Papers by Mohamed Alie Sesay
Journal of Chemistry
Topological indices are empirical features of graphs that characterize the topology of the graph ... more Topological indices are empirical features of graphs that characterize the topology of the graph and, for the most part, are graph independent. An important branch of graph theory is chemical graph theory. In chemical graph theory, the atoms corresponds vertices and edges corresponds covalent bonds. A topological index is a numeric number that represents the topology of underline structure. In this article, we examined the topological properties of prism octahedron network of dimension m and computed the total eccentricity, average eccentricity, Zagreb eccentricity, geometric arithmetic eccentricity, and atom bond connectivity eccentricity indices, which are used to utilize the distance between the vertices of a prism octahedron network.

Routledge eBooks, May 17, 2022
Whilst there are intergovernmental organisations at the global level, like the United Nations (UN... more Whilst there are intergovernmental organisations at the global level, like the United Nations (UN) and the Commonwealth of Nations, who were involved or often referenced in youth discourses and engagements in Africa, we mainly focus on continental, sub-continental/ regional, sub-regional, and national levels of engagement. The AU is the prime continental level institution for engagement about or with youth, and its strategic continent-wide partners include the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the RECs; and a number of subregional institutions including the Mano River Union (MRU), the International Conference of the Great Lakes, and the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CENSAD). At the national level there are the Ministries of Youth and National Youth Commissions. Paralleling the various levels categorised above are a number of charters, protocols, strategies, and instruments that inspire and guide programmes, projects, and other actions related to the continent's youth. Some of these instruments directly mention youths. However, a wide array of them that do not specifically look at this generation have been used to increase youth participation and integration in policies and programmes.

Clinical trials during public health emergencies of novel medical products such as therapeutics a... more Clinical trials during public health emergencies of novel medical products such as therapeutics and vaccines in resource-limited settings are daunting due to the limited capacity for regulatory assessment. Regulating clinical trials during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone required expedited evaluation to identify medical products that could be promptly introduced to combat the epidemic in the absence of approved treatment or prevention. This article explored the decisions taken by the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone through its Expert Committee on Medicine Safety and Clinical Trials regarding clinical trials oversight during the Ebola epidemic and the lessons learned. This independent expert committee assessed and provided scientific opinions to the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone to inform approval of all clinical trials within 10–15 working days. We also requested for assisted review from the African Vaccine Regulatory Forum and support from the US Food and Drug Administration thr...

Third World Quarterly, 2020
Focussing on the relationship between legal colonisation and legal globalisation in the context o... more Focussing on the relationship between legal colonisation and legal globalisation in the context of post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction, I argue that promotion of the rule of law as social domination over local economies, politics and societies has been, historically, core to international efforts. Legal and judicial reforms, which are designed to restore and strengthen the post-conflict state, not only serve to obfuscate historical conditions associated with settler-colonial rule but also reconstitute the relationship between dominant domestic actors and global capital. Moreover, whereas rule-of-law promotion has increasingly been professionalised and standardised, the underlying objectives to promote neoliberal economic growth, subordinate indigenous legal systems, and advancing ruling interests remain the enduring legacies of legal colonialism. In making this argument, I interrogate the underlying ideological and political drivers of the UK-supported justice sector development in Sierra Leone and the US-funded rule-oflaw programmes in Liberia.

This special issue of Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics is the result of ... more This special issue of Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics is the result of a two-day colloquium that took place in Heidelberg at the Internationales Wissenschafts Haus during October 2009. Thanks to funding through the project, Citizenship as Conceptual Flow : Asia in Comparative Perspective, part of the Heidelberg University, Cluster of Excellence, Asia and Europe in a Global Context, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars were invited from universities across Germany and France to present and discuss papers and on-going research. A few core questions were posed as a basis for the proceedings, linking the three common themes of democracy, governance and citizenship: Do definitions and perceptions of democracy vary according to context and historical experience? Can governance be compared across time and space? How has the concept of citizenship ‘travelled’? The papers that were presented, amended and submitted have been divided into four sections. The ...

La guerre civile en Sierra Leone debute en 1991 et dure jusqu’en 2002.Encore aujourd’hui, les ana... more La guerre civile en Sierra Leone debute en 1991 et dure jusqu’en 2002.Encore aujourd’hui, les analystes sont assez partages sur ses causes, notamment lesmotivations des rebelles du Front Revolutionnaire Uni (RUF), mouvement al’origine des hostilites. De son entree en Sierra Leone a nos jours, le RUF a etel’objet de plusieurs debats et critiques, tant sur son organisation que sur sesmethodes guerrieres. En questionnant d’abord la capacite organisationnelle de cemouvement, la these a pour objet de contextualiser les arguments souvent associesavec des guerres civiles de ce type. Ils insistent sur l’absence de sens : ces conflitsillustreraient d’abord une situation de chaos total. Elles seraient aussi laconsequence de l’absence ou de la defaillance d’un Etat.Cette presente etude s’inscrit dans le prolongement des debats sur le RUF.Elle demontre que ce dernier n’etait pas si desorganise que ce que racontent lescommentateurs, avertis ou non. Cette opinion repandue resulte notamment d’unem...
Why is Sierra Leone, a low-income economy emerging from armed conflict and authoritarian rule les... more Why is Sierra Leone, a low-income economy emerging from armed conflict and authoritarian rule less than two decades ago, assuming such a global leadership role? Mohamed Sesay, co-investigator with the Gender, Justice and Security Hub and Assistant Professor at the University of York looks at the nexus between gender, justice and development since the end of Sierra Leone’s decade-long civil war to argue that the country offers unique insights into the complexity of intractable challenges which persist beyond the implementation of legal-technocratic reform programmes in postwar societies.

