Papers by Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Islamic treatment is a healing effort based on Islamic law by Islamic nurses skilled in Islamic t... more Islamic treatment is a healing effort based on Islamic law by Islamic nurses skilled in Islamic treatment methods. The concept of Islamic treatment is very broad and it covers various spiritual and physical diseases that can be treated through certain methods. These Islamic treatment methods are diverse by using verses from the Qur'an, prayers quoted from al-Hadith as well as the practices of previous and current scholars. Islamic treatment is widely applied in cases that are not treated or can be detected clinically or modern medicine. Most of these cases involve disturbances of subtle beings such as perennial disturbances and magic. These disorders, especially witchcraft, have become a disease that is feared in society. The methodology used in this study involves a qualitative approach including highlights and secondary data analysis. Data findings are systematically analyzed using content analysis techniques. The findings of the study show that spells can be cast on oneself, family or other people who are in trouble because spells are protective prayers based on sharia.
Jurnal pengurusan dan penyelidikan fatwa =, Oct 23, 2018
This article examines decision of the Federal Territory Syarie Consultation Committee on the issu... more This article examines decision of the Federal Territory Syarie Consultation Committee on the issue of iktikaf in surau (prayer rooms). iktikaf to be done in the surau. However, after twelve years, this opinion was reversed and since then iktikaf in surau was no longer allowed. The basic difference of both decisions lies in the meaning of the mosque and its application to the status of surau or musalla in Malaysia as an equivalent place of worship. This study makes a comparison between two such different decisions and then analyzes the meaning of the words musalla and mosques mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W from the perspective of various madhhabs (school
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Nov 1, 2022

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, May 7, 2023
Islamic treatment is a healing effort based on Islamic law by Islamic nurses skilled in Islamic t... more Islamic treatment is a healing effort based on Islamic law by Islamic nurses skilled in Islamic treatment methods. The concept of Islamic treatment is very broad and it covers various spiritual and physical diseases that can be treated through certain methods. These Islamic treatment methods are diverse by using verses from the Qur'an, prayers quoted from al-Hadith as well as the practices of previous and current scholars. Islamic treatment is widely applied in cases that are not treated or can be detected clinically or modern medicine. Most of these cases involve disturbances of subtle beings such as perennial disturbances and magic. These disorders, especially witchcraft, have become a disease that is feared in society. The methodology used in this study involves a qualitative approach including highlights and secondary data analysis. Data findings are systematically analyzed using content analysis techniques. The findings of the study show that spells can be cast on oneself, family or other people who are in trouble because spells are protective prayers based on sharia.

Journal of Contemporary ISLAMIC LAW, Dec 1, 2021
Akad jual beli dalam talian adalah satu bentuk akad jual beli yang dibentuk, dilaksana, digubal d... more Akad jual beli dalam talian adalah satu bentuk akad jual beli yang dibentuk, dilaksana, digubal dan dinyatakan oleh sistem perisian komputer dengan sokongan rangkaian perhubungan internet melibatkan pihak yang saling berjauhan bagi menyempurnakan sesuatu akad. Akad ini sinonim dengan transaksi melibatkan aktiviti perbankan, lelongan, jual beli atau lain-lain perkhidmatan seperti penyediaan tapak laman web. Ianya dilaksanakan sama ada melalui pasar maya atau portal, borang dalam talian, media sosial atau emel. Disebabkan akad jual beli dalam talian adalah satu kaedah moden dalam membentuk akad, maka satu penjelasan fiqh yang praktikal diperlukan bagi memastikan prinsip-prinsip yang digariskan dalam fiqh muamalat dipatuhi. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi meneliti kepatuhan prinsip fiqh dalam akad jual beli dalam talian. Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini dijalankan berasaskan kaedah kepustakaan dengan penelitian karya-karya fiqh dan kajian semasa yang telah dijalankan bagi mendapatkan rumusan dan dapatan yang jelas bagi akad jual beli dalam talian patuh syariah. Seterusnya, hasil kajian merumuskan prinsip-prinsip penting fiqh bagi akad jual beli dalam talian yang dilaksanakan sama ada dalam bentuk bayn al-hadirayn atau bayn al-gha'ibin. Hasil kajian menunjukkan akad jual beli dalam talian yang menghasilkan mesej digital (elektronik) memberi gambaran kepada wujudnya sighah akad secara bertulis. Kata kunci: kerelaan, bayn al-ghaibin, bayn al-hadirayn, portal jual beli dalam talian, media sosial.

