Papers by Melody modebelu
Vocational and Technical Education Journal, 2020

Research reports and observations have indicated the absence of quality planning in the managemen... more Research reports and observations have indicated the absence of quality planning in the management of higher education in Africa. This appears to be one of the major constraints to the effective management of higher education in majority of the institutions all over Africa. The paper examined “strategic planning procedure as an imperative for effective management of higher education in Nigeria”. Two hundred respondents (i.e. 100 lecturers, and 100 administrative officers) from five Federal Universities from south east geo-political zone of Nigeria were sampled and used for the study. Four research questions guided the study. Four point Likert-type rating scale with 21 – item researchers’ self-made questionnaire was used for data collection. Mean computation was used to analyzed the research questions. Pearson Product Moment was used to establish the reliability of the instrument. Findings include: low level achievement of higher education goals, identification of seven-item elements...

Mediterranean journal of social sciences, 2012
Teaching is an enabling job, a noble activity and a profession that involves a lot of activities ... more Teaching is an enabling job, a noble activity and a profession that involves a lot of activities to facilitatethe process. Learning, which is a positive permanent change in behaviour occurs through an effectiveteaching process. Effective teaching and learning centre on the teacher who is both the fulcrum on whicheducation revolves and the key that unlocks this door of education. Teachers in the third world nationsshould be fully equipped for this duty. The paper examines the innovative teaching methods for effectiveteaching and learning. Specifically the paper discusses: concept of effective teaching and learning,impediment to effective teaching and learning, enhancement factors, innovative teaching methods andconclusion. Recommendations include empowering teachers through quality workshops on application ofthe four innovative teaching methods viz: information transition and reception, cognitive strategiesdevelopment methods, attitude development methods and cognitive and motor skil...

OALib, 2019
This study investigated the Organizational climate and teachers job performance in public seconda... more This study investigated the Organizational climate and teachers job performance in public secondary schools in Abia state, Nigeria. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Ex-post facto descriptive survey design was employed in the study. Proportionate sampling technique was used to determine a sample size of 609 respondents for the study. A structured questionnaire titled "Organizational Climate on Teachers Job Performance Questionnaire (OCTJPQ)" built on 4-point rating scale was used for data collection. The face validity of the instrument was established by three experts, two from Educational Management and one from Measurement and Evaluation in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. Reliability of the instrument was determined with Cronbach alpha technique which gave a value of 0.84 for the internal consistency. Data collected analyzed with mean and standard deviation for the research questions while null hypotheses were tested with t-test statistic tool at 0.05 level of significance. Findings among others showed that open organization climate influences teachers' job performance to a low extent, and there was no significant difference between the mean scores responses Principals and teachers on the two null hypotheses. Based on the findings, recommendations were advanced.
International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 2014
This paper reviews skill development in science and technology education, which is of crucial imp... more This paper reviews skill development in science and technology education, which is of crucial importance for sustainable development in Nigeria. The relevant concepts are introduced and robust argumentation is made with respect to the context of Nigeria.

美中教育评论 a, 2014
Electronic learning (e-learning) is globally accepted as a veritable tool for attaining access, e... more Electronic learning (e-learning) is globally accepted as a veritable tool for attaining access, equity, and quality in higher education. This is because e-learning has become one of the most vital and potentially significant as well as efficient instructional methods to enhance quality in teaching and learning. It appears that this new trend in methods of enhancing learning is not adequately being adhered to in African higher education institutions. The paper examined academic staff's effective utilization of e-learning and quality assurance in higher education in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey method. A total of 600 academic staff were purposefully selected from a total population of 1586 in the two tertiary institutions in Cross River State of Nigeria. Five research questions guided the study. A questionnaire designed by the researcher was used for data collection, which was built on a 4-point scale, this yielded an alpha reliability coefficient value of 0.85. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency tables and means for the research questions. The findings identified that five ways e-learning could be used to enhance quality of higher education to high extent, five technologies vital for academic staff's effective application of e-learning for quality assurance, etc. It was observed that the majority of these staff have low extent knowledge and utilization of information and communications technology (ICT) tools, which appeared to be the major hindrance to effective utilization of e-learning in classroom interaction. Government attention is sought to assist these academic staff's attendance to conferences and workshops, and to give them wider exposure and challenge of effective application of e-learning in the instructional delivery.