A well-planned vegetable productivity is not only very lucrative but can also alleviate poverty a... more A well-planned vegetable productivity is not only very lucrative but can also alleviate poverty and potent food self-security approach. It can also lead to self-reliance and overall sustainable rural development. This study investigated the impact of vegetable farming on the livelihood of farmers in Koinadugu district, northern Sierra Leone. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted with the aim of for the study. Data was collected using triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. Both secondary and primary data were used in this study. A highly structured questionnaire consisting of four sub-sections (based on the objectives of the study) was administered to 180 (170 farmers and 10 extension agents) participants in two chiefdoms in the district. It was found that most of the farmers were in the mid-ages (36-45 years) (37.0%), and most of them were married (54.4%) with medium family sizes (6-10 members) (49.4%) and most acquired land through inheritance (8...

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2021
Monitoring antibiotic consumption is crucial to tackling antimicrobial resistance. However, curre... more Monitoring antibiotic consumption is crucial to tackling antimicrobial resistance. However, currently there is no system in Sierra Leone for recording and reporting on antibiotic consumption. We therefore conducted a cross-sectional study to assess national antibiotic consumption expressed as defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day using all registered and imported antibiotics (categorized under the subgroup J01 under the anatomical and therapeutic classification (ATC) system) as a proxy. Between 2017–2019, total cumulative consumption of antibiotics was 19 DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day. The vast majority consisted of oral antibiotics (98.4%), while parenteral antibiotics made up 1.6%. According to therapeutic/pharmacological subgroups (ATC level 3), beta-lactam/penicillins, quinolones, and other antibacterials (mainly oral metronidazole) comprised 65% of total consumption. According to WHO Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe), 65% of antibiotics consumed were Access,...

Journal of Human Rights, 2021
So-called "natural" disasters are often characterized by major human rights abuses, yet responsib... more So-called "natural" disasters are often characterized by major human rights abuses, yet responsibility and accountability for such violations have attracted relatively limited attention in research and practice. Instead, these events and survivors' suffering are often dismissed as "acts of God" or tragic misfortunes. Through analysis of an under-examined disaster-the 2017 mudslide in Freetown, Sierra Leone-this article probes survivors' perspectives on responsibility for disasters, and suffering and violations accompanying them. While survivors in this case often attribute responsibility to God or other supernatural forces, they also understand the state and other earthly actors as sharing different forms and degrees of responsibility for the disaster and its harmful consequences. Indeed, seeing the mudslide as an "act of God" does not absolve the state from its obligation to protect citizens from harms associated with disasters and subsequent response efforts. Survivors' perspectives provide significant insight into the challenge of advancing accountability in disaster contexts.

International Journal on Data Science and Technology, 2018
As a big data technological innovation emerges due to man's continuous use of data, it has prompt... more As a big data technological innovation emerges due to man's continuous use of data, it has prompted an immediate attention that will provide necessary solutions to cope with the current trend of data usability. Universities and colleges process large datasets in trillions of bytes to the extent that the traditional filling system can no longer handle them. Having thousands of students' dissertations to process will be huge problem using the traditional filling system that requires large physical storage space with lots of inconsistencies, when it comes to processing, analyzing and archiving records is a big challenge, especially checking for plagiarism. Therefore, this research is designed to eliminate the challenges posed by the traditional platform that incurs huge amount of money and time. The proposed scheme is known as "IAMTECH Dissertation Database Management Platform" which is currently in use at the testing stage as an effective solution for proper record keeping and retrieval with minimal cost. The system has proved effective and efficient as compared to the old system. New functionalities are required to be included in the new system in the near future as the need arises due to intensive advancement in the information and data usage.

European Journal of International Security, 2018
The positive effects of rule of law norms and institutions are often assumed in the peacebuilding... more The positive effects of rule of law norms and institutions are often assumed in the peacebuilding literature, with empirical work focusing more on processes of compliance with international standards in war-torn countries. Yet, this article contends that purportedly ‘good’ rule of law norms do not always deliver benign benefits but rather often have negative consequences that harm the very local constituents that peacebuilders promise to help. Specifically, the article argues that rule of law promotion in war-torn countries disproportionately favours actors who have been historically privileged by unequal socio-legal and economic structures at the expense of those whom peacebuilders claim to emancipate. By entrenching an inequitable state system which benefits those with wealth, education, and influence, rule of law institutions have reinforced structural, social, and cost-related barriers to justice. These negative effects explain why war-torn societies avoid the formal courts and ...

