Books by Mitra Zeraatpishe
Readership Language teachers, professionals, researchers and TEFL graduate and postgraduate stude... more Readership Language teachers, professionals, researchers and TEFL graduate and postgraduate students interested in textbook evaluation may gain a comprehensive understanding of concepts and practical issues in evaluating language materials specifically textbooks. For more information see
Readership TEFL graduate and post-graduate students may find it interesting to gain a comprehensi... more Readership TEFL graduate and post-graduate students may find it interesting to gain a comprehensive understanding of concepts and practical commands of reflective and effective teaching of four skills and sub-skills altogether.

The various types of syllabi and the host of related issues in the field of second language teach... more The various types of syllabi and the host of related issues in the field of second language teaching and course development manifest the significance of syllabus design as one of the most controversial areas of second language pedagogy. Teachers should be familiar with different types of syllabuses and be able to critically analyze them. Issues in Syllabus Design addresses the major types of syllabuses in language course development and provides readers with the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of implementing syllabuses for use in language teaching programs. It starts with an introduction to the concept of syllabus design along with its philosophical foundations and then briefly covers the major syllabus types from a historical perspective and pedagogical significance: the grammatical, situational, skill-based, lexical, genre-based, functional notional, content, task-based, negotiated, and discourse syllabus. This volume helps teachers to be familiar with different types of syllabuses and enables them to critically analyze different syllabus types.
Papers by Mitra Zeraatpishe

Individual differences arise from several factors like affect, behavior, reflective thinking, cog... more Individual differences arise from several factors like affect, behavior, reflective thinking, cognition, and motivation, which can crucially bring differences among learners. Ego state and learning style are among these differences. The present study aimed to investigate the interrelationships of Iranian EFL learners' reflective thinking, ego state, and learning style. Methodology: To conduct the study, 200 male and female English learners from different universities in Mashhad, Iran, were selected based on convenience sampling. The instruments of the study were three questionnaires, namely Reflective Thinking Questionnaire (Kember et al., 2000), Learning Style Questionnaire (Honey & Mumford, 1986b), and Ego State Questionnaire (Hay, 1996). Results: The analysis of data revealed that the proposed model had a perfect fit with the empirical data after modification. Moreover, the results of the Pearson correlation indicated that total learning style correlated positively and significantly with students' reflective thinking. Moreover, learning style correlated positively and significantly with internal parent and internal adult. Conclusion: The findings indicated that internal adult is a significant positive predictor of all four learning styles.

Journal of Contemporary Language Research
Introduction: Previous inquiries in FL vocabulary knowledge targeted profoundly on the vocabulary... more Introduction: Previous inquiries in FL vocabulary knowledge targeted profoundly on the vocabulary pedagogical outcomes and writing improvement, however scant research has been done on the learners’ lexical competence in the writing process. In this spirit, the study endeavored to investigate the relationship between vocabulary size (VS) and vocabulary use, content, and organization in writing besides VS’s predictability in writing performance. Methodology: To this end, 30 intermediate EFL learners’ (15 males, 15 females) were administered on vocabulary size test (Nation, 2012) and Preliminary English Test (PET) of writing. The scores were analyzed and the results indicated significant positive relationships between VS and writing scores, and VS and vocabulary use scores. To investigate the predictability of VS in writing elements scores, regression analysis was applied. Results: The Linear regression revealed that VS variable accounts for 88.9% of vocabulary use in writing scores. T...

Journal of Contemporary Language Research
Introduction: Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in investigating L2 English producti... more Introduction: Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in investigating L2 English productive and receptive vocabulary knowledge in writing. Previous inquiries focused heavily on the pedagogical effects of teaching vocabulary on writing. A less investigated area is learners’ lexical competence involvement in the complicated writing process regarding their subcomponents. To bridge the research gap, the present study examined the alleged relationship between the elements of vocabulary depth (collocation and synonym) and the writing skill’s subcomponents (vocabulary use, content, and organization). Methodology: Thirty intermediate English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ writing scores on the Preliminary English Test were compared and correlated to the depth of vocabulary knowledge (DVK). The writing texts were given a holistic score, and several lexical measures were calculated. Results: The results indicated significant relationships between DVK and writing, synonym and vo...
International Journal of Language Testing, Mar 1, 2018
International Journal of Language Testing, Oct 1, 2019
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Are reading comprehension tests composed of different test formats unidimensional? Elias Sheybani, Mitra Zeraatpishe
Issues in Syllabus Design, 2018
Issues in Coursebook Evaluation, 2018
Issues in Syllabus Design
Among the major initials of any language program is the specification of content of language teac... more Among the major initials of any language program is the specification of content of language teaching and learning in developing materials. As the aim of content specification is to prepare the list of items in the order they will be taught, different factors like the environment in which the course will be used, needs of the learners, and teaching and learning principles should be taken into account (Nation & Macalister, 2010).
Cogent Education, 2021
The number of children with autism is increasing worldwide. These children like all other childre... more The number of children with autism is increasing worldwide. These children like all other children should be provided with equal chances for learning and education. Thus, English language education...

Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their lear... more Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their learning are superseded by interventionist attempts to explore direct applications of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory in language teaching and learning. This quasi-experimental study examined the extent to which engaging ELT major university students in writing tasks, compatible to their dominant intelligences, might enhance the accuracy, organization, and fluency of their writing. The participants were 64 male and female English major sophomores. They were in three intact classes, randomly assigned to a control no task (NT) group, a task-supported (TS) group, and an MI-oriented task (MIT) group after their initial homogeneity was assessed. The fifteen-session treatment comprised pre-writing brainstorming activities in the NT group and a set of pre-writing tasks performed by the TS group. In the MIT group, however, individuals with the same dominant intelligences were grouped together to ...

Teachers play a fundamental role in educational settings as well as in every academic context. Th... more Teachers play a fundamental role in educational settings as well as in every academic context. Thus, educational systems have to rely on evaluating the teachers for various traits, features, and personality characteristics. Among the different qualities, teacher interaction and empathy are two of the vital concepts well-accepted by language teaching scholars. However, novice teachers may need guidance. It is advisable to rely on the experiences and traits of effective teachers when administrators and policy makers aim to hold teacher training courses or in-service training sessions. Accordingly, through relying on mega planning theory and employing a mixed method, the researcher concluded the patterns of empathy and interaction among effective English language teachers to provide feedback to English program administers and teachers mainly. The findings of the qualitative phase of the study also shed light on what skills effective teachers had and what beliefs they held concerning em...

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, Dec 15, 2017
Studies have been done on finding construct-irrelevant factors and cognitive processes involved i... more Studies have been done on finding construct-irrelevant factors and cognitive processes involved in test taking. Previous studies have explored correlations between reading comprehension (RC) ability and psychological variables such as creativity and intelligence reporting significant relations. Many researchers trying to figure out the difference between diverse formats performance. The present study takes interest in investigating if each test format performance is affected by cognitive traits of test takers. It investigates the effects of three psychological variables including Fluid intelligence (Gf), Crystallized intelligence (gc), and creativity (C) on reading comprehension (RC) performance where Multiple-Choice (MC) and Constructed-Response (CR) formats are involved for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. The relations among all five variables are examined applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by hypothesizing a model related to the previous researches. The model goes through modifications twice and the final revision reports the relationships. Path analysis demonstrates direct significant effects in paths for Gc-MC, Gc-CR, Gf-CR and indirect significant effects in Gf-MC, creativity-MC, and creativity-CR. Therefore, CR items are the most affected format by those cognitive variables. The results are further discussed and concluded in more details.

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is under the umbrella of teaching language for specific purpo... more English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is under the umbrella of teaching language for specific purposes (LSP) (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998). It is designed for a particular group of people with special needs in particular contexts (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987) and entails teaching language, discourse and relevant communication skills by incorporating topics and underlying methodology of the target discipline or profession (Dudley-Evans, 2001). ESP is mainly characterized by features such as being grounded on the results of needs analysis, drawing from topics, tasks, and activities of a specific purpose, and in cases benefiting from the methodology of subject areas or professions (Widdowson, 1983). Materials in ESP are related to the learners’ special language learning needs. In fact, ESP is materials-driven and learner-cantered and as a classroom-based program, concerned with practical outcomes (Dudley-Evans, 2001). Like any other program, ESP programs cannot be devoid of materials or ...
Books by Mitra Zeraatpishe
Papers by Mitra Zeraatpishe