International Letters of Natural Sciences, 2014
The study assessed the influence of environmental hazards on the development of rural communities... more The study assessed the influence of environmental hazards on the development of rural communities in Abia State. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 1,772 executive members of 175 Community Development Associations from where a sample of five hundred and nine executive members from 70 Community Development Associations was drawn. Self-structured questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. It was face validated by two experts in Educational Administration and Educational Measurement/ Evaluation from Abia State University, Uturu. The reliability of the instrument was tested on 25 executive members of Ayamele and Ifite-Ogwari Community Development Associations, both are Local Government Areas in Anambra State. Reliability coefficient of 0.88 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha estimate. The data were analyzed by computing and comparing the mean scores and standard deviation. Also, the null hypotheses were tested usi...

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2013
Agro-economy-based nations rarely experience food insecurity. Such nations have already set machi... more Agro-economy-based nations rarely experience food insecurity. Such nations have already set machinery in motion towards achieving one of the Millennium Development Goals MDGs, which emphasizes on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. This could be the major reason, developing nations like Nigeria that has been a mono-economy-based nation is leaving no stones unturned to restore and reposition its agricultural sector. Introduction of agricultural science in secondary school curriculum in Nigeria is a worthwhile effort towards adequate food security by equipping the grater percent of the youths. The study investigated effective teaching and learning of agricultural science for food security and national sustainability. It was a descriptive survey design. All the 267 principals and all the 513 agricultural science teachers in the 267 public secondary schools in Abia state of Nigeria form the sample size i.e. 780 respondents. Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. The instrument for data collection was a 26 item researchers' made structured questionnaire built on a 4-point rating scale. The reliability index values of 0.88 and 0.85 were obtained using Cronbach alpha technique. Content and face validity were established by two experts. Means and grand means were used to answer the research questions while ANOVA statistic tool was used to test for the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings indicated the following: teachers' qualifications matter in achieving quality teaching and learning of agricultural science; majority of the teachers are non degree holders; some degree holders are non-professionals; learning of the subject is more of theoretical; traditional classroom-based method of teaching and learning; inadequate facilities; means of updating knowledge were inadequate etc. Based on the findings, recommendations were made.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2018
This study is an examination of the fundamental problems faced by the management of private secon... more This study is an examination of the fundamental problems faced by the management of private secondary schools in Enugu metropolis. The study specifically seeks to; determine whether funding constitutes a problem to the management of private secondary schools in Enugu Metropolis, and to determine whether the lack of physical facilities contribute to the problems of the management of private secondary schools in Enugu metropolis. The population for the study comprised of the two hundred and fifty (250) approved private secondary schools presently in Enugu metropolis with about five thousand and thirty (5030) secondary school teachers and one hundred and four (104) principals currently serving in all private secondary schools; stratified sampling procedures were used in selecting the required sample for this study, purposive sampling was used in this study in selecting ten schools. Simple random sampling using random number tables was then used to select 500 teachers and 10 principals from the schools. As a result, at Enugu east 4 secondary schools comprising of 190 teachers and 4 principals were selected; at Enugu north 3 secondary schools comprising of 165 teachers and 3 principals were selected; at Enugu south, 3 secondary schools 145 teachers and 3 principals were selected. Thus a total of 10 secondary schools, 500 teachers and 10 principals were sampled. Questionnaire which was validated by experts was the instrument used for data collection. Mean scores, grand mean, and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses were tested

University lecturers’ new technologies can make a very big difference in enhancing quality and st... more University lecturers’ new technologies can make a very big difference in enhancing quality and standard in the output of Nigerian universities and other third world nations. Students’ frequent exposure and application of huge interactiveness in new ICT tools and media will definitely promote their online utilization of skills and knowledge perception of their environment. The online training greatly depends on the amount of online training education, knowledge and learning management of university lecturers as well as their online training methodologies. The study examined knowledge and learning management for academic staff online training methodologies for quality graduate. A sample of 300 respondents from 6 Federal Universities in the South –east geological zone of Nigeria was selected, using proportionate stratified sampling technique. A 23 item structured questionnaire built on a 4 – point scale was used for data collection. Three research questions and a null hypothesis guided...

