Apa itu PLAGIARISME? Plagiarisme ialah apa jua bahan tulisan (esei, projek) yang diserahkan denga... more Apa itu PLAGIARISME? Plagiarisme ialah apa jua bahan tulisan (esei, projek) yang diserahkan dengan tujuan menipu tentang kebolehan, pengetahuan atau sumbangan oleh seseorang pelajar. Selaras dengan Seksyen 14.0 Academic Offence, dalam Buku Panduan Peraturan Universiti, Asia e University, seorang pelajar tidak boleh memplagiat apa-apa idea, penulisan, data atau ciptaan orang lain yang bermaksud seperti berikut:
This paper presents a novel fuzzy sliding mode approach to control Lorenz chaotic system without ... more This paper presents a novel fuzzy sliding mode approach to control Lorenz chaotic system without chattering problem. A boundary layer and a moving fuzzy surface with an algorithm to remove chattering are used in the proposed control law. Two folds present advantages of the proposed approach: 1) it has a flexibility to define the control law without cancelling useful nonlinearities; 2) the system performance is robust against parametric uncertainties. Consequently, the goals of stabilization of chaotic motion and tracking a reference signal are achieved without chattering. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach. Moreover, the proposed method is superior to backstepping method in overcoming parametric uncertainties with less control effort.
This paper presents a novel modified particle swarm optimisation (MPSO) algorithm to identify non... more This paper presents a novel modified particle swarm optimisation (MPSO) algorithm to identify nonlinear systems. The case of study is a hydraulic suspension system with a complicated nonlinear model. One of the main goals of system identification is to design a model-based controller such as a nonlinear controller using the feedback linearisation. Once the model is identified, the found parameters may be used to design or tune the controller. We introduce a novel mutation mechanism to enhance the global search ability and increase the convergence speed. The MPSO is used to find the optimum values of parameters by minimising the fitness function. The performance of MPSO is compared with genetic algorithm and alternative particle swarm optimisation algorithms in parameter identification. The presented comparisons confirm the superiority of MPSO algorithm in terms of the convergence speed and the accuracy without the premature convergence problem. Furthermore, MPSO is improved to detect any changes of system parameters, which can be used for designing an adaptive controller. Simulation results show the success of the proposed algorithm in tracking time-varying parameters.
This paper is concerned with the parameter identification problem for chaotic dynamic systems. An... more This paper is concerned with the parameter identification problem for chaotic dynamic systems. An improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO), which is a novel evolutionary computation technique, is proposed to solve this problem. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated through identifying the parameters of Lorenz chaotic system. The performance of the proposed IPSO is compared with the genetic algorithm (GA) and standard particle swarm optimization (SPSO) in terms of parameter accuracy and computational time. It is illustrated in simulations that the proposed IPSO is more successful than the SPSO and GA. IPSO is also improved to detect and determine the variation of parameters. In this case, a sentry particle is introduced to detect any changes in system parameters and if any change is detected, IPSO runs to find new optimal parameters. Hence, the proposed algorithm is a promising particle swarm optimization algorithm for system identification.
Kedudukan wanita dalam Islam sering digunakan oleh musuh-musuh Islam untuk mengkritik Islam. Mere... more Kedudukan wanita dalam Islam sering digunakan oleh musuh-musuh Islam untuk mengkritik Islam. Mereka sengaja menampakkan Islam atau orang Islam merendah-rendahkan martabat wanita. Sedangkan mereka sebenarnya merendahkan dan menghina kedudukan wanita. Orang yang berkedudukan tinggi tidak mudah diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya oleh orang lain. Sebaliknya orang yang berkedudukan rendah dan hina mudah dimainkan dan diperkotak katikkan oleh orang lain. Cuba kita perhatikan wanita hari ini, wanita dengan mudah dieksploitasikan dalam semua hal. Barat yang melaungkan memperjuangkan hak wanita, merekalah sebenarnya merendahkan martabat wanita. Mereka membiarkan pelacuran berleluasa, wanita berkahwin dengan wanita, wanita dijadikan alat komersial, hiburan dan sebagainya.
