Papers by Moisés Vassallo
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos
Neste artigo, buscou-se avaliar os efeitos que a Universidade de Brasília – UnB exerce na economi... more Neste artigo, buscou-se avaliar os efeitos que a Universidade de Brasília – UnB exerce na economia do Distrito Federal - DF, a partir dos impactos calculados com uso de modelo de Insumo-Produto inter-regional. Quando consideramos o valor adicionado bruto, a UnB é responsável por cerca de R$ 2,5 bilhões de reais, o equivalente a 1% do PIB do DF. Adicionalmente, a UnB gera cerca de 45 mil empregos no DF e é responsável pela arrecadação de R$ 277 milhões em tributos. Esses indicadores foram apresentados em termos de impactos diretos somados aos indiretos e induzidos.
We develop an interregional computable general equilibrium model to help assess the ex ante impac... more We develop an interregional computable general equilibrium model to help assess the ex ante impact of transportation infrastructure policies in Egypt. The model is integrated with a GIS network. We illustrate the analytical capabilities of the model by looking at the domestic integration of the country. Improvements of transportation costs among Egyptian governorates and of their links to the broader world economy are considered in stylized simulations. The results provide quantitative and qualitative insights (general equilibrium effects) into trade-offs commonly faced by policy makers when dealing with transportation infrastructure projects in a spatial context. In the case of Egypt, there seems to be an important trade-off between efficiency and regional equity: projects that produce potential higher impacts on national GDP also tend to contribute more to regional concentration.
Journal of Transport Literature, 2010
This work presents a model of simulated post-merger prices adjusted to the specifics of the airli... more This work presents a model of simulated post-merger prices adjusted to the specifics of the airline industry. The model here proposed takes in consideration peculiar characteristics of this sector, in order to measure the effect in prices due to improvements of quality in the product after the merger. With this development, a strong hypothesis of the traditional post-merged prices simulation models was relaxed. Constant quality before and after mergers is the hypothesis relaxed, this hypothesis is typical of the models implemented in other sectors. Due to air transportation specifics, it was possible to develop a model able to measure the quality improvement effects in the post-merger prices.

Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta teorica em desenvolvimento acerca de estrategi... more Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta teorica em desenvolvimento acerca de estrategias para o crescimento do turismo em uma localidade. Primeiramente sao abordados aspectos relacionados as possibilidades estrategicas de escolha entre turismo domestico ou turismo internacional, e entre o enfoque pela demanda ou pela oferta. Com base em dados sobre o turismo mundial e domestico, discute-se a relevância da proximidade de mercados emissivos para o crescimento do turismo. Por fim, e apresentado um modelo teorometrico baseado nos preceitos do Modelo Gravitacional do Turismo e as consideracoes finais do artigo Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical proposal of possible strategies concerning tourism growth in destinations. It discusses aspects related to the focus on international or domestic tourism, as well as on demand or supply approach. Based on a data series concerning international and domestic tourism, the paper discusses the relevance of proximity to outbound mark...

Journal of Transport Literature, 2010
This paper aims at discussing the relevance of domestic air transportation of passengers to the B... more This paper aims at discussing the relevance of domestic air transportation of passengers to the Brazilian economy. Firstly, the authors present some of the sector’s most important characteristics along with a description of the evolution of its governmental policies for the last thirty years. This analysis has the purpose of clarifying the main topics for the set-up of a regulatory mark of air transportation within the country. And secondly, the authors develop an empirical model of price formation by making use of recent data available from the sector and an econometric model. The empirical model allows answering a set of questions as the following: What is the influence of macroeconomic variables (GDP and exchange rate) on air fares? Is there a price differential caused by product differentiation? Are there economies of traffic density? Does pricing vary according to the region of the country? What is the influence of the presence of a low cost carrier? Do touristic factors have a...
Journal of Transport Literature, 2008
This paper uses a reduced form econometric model to identify elements correlated with discounts i... more This paper uses a reduced form econometric model to identify elements correlated with discounts in the air fares that three Brazilian airlines charge in a set of six domestic destinations flown out of the city of Sao Paulo. Our dataset was built with information extracted directly from the websites of the airlines especially with the intention of empirically modelling the statistics associated with the practice of the web pricing of the airlines, namely means and variations. Obtained results show that traveling with GOL, TAM, or late in the night represent the options for lower fares. Higher fares are associated with evening departures, and connecting flights.

