Papers by Mirta Quattrocchio

Andean Geology, Jun 21, 2008
A multidisciplinary analysis of palynofacies in a sequence-stratigraphical framework, TOC (total ... more A multidisciplinary analysis of palynofacies in a sequence-stratigraphical framework, TOC (total organic carbon) and TAI (thermal alteration index) analyses, has been applied to outcrop samples of the uppermost Los Molles Formation (Middle Jurassic), Neuquén Basin, Argentina, in order to characterise the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions during the deposition of this unit. Five types of palynofacies (P-1 to P-5) have been identified and are interpreted to indicate a restricted marine to inner neritic environment. In P-1 and P-4, a marine environment close to the terrestrial source area with moderate oxidizing conditions and energy, is suggested. In P-2, the assemblage of freshwater algae, acritarchs and prasinophytes suggest a marginal marine environment influenced by fluvial discharge. In P-3, the marine microplankton content reflects conditions ranging from a marginal-marine (sub-normal salinity) to an inner neritic environment. In P-5, a dysoxic marine environment (probably marginal) is suggested. Warm and relatively humid (abundance of Cheirolepidiaceae in association with Araucariaceae) and locally humid (presence of swamps or ponds, on the alluvial plains) conditions are inferred. TOC content (65% of the analyzed samples reach TOC values over 1%), TAI values (2 to 2+, transitional between an immature phase and the window of liquid petroleum generation) and kerogen type (P-1, P-2 and P-5 show transitional characteristics between kerogen type II and III, while P-3 and P-4 show characteristics of kerogen type III and occasionally type IV), suggest that, in the studied area, the Los Molles Formation has some hydrocarbon potential. However, kerogen state suggests that the anoxic-dysoxic conditions of the site of deposition were not optimum for its preservation.
Fundación Miguel Lillo eBooks, Jun 6, 1980
The present paper deals with the description and ilustration of 14 species of palynomorphs. The m... more The present paper deals with the description and ilustration of 14 species of palynomorphs. The material was collected from five microfloristic associations found in gray claystone and marls of Fajas Verdes 1 y II of Lumbrera Formation (Salta Group), locality of Pampa Grande, Salta Province. The species studied here belong to the following genera: Gabonisporis; Laevigatosporit et, Podocarpitidites, Inaperturopollenites, Smilactpites, Tricolpites, Nothopollenites, Jussittiporites, Liquidambarpollenites, Dtporicetlaesporites, Pluricellaesporites e lnapertisporites. One species is new. o· Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene is the age assigned to the Lumbrera Formacion in the locality studied.
Palynology, 2020
The succession at Punta Ainol represents a new record for the Paleogene (late Paleocene-middle Eo... more The succession at Punta Ainol represents a new record for the Paleogene (late Paleocene-middle Eocene) from southern South America, based on current data on nannofossil and dinoflagellate cysts. Some significant events are in agreement with nannofossil data. In ascending stratigraphic order, they include the first occurrences (FO) of Impagidinium crassimuratum, Apectodinium homomorphum, Pyxidiniopsis waipawaensis, Samlandia septata, Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum, and Enneadocysta dictyostila, and the latest occurrence (LO) of Palaeocystodinium golzowense. Three Paleocene/Eocene dinoflagellate cysts zones (Palaeocystodinium golzowense, NZDP7 and Apectodinium homomorfum) are recognized here.

Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2017
The new record of the family Lactoridaceae (Rosannia manika Srivastava) in Tierra del Fuego, Aust... more The new record of the family Lactoridaceae (Rosannia manika Srivastava) in Tierra del Fuego, Austral Basin corresponds to a sedimentary succession located at the south of the Irigoyen River, nearby the Cerro Malvinera. The palynology (principally dinoflagellates cysts) of different Paleogene formations (La Barca, Punta Torcida and Puesto José) in the Austral Basin was analyzed to calibrate the age of this outcrop. This result was compared with large datasets of organic dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages from Southern Pacific Ocean shelf sediments and other sections of the world. The majority of the palynomorph taxa from the Cerro Malvinera succession are present in the upper member LB2 of the La Barca Formation and both shared the presence of Lactoridaceae (Rosannia manika Srivastava) and the age-diagnostic dinocysts Pentadinium laticinctum (First Occurrences 51.95 Ma). An age not older than early Eocene is proposed for the LB2 member of the La Barca Formation and the Cerro Malvinera strata. This data expands the known fossil range of the Lactoridaceae in Patagonia and contributes to elucidate the probably migration routes of this family. A migration via Antarctica is postulated in this paper due to the record of this family in the Maastrichtian (López de Bertodano Formation). Depending on new records, due to the presence of this family in the Colorado Basin in the Danian, a migration route from the north of Patagonia to the south (Austral Basin) it is not discarded.
Revista española de …, 2001
En este trabajo se presentan las descripciones sistemáticas y microfotografías de palinomorfos te... more En este trabajo se presentan las descripciones sistemáticas y microfotografías de palinomorfos terrestres (94) y marinos (20) identificados para la Formación Lajas (Jurásico medio). Los palinomorfos fueron recuperados de muestras de afloramientos pertenecientes a cuatro secciones ...

espanolSe presenta una palinozonacion preliminar para el intervalo Tithoniano-Hauteriviano en el ... more espanolSe presenta una palinozonacion preliminar para el intervalo Tithoniano-Hauteriviano en el centro-oeste de la Cuenca Neuquina. Teniendo en cuenta las apariciones masivas de taxones continentales y marinos y la presencia de palinomorfos con valor cronologico se reconocieron para el Tithoniano tardio-?Berriasiano temprano las zonas de Dichadogonyaulax culmula y Aptea notialis y la Zona de Microcachryidites antarcticus. La Zona 1 (Berriasiano tardio-?Valanginiano temprano), correlacionable con la Zona de Callialasporites-Contignisporites-Staplinisporites de Patagonia Austral, esta caracterizada por la abundancia de Callialasporites y ausencia de Cyclusphaera. Se reconocio la Zona de Cyclusphaera psilata-Classopollis asociada a especies de microplancton, como Celyphus rallus, Leiosphaeridia y Leiofusa, para el Valanginiano tardio (Zona 2). Se da una evaluacion paleoambiental para el intervalo estratigrafico en estudio, considerando la relacion de palinomorfos continentales versus ...
Springer eBooks, 2000

Revista española de micropaleontología, 2008
Los principales afloramientos estudiados se encuentran en el valle medio del Río Chubut, donde al... more Los principales afloramientos estudiados se encuentran en el valle medio del Río Chubut, donde alternan volcanitas y depósitos bioquímicos, piroclásticos y epiclásticos. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio palinológico y palinofacial de las pelitas gris oscuras de la parte inferior de esta Formación en la localidad Cañadón Lahuincó del Depocentro Cerro Cóndor. La abundancia de materia orgánica amorfa (60-90%) en todas las muestras palinológicas estudiadas es característica de condiciones de fondo. El material obtenido corresponde en su mayor parte a palinomorfos destruidos que incluyen microplancton y Botryococcus. Los fitoclastos opacos que escasos, consisten en materia equidimensional no estructurada de color negro. La presencia de Botryococcus indica niveles lacustres someros y, probablemente, condiciones de salinidad. Procesos diagenéticos como son la degradación, corrosión y ausencia de pirita en todas las muestras indican que las condiciones del fondo lacustre fueron mayormente aeróbicas. En el conjunto de los granos de polen, los de las Cheirolepidiaceae dominan el espectro polínico (hasta 80% de Classopollis spp.), junto con los de las Araucariaceae (hasta un 20 %). Los altos porcentajes de Cheirolepidiaceae que fueron termófilas, y Araucariaceae que ocuparon ambientes relativamente húmedos, caracterizan el paleoambiente como cálido y húmedo. Asímismo la presencia de esporas de briofitos (Nevesisporites cf. radiatus) y granos de polen de pteridospermas (Alisporites similis) sugieren condiciones de humedad, al menos local, para la parte inferior de la Formación. La distribución estratigráfica de los palinomorfos indica una edad jurásica media (del Bajociense al Bathoniense temprano).

