served as the chief architect in the Ethiopian Ministry of Public Works and Communications from 1962 to 1969. Translation of the expertise stemming from the domicile practice and adaptation to a specific construction momentum in the city are thereby being considered. The modalities of technical cooperation are simultaneously examined as a form of international knowledge exchange in the field of architecture.
Prostor : znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam, Jun 30, 2020
Prostor, Jun 27, 2020
This paper deals with the architecture of Bartol Felbinger in the context of the relevant and pos... more This paper deals with the architecture of Bartol Felbinger in the context of the relevant and positively evaluated conceptual levels of design. The archi tect's work is thus perceived in the context of building up the City of Zagreb and the initiation of Croatian Modern architecture. Furthermore, the paper looks into Classicism and Biedermeir inherently linked with Felbinger's work. They are viewed here in the context of the architectural culture of continental Croatia.
Hildegard Auf Franic has received the highest professional awards for achievements in architectur... more Hildegard Auf Franic has received the highest professional awards for achievements in architecture. Alongside her longtime pedagogical and design activities, the author has inspired and imparted knowledge to generations of students, teaching them values, past and present, of the architectural culture. Within the existing urban axis of the International Style pavilions set in a clear and firm direction, the author here halts the pedestrian movement by setting her pavilion aside of the axis and creating an ‘open forum’ that intended to stimulate the outdoor activities of the students. The elevations and proportions of the Pavilion V determined by exterior surfaces clad in dark brick situate the project within the ambitions and accomplishments of the international post-war tendencies while successfully complementing a delicate local context initially defined in the inter-war period.
Focusing on the work of a group of Croatian i.e. Yugoslav architects in Ghana, the paper explains... more Focusing on the work of a group of Croatian i.e. Yugoslav architects in Ghana, the paper explains the nature of technical cooperation as a model of temporary international contract work in relation to the specificities of the environment built consequently. It focuses on the engagement of Miro Marasovic as the head of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Development Office from 1961 to 1964. As its contextual framework, the paper addresses bilateral technical cooperation as a form of international communication and exchange, the practices of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the interrelations of the pre- and post-independence generation of modern architecture in Africa.
Ova bi knjiga trebala dati odgovor na pitanja sto je gradski projekt, kako je on definiran urbani... more Ova bi knjiga trebala dati odgovor na pitanja sto je gradski projekt, kako je on definiran urbanistickom planskom dokumentacijom grada Zagreba i kako se provodi u praksi. Prezentirana je zagrebacka "tradicija" gradskih projekata te predstavljeni neki od modela predratnog i poslijeratnog razdoblja. Također je istraženo na koji nacin su se provodili i kontrolirali tzv. gradski projekti u dosadasnjim GUP-ovima (zone urbaniteta, gradski potezi...). Iznesen je osvrt na gradske projekte u Zagrebu, predstavljeni su uspjesni modeli gradskih projekata u europskim gradovima (Pariz, Berlin, Barcelona, Rotterdam) te su prezentirane aktualne urbanisticke strategije i uz njih vezani odabrani projekti (London, Oslo, Helsinki i Bec). Zakljucci istraživanja prilog su određivanju kriterija za odabir gradskih projekata.
Novi drustveni, ekonomski i politicki uvjeti na prijelazu stoljeca potaknuli su i novo promisljan... more Novi drustveni, ekonomski i politicki uvjeti na prijelazu stoljeca potaknuli su i novo promisljanje gradova. Smanjen demografski rast prisutan u gradovima razvijenih zemalja pruža mogucnost da se dobije na prostoru i vremenu za promisljanje novih investicija i osmisljavanje prostora za kvalitetniji život građana. Istraženo je i uspoređeno nekoliko razlicitih modela razvoja grada u bliskoj buducnosti. Svaki od njih ima i svoje posebnosti u promisljanju iste. Njihova analiza i usporedba doprinos su teoretskom promisljanju grada u prvoj polovici 21. stoljeca.
Prostor, 2016
Arhitektica Dragica (Daša) Crnković Očko u razdoblju od 1958. do 1974. godine u dva navrata borav... more Arhitektica Dragica (Daša) Crnković Očko u razdoblju od 1958. do 1974. godine u dva navrata boravi u Africi djelujući u Etiopiji, Zambiji, Svaziju i Sierra Leoneu. Ovaj tekst postavlja njezin afrički opus u kontekst djelovanja hrvatskih arhitekata u zemljama Trećega svijeta, nastojeći pritom odgovoriti na pitanja translacije sustava vrijednosti imanentnog tradiciji hrvatske moderne arhitekture i odraza neposrednih radnih okolnosti na aspekte projektantskog pristupa.
APOLITIKA-3. kongres …, 2010
Zbornik radova. Autori: Jukić, Tihomir; Smode Cvitanović, Mojca; Smokvina, Marina. ... Kriteriji ... more Zbornik radova. Autori: Jukić, Tihomir; Smode Cvitanović, Mojca; Smokvina, Marina. ... Kriteriji odabira gradskih projekata u tom su slučaju jasni, a njihovi modeli (program, mjerilo, prostorni i vremenski doseg, financiranje, vođenje...) usklađeni. ...

This paper traces the implications of Semper's Bekleidung theory on working processes in the ... more This paper traces the implications of Semper's Bekleidung theory on working processes in the field of architecture in Zagreb. The idiosyncrasies of the work of freshly graduated architects in a peripheral Austro-Hungarian city are analysed, both in the context of developing and spreading the city block system and the appearance of the new Art Nouveau style. Buildings in this new modern style, which appeared in 1897, were built sporadically throughout the city's urban fabric, which generally consisted of historicist residential buildings at the time. Parallel to historicism, the demand for Art Nouveau from clients grew, especially around the turn of the 20th century. At the time, typical migration processes resulted in the arrival of a well-educated populace that would commission Art Nouveau buildings in the coming years. The unique characteristics of Art Nouveau style, especially its ability to directly engage citizens and transmit messages of modern times, proved to be an i...
Papers by Mojca Smode Cvitanovic