Papers by Mohd Kamaruddin Abd Hamid
Industrial Case Study: Cyclone Analysis for Large Scale Calcium Carbonate Looping Process
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

CO2 Capture for Dry Reforming of Natural Gas: Performance and Process Modeling of Calcium Carbonate Looping Using Acid Based CaCO3 Sorbent
Frontiers in Energy Research
Several industrial activities often result in the emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon di... more Several industrial activities often result in the emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane (a principal component of natural gas). In order to mitigate the effects of these greenhouse gases, CO2 can be captured, stored and utilized for the dry reforming of methane. Various CO2 capture techniques have been investigated in the past decades. This study investigated the performance and process modeling of CO2 capture through calcium carbonate looping (CCL) using local (Malaysia) limestone as the sorbent. The original limestone was compared with two types of oxalic acid-treated limestone, with and without aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as supporting material. The comparison was in terms of CO2 uptake capacity and performance in a fluidized bed reactor system. From the results, it was shown that the oxalic acid-treated limestone without Al2O3 had the largest surface area, highest CO2 uptake capacity and highest mass attrition resistance, compared with other sorbents. The s...
Relative gain analysis of energy efficient hydrocarbon separation sequence
Energy Procedia

Systematic design of energy efficient distillation column for alcohol mixture
Energy Procedia
Abstract When designing a separation system for mixtures containing close boiling point component... more Abstract When designing a separation system for mixtures containing close boiling point components, ordinary distillation can be considered not feasible since high purity products require large number of stages and reflux ratio. During the design phase of distillation processes, several problems may occur such as determination of optimal number of plates, optimal location for feed, and optimal reflux ratio. The main objective of this paper is to propose a methodology to design an energy efficient alcohol distillation process using driving force approach. The design concept is to design the distillation column system at maximum driving force. At maximum driving force, the energy required for the system will be minimum. A case study of 5 component alcohol mixture from a literature was selected and investigated. Initially, the literature case study was analysed and simulated by using Aspen HYSYS V9’s shortcut design method to determine the energy usage and capital cost. Then, similar feed information from the shortcut design was used for a new design which was developed according to the driving force approach in the methodology. Optimum design variables were determined from the methodology. Both designs were simulated using similar thermodynamic model (RK-Aspen) to ensure reliable data for comparison purposes. Finally, both designs were analysed and compared in terms of capital and operating cost. Based on the findings, the capital cost was reduced up to 12.25 % and operation cost up to 9.39 %. The performance confirms that by using this methodology, optimum or near optimum design for alcohol distillation process can be developed in an easy, practical, and systematic manner.

Current developments in chemical recycling of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate wastes for new materials production: A review
Journal of Cleaner Production
Abstract This paper appraised divergent chemical depolymerization routes for reprocessing chemica... more Abstract This paper appraised divergent chemical depolymerization routes for reprocessing chemically synthesis polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics bottle waste and offer resolutions to control the environmental complications emanating attributable to its utilize and disposal to the habitat. The consciousness to prune environs contaminants and make it “green” demand for the reclaim and reprocessing it back to PET bottles, precursor products like glycolyzate, and other inventions such as unsaturated polyester resins, epoxy resins, composites etc. Controlling this necessitates assorted reprocessing methods of which chemical recycling that transform PET into monomer/oligomer is the most prosperous one. This review explored in detail current events in the PET chemical recycling using glycolysis method. The study was based on their current evolution concerning their depolymerization agents, reaction conditions, kinetics of reactions, catalysts used, products of reprocessing, and their prospective use. Benefits of PET recycling and glycolysis as well as criteria and necessitation factors that used to adjudge them as the best method and sub-method respectively were highlighted. The prospect for the conversion of glycolyzate into other PET recycling methods products were shown. PET recycling was concluded to be a partial resolution to wastes management, and also grants the conservation of natural petrochemical resources and energy.
The objective of this paper is to develop computational fluid dynamic (CFD)population balance mod... more The objective of this paper is to develop computational fluid dynamic (CFD)population balance model (PBM) coupled model to predict a minimum fluidisation velocity in industrial polydisperse gas phase linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) polymerisation reactor. The population balance model (PBM) by direct quadrature method of moment (DQMOM) implemented in CFD framework was used to predict the minimum fluidisation velocity. The simulation results were validated by the operational data in terms of bed height and pressure drop. This CFD-PBM coupled model can be extended to investigate the flow field and particle kinetic through the reactor.

This paper presents a model-based methodology to solve an integrated process design and control (... more This paper presents a model-based methodology to solve an integrated process design and control (IPDC) problem of a single reactor. The IPDC problem is formulated as a mixed-integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) model in which the economic performance is optimized in order to design a cost effective and highly controllable process. The methodology is organized into four hierarchical stages based on decomposition of a MIDO model. By applying decomposition method, IPDC MIDO model is decomposed into four sub-problems, which are relatively easy to solve. The concept of attainable region (AR) and driving force (DF) technique are used within this methodology, to find the optimal design-control decision as an alternative to the use of optimization/search algorithms. Accordingly, the optimal solution to the design-control problem is to be found by locating the maximum value of AR and DF for reactor and separator units respectively. In this paper, we demonstrate successfully the potential use of the modelbased methodology in solving IPDC problem of a single reactor for synthesis of ethylene glycol.