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2011
The Lotena Formation from two localities, Picún Leufú and Portada Covunco, in the Neuquén Basin o... more The Lotena Formation from two localities, Picún Leufú and Portada Covunco, in the Neuquén Basin of west-central Argentina was studied palynologically. The material examined produced moderately diverse Late Callovian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. This age assignment is consistent with ammonite evidence. The dinoflagellate cyst floras are reminiscent of the Middle Jurassic associations of northwest Europe and surrounding areas. Marine palynomorphs typical of Australasia and the Arctic are 2 absent. The similarity with Europe is strongly suggestive of an open marine connection between western Tethys and the Neuquén Basin during the Late Callovian. This is interpreted as being via the Hispanic Corridor, with the palynofloras being passively dispersed to the southwest by the circum-Tropical Marine Current. Earlier studies indicate that this trans-Pangean equatorial seaway first began to allow biotic interchange during the Mid Jurassic and this study proves that this open marine connection was established by the Late Callovian. The similarities between the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of Europe and the Neuquén Basin are consistent with the distribution of other marine fossils and the existence of geographically-continuous marine facies belts.

Quaternary International, Apr 1, 2008
The landscape evolution of the southwestern part of Buenos Aires Province (southern Pampa) is a g... more The landscape evolution of the southwestern part of Buenos Aires Province (southern Pampa) is a good example for the understanding of continental deposits in arid-semiarid regions. In Buenos Aires Province, the last 9-3 Ma record is described as sequences composed of alternating loess and palaeosol units indicating climatic fluctuations between arid and cold (loess deposition), and warm and humid intervals (palaeosol development). The present drainage system flows across the Early Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene stratigraphic units. The stratigraphy and evolutionary history are analyzed using sequence-stratigraphic criteria; the interpretation of the climatic evolution of the area is based on pollen and mammal (mainly rodents) records. The Late Pleistocene sediments reflect arid to semiarid conditions. The Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition is characterized by development of palaeosols. The Early Holocene pollen records reflect the development of a vegetation community characteristic of coastal dunes. Sea level was still lower than today. Temperature and humidity reached its maximum during the mid-Holocene when the high diversity and abundance of marine dinocysts and acritarchs indicate a transgression. This event is associated with the gramineous steppe in the continent reflecting more temperate or local humid conditions, and with Brazilian mammal fauna. This relative rise of sea level lead to flooding the riverbeds producing deposition of gray muddy facies. Approximately at 3000 years BP the marine influence ended in the area. After 2610 years BP psammophytic herbaceous steppe development, as well as mammals, suggests arid to semiarid conditions. An interval of higher humidity is inferred at approximately 2000 years BP based on the development of gramineous steppe communities. A relative rise of temperature may be inferred by the southward expansion of the Brazilian mammal fauna.
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, May 13, 2020
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, Apr 1, 2009
... On August 17, 1833 he wrote:" Bahia Blanca scarcely deserves the name of a villa... more ... On August 17, 1833 he wrote:" Bahia Blanca scarcely deserves the name of a village. A few houses and the barracks for the troops are enclosed by a deep ditch and fortified wall" (Darwin 1845, p. 76). ... 33. Pascual, R., Ortega Hinojosa, EJ, Gondar, D. and Tonni, EP 1966. ...
Ameghiniana, Sep 3, 2013
Se describen y/o ilustran las especies marinas de la Formacion Vaca Muerta (Titoniano) del area d... more Se describen y/o ilustran las especies marinas de la Formacion Vaca Muerta (Titoniano) del area de Caichigue, Provincia de Neuquen. Se hallaron especies que pertenecen a los generos Micrhystridium, Comasphaeridium, Filisphaeridium, Leiosphaeridia, Campenia, Pterospermella, Pterosphaeridia, Cymatiosphaera, Hyalosphaera, Gonyaulacysta, Microdinium y Pareodinia.

