Papers by Mirjana Abramovic

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2006
Na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci, u periodu od 01.03.2003. ... more Na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci, u periodu od 01.03.2003. do 01.06.2003. godine, hospitalizovano je 174 bolesnika sa povrijeđenim ili oboljelim ekstremitetima, prosječne životne dobi 46,95 (27-81) godina. Neoperativno su liječena 33 (18,9%), a operativno 141 bolesnik (81,1%). Preoperativno i postoperativno potpunu tromboembolijsku profilaksu (TEP) imalo je 50 (28,9%) bolesnika. U toku prvih deset dana, tromboembolijske komplikacije imali su bolesnici kojima nije data tromboembolijska profilaksa: 12 (9,2%) sa smrtnim ishodom 2 (1,2%). U kontrolnoj grupi, u vremenskom periodu iste dužine trajanja, 2005. godine (01.03. do 01.06.), na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci liječeno je 162 bolesnika, prosječne starosne dobi 47,2 (17-82) godine. Neoperativno je liječeno 29 (17,9%), a operativno 133 (82,1%). Svi su imali potpunu preoperativnu i postoperativnu TEP. U prvih deset dana tromboebolijske komplikacije imalo je 5 (3%) bolesnika i nije bilo ni jednog smrtnog ishoda. Iz navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji opravdanost tromboembolijske profilakse u ortopedskoj hirurgiji i traumatologiji.
Cells Tissues Organs, 2012
taneous appearance of ICC at the SMP and MP level in the distal colon can be explained by the fac... more taneous appearance of ICC at the SMP and MP level in the distal colon can be explained by the fact that there are differences in the migration of neural crest cells in particular portions of the digestive tube. In conclusion, in humans, there was a difference in the patterns of development of ICC in the distal colon compared to the rest of the gut.

Cell and Tissue Research, Jan 11, 2014
Several subtypes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) form networks that play a role in gastr... more Several subtypes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) form networks that play a role in gastrointestinal motor control. ICC express c-kit and depend on signaling via Kit receptors for development and phenotype maintenance. At 7-8 weeks of development, c-kit-immunoreactive (c-kit-IR) cells are present in the human oesophagus, stomach and proximal duodenum wall. In the remaining small and large bowel, c-kit-IR cells appear later. The object of the present study is to determine the timing of the appearance of c-kit-IR ICC in the parts of the digestive tube originating from the midgut (distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum and proximal colon). Specimens were obtained from eight human embryos and 11 fetuses at 7-12 weeks of gestational age. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation. The differentiation of enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells was immunohistochemically examined by using anti-PGP9,5 and anti-desmin antibodies, respectively. In the distal duodenum, jejunum and ileum, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9 at the level of the myenteric plexus in the form of a thin row of cells encircling the inception of the ganglia. These cells were multipolar or spindle-shaped with two long processes and corresponded to the ICC of the myenteric plexus. In the proximal colon, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9-10 in the form of two parallel belts of cells extending at the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus levels. We conclude that ICC develop following two different patterns in the human midgut.