Apa itu PLAGIARISME? Plagiarisme ialah apa jua bahan tulisan (esei, projek) yang diserahkan denga... more Apa itu PLAGIARISME? Plagiarisme ialah apa jua bahan tulisan (esei, projek) yang diserahkan dengan tujuan menipu tentang kebolehan, pengetahuan atau sumbangan oleh seseorang pelajar. Selaras dengan Seksyen 14.0 Academic Offence, dalam Buku Panduan Peraturan Universiti, Asia e University, seorang pelajar tidak boleh memplagiat apa-apa idea, penulisan, data atau ciptaan orang lain yang bermaksud seperti berikut:
This paper presents a novel fuzzy sliding mode approach to control Lorenz chaotic system without ... more This paper presents a novel fuzzy sliding mode approach to control Lorenz chaotic system without chattering problem. A boundary layer and a moving fuzzy surface with an algorithm to remove chattering are used in the proposed control law. Two folds present advantages of the proposed approach: 1) it has a flexibility to define the control law without cancelling useful nonlinearities; 2) the system performance is robust against parametric uncertainties. Consequently, the goals of stabilization of chaotic motion and tracking a reference signal are achieved without chattering. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach. Moreover, the proposed method is superior to backstepping method in overcoming parametric uncertainties with less control effort.
This paper presents a novel modified particle swarm optimisation (MPSO) algorithm to identify non... more This paper presents a novel modified particle swarm optimisation (MPSO) algorithm to identify nonlinear systems. The case of study is a hydraulic suspension system with a complicated nonlinear model. One of the main goals of system identification is to design a model-based controller such as a nonlinear controller using the feedback linearisation. Once the model is identified, the found parameters may be used to design or tune the controller. We introduce a novel mutation mechanism to enhance the global search ability and increase the convergence speed. The MPSO is used to find the optimum values of parameters by minimising the fitness function. The performance of MPSO is compared with genetic algorithm and alternative particle swarm optimisation algorithms in parameter identification. The presented comparisons confirm the superiority of MPSO algorithm in terms of the convergence speed and the accuracy without the premature convergence problem. Furthermore, MPSO is improved to detect any changes of system parameters, which can be used for designing an adaptive controller. Simulation results show the success of the proposed algorithm in tracking time-varying parameters.
This paper is concerned with the parameter identification problem for chaotic dynamic systems. An... more This paper is concerned with the parameter identification problem for chaotic dynamic systems. An improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO), which is a novel evolutionary computation technique, is proposed to solve this problem. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated through identifying the parameters of Lorenz chaotic system. The performance of the proposed IPSO is compared with the genetic algorithm (GA) and standard particle swarm optimization (SPSO) in terms of parameter accuracy and computational time. It is illustrated in simulations that the proposed IPSO is more successful than the SPSO and GA. IPSO is also improved to detect and determine the variation of parameters. In this case, a sentry particle is introduced to detect any changes in system parameters and if any change is detected, IPSO runs to find new optimal parameters. Hence, the proposed algorithm is a promising particle swarm optimization algorithm for system identification.
Kedudukan wanita dalam Islam sering digunakan oleh musuh-musuh Islam untuk mengkritik Islam. Mere... more Kedudukan wanita dalam Islam sering digunakan oleh musuh-musuh Islam untuk mengkritik Islam. Mereka sengaja menampakkan Islam atau orang Islam merendah-rendahkan martabat wanita. Sedangkan mereka sebenarnya merendahkan dan menghina kedudukan wanita. Orang yang berkedudukan tinggi tidak mudah diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya oleh orang lain. Sebaliknya orang yang berkedudukan rendah dan hina mudah dimainkan dan diperkotak katikkan oleh orang lain. Cuba kita perhatikan wanita hari ini, wanita dengan mudah dieksploitasikan dalam semua hal. Barat yang melaungkan memperjuangkan hak wanita, merekalah sebenarnya merendahkan martabat wanita. Mereka membiarkan pelacuran berleluasa, wanita berkahwin dengan wanita, wanita dijadikan alat komersial, hiburan dan sebagainya.
Papers by Mohamad Fateh