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Sep 14, 2020
Artikel ini memfokuskan kepada hukum taklid dan keiltizaman orang awam dengan sesebuah mazhab fiq... more Artikel ini memfokuskan kepada hukum taklid dan keiltizaman orang awam dengan sesebuah mazhab fiqah khususnya mazhab Syafi'i di Malaysia. Meneliti persoalan tersebut, kajian ini menggunakan metod analisis kandungan dengan meneliti pandangan usuliyyin (ulama usul fiqah) mengenai hukum taklid mazhab. Kebanyakan usuliyyin menyatakan syarak hanya mewajibkan orang awam supaya merujuk kepada ahl alzikr (ulama) bagi mendapatkan penjelasan hukum tanpa terikat kepada sesebuah mazhab. Realiti di Malaysia menunjukkan kebanyakan hukum fiqah mazhab Syafi'i telah menjadi amalan lazim dalam ibadat, diadaptasi dalam kurikulum pendidikan asas Islam di sekolah rendah dan menengah termasuk dikanunkan dalam akta dan enakmen pentadbiran Islam negerinegeri. Keadaan sama berlaku di kebanyakan negara Islam. Lantaran itu, kajian ini merumuskan mazhab Syafi'i perlu menjadi panduan utama untuk pengamalan hukum syarak yang konsisten dalam kalangan awam. Bagi golongan ilmuan, mazhab ini boleh menjadi asas ilmiah bagi meneroka

This review discusses the maqasid syariah and its relation with siasah syar'iyyah in the context ... more This review discusses the maqasid syariah and its relation with siasah syar'iyyah in the context of government administration that emphasizes the welfare of the people. This is due to the integral unity between politics and Islam in maintaining the benefit of Muslims as discussed earlier by fuqaha. This qualitative study would analyze the discourse of classical authentic fiqh books on the mentioned statement. The objective is to identify the correlation between maqasid syariah with the formulation of government policy, particularly in the time of Khulafak al-Rasyidin. In this study, siasah syar'iyyah was presented as an important mechanism in the governance of an Islamic state. The form of its operation was displayed in some examples of cases that involve the use of instruments of ijtihad such as qiyas, maslahah mursalah, istihsan, sadd al-zarai'k and uruf in the process of making important decisions in line with maqasid syariah. The study also found that the Khulafak al-Rasyidin had also mobilized siasah syar'iyyah in achieving maqasid syariah through government policies that protect many benefits of the people. All government's actions should conform to maqasid syariah which means that all policies, laws, regulations would not be in conflict with the demands of the Quran and Sunnah. Thus, the practice of the past Khulafak al-Rasyidin had left a good political tradition to the leaders of the present government in running the country's governance. ABSTRAK Kajian ini membincangkan hubungan maqasid syariah dengan siasah syar'iyyah dalam konteks pentadbiran kerajaan yang menitikberatkan kebajikan rakyat. Hal ini berasaskan wujudnya perpaduan integral antara politik dan Islam dalam menjaga kemaslahatan umat Islam seperti yang dibahas fuqaha terdahulu. Kajian yang bersifat kualitatif ini akan menganalisis wacana mengenai pernyataan tersebut dalam penulisan fiqh silam. Objektifnya adalah untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara maqasid syariah dengan penggubalan dasar kerajaan, terutamanya pada masa Khulafak al-Rasyidin. Dalam kajian ini, siasah syar'iyyah telah dikemukakan sebagai mekanisme penting dalam tadbir urus negara Islam. Bentuk operasinya ditunjukkan dalam beberapa contoh kes yang melibatkan penggunaan instrumen ijtihad seperti qiyas, maslahah mursalah,

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies
Isu penggunaan kaedah stunning sebelum haiwan disembelih pernah menjadi suatu topik yang begitu h... more Isu penggunaan kaedah stunning sebelum haiwan disembelih pernah menjadi suatu topik yang begitu hangat di dada-dada akhbar, di kaca-kaca televisyen, di corong-corong radio mahupun di tengah-tengah arus media-media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp dan Youtube. Kaedah stunning dilihat semakin mendapat tempat di kalangan pengusaha atau pengeluar bahan mentah seperti daging ayam, lembu, kerbau dan kambing. Ini disebabkan oleh faktor yang mendesak bagi pengeluaran yang optimum untuk memenuhi keperluan bahan mentah daging sentiasa mencukupi di pasaran terutamanya pada hari-hari perayaan utama seperti Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Raya Aidiladha, Tahun Baru Cina, Deepavali mahupun Hari Krismas. Apabila berdiskusi mengenai kaedah Stunning, soal hukum hakam dan fatwa mengenai kaedah stunning perlu ditekankan. Terdapat banyak keputusan fatwa mengenai kaedah stunning yang telah diputuskan oleh negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Justeru itu, artikel ini akan mengupas dengan lebih lanjut tent...

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies
The establishment of the International Association of Museums (ICOM) shows a global commitment to... more The establishment of the International Association of Museums (ICOM) shows a global commitment to promoting and preserving cultural heritage, especially in the modern age. ICOM provides a unique professional network of museums and museum professionals from countries around the world as members. The museum serves as an exhibition place of national treasures and an educational institution. However, there are responses from the Salafi Jihadists, an orthodox Islamic group, who oppose the establishment of museum institutions. Some Muslims believe this narrative represents the true teachings of Islam. Anti-museum means strongly opposing the museum as an institution with its three (3) functions; preserving, studying and exhibiting tangible and intangible historical heritage. Thus, the objective of this study is to apply the wasatiyyah approach by analysing the arguments of the anti-museum based on the philosophy of iconoclasm and Salafi jihad ideologies. It also aims to reject the argument...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