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013
Microbial efficiency of air-conditioners (A/Cs) and other ventilation devices like electric fans ... more Microbial efficiency of air-conditioners (A/Cs) and other ventilation devices like electric fans (EFs) and open doors/windows (DWs), as means of enhancing future air quality was studied in Anambra state. Four hundred (400ml) of water samples dripping from A/Cs discharge nozzles were collected from 45banks, 61 hospitals and 44 hotels (total of 150 samples) selected from the 21 local government areas(LGAs) in the state, using proportionate random sampling technique. A/Cs vents, EFs blades and DWs surfaces in the selected institutions were also swabbed and examined. Some of the findings are as follows; One hundred and twenty-six (126) bacterial isolates were recovered from the 150 water samples collected from A/Cs in the various establishments. Bacterial isolates from banks were 36(28.6%), hospitals 54(36.0%) and 33(22.0%) from hotels. There were 4 predominant and frequently isolated bacterial species, which when pooled in the institutions recorded; Micrococcus luteus 50(39.7%), Arthrobacter globiformis 36(28.6%), Staphylococcus epidemidis 30(23.8%) and Staphylococcus aureus 10(7.9%). Statistical analysis of the results showed that calc. F value of 0.10 was < 3.11 critical value p 0.05 df 2/60. The null hypothesis of no significant statistical differenc in bacterial isolates from A/Cs water samples was accepted. Eighty-eight bacterial isolates from 135 swab samples from A/Cs vents, EFs blades and DWs surfaces in banks using the various devices showed that they had 36(26.7%), 28(20.7%) and 24(17.8%) bacterial isolates respectively. Statistical analysis of the results indicated that calc. F value 11.57 was > 3.11 critical value p 0.05 df 2/60. The alternative hypothesis of, there was significant statistical difference in bacterial isolates from surfaces of A/Cs, EFs and DWs in banks was accepted. Ability of the isolates to access and inhabit ventilation devices, call for alternative materials for their construction by engineers, to make them un-habitable by microbes. This will guarantee their safe use as means of achieving future air quality globally.

One of the major issues in managing tertiary education for quality and sustainability in the thi... more One of the major issues in managing tertiary education for quality and sustainability in the third world nations is the issue of the increasing negative influences of climate change and the associated environmental degradation in the institutions. Student learning can be enhanced and made more effective when learning environment is made adequate and appropriate. Students’ hostel management is very vital in attaining quality tertiary education for sustainable development. This study investigated environmental hazards and hostel accommodation problems—Challenges for university education in Nigeria. A research question and a hypothesis guided the study. A 13-item questionnaire built on 4-point scale and validated by two experts with a reliability index of 0.78 was used to elicit responses from 300 male and female hall wardens from six federal universities in south-east geo-political zone of Nigeria. Data collected were decoded. Mean was used for the analysis of the research question w...

Teachers are individuals trained to possess the technical know-how and the elements of what it ta... more Teachers are individuals trained to possess the technical know-how and the elements of what it takes to inculcate the expected national education goals through various curriculum subjects at various levels of education. The ability of these teachers to produce graduates with the expected goals indicates teacher’s productivity or effectiveness. Majority of secondary education graduates in Nigeria and other third world-nations do not adequately manifest the expected goals of secondary education and national education goals at large. This ugly situation negates the current emphasis on achieving quality science and technology driven economy in the nation. The study therefore examined issues in managing Science Teachers’ productivity challenges for quality science education in Anambra State of Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Three research questions guided the study. A sample size of 708 science teachers (i.e. 342 Biology, 218 Chemistry, 113 Physics and 35 B...

