Papers by Mohammad Rondhi

AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2021
Agricultural extension plays a crucial role in the Indonesian Agricultural Revitalization Program... more Agricultural extension plays a crucial role in the Indonesian Agricultural Revitalization Program for the 2005-2025 periods, where sugarcane is one of the fourteen priority crops. The provision of an agricultural extension was aimed to increase the income and productivity of sugarcane farmers. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of agricultural extension access on smallholder sugarcane farmers' performance in Indonesia. This study used data from the 2014 Indonesian Sugarcane Farm Household Survey, consisting of 8,831 farmers. This study employed propensity score matching to estimate the effect of access to an agricultural extension on several outcome variables. These variables were gross value-added (GVA), net value added (NVA), labor productivity (LP), land productivity (LDP), net income (NI), and remuneration of family labor (ROFL). The result shows that having access to an agricultural extension increases GVA by 40.5%, NVA by 40.3%, labor productivity by 42.8%, and NI by ...

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2021
The revitalization of farmer organizations has become the central paradigm in agricultural develo... more The revitalization of farmer organizations has become the central paradigm in agricultural development. In Indonesia, increasing farmer participation in farmer groups, associations and cooperatives is the strategy to revitalize farmer organizations. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing farmers' participation in farmer groups, associations and cooperatives. This study employed data from the Sugarcane and Tobacco Plantation Farm Household Survey in 2014, consisting of 8,831 (70.73%) sugarcane farmers and 3,645 (29.27%) tobacco farmers. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors contributing to farmers' participation in each organization. The results showed that harvest area, access to extension and contract farming positively affect farmers’ participation in organizations. Farmers' age and education positively affect their participation in associations and cooperatives but do not significantly affect their group participation. Land tenur...

Sugar Tech, 2020
The development of a certified seed plant (CSP) to increase the production of sugarcane cultivati... more The development of a certified seed plant (CSP) to increase the production of sugarcane cultivation is one of the primary efforts of the Indonesian government. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of CSP adoption on the productivity and efficiency of smallholder sugarcane farmers in Indonesia. This study used data from the 2014 Indonesian Plantation Farm Household Survey consisting of 3849 farmers. We used propensity score matching to evaluate the impact of CSP adoption on the productivity and technical efficiency of sugarcane farming. We found that the adoption of CSPs increases the productivity of sugarcane farming. The average yield of the farmers who adopt CSPs is 88.24 tons/ha while the average yield of those who do not adopt CSPs is 82.94 tons/ha. Additionally, the adoption of CSPs increases the technical efficiency of sugarcane farming. The average efficiency of the farmers who adopt CSPs is 78.31%, while the nonadopting farmers have a technical efficiency of 76.44%. These results suggest that the current policy regarding CSP adoption has been on the right track. However, the government should encourage farmers to exercise good farming practices since the technical efficiency is low. Additionally, since the current rate of adoption is only 18.13%, the government should prioritize policies encouraging the adoption of CSPs.
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri, 2020

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2020
The demand for broiler is rising rapidly due to its capability as the main animal protein source.... more The demand for broiler is rising rapidly due to its capability as the main animal protein source. In contrast, the production of broiler meat is unstable due to the possibility of farm risk. Contract Farming (CF) is one of the risk management tools for farmers but has not been used effectively. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence farmers’ decision to participate in CF. The analysis used six independent variables, namely farmer’s age, farm size, household size, education, farmer’s risk preference and risk aversion level. This study used primary data from 70 broiler farmers in Jember, which were divided into two groups, contract farmer and independent farmer. Each group had the same number of respondents. The results show that five among six independent variables significantly affected farmers’ decision to take part in CF. Farmer’s age decreased farmer’s probability to participate in CF, while education, farm size, household size and risk preference had...

Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2018
Organic rice in Bondowoso is produced by organic rice farmer in Lombok Kulon Village, Wonosari Su... more Organic rice in Bondowoso is produced by organic rice farmer in Lombok Kulon Village, Wonosari Sub-district, Bondowoso Regency and is the only pilot area of organic rice farming in Bondowoso Regency that already has certification from Certified Organic Farming Institution Seloliman (LeSOS). Organic rice is marketed in Bondowoso District and outside Bondowoso District. The aims of this research are (1) the structure of the organic rice market in Bondowoso District; (2) organic rice market behavior in Bondowoso Regency. The research location was determined purposively (Purposive Method) in Lombok Kulon Village, Wonosari Sub-district, Bondowoso District. Sampling using snowball sampling technique. The data used are primary and secondary data analyzed by using descriptive and quantitative analysis (1) market share analysis, CR4 (Concentration Ratio for the Biggest Four) calculation, HHI analysis, Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) to know market structure of rice organic; (2) descriptive analysis of pricing system, collaboration and vertical integration analysis using Ravallion Model to know the behavior of organic rice market.

AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2020
The integrated value chain is a prerequisite for the successful industrialization of the agricult... more The integrated value chain is a prerequisite for the successful industrialization of the agricultural sector. Contract farming (CF) is a useful instrument to integrate the agricultural value chain in developing countries such as Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of farmer participation in sugarcane contract farming. The data utilized in this study was obtained from the Indonesian Plantation Farm Household Survey 2014 for Sugarcane. The data consists of 8.831 farmers distributed in 8 provinces. Logistic regression was used to estimate the determinants of farmer participation in sugarcane CF. The result shows that age, education, and type of cultivated land negatively affect farmer participation in sugarcane CF. Meanwhile, land tenure, cultivation area, cropping system, certified seed, membership in a cooperative, access to extension services, and membership in farmer's association positively affect farmer participation in sugarcane CF. The policy implication for increasing farmer participation in CF is to intensify the information of CF to the farmer with a large cultivation area. Since these farmers tend to participate in CF to anticipate marketing risks.

Tropical Animal Science Journal, 2020
Contract farming (CF) has been used extensively to integrate broiler value chain both in the deve... more Contract farming (CF) has been used extensively to integrate broiler value chain both in the developed and developing countries. Participation in CF is associated with the increased farm productivity and farmer income. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting Indonesian broiler farmers' participation in CF. This study used the nationally-representative data of smallholder broiler farmers in Indonesia. The data were the results of the 2014 Indonesian Livestock Farm Household Survey (ILFHS) and consisted of 1,142 farmers distributed in 20 provinces. Logistic regression was used to analyze thirteen factors that potentially affected farmers' decision to participate in CF. Those factors were age, gender, education, household size, farming experience, farm area, broiler population, cooperative membership, cooperative service, farmer group membership, farmer group service, farmer association, and agricultural extension. The results showed that six factors had statistically significant effects on farmers' decision to participate in CF. Education, land size, population, farmer group, and agricultural extension have a positive influence on farmers' decisions. Meanwhile, cooperative service has a negative effect. Farmer group and agricultural extension service have the strongest effect on participation in CF. The results suggest that farmer groups and extension services to small scale farmers are promising to improve their participation in CF.

