Papers by Mochammad Fattah, S.Pi., M.Si

Altasia Jurnal Pariwisata Indonesia
Bee Jay Bakau Resot (BJBR) merupakan wisata yang memanfaatkan kelestarian dari ekosistem mangrove... more Bee Jay Bakau Resot (BJBR) merupakan wisata yang memanfaatkan kelestarian dari ekosistem mangrove sebagai daya tarik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis nilai ekonomi wisata dari pengelolaan BJBR. Teknik pengampilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah accidental sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 70 individu. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis individual travel cost method (ITCM) dengan data kunjungan 5 tahun mulai tahun 2017-2021 dan Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) untuk menentukan surplus konsumen tahun sebelumnya. Ekowisata BJBR menawarkan atraksi wisata alam dan buatan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan keberlanjutan ekologi mangrove. Kesediaan membayar dari wisatawan melalui ITCM rata-rata sebesar Rp. 135.954,61 individu/kunjungan. Kunjungan wisatawan ke BJBR rata-rata sebanyak 80.875 individu. Nilai manfaat wisata yang dihasilkan dari keberadaan ekowisata BJBR rata-rata sebesar Rp.10.140.862.138/tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan ekosistem man...
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kontribusi dan daya saing sektor perikanan Provins... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kontribusi dan daya saing sektor perikanan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi. Analisis data kuantitatif yang digunakan adalah kontribusi dan daya saing (RCA). Perikanan darat memberikan kontribusi 53,7% terhadap sektor perikanan lebih tinggi daripada perikanan laut sebesar 46,3%. Kontribusi nilai ekspor sektor perikanan terhadap nilai ekspor provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat masih rendah sebesar 0,26%. Nilai daya saing ekspor perikanan provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat terhadap provinsi lain sebesar 0,09 atau lebih kecil dari 1 sehingga kemampuan daya saing lemah. Pemerintah NTB bersama masyarakat perikanan memanfaatkan potensi perikanan darat untuk meningkatkan kontribusi dan daya saing.

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2019
The sustainability of mangrove forests benefits the organisms in the surrounding area, because ma... more The sustainability of mangrove forests benefits the organisms in the surrounding area, because mangrove forests have three main functions, namely physical, biological and economic functions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the most important factors in coastal communities in maintaining the sustainability of mangrove forest ecosystems. Research on the preferences of coastal communities in preserving mangrove forests uses correlational research factor analysis. Lemah Kembar community uses mangrove forests either directly, where they hunt oysters and crabs, or indirectly as a wave retardant and sea water intrusion. Calculation of factor analysis resulted in four main factors formed in preserving mangrove forests including local agreements (eigenvalue = 3.339), regulation and government protection (eigenvalue = 1.904), mangrove forest location (eigenvalue = 1.205), and livelihood (eigenvalue = 1.122). Local agreements are the most important consideration in realizing the sustainability of mangrove forests, because people are more obedient to the rules determined and agreed upon together.

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 13th International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar, IISS 2019, 30-31 October 2019, Malang, Indonesia, 2020
Mangrove Tourism Area Mengare is a new tourism area that was operated in mid-2017and this area ha... more Mangrove Tourism Area Mengare is a new tourism area that was operated in mid-2017and this area has a wide range of attractions which oriented to nature features such as river, beaches, tropical forest vegetation, and mangrove. Besides the function as a tourism place, it also has an important role in the ecological function to withstand the abrasion. Due to their both functions, it must be maintained for the continuity of the region's function. Research aims of this research were to analyse, acknowledge and determine (1) The condition of mangrove tourism area Mengare with ECOS approach (2) value of Recreational Zone index on mangrove tourism Area Mengare and (3) Ecotourism development strategy. The research was held in March in 2019. This research was done by qualitative descriptive study with the sampling techniques, purposive sampling, and incidental sampling, with four data collection techniques i.e. interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaire. The Data obtained...