This work examined the influence of school farm on the teaching of Agricultural Science in senior... more This work examined the influence of school farm on the teaching of Agricultural Science in senior secondary schools in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State. The study utilized a descriptive survey research design with random sampling techniques. The twelve public senior secondary schools in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State were purposively selected and used for the study. There was no sampling carried out for the study because of the small population rather all the 12 agricultural science teachers drawn from the 12 schools were used (one agricultural science teacher from each of the twelve schools selected). Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. Instruments for data collection were a 10-item structured questionnaire built on a 4-point response format. The validity of the instrument was determined by three experts: one in agricultural education, one in educational administration and one in measurement and evaluation. Cronbach alpha was use...

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies
This paper discusses dehumanizing communication reified among undergraduates and t lecturers. Deh... more This paper discusses dehumanizing communication reified among undergraduates and t lecturers. Dehumanization is the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities and denial of humanness to others. On the other hand, communication is human interaction and learning. Communication becomes rude when it is deliberately directed resulting in dehumanizing communication. The paper, therefore, examines dehumanizing communication in terms of its being intentional and unintentional and dehumanizing communication between lecturers and students and among students. It also took a swipe on the effects of dehumanizing communication on students and lecturers as well as proffer solutions to mitigating effect of dehumanizing communication between lecturer and students and among students. The suggested solutions among others include inter-group dialogue programme among contending groups in the student community, establishment of multicultural centers on campus in order to bring contending groups together (i.e. lecturers and students of all races and ethnicity). A compulsory course on "pedagogy of positiveness" is also recommended in the university curriculum to instill in the students the value of respecting people who may be different.

OALib, 2016
This paper intended to provide a brief overview of the issues and challenges in the educational l... more This paper intended to provide a brief overview of the issues and challenges in the educational leadership in Nigerian schools and the political involvement in the managerial structure. Tracing down the history of education during and after the colonial era, were indications of types of schools within the stated period, whether public or mission schools, and the political involvement in the management, leadership and students' admission. Many concerned citizens have written on the educational system and attributed its deploying conditions to poor implementation of curriculum, inadequate funding and poor monitoring or supervision. The paper concludes that the politics in the educational sector was based mostly on quota system and godfathers, which adversely affect educational leadership of the country. Based on these it was recommended among others that politicians should allow the education authorities to select leaders for schools with a stated standard. Again, experts should be in the leadership positions of schools and should be made to be autonomous.

International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2013
ICT has offered great potential, especially as an aid to every aspect of human endeavor. Inspire ... more ICT has offered great potential, especially as an aid to every aspect of human endeavor. Inspire of the roles played by ICT especially in teaching/learning, there are still some impediments to its effective utilization by the academic staff. This work examined the academic staff challenges to effective utilization of ICT in teaching and learning of Agricultural Education in Federal Universities in South East geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Forty respondents were purposively sampling from universities and used for the study. Three research questions guided the study. A 35-item researchers’ developed questionnaire was used for data collection. Instrument validation covered face and content validity by two experts in educational management and agricultural education. While reliability index values of 0.86, 0.85 and 0.92 were obtained using Cronbach alpha. Means and grand means were used to analyze the research questions. The findings revealed a low extent utilization and inadequate ICT ...

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 2014
This study aimed at determining the effect of reform-based-instructional method learning styles o... more This study aimed at determining the effect of reform-based-instructional method learning styles on students' achievement and retention in mathematics. A sample size of 119 students was randomly selected. The quasiexperimental design comprising pre-test, post-test, and randomized control group were employed. The Collin Rose learning styles identification and Mathematics instrument were used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of covariance. Results revealed that students taught Mathematics with reform-based instructional method performed better than students taught the same mathematics content with the traditional method. Also, students' achievement in mathematics was influenced by the students' leaning styles. For effective teaching and learning in Mathematics, there should be reforms in the instructional processes, taking into consideration the influence of the students' learning styles in particular.
Papers by Melody modebelu