Jurnal Teknologi, 2016
The objective of this paper is to present the study and analysis of the energy saving improvement... more The objective of this paper is to present the study and analysis of the energy saving improvement for the NGLs Direct-Splitter-Direct fractionation sequence plant by using driving force method. To perform the study and analysis, the energy efficient distillation columns (EEDCs) methodology is developed. Basically, the methodology consists of four hierarchical steps; Step 1: Existing Sequence Energy Analysis, Step 2: Optimal Sequence Determination, Step 3: Optimal Sequence Energy Analysis, and Step 4: Energy Comparison. The capability of this methodology is tested in designing an optimal energy efficient direct-splitter-direct sequence of NGLs fractionation unit. The results show that the maximum of 10.62 % energy reduction was able to achieve by changing the sequence suggested by the driving force method. It can be concluded that, the sequence determined by the driving force method is able to reduce energy used for a NGLs fractionation. All of this findings show that the methodology is able to design energy efficient for NGLs fractionation sequence in an easy, practical and systematic manner.
The objective of this paper is to develop a sustainable integrated process design and control met... more The objective of this paper is to develop a sustainable integrated process design and control methodology for a distillation column system. The sustainable integrated process design and control problem for a distillation column system is typically formulated as a mathematical programming (optimization with constraints) problem, and solved by decomposing it to six sequential hierarchical sub-problems: (i) pre-analysis, (ii) design analysis, (iii) controller design analysis, (iv) sustainability analysis, (v) detailed economics analysis and (vi) final selection and verification. The results through case study of benzene-toluene separation process shows the proposed methodology is capable to find the optimal solution that satisfies design, control, sustainability and economic criteria in a simple and efficient way.
Development of a new model-based intergrated process design and control for heat exchanger networks

This paper presents the application of the proposed model-based methodology in solving integrated... more This paper presents the application of the proposed model-based methodology in solving integrated process design and control (IPDC) of heat exchanger networks (HENs). Many methods for HENs synthesis have been developed over the past decades, which aim to provide HENs designs that yield a reasonable trade-off between capital and operating costs. However, in most of HENs synthesis activities, the sole consideration in solution derivation is about design cost. Process operational issue especially controllability is frequently not a concern in the process design. As a result, the controllability of a designed HEN may be questionable. Industrial practice has made it clear that process controllability should be considered during process synthesis. The HENs design can be further improved to ensure that the design is more cost efficient and controllable. This can be achieved by developing a new model-based integrated process design and control methodology, which includes cost optimality and controllability aspects at the early HEN design stage. The IPDC for HEN problem is decomposed into four hierarchical sequential stages: (i) target selection, (ii) HEN design analysis, (iii) controllability analysis, and (iv) optimal selection and verification. The set of constraint equations in the IPDC problem for HEN design is decomposed into four sub-problems which correspond to four hierarchical stages. The capability of the proposed methodology in solving IPDC of HEN problem was tested using biomethanol production plant. The results show that the proposed methodology was able to find the best solution which satisfied design, control and economic criteria in easy, efficient and systematic manner.
A Model-Based Methodology for Simultaneous Process Design and Control for Chemical Processes
Abstract This paper presents a new model-based methodology for integration of process design and ... more Abstract This paper presents a new model-based methodology for integration of process design and control (IPDC) for chemical processes. The proposed systematic model-based methodology does not have difficulties in handling complex problem formulations with larger number of ...
Computer aided chemical engineering (Excel/VBA)

A CFD-PBM Coupled Model of Hydrodynamic and Mixing/ Segregation in an Industrial Gas-Phase Polymerization Reactor
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Feb 13, 2015
ABSTRACT The particle size distribution (PSD) has a significant influence on the performance of f... more ABSTRACT The particle size distribution (PSD) has a significant influence on the performance of fluidized bed reactors, as uneven distribution usually results from segregation and mixing tendencies. The objective of this paper is to study the segregation of wide range of particle size distribution in an industrial gas phase polymerization reactor by means of a CFD-PBM coupled model, where the direct quadrature method of moments (DQMOM) was implemented to solve the population balance model. It was shown that the model is able to satisfactorily predict the available operational data in terms of pressure drop and bed height. Model sensitivities of discretization scheme, maximum solid packing and fluidization/ de-fluidization were also studied. The transient CFD-PBM/ DQMOM coupled model is then utilized extensively to analyze minimum fluidization velocity, fluidization behavior and segregation phenomena at different velocities. The results suggested that Third-Order MUSCL discretization scheme, maximum solid packing value which is 0.01 higher than specific solid volume fraction and also fluidization process were mathematically and physically consistent with real observation. In addition, the segregation is strongly affected at minimum fluidization velocity range of particles. The PSD becomes well-mixed at high gas velocity while the quasi-layer inversion was predicted in low gas velocity.
Integration of modeling, design and control for efficient operation of chemical processes
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a model-based methodology for integration of pro... more Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a model-based methodology for integration of process design and control (IPDC) problems. The new methodology is organized in four hierarchical stages based on a decomposition of the general optimization problem. The objective of ...