International Journal of Asian Social Science
The COVID-19 virus was discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to hundreds of ... more The COVID-19 virus was discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to hundreds of countries. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia, thousands have died which warrant multiple preventative measures to be taken. This study will analyze recent literature studies and focusing on controls in Malaysia, and worldwide. It will further examine the Islamic jurisprudential approach of previous Muslim governments. Since public interest and the common good are protected under Shariah principle, the key sources addressing this issue were reviewed in light of maqasid syariyyah and Islamic public policy approaches. It will also examine the rationale for making decisions disease outbreaks based on the Quran and Hadith of Rasulullah. The findings reveal that, using Shari'ah policies is essential to making the right decision during catastrophe crisis. Malaysia's preventative measures and enforcement policies in line with the Islamic law's mandate to combat against...
al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, Nov 11, 2019
Journal of Muwafaqat, Dec 31, 2019

global journal al thaqafah
Halal standards, derived from the Muslim dietary law and spelt out in various halal regulations a... more Halal standards, derived from the Muslim dietary law and spelt out in various halal regulations and procedures, have been globally accepted among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Although the Malaysian halal standard has been widely acknowledged and accepted, it generally governs only the physical aspects, such as, hygiene, safety and quality assurance, raw material, processing, and logistic activities. What it is still lacking in is a few critical elements of “tayyib” as typically offered by the commentators of the Qur’an. Scattered within 51 verses throughout 14 major topics in the Qur’anic, the term “tayyib” (or its derivatives) has to be revisited and reconsidered as it covers other criteria not previously contemplated, such as, the natural and the organic, or those pertaining to the halal food-supply chain or the supply chain management. This article aims to explore and extract the notions of “tayyib” from the thematic exegetical perspective of the Qur’an so that such notions wil...
Journal of Muwafaqat, Jun 30, 2020
Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, Nov 26, 2019
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 2011

This review discusses the maqasid syariah and its relation with siasah syar'iyyah in the context ... more This review discusses the maqasid syariah and its relation with siasah syar'iyyah in the context of government administration that emphasizes the welfare of the people. This is due to the integral unity between politics and Islam in maintaining the benefit of Muslims as discussed earlier by fuqaha. This qualitative study would analyze the discourse of classical authentic fiqh books on the mentioned statement. The objective is to identify the correlation between maqasid syariah with the formulation of government policy, particularly in the time of Khulafak al-Rasyidin. In this study, siasah syar'iyyah was presented as an important mechanism in the governance of an Islamic state. The form of its operation was displayed in some examples of cases that involve the use of instruments of ijtihad such as qiyas, maslahah mursalah, istihsan, sadd al-zarai'k and uruf in the process of making important decisions in line with maqasid syariah. The study also found that the Khulafak al-Rasyidin had also mobilized siasah syar'iyyah in achieving maqasid syariah through government policies that protect many benefits of the people. All government's actions should conform to maqasid syariah which means that all policies, laws, regulations would not be in conflict with the demands of the Quran and Sunnah. Thus, the practice of the past Khulafak al-Rasyidin had left a good political tradition to the leaders of the present government in running the country's governance. ABSTRAK Kajian ini membincangkan hubungan maqasid syariah dengan siasah syar'iyyah dalam konteks pentadbiran kerajaan yang menitikberatkan kebajikan rakyat. Hal ini berasaskan wujudnya perpaduan integral antara politik dan Islam dalam menjaga kemaslahatan umat Islam seperti yang dibahas fuqaha terdahulu. Kajian yang bersifat kualitatif ini akan menganalisis wacana mengenai pernyataan tersebut dalam penulisan fiqh silam. Objektifnya adalah untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara maqasid syariah dengan penggubalan dasar kerajaan, terutamanya pada masa Khulafak al-Rasyidin. Dalam kajian ini, siasah syar'iyyah telah dikemukakan sebagai mekanisme penting dalam tadbir urus negara Islam. Bentuk operasinya ditunjukkan dalam beberapa contoh kes yang melibatkan penggunaan instrumen ijtihad seperti qiyas, maslahah mursalah,

Ulum Islamiyyah, 2021
There are concerns among some Malaysians about the Pfizer vaccine to curb the spread of the Covid... more There are concerns among some Malaysians about the Pfizer vaccine to curb the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic. Aims and Objectives: This study is aimed at measuring the level of Muslim knowledge in Malaysia on their acceptance of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine brought in by the Malaysian government. Methodology: The study used quantitative methodology by disseminating questionnaires to 1745 respondents online. Results and Findings: The findings showed that the level of knowledge and acceptance of the Malaysian Muslim community on this issue is at a satisfactory level. Abstrak Terdapat kebimbangan segelintir masyarakat Malaysia tentang vaksin Pfizer bagi mengekang penularan pandemik Covid 19. Tujuan dan Objektif: Kajian tinjauan awal ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tahap pengetahuan penerimaan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia terhadap vaksin Pfizer COVID-19 yang dibawa masuk oleh kerajaan Malaysia. Metodologi: Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan borang soal selidik...
Papers by Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin