Energy theft is a significant problem that needs to be addressed for effective energy management ... more Energy theft is a significant problem that needs to be addressed for effective energy management in smart cities. Smart meters are highly utilized in smart cities that help in monitoring the energy utilization level and provide information to the users. However, it is not able to detect energy theft or over-usage. Therefore, we have proposed a multi-objective diagnosing structure named an Energy Theft Prevention System (ETPS) to detect energy theft. The proposed system utilizes a combination of machine learning techniques Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (DDRCNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The statistical validation has been performed using the simple moving average (SMA) method. The results obtained from the simulation have been compared with the existing technique in terms of delivery ratio, throughput, delay, overhead, energy conversation, and network lifetime. The result shows that the proposed system is more effective than existing systems.
Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism, 2020
The year 1978 was the year when the first computer-related crime took place; it was alteration or... more The year 1978 was the year when the first computer-related crime took place; it was alteration or deletion of data. The day-by-day level and intensity of cybercrime has strengthened and is getting stronger in nature in the current era. So, to achieve accuracy during the investigation, an intensive investigation environment or lab is needed. This will help the investigation team in various ways. More advanced techniques and tools are used in a current age lab setup, and solutions to forensically examine a variety of digital devices apart from computers are made.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2012
This paper investigates aliasing along straight line segments or edges and its origin, and how it... more This paper investigates aliasing along straight line segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from coordinate point (x 1 ,y 1) (x 2 ,y 2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts ... more Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts cost, quality and unwavering quality at the time software development (especially at early stages of development). Wrong interpretation prompts ambiguities, misconception and thus the misinterpretations of further development process and the related records, which frequently results to defective development. Notwithstanding the way that understandability is essential and very critical viewpoint for software development process. Understandability is considered as basic building block for delivering high quality and reliable software. It greatly influences cost, quality and reliability at the time of software evolution. In this paper, author highlights the importance of understandability early at requirement phase in general and as a factor of software testability. The paper quickly portrays the proposed model for understandability quantification of object oriented software [RUM OOS ] by establishing multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated using experimental tryout.
— To estimation testability of an object oriented software Modifiability represents itself as a h... more — To estimation testability of an object oriented software Modifiability represents itself as a highly accepted factor especially at an early stage of development. Testability of Software is an association of quality attributes that can bear the effort needed for validating the modified software. To develop and produce quality products under the specified time and budget, in it modifiability plays a essential role. Earlier researches has created many approaches to deal and address the testability of design and code when executed on basic structural testing; yet to date, no work has considered methodologies for assessing and predicting testability of early requirements to help testing. This paper, addresses the requirement testability from the point of view of requirement modifiability and quality using a statistical approach, and focuses on the need and importance of modifiability at an early requirement phase and the statistical inference establishes modifiability as an influencing factor for software testability. In this paper an endeavour has been made to establish a hierarchal correlation between object oriented characteristics and testability factors. Later on a model has been proposed for Requirement Modifiability Quantification Model of Object Oriented Software-RMM OOS by set up a multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated experimentally.
Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts ... more Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts cost, quality and unwavering quality at the time software development (especially at early stages of development). Wrong interpretation prompts ambiguities, misconception and thus the misinterpretations of further development process and the related records, which frequently results to defective development. Notwithstanding the way that understandability is essential and very critical viewpoint for software development process. Understandability is considered as basic building block for delivering high quality and reliable software. It greatly influences cost, quality and reliability at the time of software evolution. In this paper, author highlights the importance of understandability early at requirement phase in general and as a factor of software testability. The paper quickly portrays the proposed model for understandability quantification of object oriented software [RUM OOS ] by establishing multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated using experimental tryout.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (RTPC - 2014)
The mobile ad-hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, s... more The mobile ad-hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, such as dynamic topology, limited power and limited bandwidth, it is very hard to achieve absolute security in the mobile ad hoc network. Attack avoidance method like encryption and authentication are not enough for reducing the possibilities of attacks. However, these methods are designed to prevent for a set of possible known attacks. These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
The mobile ad hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, s... more The mobile ad hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, such as dynamic topology, limited power and limited bandwidth, it is very hard to achieve absolute security in the mobile ad hoc network. Attack avoidance method like encryption and authentication are not enough for reducing the possibilities of attacks. However, these methods are designed to prevent for a set of possible known attacks. These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complic... more These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either manual or tedious, or do not scale beyond a small number of nodes due to the state explosion problem. To aid the diagnosis of mis-configurations in real-world large BGP systems, this paper presents BGP based on Packet Switching Technology and Inter-VLAN where as packet switching technology is WAN technology. Inter-VLAN is a technology to communicate between two or more VLAN’s. A company can send or receive any type of data, either text image, video etc. Another important part of network is security. This network would make use of following protocol for security purpose such as PAP, CHAP, ACL, and NAT. The key idea is that, all transmissions are broken into units called packets, each of which contains addressing information that identifies both the source and destination nodes. These packets are then routed through various intermediaries, known as Packet Switching Exchanges (PSEs), until they reach their destination. And there are two parameters associated with a Frame Relay connection are; Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR) Cisco configuration guidelines, as well as arbitrary user-defined networks. This method improves the applicability, efficiency, and benefits of the network deployment, it also introduces an infrastructure that enables networking researchers to interact with advanced formal method tool.