Stomatoloski Glasnik Srbije, 2005
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj Na-EDTA i NaOCl na mineralni sastav dentina kor... more Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj Na-EDTA i NaOCl na mineralni sastav dentina korena zuba (Ca/P) primenom SEM i EDS mikroanalize. Materijal i metod: Korišćeno je 22 uzorka dentina srednje trećine korena prvih premolara koji su ekstrahovani iz ortodontskih razloga. Uzorci su polirani i podeljeni u četiri eksperimentalne grupe. Prva grupa uzoraka je ispirana fiziološkim rastvorom i služila je kao kontrola. Druga grupa je tretirana pomoću 15% Na-EDTA u trajanju od jednog minuta sa naknadnom irigacijom pomoću fiziološkog rastvora. Treća grupa uzoraka je podvrgnuta irigaciji sa 5,25% NaOCl bez ikakvog pretretmana, i poslednja, kombinovanom ispira nju sa Na-EDTA i NaOCl. Rezultati su pokazalali da primena Na-EDTA u kombinaciji sa NaOCl kao završnim ispiranjem i NaOCl posebno, značajno menjaju odnos Ca/P u dentinu korena zuba. Završna irigacija sa NaOCl povećava efektivnost helatnih sredstava. Ključne reči: dentin korena zuba, mineralni sastav, odnos Ca/P, irigacija Na-EDTA, NaOCl, SEM, EDS. ORIGINALNI RAD (OR) ORIGINAL ARTICLES Dentin je mineralizovano tkivo endodoncijuma koje čini najveći deo zubne mase. Sastoji se iz organske i neorganske komponente. Glavne neorganske komponente tvrdog zubnog tkiva su Ca i P koji su raspoređeni u vidu kristala hidroksi apatita. Odnos Ca/P u hidroksiapatitu dentina iznosi oko 1,67 i zavisi od mnogobrojnih faktora: stepena mineralizacije, tipa kristala, starosti tkiva, anatomske lokacije, kao i tehnika koje služe za određivanje njihovog Dentine is mineralised tissue of the endodontium and presents the largest part of the dental mass. It is composed of organic and inorganic elements. The main inorganic components of the hard dental tissue are Ca and P distributed in the form of hydroxiapatite crystals. The Ca/P ratio in hydroxiapatite of dentine is approximately 1.67 and is dependent on many factors: mineralisation level, type of the crystals, age of the tissue, anatomical site tested, and SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Na-EDTA and NaOCl in mineral contents in root dentine using SEM and EDS. Material and method: Twenty-two specimens of the middle radicular third obtained from human first molars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were examined. Specimens were polished and divided into four groups. The first group was treated with saline and used as control. The second group was treated with Na-EDTA for one minute, followed by saline irrigation. The third group was treated with combination of Na-EDTA and NaOCl and the last, fourth group was treated with NaOCl only. Results have shown that Na-EDTA combined with NaOCl as the final flush and NaOCl alone, have significantly influenced changes in the Ca/P ration of the root dentine. The use of NaOCl as the final flush altered the effectiveness of chelating agents in root dentine.

Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 2010
The application of "histochemical" staining procedures has been substantially r... more The application of "histochemical" staining procedures has been substantially replaced by immunostaining of specific molecular tissue components. The limited range of colors resulting from routine immunohistochemistry, however, can limit assessment of the general microscopic tissue organization. Consequently we have adapted a polychromatic histochemical counterstaining procedure based on Movat's pentachrome staining sequence for use with immunohistochemical procedures. The value of Movat's original method when applied as an immunohistochemical counterstain is limited by its use of iron hematoxylin and by fact that the resulting color combination is difficult to distinguish from the colors of routine immunohistochemical staining. Our variant pentachrome stains the same tissue components as Movat's stain; however, owing to a modification of the acid fuchsin staining step, it provides a strong color contrast with the reaction product resulting from immunostaining using diaminobenzidine as the chromogen. Multicolor counterstaining for immunohistochemistry offers a new approach to tissue analysis, especially when stromal-epithelial relations of normal and neoplastic tissues are considered.

Acta medica …, 2006
Na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci, u periodu od 01.03.2003. ... more Na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci, u periodu od 01.03.2003. do 01.06.2003. godine, hospitalizovano je 174 bolesnika sa povrijeđenim ili oboljelim ekstremitetima, prosječne životne dobi 46,95 (27-81) godina. Neoperativno su liječena 33 (18,9%), a operativno 141 bolesnik (81,1%). Preoperativno i postoperativno potpunu tromboembolijsku profilaksu (TEP) imalo je 50 (28,9%) bolesnika. U toku prvih deset dana, tromboembolijske komplikacije imali su bolesnici kojima nije data tromboembolijska profilaksa: 12 (9,2%) sa smrtnim ishodom 2 (1,2%). U kontrolnoj grupi, u vremenskom periodu iste dužine trajanja, 2005. godine (01.03. do 01.06.), na Klinici za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra u Banjaluci liječeno je 162 bolesnika, prosječne starosne dobi 47,2 (17-82) godine. Neoperativno je liječeno 29 (17,9%), a operativno 133 (82,1%). Svi su imali potpunu preoperativnu i postoperativnu TEP. U prvih deset dana tromboebolijske komplikacije imalo je 5 (3%) bolesnika i nije bilo ni jednog smrtnog ishoda. Iz navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji opravdanost tromboembolijske profilakse u ortopedskoj hirurgiji i traumatologiji.
Pharmacological Research, 1995

Cells Tissues Organs, 2012
At the end of the embryonic period of human development, interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are pr... more At the end of the embryonic period of human development, interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are present in the esophagus, stomach, and proximal duodenum, around the inception of the myenteric plexus (MP) ganglia. In the small and large bowel, ICC appear later. The object of the present study was to determine the timing of appearance and pattern of distribution of ICC in the human embryonic and fetal distal colon. Human distal colon specimens were obtained from 8 embryos and 14 fetuses without gastrointestinal disorders. The specimens were 7–16 weeks of gestational age. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation. Enteric plexuses were immunohistochemically examined using anti-neuron-specific enolase, and the differentiation of smooth muscle cells was studied with anti-desmin antibodies. In the distal colon, ICC emerged at weeks 10–11 of the fetal period in the form of two parallel belts of densely packed cells extending at the submucous plex...
Pharmacological Research, 1995