This study develops a discrete-choice model for tourism-related trips in order to provide a mappi... more This study develops a discrete-choice model for tourism-related trips in order to provide a mapping of preferences and a profile of tourists in Brazil. By using microdata from a recently collected survey conducted by the Institute of Economic Research Foundation (FIPE), the authors investigate the behavior of domestic tourists from two empirical models: i. a choice model of domestic, routine, excursion and international trips, and ii. a choice model of touristic destination. Travel data was combined with information from respondents concerning income, travel habits and lifestyle, in order to pinpoint the factors of the individuals who leverage more touristic trips. Additionally, the authors conducted a study pointing out the factors of competitiveness of tourist destinations with respect to capturing a global market share. Based on the estimated models, it is possible to understand the profile of Brazilian tourists and to anticipate what impacts public policies aiming at inducing th...

This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-fo... more This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-form model of coach operators' pricing decisions in the interstate travel market. Interstate travel service is heavily provided by coaches, and the system is fully operated by the private sector under public delegation, through permits and authorizations. Agencybased regulation was introduced in 2002 and this new regulatory framework may stimulate competition in the market; particularly relevant in the new institutional design is the price cap regime that aims at enhancing the flexibility to change fares in response to demand and cost conditions. By analysing pricing decisions of coach operators in some cities within the country, we studied the sensitivity of coach fares to cost components and to air travel fares and therefore investigated whether there is competition with airlines after the regulatory reform. Intermodal interaction among coach operators and airlines is found to be significant and probably due to the competition for a small set of premium, qualitysensitive, coach passengers. ♣ Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)-Brazil.

As from 1994, with the insertion of new clients in the financial system and the early days of fin... more As from 1994, with the insertion of new clients in the financial system and the early days of financial stability, the Brazilian market has undergone profound changes (SAITO; SAVOIA; PETRONI, 2006). This context allowed financial institutions to expand the offer of products and services to a public that was previously neglected. However, a major roadblock lay ahead, as, despite a high demand for available products and services, these new consumers faced difficulties in terms of financial issues. This lack of expertise was likely to lead to undesirable consequences, both for the market and the people and these consequences would prevent them from attaining their objectives (SANTOS, 2009). Financial education thus revealed itself to be a necessary instrument in preparing the population,especially future consumers of these products and services, for the challenges of the new financial context.
Journal of …, 2010
... Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. Email: [email protected]. ... as necessidade... more ... Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. Email: [email protected]. ... as necessidades da intermediação de agentes de viagens, reduzindo os custos de pesquisa (search costs) e reduzindo as assimetrias de informação no mercado; observou-se, assim, um ...
… de Literatura dos …, 2010
O presente estudo propõe um modelo comportamental de escolha relacionado a viagens turísticas, co... more O presente estudo propõe um modelo comportamental de escolha relacionado a viagens turísticas, como forma de efetuar um mapeamento microeconômico das preferências e do perfil do turista brasileiro. A partir de uma abordagem Teorométrica e utilizando uma Base de ...
Turismo-Visão e Ação, 2009

Revista Turismo em Análise, 2008
Resumo O presente artigo busca relações causais da renda e, principalmente, a taxa de câmbio sobr... more Resumo O presente artigo busca relações causais da renda e, principalmente, a taxa de câmbio sobre as despesas dos brasileiros que viajam ao exterior e sobre as receitas advindas dos turistas estrangeiros que visitam o nosso país, dados estes mensurados na conta de turismo no Balanço de Pagamentos do Brasil. Os testes econométricos indicam que as despesas, em média, são afetadas pela taxa de câmbio real, enquanto as receitas não são. Ao analisar esta assimetria foi possível constatar outra, onde provou-se que o número de turistas de países fronteiriços, tendo os visitantes da Argentina como exemplo, em média, são sensíveis à taxa de câmbio real, enquanto os visitantes de países de outros continentes, tendo o número de visitantes dos Estados Unidos como parâmetro, não são afetados, em média, pela taxa de câmbio real. Palavras-chave: economia do turismo; despesas de viagens internacionais; taxa de câmbio real.