Irrigation and Drainage, 2020
This paper explores the historical and contemporary governance of water users' associations (WUAs... more This paper explores the historical and contemporary governance of water users' associations (WUAs) in an irrigation district in Central Java, Indonesia. The historical governance was explored through in-depth interviews with the chief and board members of the WUAs, farmers and government officials, who have more than 30 years of experience in irrigation. The contemporary WUAs' governance was assessed through a survey of 34 WUAs covering an area of 7872 ha. The results show that the WUAs have experienced significant changes in governance, from hierarchical to community-based (Swakelola) and provider-based network style (Lelang). The survey revealed that there is an improvement in farm infrastructure under the current governance since the WUAs can provide sufficient funds to rehabilitate and maintain the irrigation networks without relying on outside actors. Also, the current WUAs' governance seems to increase land productivity, but it needs to be verified by future research. Finally, the insight in this study is useful in the effort to build sustainable agricultural water management. K E Y W O R D S agricultural water management, community-based network, hierarchical governance, providerbased network, water management right, WUA governance, Résumé Résumé Cet article explore la gouvernance historique et contemporaine des associations d'usagers de l'eau (AUE) dans un district d'irrigation du centre de Java, en Indonésie. La gouvernance historique a été explorée à travers des entretiens approfondis avec le chef et les membres du conseil d'administration de l'AUE, des agriculteurs et des représentants du gouvernement, qui ont plus de 30 ans d'expérience en irrigation. La gouvernance contemporaine des AUE a été évaluée grâce à une enquête sur 34 AUE couvrant une superficie de 7872 ha. Les résultats montrent que l'AUEs a connu des changements importants dans *L'absence de lois et la recherche d'un mode de gouvernance efficace dans la gestion de l'eau agricole: un aperçu d'un district d'irrigation dans le centre de Java, en Indonésie.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2020
Contract farming is one of the ways in a production relationship that is carried out by at least ... more Contract farming is one of the ways in a production relationship that is carried out by at least two parties who work together for a certain unit of time arranged in a written or oral agreement. Contracts in agriculture are carried out to reduce the risks faced by both parties. There are several agriculture commodities developed under the contract farming system, one of which is broiler. Broiler are important for fulfilling animal protein. High consumption in Indonesia at 2012-2016, not supported by production and the price of broiler has large fluctuations. Large fluctuations in Jember at 2012-2016 illustrate the magnitude of the risk in broiler farming both the risk of production and price. The amount of risk borne by farmerss causes easy contract farming to be applied in broiler chicken farming. This study purpose to see: (1) The pattern of contract farmIng carried out on broiler farming; and (2) The effect of contract farming on the price risks faced by farmerss. Method of deter...

JEJAK, 2020
Contract farming (CF) is an important tool to initiate structural transformation of agricultural ... more Contract farming (CF) is an important tool to initiate structural transformation of agricultural sector in developing countries. However, one of pertinent problems in its establishment is asymmetric information. This problem creates a condition of mutual distrust between the contracting parties and decreases farmer’s participation in it. Thus, this study aimed to explain the asymmetric information problem in CF and find the correlates of farmer’s participation in it. As one of important industrial crops, this study focused on tobacco CF. This study was conducted at two villages (Antirogo and Nogosari) on two different sub-district (Sumbersari and Rambipuji) in Jember. A sample of 113 farmers were interviewed to collect the data. A descriptive analysis was used to explain the contract arrangement and asymmetric information in tobacco CF. A probit estimation was used to identify the coorelates of farmer’s participation in tobacco CF. The results showed that asymetric information does ...

Forum Agribisnis, 2020
Goatzilla Farm & Cafe is agroindustry in Lumajang which processes goat milk into various products... more Goatzilla Farm & Cafe is agroindustry in Lumajang which processes goat milk into various products and has several business units that related to enduro goat farms. The main product of Goatzilla Farm and Cafe is pasteurized goat milk. the scale of goat milk pasteurized production is still small category because the labour used is labour in the family, the supply of fresh goat milk is uncertain, and product marketing is still limited due to BPOM's permit constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to develop pasteurized milk products at Goatzilla Farm & Cafe. This research aims to determine supply chain, value-added, and development strategy of goat pasteurized milk at Goatzilla Farm & Cafe. The location of the research was determined by the purposive method. The research method used descriptive and analytic methods. The result of the research showed that the links involved in the supply chain of pasteurized goat milk are Goatzilla farm units, partner farmers, collecto...

Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 2019
Agricultural insurance in Indonesia is focused specifically on rice farming and is locally known ... more Agricultural insurance in Indonesia is focused specifically on rice farming and is locally known as Asuransi Usahatani Padi (AUTP). To encourage farmer participation, the government subsidises farmers’ cost of insurance (premium) by 80%. Despite high subsidy, AUTP is still unable to reach the coverage target. The objectives of this study are to investigate farmers’ Risk Aversion Level (RAL), its influence on farmers’ decision to participate in AUTP, and the effect of farmers’ participation in AUTP on their income. The result of this study can contribute to enriching agriculture insurance literature from the point of view of developing countries and catalyse other studies on this matter especially in Indonesia. The analysis methods used in this study were multiple pricelist designs and propensity score matching with a logistic regression model. 130 farmers were interviewed. The results showed that farmers tend to have a high level of risk aversion (82.3% of farmers insure almost all ...

AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2018
Land is the main input in agricultural production and also a wealthgenerating asset for farmers. ... more Land is the main input in agricultural production and also a wealthgenerating asset for farmers. There are three common forms of agricultural land ownership:owned land, rented land, and sharecropped (kedokan) land, where each of them are directly affects the farming performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of land ownerships on farm production, labor use, and farm economic efficiency. The sample used in this study were 150 farmers equally distributed in each ownership group from a population of 1039 farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function, F-test, and RC ratio were used to estimate production function, the difference in labor use, and farm economic efficiency. The results showed that rented land has the highest productivity followed by owned and sharecropped (kedokan) land. Meanwhile, the sharecropped (kedokan) land has the lowest labor use, followed by rented and owned land. However, in term of profitability, owned land is the highest followed by rented and sharecropped land. The results also showed that sharecropped (ngedok) as an informal contract farming between farmer and landlord was the best economic choice for the landlord. Furthermore, to improve farmers welfare, the landless farmers should be facilitated to own their own land.
This paper identifies the characteristics of the farmer that affect the degree of…

Data in Brief, 2019
The data in this article describes the land use characteristics at peri-urban and rural areas, on... more The data in this article describes the land use characteristics at peri-urban and rural areas, on Jember District, in the Province of East Java, Indonesia. The types of land use covered in the data are agricultural and residential land. The data was a result of a research collaboration between the Department of Agribusiness, Department of Soil Science, and the Department of Agricultural Extension in the University of Jember. The general purpose of the data collection was to compare the characteristics of different land use in the peri-urban and rural area. The data has been compiled to investigate the economic rent of varying land use in peri-urban and rural areas to explain the dynamic of farmland conversion, and to investigate the farmland distribution among farmer in the peri-urban area. The data contains technical and socioeconomic aspects of land use in peri-urban and rural areas. The data were collected through structured interviews with farmers and homeowners in each area. A total of 200 interviews were conducted to 100 farmers and homeowners. The location of each respondent was recorded with the location-marking feature of the GPS to represent the distribution of samples. The tracking feature of the GPS was used to locate the physical infrastructure such as irrigation canal, road, and market. In total, the data contained 29

SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2018
Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural becomes unavoidable, given the high demand fo... more Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural becomes unavoidable, given the high demand for land use to promote economic development. Conversion of agricultural land mostly occurs in urban areas affecting the changing patterns and distribution of agricultural land tenure in urban areas. Higher rents for land in urban areas will trigger land conversion and lead to imbalances in agricultural land tenure. Changes in the distribution of agricultural land will affect farm income, because agricultural land is a valuable asset for farmers and affects their farm income. The purpose of this study was to determine the inequality of agricultural land tenure and farm income in urban areas of Jember. Using analytical method with gini index and descriptive method. Samples were determined by simple random sampling and 43 samples were obtained. The result of the research shows that: (1) land tenure index of agricultural land is 0.52 which means that farm ownership in Jember urban areas is unequal, (2) farm income with gini index 0.46 means that income of farming activity in urban area is uneven.

JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics), 2017
Various fruits can be tranformed into delicious edible foods like chips. That was a basic idea wh... more Various fruits can be tranformed into delicious edible foods like chips. That was a basic idea which inspired “Sanur” Fruit Chips Agroinduntry to make chips which based on fruits processing. This agroindustry still performs traditional methods to manage its fruit inventory as raw material. This lead to a fluctuation and uncertainty in inventory stock. The traditional inventory in this agroindustry also caused a bottleneck in production process. The research was aimed to : (1) determine the economic order quantity of fruit chips agroindustry. (2) determine the most efficient re-order point of inventory in “Sanur” Fruit Chips Agroindustry. The research was descriptive and analytical. The key informant was selected purposively based on some criteria. Data was collected by using interview and observation. The result showed that : (1) economic order quantity was more preferable than Lot for Lot and tradional methods. (2) the traditional re-order point method in “Sanur” fruit chips agroin...
Papers by Mohammad Rondhi