The objectives of this research: 1) to analyze the contribution of tuna, tuna and skipjack to gro... more The objectives of this research: 1) to analyze the contribution of tuna, tuna and skipjack to gross regional domestic income, 2) to estimate the development of tuna, tuna and skipjack tuna production. The method used in this study is quantitative and secondary data types sourced from BPS and DKP with data collection techniques documentation. Quantitative data analysis in this research is contribution analysis and quadratic trend. The average contribution of TCT fish to PDRB of Tulungagung Regency is 0.0006%. Estimated production from 2017-2026 tuna has an average production increase of 32%, skipjack tuna has an average production increase of 31% and tuna has an average production increase of 43%.The increased production of TCT fish expected sees the sustainability of ecology by the use of the think that environmentally friendly and considers value optimal the use of commodities TCT fish.

Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine, Apr 29, 2018
Prawn shrimp production business is inseparable from the constraints faced, namely the form of pr... more Prawn shrimp production business is inseparable from the constraints faced, namely the form of production risks that can hamper in running the business of prawn shrimp production. UD Dewi Sri Ayu is one of the businesses that produce prawn shrimp that has been engaged in the fishery industry since 2000. The purpose of this research is to identify sources of production risk, to analyze how the value of probability and the impact of risk caused by sources of risk, and how alternative strategies for handling production risk that can be done by UD Dewi Sri Ayu. The research method used descriptive method to identify sources of production risk in UD Dewi Sri Ayu, z-score method to calculate probability value and Value at Risk method to calculate risk impact. Methods of data collection in this study is to make observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of identification has been found four kinds of source of production risk in prawn shrimp production activity at UD Dewi Sri Ayu, that is source of risk caused by mushroom (dewded packaging) having probability value and biggest impact loss, mushroom (petis not ripe perfect) human resource error (hard petty texture), and lastly the human resource error (taste of acid petition) that has the least probability and impact loss value. Alternative strategies for handling production risks can be done in two ways: preventive strategies and mitigation strategies. The advice that can be given to UD Dewi Sri Ayu is in handling production risk better done gradually by looking at the level of risk from sources of risk that exist.

Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine, 2016
Masamo as new variety of catfish cultivated by the farmer group "Sumber Lancar" in Blimbing, Mala... more Masamo as new variety of catfish cultivated by the farmer group "Sumber Lancar" in Blimbing, Malang currently has a lot of demand due to increasing consumers who like to eat fish to meet the need for protein for the body. Increasing of Masamo catfish demam followed by production and marketing efforts. This study wants to know whether the marketing efficient. Therefore, this study uses analytical approach approach in order to identify institutional and channel of Masamo Catfish marketing performed by that Group, analyze marketing functions and its marketing efficiency. Data were collected by interview, observation and literatur study. Based on the research, the marketing agencies involved in Masamo catfish marketing consist of fish producers and traders. The marketing has four channels, in which channel I is an indirect marketing channel, while the channel II-IV is a direct marketing channel. The marketing functions are mostly done by middlemen rather than farmers. Masamo catfish marketing are generally quite efficient because short marketing channels, low marketing margins, marketing costs share by 19.6%, while the profit share amounted to 80.4%; the farmer'share is still greater than marketing margin. Suggestions for fish farmer to increase production capacity. Keywords: masamo catfish, analytical approach, farmer'share, and margin. Ikan lele merupakan salah satu sumber protein alternatif yang digemari masyarakat. Dahulu, ikan lele kurang digemari sebagian masyarakat karena masih adanya sebagian pandangan masyarakat bahwa ikan lele menjijikkan karena pemeliharaannya ada yang dilakukan di sepitank, makananya adalah kotoran ayam ataupun tinja. Namun sekarang ikan lele sudah banyak digemari masyarakat antara lain karena pembudidayaannya lebih banyak di kolam (beton, terpal) maupun bak-bak fiber, makanannya pun pelet, bukan lagi kotoran ayam ataupun tinja. Selain itu, secara ekonomi harga lele masih tergolong dapat terjangkau dan dapat menggantikan (substitusi) lauk pauk lainnya seperti ayam, telur, daging, tempe, tahu, dan berbagai jenis ikan di kelasnya sebagai variasi menu. Terlebih kesadaran masyarakat akan gizi yang baik antara lain terdapat pada ikan lele sudah banyak terlihat pada pola berbelanja ibu-ibu maupun pada warung-warung yang banyak menyediakan menu lele. Jika dilihat dari tingkat konsumsi ikan oleh masyarakat Indonesia pada tahun 2011 masih mencapai 30,46Kg/kapita/tahun lebih rendah dari target nasional 31,40Kg/kapita/tahun. Pada tahun 2008 untuk Jawa Timur, tingkat konsumsi ikan hanya mencapai 16,34/Kg/kapita/tahun dan mengalami peningkatan pada 2011 menjadi 19,7/Kg/Kapita/tahun . Walaupun belum tercapai

Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology, 2020
Reboisasi hutan mangrove di Pancer Cengkrong dimulai pada tahun 2008. Reboisasi dilaksanakan sete... more Reboisasi hutan mangrove di Pancer Cengkrong dimulai pada tahun 2008. Reboisasi dilaksanakan setelah hutan mangrove mengalami kerusakan parah akibat kegiatan pembabatan hutan dan alih fungsi lahan sebagai perkebunan kelapa. Pengrusakan hutan mangrove ini menimbulkan konflik dalam pengelolaan. Tujuan konservasi hutan mangrovesebagai kegiatan edukasi kurang nampak jelas. Pengelola belum memberikan informasi yang memadai vegetasi yang ada di hutan mangrove maupun fauna yang hidup di lingkungan hutan mangrove. Guna menguatkan pengelolaan “Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong” sebagai wisata edukasi, Universitas Brawijaya melakukan kegiatan penyadaran manfaat ekosistem mangrove dengan sasaran istri pengelola hutan mangrove dan siswa SD setempat. Kegiatan penyadaran dilanjutkan dengan praktek pengolahan pangan berbahan dasar buah mangrove danedukasi penanaman mangrove di kawasan konservasi “Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong”. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah membantu menyediakan sarana pembelajaran dengan memban...

This study aims at examining the sustainability of mangrove ecotourism at Cengkrong Mangroves Eco... more This study aims at examining the sustainability of mangrove ecotourism at Cengkrong Mangroves Ecotourism in Indonesia. A quantitative approach was adopted to capture the complexity of the phenomenon. The study was conducted in an area with most mangroves in Indonesia, including Cengkrong Ecotourism in Trenggalek, East Java. Sustainability is achieved when each stakeholder makes a positive contribution to others in ecology, economy, social, institutional and law enforcement, and technology. Using multi-dimensional scaling and Monte Carlo approach, the findings of this study indicate that Cengkrong mangrove ecotourism is classified as “sustainable” (76.20%). The highest dimension is ecology due to the minimum level of pollution in the area. Even Cengkrong beach mangrove is a tourist destination which is potentially polluted by the tourist; however, the area is not densely populated. Nevertheless, amongst the other indicator, social is the lowest (67.95%).

City of Probolinggo offers nine main tourist attractions, such as Environmental Study Park (TWSL)... more City of Probolinggo offers nine main tourist attractions, such as Environmental Study Park (TWSL), Probolinggo Museum, Dr. Moh. Saleh Museum, Red Church, Tri Dharma Temple, Coastal Fishing Port, Bayuangga Swimming Pool, Olimpic Swimming Pool, and Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR). One of the main destinations with ecotourism concept in Probolinggo city is BJBR. It is important to handle a research about forecasting the tourism visits and carrying capacity to support decision making in BJBR management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the forecasting of the foreign and domestic tourists visits at BJBR and analyze the carrying capacity. Quantitative methods using ARIMA and Winter are used in this study. This study also uses carrying capacity area analysis to analyze the carrying capacity of BJBR. The result shows that BJBR Probolinggo provides varied tourist attractions that affect the number of visits. The best forecasting is Winter method because the forecasting error is smaller th...