This paper investigates aliasing along straight line
segments or edges and its origin, and how i... more This paper investigates aliasing along straight line
segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the
orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from co-ordinate point (x1,y1) (x2,y2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.
Efficient page replacement algorithms are needed in virtual memory system to make a decision whic... more Efficient page replacement algorithms are needed in virtual memory system to make a decision which pages to evict from memory in case of a page fault. Many algorithms have been proposed over the years. Each algorithm tries to incur minimum overhead while attempting to minimize the page fault rate. Formulating newer approaches of page replacement which could adapt to changing workloads have been the main focus of research as newer memory access patterns were explored. This paper attempts to summarize major page replacement algorithms proposed till date. We look at the traditional algorithms such as LRU and CLOCK, and also study the recent approaches such as LIRS, CLOCK-Pro, Working Set, WSClock, Dynamic Sort.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (RTPC - 2014)
There are billions of pages on World Wide Web where each page is denoted by URLs. Finding relevan... more There are billions of pages on World Wide Web where each page is denoted by URLs. Finding relevant information from these URLs is not easy. The information to be sought has to be found quickly, efficiently and very relevant. A web crawler is used to find what information each URLs contain. Web crawler traverses the World Wide Web in systematic manner, downloads the page and sends the information over to search engine so that it get indexed. There are various types of web crawlers and each provides some improvement over the other. This paper presents an overview of web crawler, its architecture and identifies types of crawlers with their architecture, namely incremental, parallel, distributed, focused and hidden web crawler.
Energy theft is a significant problem that needs to be addressed for effective energy management ... more Energy theft is a significant problem that needs to be addressed for effective energy management in smart cities. Smart meters are highly utilized in smart cities that help in monitoring the energy utilization level and provide information to the users. However, it is not able to detect energy theft or over-usage. Therefore, we have proposed a multi-objective diagnosing structure named an Energy Theft Prevention System (ETPS) to detect energy theft. The proposed system utilizes a combination of machine learning techniques Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (DDRCNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The statistical validation has been performed using the simple moving average (SMA) method. The results obtained from the simulation have been compared with the existing technique in terms of delivery ratio, throughput, delay, overhead, energy conversation, and network lifetime. The result shows that the proposed system is more effective than existing systems.
Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism, 2020
The year 1978 was the year when the first computer-related crime took place; it was alteration or... more The year 1978 was the year when the first computer-related crime took place; it was alteration or deletion of data. The day-by-day level and intensity of cybercrime has strengthened and is getting stronger in nature in the current era. So, to achieve accuracy during the investigation, an intensive investigation environment or lab is needed. This will help the investigation team in various ways. More advanced techniques and tools are used in a current age lab setup, and solutions to forensically examine a variety of digital devices apart from computers are made.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2012
This paper investigates aliasing along straight line segments or edges and its origin, and how it... more This paper investigates aliasing along straight line segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from coordinate point (x 1 ,y 1) (x 2 ,y 2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts ... more Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts cost, quality and unwavering quality at the time software development (especially at early stages of development). Wrong interpretation prompts ambiguities, misconception and thus the misinterpretations of further development process and the related records, which frequently results to defective development. Notwithstanding the way that understandability is essential and very critical viewpoint for software development process. Understandability is considered as basic building block for delivering high quality and reliable software. It greatly influences cost, quality and reliability at the time of software evolution. In this paper, author highlights the importance of understandability early at requirement phase in general and as a factor of software testability. The paper quickly portrays the proposed model for understandability quantification of object oriented software [RUM OOS ] by establishing multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated using experimental tryout.
— To estimation testability of an object oriented software Modifiability represents itself as a h... more — To estimation testability of an object oriented software Modifiability represents itself as a highly accepted factor especially at an early stage of development. Testability of Software is an association of quality attributes that can bear the effort needed for validating the modified software. To develop and produce quality products under the specified time and budget, in it modifiability plays a essential role. Earlier researches has created many approaches to deal and address the testability of design and code when executed on basic structural testing; yet to date, no work has considered methodologies for assessing and predicting testability of early requirements to help testing. This paper, addresses the requirement testability from the point of view of requirement modifiability and quality using a statistical approach, and focuses on the need and importance of modifiability at an early requirement phase and the statistical inference establishes modifiability as an influencing factor for software testability. In this paper an endeavour has been made to establish a hierarchal correlation between object oriented characteristics and testability factors. Later on a model has been proposed for Requirement Modifiability Quantification Model of Object Oriented Software-RMM OOS by set up a multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated experimentally.
Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts ... more Understandability has significant role in development of quality software; it incredibly impacts cost, quality and unwavering quality at the time software development (especially at early stages of development). Wrong interpretation prompts ambiguities, misconception and thus the misinterpretations of further development process and the related records, which frequently results to defective development. Notwithstanding the way that understandability is essential and very critical viewpoint for software development process. Understandability is considered as basic building block for delivering high quality and reliable software. It greatly influences cost, quality and reliability at the time of software evolution. In this paper, author highlights the importance of understandability early at requirement phase in general and as a factor of software testability. The paper quickly portrays the proposed model for understandability quantification of object oriented software [RUM OOS ] by establishing multiple linear regressions. Finally the proposed model has been validated using experimental tryout.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (RTPC - 2014)
The mobile ad-hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, s... more The mobile ad-hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, such as dynamic topology, limited power and limited bandwidth, it is very hard to achieve absolute security in the mobile ad hoc network. Attack avoidance method like encryption and authentication are not enough for reducing the possibilities of attacks. However, these methods are designed to prevent for a set of possible known attacks. These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
The mobile ad hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, s... more The mobile ad hoc network is more exposed to being attacked, their some fundamental Properties, such as dynamic topology, limited power and limited bandwidth, it is very hard to achieve absolute security in the mobile ad hoc network. Attack avoidance method like encryption and authentication are not enough for reducing the possibilities of attacks. However, these methods are designed to prevent for a set of possible known attacks. These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complic... more These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either manual or tedious, or do not scale beyond a small number of nodes due to the state explosion problem. To aid the diagnosis of mis-configurations in real-world large BGP systems, this paper presents BGP based on Packet Switching Technology and Inter-VLAN where as packet switching technology is WAN technology. Inter-VLAN is a technology to communicate between two or more VLAN’s. A company can send or receive any type of data, either text image, video etc. Another important part of network is security. This network would make use of following protocol for security purpose such as PAP, CHAP, ACL, and NAT. The key idea is that, all transmissions are broken into units called packets, each of which contains addressing information that identifies both the source and destination nodes. These packets are then routed through various intermediaries, known as Packet Switching Exchanges (PSEs), until they reach their destination. And there are two parameters associated with a Frame Relay connection are; Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR) Cisco configuration guidelines, as well as arbitrary user-defined networks. This method improves the applicability, efficiency, and benefits of the network deployment, it also introduces an infrastructure that enables networking researchers to interact with advanced formal method tool.
This paper investigates aliasing along straight line
segments or edges and its origin, and how i... more This paper investigates aliasing along straight line
segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the
orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from co-ordinate point (x1,y1) (x2,y2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.
Efficient page replacement algorithms are needed in virtual memory system to make a decision whic... more Efficient page replacement algorithms are needed in virtual memory system to make a decision which pages to evict from memory in case of a page fault. Many algorithms have been proposed over the years. Each algorithm tries to incur minimum overhead while attempting to minimize the page fault rate. Formulating newer approaches of page replacement which could adapt to changing workloads have been the main focus of research as newer memory access patterns were explored. This paper attempts to summarize major page replacement algorithms proposed till date. We look at the traditional algorithms such as LRU and CLOCK, and also study the recent approaches such as LIRS, CLOCK-Pro, Working Set, WSClock, Dynamic Sort.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (RTPC - 2014)
There are billions of pages on World Wide Web where each page is denoted by URLs. Finding relevan... more There are billions of pages on World Wide Web where each page is denoted by URLs. Finding relevant information from these URLs is not easy. The information to be sought has to be found quickly, efficiently and very relevant. A web crawler is used to find what information each URLs contain. Web crawler traverses the World Wide Web in systematic manner, downloads the page and sends the information over to search engine so that it get indexed. There are various types of web crawlers and each provides some improvement over the other. This paper presents an overview of web crawler, its architecture and identifies types of crawlers with their architecture, namely incremental, parallel, distributed, focused and hidden web crawler.
Papers by Mohammad Khan
These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the
orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from co-ordinate point (x1,y1) (x2,y2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.
These methods are not able to prevent newer attacks that are originated in the existing security measures. So, the mechanism is needed to detect and response for these newer attacks. This paper explores and classifies current techniques of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on MANET and we have study various intrusion detection techniques in MANET.
segments or edges and its origin, and how it is affected by the
orientation or slope of the segment. A method for anti-aliasing or smoothing the straight line segments by modifying the intensity of the pixels is presented and this paper proposes a line drawing scheme to draw a line by calculating deflection-angle and error to draw the next possible pixel more accurately both starting from co-ordinate point (x1,y1) (x2,y2) to meet mid (m), so that there will be a pattern of pixels nearer to the imaginary line. The basis of the algorithm is to draw pairs of pixels from both the end points straddling the line.