Papers by Mirjam Siesling
This research aims to gain an insight into the phenomenon of 'cultural criminal cases' an... more This research aims to gain an insight into the phenomenon of 'cultural criminal cases' and the way in which the Dutch administration of justice responds to these cases. In choosing the defence lawyer's position in criminal law as a point of departure, the central question posed by the research is the following: In which ways does Dutch criminal law provide
In deze survey ligt het percentage immigranten in Nederland op ruim 10%. Het verschil wordt verkl... more In deze survey ligt het percentage immigranten in Nederland op ruim 10%. Het verschil wordt verklaard door het feit dat in Nederland door het CBS ook de zogenoemde tweede generatie (de in Nederland geboren immigrantenkinderen) wordt meegerekend. 3 De term is op deze wijze gedefinieerd door het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) en is-ondanks kritiek-nog steeds de meest gangbare term als het gaat om het benoemen van immigranten en hun nakomelingen.
Discriminatiecriminaliteit lijkt hoofdzakelijk te berusten op onderbuikgevoelens en gebrek aan he... more Discriminatiecriminaliteit lijkt hoofdzakelijk te berusten op onderbuikgevoelens en gebrek aan herkenning van de ander. Slechts een klein deel van de zaken getuigt van een uitgekristalliseerde discriminatoire overtuiging. Daarom moet terughoudendheid worden betracht ten aanzien van voornemens om te komen tot een een bredere inzet van het strafrecht.

This research aims to gain an insight into the phenomenon of 'cultural criminal cases' an... more This research aims to gain an insight into the phenomenon of 'cultural criminal cases' and the way in which the Dutch administration of justice responds to these cases. In choosing the defence lawyer's position in criminal law as a point of departure, the central question posed by the research is the following: In which ways does Dutch criminal law provide room for the defendant's cultural background to be taken into consideration? This research question is divided into a number of sub-questions that are successively dealt with in the eight chapters of this book. One of the most striking findings is the fact that in cultural criminal cases it often remains very unclear to the defence whether and how the cultural factor will effect the eventual judgement. This insecurity can lead the defence to the situation where no mention is made of the case's cultural background, even if this is against the client's interest. A second important conclusion is that Dutch cri...
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Art in Translation, 2011
Met de inwerkingtreding van de Wet bevoegdheden vorderen gegevens (Wvbg) zijn in het Wetboek van ... more Met de inwerkingtreding van de Wet bevoegdheden vorderen gegevens (Wvbg) zijn in het Wetboek van Strafvordering (Sv) algemene bevoegdheden tot het vorderen van gegevens opgenomen. De evaluatie van de Wvbg richt zich op vier hoofdvragen:In welke mate en ten behoeve waarvan wordt een beroep op de Wvbg gedaan?Wordt de wet toegepast zoals bedoeld en omschreven door de wetgever?Worden de waarborgen die zijn opgenomen in de Wbvg nageleefd?Hoe functioneert de Wvbg vanuit het perspectief van de gegevensverstrekkers?
Papers by Mirjam Siesling
The case study was taken up to be able to look at how the role of 'Blended Professionals' (BPs) is conceptualised in practice, following the work of Celia Whitchurch who was one of the first to introduce this concept.
There are many definitions of what a BP can be and even so many manifestations of them, however, in the context of this case study we have chosen to define BPs as those persons in academia that 1) have received a PhD but have decided to leave the academic profession and have taken up a job in administration or support staff; 2) are engaged in a professional PhD track, expressing the wish to combine both academic and professional work and expertise and/or 3) can be described as 'hybrid researchers', moving between the realms of academic knowledge, on the one hand, and non-academic knowledge, on the other hand. Contextual circumstances and developments in higher education policy, such as the decrease of academic positions combined with an increase in the number of people acquiring a PhD, the increase in the demand of generating societal impact in scientific research and the call upon universities to collaborate with non-academic partners, lead to a steady rise of BPs in nowadays academia. BPs form a group of highly skilled professionals in nowadays academia, but seem nonetheless to have their 'identity' challenged, as they don't fit easily into either an academic or administrative/professional role but they are more likely to be in between the two depending on the job.
The threefold case study consisted of face-to-face semi-structured interviews with a total of 15 respondents. Research questions were related to 1) identity and perception of belonging to either the academic realm or the professional/administrative one, or both; 2) issues of freedom and control; 3) the perception of the unique and indispensable contribution that BPs make to their Higher Education Institutes.
With the session, we aim at not only presenting the results of the case study but also to discuss the outcomes with the audience. Discussion helps us to assess whether the case study findings resonate with the EARMA members (many of them BPs as well) and provides the opportunity to bring the research further in terms of new research questions and new theoretical insights.