Ameghiniana, Dec 1, 2004
En este trabajo se exponen los resultados del análisis palinoestratigráfico y palinofacial efectu... more En este trabajo se exponen los resultados del análisis palinoestratigráfico y palinofacial efectuado sobre muestras provenientes de afloramientos del Jurásico Medio, correspondientes a la Formación Lotena en el sector centro-occidental de la cuenca Neuquina. Constituye un aporte al conocimiento palinológico de dicha formación, hasta el momento escasamente estudiada, y que será ampliado en el futuro con el análisis de nuevas secciones al noroeste del área de trabajo. De esta manera, se incrementa el número de especies previamente citadas para esta formación y se realiza una comparación con los estudios precedentes al sur del área de trabajo, en la localidad denominada arroyo Picún Leufú (Volkheimer y Quattrocchio, 1981a; Quattrocchio y Sarjeant, 1992). Se presenta una síntesis de la estratigrafía de la cuenca, bioestratigrafía y edad de la Formación Lotena, así como también el estudio sistemático de los taxones mencionados por primera vez en la cuenca y la lista de especies identificadas. El análisis palinofacial (estudio de la materia orgánica palinológica total) de los niveles considerados aporta información adicional para la reconstrucción

Revista española de micropaleontología, 2002
El analisis palinofacial aplicado a muestras de afloramiento de la Formacion Lajas (Jurasico medi... more El analisis palinofacial aplicado a muestras de afloramiento de la Formacion Lajas (Jurasico medio) de Cuenca Neuquina permitio inferir para esta formacion un medio de depositacion marino marginal, bien oxigenado, de elevada energia (accion de mareas y olas) y proximal al area de aporte terrigeno. Estas caracteristicas son similares a las determinadas a partir del analisis litofacial en un contexto estratigrafico secuencial. A partir de las variaciones porcentuales de las familias vegetales, se infieren condiciones de clima calido y humedad variable, con dos momentos de relativo deterioro climatico bajo condiciones templadas y subhumedas: Bajociano temprano (JC4.2-TST hasta JC4.4-TST, con el maximo deterioro en JC43-TST) y en el limite Bathoniano - Caloviano (JCS-TST). El estudio cuali/cuantitativo de la materia organica palinologica (mediante microscopia de luz transmitida) y la determinacion del indice de alteracion termica (IAT), permitio determinar en general para esta formacion un escaso potencial oleogenetico (querogeno tipo I1I), siendo las muestras correspon-dientes a sistemas deltaicos las que mejores perspectivas de generacion de hidrocarburos poseen.

Revista Geologica De Chile, Jul 1, 2008
A multidisciplinary analysis of palynofacies in a sequence-stratigraphical framework, TOC (total ... more A multidisciplinary analysis of palynofacies in a sequence-stratigraphical framework, TOC (total organic carbon) and TAI (thermal alteration index) analyses, has been applied to outcrop samples of the uppermost Los Molles Formation (Middle Jurassic), Neuquén Basin, Argentina, in order to characterise the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions during the deposition of this unit. Five types of palynofacies (P-1 to P-5) have been identified and are interpreted to indicate a restricted marine to inner neritic environment. In P-1 and P-4, a marine environment close to the terrestrial source area with moderate oxidizing conditions and energy, is suggested. In P-2, the assemblage of freshwater algae, acritarchs and prasinophytes suggest a marginal marine environment influenced by fluvial discharge. In P-3, the marine microplankton content reflects conditions ranging from a marginal-marine (sub-normal salinity) to an inner neritic environment. In P-5, a dysoxic marine environment (probably marginal) is suggested. Warm and relatively humid (abundance of Cheirolepidiaceae in association with Araucariaceae) and locally humid (presence of swamps or ponds, on the alluvial plains) conditions are inferred. TOC content (65% of the analyzed samples reach TOC values over 1%), TAI values (2 to 2+, transitional between an immature phase and the window of liquid petroleum generation) and kerogen type (P-1, P-2 and P-5 show transitional characteristics between kerogen type II and III, while P-3 and P-4 show characteristics of kerogen type III and occasionally type IV), suggest that, in the studied area, the Los Molles Formation has some hydrocarbon potential. However, kerogen state suggests that the anoxic-dysoxic conditions of the site of deposition were not optimum for its preservation.
Palynology, Dec 1, 1997
An integrated biochronological and physical stratigraphic ap-proach was used as the basis to dete... more An integrated biochronological and physical stratigraphic ap-proach was used as the basis to determine the stratigraphic position of the "Faja Gris" of the Mealla Formation at Garabatal Creek, NW Argentina. The relative dryness that influenced the sediments and the ...
Papers by Mirta Quattrocchio