The purpose of this paper is to study the pyrolysis of as received and wet-treated oil palm empty... more The purpose of this paper is to study the pyrolysis of as received and wet-treated oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) for potential biofuel production. The elemental properties of the feedstock were characterized by an elemental analyzer while thermal properties and pyrolysis were investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The pyrolysis process was carried out at room temperature up to 700°C in the presence of nitrogen gas flowing at 150 ml/min. The investigated parameters are particle sizes and heating rate. The particle sizes were varied in the range of dp1 <0.25 mm and 0.25≤ dp2 ≤0.30 mm. The heating rates used were 50°C/min and 80°C/min. From the results obtained, smaller particle size (dp1) produces 10% less char yields, while higher heating rate of 80°C/min increases rate of decomposition by almost 1 mg/s. Treatment process reduces char yields of dp2 by a total of 5%. This study can provide an important basis in determining suitable properties of EFB and pyrolysis parameter for bio-fuel production via pyrolysis.

Investigation of oil Palm Wastes’ Pyrolysis by Thermo-gravimetric Analyzer for Potential Biofuel Production
Energy Procedia, 2015
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to investigate the thermal degradation behaviour of oil palm tr... more ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to investigate the thermal degradation behaviour of oil palm trunk (OPT) and empty fruit bunch (EFB) wastes in pyrolytic environment by using thermagravimetric analyzer (TGA). The pyrolysis process was being carried out at room temperature up to 700°C in the presence of nitrogen gas flowing at the rate of 150 ml/min. The investigated parameters are particle sizes and heating rates. The particle sizes varied in the range of dp1 &lt; 0.25 mm and 0.25 ≤ dp2 ≤ 0.30 mm. The heating rate of 50°C/min and 80°C/min were applied to study the effect on thermal degradation during the progress of pyrolysis reaction. The decomposition of OPT shows a ‘shoulder’ form while EFB degrades with 2 distinctive peaks. Smaller OPT size produces 0.04-0.86% more volatile product when degraded at both heating rates. EFB on the other hand shows a 3.81-9.81% increment. Heating rates speed up the peak degradation by 1.42-1.56 mg/s at dp1 and 3.13-4.92 mg/s at dp2. It also causes biomass to be degraded under a narrow temperature range by 21°C. This study can provide an important basis in determining suitable type of feedstock and processing parameters for bio-fuel production via advanced pyrolysis technology.
Selection of minimum temperature difference (ΔTmin) for heat exchanger network synthesis based on trade-off plot
Applied Energy, 2015

Effect of Delta Temperature Minimum Contribution in Obtaining an Operable and Flexible Heat Exchanger Network
Energy Procedia, 2015
ABSTRACT This paper presents the effect of delta temperature minimum (∆Tmin) contribution in orde... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the effect of delta temperature minimum (∆Tmin) contribution in order to obtain operable and flexible heat exchanger networks (HENs). Several studies have been done to determine the effect of ∆Tmin-contribution on the annual cost. As a result, a trade-off diagram between operating cost, heat exchanger capital cost and economic has been plotted. However there are still lacks of studies on how the ∆Tmin-contribution effects the controllability. Optimal ΔTmin selection is important decision to make in the early stage to avoid inflexible and inoperable heat exchanger networks. The question that needs to be answerd here is how to determine the optimal value of ΔTmin that will have better operating conditions that satisfy process design (HEN), controllability and as well as economy. In this study, this problem will be formulated as a mathematical programming (optimizattion with constraints) and solved by decomposing it into four hierarchiacal stages: (i) target selection, (ii) HEN design analysis, (iii) controllability analysis, and (iv) optimal selection and verification. HEN design is considered optimally operated when the target temperatures are satisfied at steady state, the utility cost is minimized and the dynamic behavior and control aspects are best satisfied. A plant was selected as a case study. Small value of ∆Tmin was first implemented and will gradually be increased to see the effect on the operability and flexibility of a case study. This paper focus on design control structure of HEN using decomposition method based on value of ΔTmin in order to produce operable and flexible HEN.

Minimum Energy Distillation Columns Sequence for Aromatics Separation Process
Energy Procedia, 2015
ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to present the study of the optimal synthesis of energy e... more ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to present the study of the optimal synthesis of energy efficient distillation columns (EEDCs) sequence of aromatics separation process by using driving force method. In order to perform the study and analysis, the EEDCs sequence methodology is developed. Accordingly, the methodology consists of four hierarchical steps; Step 1: Existing Sequence Energy Analysis, Step 2: Optimal Sequence Determination, Step 3: Optimal Sequence Energy Analysis, and Step 4: Energy Comparison. The capability of this methodology is tested in designing minimum energy distillation column sequence for aromatics separation process. The results show that the maximum of 7.0% energy reduction was able to achieve by changing the sequence suggested by the driving force method. It can be concluded that, the sequence determined by the driving force method is able to reduce energy used for aromatics separation process in an easy, practical and systematic manner.
Papers by Mohd Kamaruddin Abd Hamid