Facta Universitatis Series Medicine and Biology, 2014
Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) play important roles in the control of digestive motility: they... more Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) play important roles in the control of digestive motility: they generate the electrical slow-wave activity (pacemaker component) of the gut musculature and are involved in neurotransmission and stretch sensation. ICC expresses c-kit and depends on signaling via Kit receptors for development and maintenance of phenotype. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the c-kit immunoreactive (IR) cells present in the wall of the small bowel at the beginning of the fetal period are CD34 immunopositive. Human small bowel specimens were obtained from 5 embryos and 7 foetuses, 7-12 weeks of gestational age. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation and anti-CD34 antibodies to identify presumed ICC progenitors. The differentiation of smooth muscle cells was studied with anti-desmin antibodies. At 9-10 weeks, c-kit IR cells were present in the wall of small bowel in the form of a narrow band of cells, at the level of the myenteric plexus, but they were absent in the mucosa and submucosa of the gut. At the same time, CD34 IR cells were present at the level of submucosa and mucosa, and they were not present in the outer parts of gut wall. A clear distinction between the localization of c-kit IR cells and CD34 IR cells was evident. We may conclude that c-kit IR cells present in the small bowel wall at the beginning of fetal period of development, at 9-10 weeks, do not exhibit concurrent CD34 immunoreactivity.

Stomatoloski glasnik Srbije, 2005
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Na-EDTA and NaOCl in mineral contents in root... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Na-EDTA and NaOCl in mineral contents in root dentine using SEM and EDS. Material and method: Twenty-two specimens of the middle radicular third obtained from human first molars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were examined. Specimens were polished and divided into four groups. The first group was treated with saline and used as control. The second group was treated with Na-EDTA for one minute, followed by saline irrigation. The third group was treated with combination of Na-EDTA and NaOCl and the last, fourth group was treated with NaOCl only. Results have shown that Na-EDTA combined with NaOCl as the final flush and NaOCl alone, have significantly influenced changes in the Ca/P ration of the root dentine. The use of NaOCl as the final flush altered the effectiveness of chelating agents in root dentine. .

Several subtypes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) form networks that play a role in gastr... more Several subtypes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) form networks that play a role in gastrointestinal motor control. ICC express c-kit and depend on signaling via Kit receptors for development and phenotype maintenance. At 7-8 weeks of development, c-kit-immunoreactive (c-kit-IR) cells are present in the human oesophagus, stomach and proximal duodenum wall. In the remaining small and large bowel, c-kit-IR cells appear later. The object of the present study is to determine the timing of the appearance of c-kit-IR ICC in the parts of the digestive tube originating from the midgut (distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum and proximal colon). Specimens were obtained from eight human embryos and 11 fetuses at 7-12 weeks of gestational age. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation. The differentiation of enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells was immunohistochemically examined by using anti-PGP9,5 and anti-desmin antibodies, respectively. In the distal duodenum, jejunum and ileum, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9 at the level of the myenteric plexus in the form of a thin row of cells encircling the inception of the ganglia. These cells were multipolar or spindle-shaped with two long processes and corresponded to the ICC of the myenteric plexus. In the proximal colon, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9-10 in the form of two parallel belts of cells extending at the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus levels. We conclude that ICC develop following two different patterns in the human midgut.

Acta Medica Medianae, 2006
Our methodological procedure established successful technique of the direct dying of elastic fibe... more Our methodological procedure established successful technique of the direct dying of elastic fibers and lamellas in elastic tissues. Experiments were carried out on a human autopsy material. Blocks rich in elastic fibers were fixed by 10% buffered neutral formaline and cut in the thickness of 5mm. Deparaffinization of slides is done by xylol treatment (2x15 min). Additional denaturation is achieved by combined solution, which contains 1.2 g of picric acid in 30% solution of glacial acetic acid. By chloramine B application as blocking agent in form of 1% DMSO solution the dye's affinity for eviromental tissue is decreased. Tissues prepared in this way are treated with 0.5% solution of acidic sulfonic color Evans Blue (C.I.23860) in ratio 2:1. Lamellas are dark violet with light violet periphery. Obtained results are in favor of high applicability of this method in light microscopy. In our opinion, this method can be recommended as one of the methods for identification of elastic ...
Papers by Mirjana Abramovic