This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-fo... more This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-form model of coach operators' pricing decisions in the interstate travel market. Interstate travel service is heavily provided by coaches, and the system is fully operated by the private sector under public delegation, through permits and authorizations. Agencybased regulation was introduced in 2002 and this new regulatory framework may stimulate competition in the market; particularly relevant in the new institutional design is the price cap regime that aims at enhancing the flexibility to change fares in response to demand and cost conditions. By analysing pricing decisions of coach operators in some cities within the country, we studied the sensitivity of coach fares to cost components and to air travel fares and therefore investigated whether there is competition with airlines after the regulatory reform. Intermodal interaction among coach operators and airlines is found to be significant and probably due to the competition for a small set of premium, qualitysensitive, coach passengers. ♣ Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)-Brazil.

This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-fo... more This paper presents an analysis of intermodal competition in Brazil by making use of a reduced-form model of coach operators' pricing decisions in the interstate travel market. Interstate travel service is heavily provided by coaches, and the system is fully operated by the private sector under public delegation, through permits and authorizations. Agencybased regulation was introduced in 2002 and this new regulatory framework may stimulate competition in the market; particularly relevant in the new institutional design is the price cap regime that aims at enhancing the flexibility to change fares in response to demand and cost conditions. By analysing pricing decisions of coach operators in some cities within the country, we studied the sensitivity of coach fares to cost components and to air travel fares and therefore investigated whether there is competition with airlines after the regulatory reform. Intermodal interaction among coach operators and airlines is found to be significant and probably due to the competition for a small set of premium, qualitysensitive, coach passengers.

Dias. Um especial agradecimento ao professor Michael Lahr, que me recebeu e deu total suporte dur... more Dias. Um especial agradecimento ao professor Michael Lahr, que me recebeu e deu total suporte durante meu estágio na Rutgers -State University of New Jersey. Agradeço à Denise Imori pela ajuda fundamental por meio de críticas e apoio ao desenvolvimento do meu trabalho. O companheirismo dos colegas Juliana Scriptore, Dario Guerrero e toda a turma do curso de mestrado de 2011 do IPE-USP. Ao amigo Rafael Neves, aos meus colegas de turma de doutorado, ao Joelson Sampaio, incrível companhia nas horas mais intensas de estudo e, ao colega de mais longa data, Gabriel Garber. Agradeço aos colegas do NEREUS pelas sugestões e críticas durante as conversas nas salas do Núcleo ou em seminários e, em especial, aos professores Gervásio dos Santos e Weslen Faria e ao colega Rodrigo Campos por suas teses inspiradoras para realização deste trabalho. Agradeço também ao Wagner Colombini e à Katia Custódio, da empresa Logit Engenharia e Consultoria, pela disponibilização dos dados dos Planos Nacionais de Logística e Transportes (PNLT). Agradeço aos colegas da FIPE, em especial ao Ewerton Monti e ao meu sempre tutor e professor, Wilson Abrahão Rabahy, por todo o apoio durante os 4 anos, em que me afastei por muitos momentos do trabalho. Finalmente, agradeço aos meus familiares, ao grande amigo Anderson Visotto e às mais importantes pessoas que sempre contribuíram para a minha formação, minha mãe Maria de Fátima Diniz e meu pai David Vassalo (em memória). À Kelly Kajihara pelo amor, carinho e, principalmente, pela paciência em ter um namorado em muitos momentos tão pouco presente. Dados e parâmetros comportamentais .

Journal of Economic Structures
Background Economic development occurs unevenly across geographic space. Indeed, almost all natio... more Background Economic development occurs unevenly across geographic space. Indeed, almost all nations can identify both more-developed and less-developed regions. Egypt is no exception: it is characterized by a high concentration of production factors and resources in governorates comprising the greater Nile delta-Lower Egypt. These concentrations parallel and perhaps even cause the nation's uneven distribution of wealth and population across regions. The interregional wealth disparity crops up in the form of other socioeconomic conditions, ranging from health and education to labor market conditions (World Bank 2012). Interest by policymakers on regional issues within Egypt has been recently renewed with the publication of the World Bank (2012) report Reshaping Egypt's Economic Geography: Domestic Integration as a Development Platform. It investigates Egypt's regional economic growth, explores the causes for geographically unbalanced development, and proposes policy options to make unbalanced growth compatible with inclusive development. Spatially connective infrastructure is a primary pillar for future policies to address the country's spatial disparities. In a context of growing global integration and increasing
Papers by Moisés Vassallo