International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018
Positive effects of exercise on cancer prevention and progression have been proposed to be mediat... more Positive effects of exercise on cancer prevention and progression have been proposed to be mediated by stimulating natural killer (NK) cells. Because NK cell receptors are regulated by epigenetic modifications, we investigated whether acute aerobic exercise and training change promoter DNA methylation and gene expression of the activating KIR2DS4 and the inhibiting KIR3DL1 gene. Sixteen healthy women (50–60 years) performed a graded exercise test (GXT) and were randomized into either a passive control group or an intervention group performing a four-week endurance exercise intervention. Blood samples (pre-, post-GXT and post-training) were used for isolation of DNA/RNA of NK cells to assess DNA promoter methylation by targeted deep-amplicon sequencing and gene expression by qRT-PCR. Potential changes in NK cell subsets were determined by flow cytometry. Acute and chronic exercise did not provoke significant alterations of NK cell proportions. Promoter methylation decreased and gene ...

Evaluating Transitional Justice
Transitional justice (TJ) in Sierra Leone is commonly associated with two internationalized forma... more Transitional justice (TJ) in Sierra Leone is commonly associated with two internationalized formal institutions — the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). While the SCSL was mandated to hold criminally accountable those bearing greatest responsibility for atrocities committed during the country’s brutal civil war (1999–2002), the TRC was established to foster restorative justice and reconciliation. But in addition to these specific mandates, both institutions were expected to demonstrate rule-of-law norms that would subsequently be replicated in the domestic justice system. For the Court, it was anticipated that the successful trial and conviction of perpetrators would restore confidence and trust in the judicial system, and ultimately stimulate respect for the rule of law among the local population. Although a non-judicial body, the TRC, as a state-mandated legal mechanism, was also expected to undertake a kind of positive social engineering in the post-war context. Whether there is a direct correlation between these long-term goals of justice reform and the legacy of the two concurrent TJ mechanisms remains in dispute. Particularly important is the question of why the Court became disconnected from the national justice system, despite its purported hybridity and close physical proximity to the war-torn society.
Liverpool Law Review, 2008
The increased burden placed upon the UN Security Council in the post-Cold War era in respect of i... more The increased burden placed upon the UN Security Council in the post-Cold War era in respect of its discharge of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security has fuelled calls for the greater use of regional arrangements as agents of the Council, to relieve its burden. However, the various agendas and capabilities of different arrangements make

International Studies Perspectives, 2012
The literature on norms is dominated by debates over the definition of norms, discussion of the e... more The literature on norms is dominated by debates over the definition of norms, discussion of the evolution of norms, norm diffusion, or norm implementation, and accounts of positive features associated with norms such as cooperation, mutual understanding. This paper argues that ''the story'' of international norms-or the dominant account of norms-is primarily a white, Western version that assumes that norms emerge from equal exchanges and relationship between states, denying the marked economic and political inequality between global actors and largely disregarding the intense contestations and controls associated with norms. In turn, this paper is an attempt to examine the tensions between so-called international norms and ''local'' norms and practices as well as the power dynamics and economic constraints that influence so-called global norms. Keeping in mind these tensions between the ''story'' of international norms and the practical constraints for local actors in the global south, this paper includes uses of the case study of Sierra Leone to examine what happens when ''international'' norms, such as those associated with transitional justice conflict with ''local'' norms. Specifically, the local norm of amnesty within Sierra Leone is studied in contrast to the international norm of truth and reconciliation commissions.
Drying Technology, 2006
Selected operational conditions of activated sludge are investi-gated in relation to their effect... more Selected operational conditions of activated sludge are investi-gated in relation to their effect on flocculation and dewatering. Semi-continuous reactors with 2 -L volume were operated at differ-ent mean cell residence times, C/N ratios, and three different influent cations. ...

Cooperation and Conflict, 2012
Truth and reconciliation commissions (TRCs) have emerged as an international norm and are assumed... more Truth and reconciliation commissions (TRCs) have emerged as an international norm and are assumed to be an essential element of national reconciliation, democratization, and post-conflict development. Despite the increase in the number of TRCs being initiated around the globe and the international consensus regarding their positive effects, there is little understanding of the long-term effects and consequences of TRCs. Specifically, currently there are no established methods or mechanisms for measuring the impacts of TRCs; furthermore, the few examples of efforts to measure these impacts have serious limitations. This article explores both the rise in TRCs as an international norm and the contradictions and inadequacies in existing efforts to measure the impacts and successes of commissions. Through this examination, we aim to demonstrate the need for more critical, interactive, and inclusive mechanisms of assessment for understanding the effects of TRCs. The objective is neither t...
Papers by Mohamed Alie Sesay