Small-scale fishers are always expected to adapt to fishing activities that cannot be conducted a... more Small-scale fishers are always expected to adapt to fishing activities that cannot be conducted all year round due to weather and fishing season. This condition, especially when it is not the fish season, makes fishers face a problem. Notwithstanding, fishermen households need to develop an adequate adaptation strategy to solve the problem of fulfilling their needs, known as coping strategies. This study aims to analyze fishermen households' coping strategies in facing the fishing season and non-fish season by using fishermen's family resources and two types of internal and external family coping strategies. The data were gathered from approximately 150 small-scale fishing households using simple random sampling. The results indicate the fishers do fishing activities in three batch: peak season (68%), mild season (20%), and off-season (12%). The use of resources for fishermen households' coping strategy is carried out by diversifying the sources of household income. Some...

The research was conducted in the coastal community environment of Panyuran Village, Tuban Distri... more The research was conducted in the coastal community environment of Panyuran Village, Tuban District, East Java Province in May 2018. The purpose of this research is to analyze the transformation of livelihood become breeder shrimp vannamei of coastal communities at Panyuran Village Tuban District. Research methodology used in this study; the research is descriptive with an approach to the phenomenon, Type of data used qualitative, the data sources are primary data and secondary data with the sampling technique used purposive sampling and snowball sampling technique, data validation used source triangulation, data analysis used interactive analysis Miles and Huberman’s model. The results showed that the phenomenon of livelihood transformation becomes seeding shrimp vannamei influenced by internal factors and external factors. The driving factors and inhibiting factors affect the acceleration or obstruction of the transformation process. This shows that the existence of a shrimp ventu...

Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2021
Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR) is one of the main tourist destinations in Probolinggo City that util... more Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR) is one of the main tourist destinations in Probolinggo City that utilizes the mangrove ecosystem. The study aims to analyze the advantages position mapping of BJBR. The study uses correlational approach with accidental sampling of 70 respondents. Data were analyzed by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and correspondence analysis (CA) with 16 attributes. This study assessed three mangrove ecotourism sites in East Java. The main factors that influence tourists visiting BJBR are tourist attractions, prices, tourism completeness and safety, mangrove preservation, as well as service friendliness. BJBR has tourism advantages in the form of complete facilities and completeness of its attractions. Meanwhile, the advantages of Wonorejo Surabaya mangrove ecotourism are among others: the availability of education related to mangroves and the cleanliness of the facilities. On the other side, The Clungup Mangrove Conservation Malang has the advantages in the for...

Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health
Pangasius catfish is freshwater fish for consumption that can be cultivated through fish farming.... more Pangasius catfish is freshwater fish for consumption that can be cultivated through fish farming. In order to produce optimal profits, Pangasius catfish farming must pay attention to the use of inputs in the form of seeds, feed and electricity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the optimization of Pangasius catfish production in Tondo Lestari fish cultivator group, Pagersari Village, Tulungagung Regency. Data collection techniques were in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis used was linear programming using the POM-QM for Windows 5 software tool. The Pangasius catfish farming activities of the Tondo Lestari fish cultivator group have been optimal because they resulted in a low production difference between factual and optimal conditons of 3,05 kg or a profit of Rp. 10,502. . The optimal production of Pangasius catfish in a pond size of 200 m2 was 3,173.21 kg and the optimal production in a pond size of 300 m2 was 4,839.83 kg. Therefore, ...
Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine
This study objectives to analyze the estimated development of the production of the fish catches,... more This study objectives to analyze the estimated development of the production of the fish catches, analyze the factors which affect on the production amount, and to analyze the base or non bases are on Malang Regency. The method used is quantitative and the type of secondary data from BPS and DKP with documentation collecting technique. Quantitative data analysis of this research are quadratic trend, multiple linear regression and LQ. The calculation shows that marine fisheries catches production has increased an average of 6.5%. Factors that affecting of the production increase are the number of fishing vessel and fishermen amount. While the average value of LQ during the last 5 years shows that Sumbermanjing Subdistrict is a base region so it has the opportunity to develop.
This study objectives to analyze the estimated development of the production of the fish catches,... more This study objectives to analyze the estimated development of the production of the fish catches, analyze the factors which affect on the production amount, and to analyze the base or non bases are on Malang Regency. The method used is quantitative and the type of secondary data from BPS and DKP with documentation collecting technique. Quantitative data analysis of this research are quadratic trend, multiple linear regression and LQ. The calculation shows that marine fisheries catches production has increased an average of 6.5%. Factors that affecting of the production increase are the number of fishing vessel and fishermen amount. While the average value of LQ during the last 5 years shows that Sumbermanjing Subdistrict is a base region so it has the opportunity to develop.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan Berkelanjutan II, 2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis manfaat tidak langsung yang diperoleh dari ekosist... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis manfaat tidak langsung yang diperoleh dari ekosistem hutan
mangrove Pantai Cengkrong. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan
replacement cost dan benefit transfer. Pantai Cengkrong luas areal hutan mangrove sekitar 87 hektar yang terdapat
12 (dua belas) jenis yaitu: Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris,
Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tagal, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora, Xylocarpus
granatum, Lumnitczera racemosa dan Nypa fruticans.. Manfaat tidak langsung yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai
penahan erosi sungai (manfaat fisik), penyerap CO2, penghasil O2 dan penyedia unsur hara. Nilai yang dihasilkan
dari empat manfaat tersebut sebesar Rp.567.531.598 per tahun atau Rp.6.523.352 per tahun per hektar. Nilai tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan mangrove bagi masyarakat menjadi unsur yang penting sehingga masyarakat perlu
menjaga kelestarian ekosistem hutan mangrove.
Kata Kunci: Mangrove, nilai manfaat dan Pantai Cengkrong
Conference Presentations by Mochammad Fattah, S.Pi., M.Si
Semnas KP IV Universitas Cendana , 2017
Papers by Mochammad Fattah, S.Pi., M.Si
mangrove Pantai Cengkrong. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan
replacement cost dan benefit transfer. Pantai Cengkrong luas areal hutan mangrove sekitar 87 hektar yang terdapat
12 (dua belas) jenis yaitu: Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris,
Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tagal, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora, Xylocarpus
granatum, Lumnitczera racemosa dan Nypa fruticans.. Manfaat tidak langsung yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai
penahan erosi sungai (manfaat fisik), penyerap CO2, penghasil O2 dan penyedia unsur hara. Nilai yang dihasilkan
dari empat manfaat tersebut sebesar Rp.567.531.598 per tahun atau Rp.6.523.352 per tahun per hektar. Nilai tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan mangrove bagi masyarakat menjadi unsur yang penting sehingga masyarakat perlu
menjaga kelestarian ekosistem hutan mangrove.
Kata Kunci: Mangrove, nilai manfaat dan Pantai Cengkrong
Conference Presentations by Mochammad Fattah, S.Pi., M.Si
mangrove Pantai Cengkrong. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan
replacement cost dan benefit transfer. Pantai Cengkrong luas areal hutan mangrove sekitar 87 hektar yang terdapat
12 (dua belas) jenis yaitu: Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris,
Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tagal, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora, Xylocarpus
granatum, Lumnitczera racemosa dan Nypa fruticans.. Manfaat tidak langsung yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai
penahan erosi sungai (manfaat fisik), penyerap CO2, penghasil O2 dan penyedia unsur hara. Nilai yang dihasilkan
dari empat manfaat tersebut sebesar Rp.567.531.598 per tahun atau Rp.6.523.352 per tahun per hektar. Nilai tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan mangrove bagi masyarakat menjadi unsur yang penting sehingga masyarakat perlu
menjaga kelestarian ekosistem hutan mangrove.
Kata Kunci: Mangrove, nilai manfaat dan Pantai Cengkrong